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Group wants to put atheist ads on Toronto transit buses


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Well, now I have a weekend project! If I find out where to get some of it, I'll let you know if I'm still an atheist on Monday!


Doesn't work... next day logic just seeps right back in -- impossible to fight it unless you just stay high :P

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I was at a Wal-Mart a while back and noticed a young man wearing a black t-shirt with a huge white question mark on the front. At first I thought he might be a proud agnostic, but when I got closer I noticed the fine print on the t-shirt indicated that he was a Wal-Mart employee who would be happy to answer my questions. I asked him if there was a god, and he said he didn't know, so perhaps he was an agnostic after all. He was, however, able to direct me to the electronics department.


An atheist is someone who does not believe in god. An agnostic is someone who doesn't believe in religion. A geek, on the other hand...

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You people are really cracking yourselves up.

At any rate, this ad campaign is a major cop out. They don't even have the courage to say what they believe, that there is no gods, in their ads. Wusses.

From the first post in the thread...

The Freethought Association of Canada wants to buy ads that say: "There is probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

If you don't think that's an accurate representation of what atheists believe... what do you think the ads should say?


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Some people have this crazy idea that atheists necessarily deny the existence of God, which is not true. Someone that says there very probably is not a God may still consider themselves an atheist, since agnostic would be better described as a 50/50 uncertainty. Whereas a person of faith would have 100% certainty about God, most atheists are skeptics. Skeptics believe that the only thing we know for sure is that we can't know anything for sure. This perspective of doubting all knowledge is why most atheists would say there probably is no God. Since those who have faith in God cannot doubt, they can't possibly understand this position. For example, most people of faith would not say, "there very probably is a God". Their belief system makes them incorrectly assume that the natural opposite of their position is a complete denial of God. Since a complete denial of God is necessarily as dogmatic as faith-based belief, it cannot possibly be the natural opposite. The true opposite must be skeptic atheism which necessarily admits it could be wrong.

Edited by cybercoma
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Found this on another site... just some possibilities for other messages atheists could post on buses:

Man is quite insane. He wouldn't know how to create a maggot and he creates Gods by the dozen.

All Gods were immortal.

There is not enough religion in the world

even to destroy the world's religions.

For many, faith is a suitable substitute for knowledge,

as death is for a difficult life.

In religion we believe only what we do not understand, except in the instance of an intelligible doctrine that contradicts an incomprehensible one. In that case we believe the former as part of the latter.

The Christian lives in a nightmare and thinks it is a pleasant dream.

One religion is as true as another.

"To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous

as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin."

Cardinal Bellarmine, 1615, during the trial of Galileo

The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next.

We must accept the other fellows religion . . . to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children are intelligent.

All religions die of but one disease, that of being found out.

A theologian is like a blind man in a dark room searching for a black cat which isn't there - and finding it!

Faith: not wanting to know what is true.

The Bible has noble poetry in it... and some good morals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies.

Mark Twain

So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the gospels

in praise of intelligence.

Consider the ignorance of the average fundamentalist. Then realize that by definition fully half of them must be even dumber than that.

Christian Fundamentalism: The doctrine that there is an absolutely powerful, infinitely knowledgeable, universe spanning entity that is deeply and personally concerned about my sex life.

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Some people have this crazy idea that atheists necessarily deny the existence of God, which is not true. Someone that says there very probably is not a God may still consider themselves an atheist, since agnostic would be better described as a 50/50 uncertainty.

No no no. An agnostic is someone who states "The existence and nature of God are unknowable."

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I have no problem with it as long as they don't disallow Religious ads from everyone. I want to see public reaction to Muslims ads calling for Sharia Law and Cleric messages for the beating of their wives in Canada. All backed up by the Koran