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Canadians divided over creation and evolution


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Nietzche only had one worthwhile message. Can you guess what that message is??


Note: "Triumph of the Will" was Leni Riefenstahl's Nazi epic of Hitler's arrival in Nuremberg for the 1938(?) rally...not Nietzche's 'The Will to Power'...my bad. More coffee...slurp.

Coffee? Be grateful that I am not stocked up on brandy and cigars...I might really go for it....to be honest I have never read the existential Nietzche's - I think there for I am..crap - thinking things does not make them manifest into reality - you have to make an effort and apply energy and work to transform your world or yourself... As for the actor Hitler - I can across a photo display of him doing Hamlet like poses - practicing with a coach - he was a creation...and those that made him went scott free..... getting down to the nitty gritty - I know one thing ---" I am the truth and the light and the way"' Key word TRUTH- translated - reality! Christianity in my simple mind was the worship and embracing of reality - and the rest is dellusion...It makes for a very un-popular person who irritates those that are in the buisness of illusion..which are system thrives on.

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God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?

---Also sprach Zarathustra

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God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?

---Also sprach Zarathustra

Not bad - "created in the mirror image of the maker" to para phrase - meaning that the universe is devided into postitive and negative forces - we are BOTH - and we are "torn assunder" ripped apart - if we kill God --- he is our other half...he does not exist if we stop believing in him - in effect we abandon ourselves...it's a contract with the other dimension...a covenant....BUT we are a faint mirror image of God - if you destroy - the original image - eventually the reflection fades and we disappear.

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Not bad - "created in the mirror image of the maker" to para phrase - meaning that the universe is devided into postitive and negative forces - we are BOTH - and we are "torn assunder" ripped apart - if we kill God --- he is our other half...he does not exist if we stop believing in him - in effect we abandon ourselves...it's a contract with the other dimension...a covenant....BUT we are a faint mirror image of God - if you destroy - the original image - eventually the reflection fades and we disappear.

Also - note this is one of the highest forms of physics - it is beyond most and uncomprehensiable - that average person can not absorb something that is above and beyound human thinking - "a light brighter than the sun" - what's that? Something that is beyond what we percieve as light generated by a nuclear reaction..or furnace - the sun ---most pagans worship the sun and can not graspe what created the star to begin with...it's profound - man kind has known these concepts for millions of years - religion hid them.

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Not bad - "created in the mirror image of the maker" to para phrase - meaning that the universe is devided into postitive and negative forces - we are BOTH - and we are "torn assunder" ripped apart - if we kill God --- he is our other half...he does not exist if we stop believing in him - in effect we abandon ourselves...it's a contract with the other dimension...a covenant....BUT we are a faint mirror image of God - if you destroy - the original image - eventually the reflection fades and we disappear.

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics already lets us know how the Universe will ultimately end.

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Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.

---Araby: James Joyce

Joyce should have learned to relax - sounds like he was driven by fear........fear is a lack of trust and faith...and a submission to evil (stupidity) "Young men, you are strong because you have mastered evil" It means you must understand the forces of chaos - disorder and the terror that evil brings - and you master it - thus you do not fear it and can function un-impeded - This war on terror is joke - Islam if faithless and fearful - as is Christianity. So both are victims of themselves...

" I walk alone with out reward.. I carry the weight of the world and all it's evil.I see what others do not - I am a vessel of darkness that can bare no more - I deny myself the comfort of tears... so I pray for a spark in the darkness - for the hope of one more dream" Oleg Bach - to para pharse - from "The Purpose"

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Joyce should have learned to relax - sounds like he was driven by fear........fear is a lack of trust and faith...and a submission to evil (stupidity) "Young men, you are strong because you have mastered evil" It means you must understand the forces of chaos - disorder and the terror that evil brings - and you master it - thus you do not fear it and can function un-impeded - This war on terror is joke - Islam if faithless and fearful - as is Christianity. So both are victims of themselves...

" I walk alone with out reward.. I carry the weight of the world and all it's evil.I see what others do not - I am a vessel of darkness that can bare no more - I deny myself the comfort of tears... so I pray for a spark in the darkness - for the hope of one more dream" Oleg Bach - to para pharse - from "The Purpose"

The James Joyce quote is in reference to humankind's place in an uncertain world where god(s) no longer exist for poor Araby, anymore. Another existentialist classic is Camus's 'The Outsider'. Many here have no doubt been exposed to both over the years.

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The James Joyce quote is in reference to humankind's place in an uncertain world where god(s) no longer exist for poor Araby, anymore. Another existentialist classic is Camus's 'The Outsider'. Many here have no doubt been exposed to both over the years.

In the alternative in Brave New World the poor chacter becomes a victim in a place were man's social constucts no longer exist...and he is a total outsider...who has no place with mankind. Yes I noticed that when the educated read the classics they take them to seriously..they say spitefully that the bible was "written by man" - and they discredit it in full - BUT they do not discredit these classic writings also written by man...I guess that they think they are cool and the newer writings are more up to date than that stupid old fashioned stuff that came from the mouth of Christ...it's more fashionable to be cutting edge - but in time their classic training and new religion will be scoffed at also.

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The James Joyce quote is in reference to humankind's place in an uncertain world where god(s) no longer exist for poor Araby, anymore. Another existentialist classic is Camus's 'The Outsider'. Many here have no doubt been exposed to both over the years.

In the alternative in Brave New World the poor chacter becomes a victim in a place were man's social constucts no longer exist...and he is a total outsider...who has no place with mankind. Yes I noticed that when the educated read the classics they take them to seriously..they say spitefully that the bible was "written by man" - and they discredit it in full - BUT they do not discredit these classic writings also written by man...I guess that they think they are cool and the newer writings are more up to date than that stupid old fashioned stuff that came from the mouth of Christ...it's more fashionable to be cutting edge - but in time their classic training and new religion will be scoffed at also.

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The James Joyce quote is in reference to humankind's place in an uncertain world where god(s) no longer exist for poor Araby, anymore. Another existentialist classic is Camus's 'The Outsider'. Many here have no doubt been exposed to both over the years.

In the alternative in Brave New World the poor chacter becomes a victim in a place were man's social constucts no longer exist...and he is a total outsider...who has no place with mankind. Yes I noticed that when the educated read the classics they take them to seriously..they say spitefully that the bible was "written by man" - and they discredit it in full - BUT they do not discredit these classic writings also written by man...I guess that they think they are cool and the newer writings are more up to date than that stupid old fashioned stuff that came from the mouth of Christ...it's more fashionable to be cutting edge - but in time their classic training and new religion will be scoffed at also.

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In the alternative in Brave New World the poor chacter becomes a victim in a place were man's social constucts no longer exist...and he is a total outsider...who has no place with mankind. Yes I noticed that when the educated read the classics they take them to seriously..they say spitefully that the bible was "written by man" - and they discredit it in full - BUT they do not discredit these classic writings also written by man...I guess that they think they are cool and the newer writings are more up to date than that stupid old fashioned stuff that came from the mouth of Christ...it's more fashionable to be cutting edge - but in time their classic training and new religion will be scoffed at also. Every man seeks to be smarter than their grandfather with out having a good talk with him.

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In the alternative in Brave New World the poor chacter becomes a victim in a place were man's social constucts no longer exist...and he is a total outsider...who has no place with mankind. Yes I noticed that when the educated read the classics they take them to seriously..they say spitefully that the bible was "written by man" - and they discredit it in full - BUT they do not discredit these classic writings also written by man...I guess that they think they are cool and the newer writings are more up to date than that stupid old fashioned stuff that came from the mouth of Christ...it's more fashionable to be cutting edge - but in time their classic training and new religion will be scoffed at also.

The Bible has an important message just like Nietzche.

Remember the Golden Rule. Treat others like you'd like to be treated, yourself. The rest is pretty much tribal history followed by the accounts of a remarkable fellow who thought himself the son of God.

I prefered Xenophon...more detailed action.

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The Bible has an important message just like Nietzche.

Remember the Golden Rule. Treat others like you'd like to be treated, yourself. The rest is pretty much tribal history followed by the accounts of a remarkable fellow who thought himself the son of God.

I prefered Xenophon...more detailed action.

It's all important - and remember - that it was God that granted Nietzche and others the free will and mind to become demi-gods - I am sure that a father of humanity approves of his chidren becoming as good as him - if not better..the rule is human and devine. "there are violent men that try to take heaven by force' Makes you wonder why scripture would say their are men in heaven...perhaps heaven is at hand - here ..That's my belief - that a life time is eternity - that this beautiful speck that is earth - in this vast dark void is a fine and interesting place that should be all it was meant to be - heaven....translating the few sayings of Christ - I could see - that phyiscal and devine can be one..that we as angelic beings - can be carnate..and enjoy the gift that is the body and world...some how deviates disrupted the message..that the kingdom of heaven is at hand and within...I love this place,,,as do you - we all wait for a miracle when we are the miracle...have a fine day..and thanks for the sweet concern and banter.

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It's all important - and remember - that it was God that granted Nietzche and others the free will and mind to become demi-gods - I am sure that a father of humanity approves of his chidren becoming as good as him.

4,000,000,000+ years of evolution gave us the brains to imagine gods.

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Creationist Christians (Jesus Freaks) ARE stupid. There are few other words that fit. Other Christians are merely deluding themselves rather than attempting to get others to follow their fairy-tale drum-beat.

Seriously...if I said I was off to the Temple of Jupiter to sacrifice some goats, you'd think I was mad. But hey...if I'm off to drink the blood and eat the flesh of a Roman era hippy who thought he was 'the son of God'...then by all means. Carry-on.

My....my.....my....all these lines that mean squat. Talk about freakin' out! :lol:

Again, this kind of reaction only supports the opinion of the author of the article,



....and probably inspired the title of the book, The IRRATIONAL ATHEIST! :P

It doesn't seem to take much to get them going.....stressful topic, is it? :lol:

Edited by betsy
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Let's just be clear on this:

I am not trying to convert ardent atheist-evolutionists to creationism.

I kept telling you....my personal belief is irrelevant. I have shown that the ID theory is far more convincing!

All I'm saying is that, you see the theory of evolution isn't going anywhere....well, why don't you find an alternative? Come up with another theory.

Don't keep flogging a dead horse!

Edited by betsy
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Let's just be clear on this:

I am not trying to convert ardent atheist-evolutionists to creationism.

I kept telling you....my personal belief is irrelevant. I have shown that the ID theory is far more convincing!

If ID theory is more convincing than evolution theory, it is because science can reproduce/synthesize the creation of the Universe with all its life forms in six days with the proper instruments.

Edited by benny
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Never mind the ending! :lol:

I want to hear your explanation about the BEGINNING!


This answer is really simple. We simply do not know. . . yet. A wise man never claims to have all the answers right from the start.

Sure, athiests beleive there is no god. Well I guess because not ample enough proof was presented to them to change their mind. Agnostist are lumped into this group for the most part, when they are really different. However, I think both religion and athiests all have it wrong. Can you say 100% either way? No you cannot.

Evolution does not deal with how it all started. Get that straight. Evolution does not deal with the beginning of life. Just how it changes over time.

Also the informational science on creationism is all in one book. the bible. The informational science on evolution has more than one book.

But yet there is overwhelming evidence for ID.

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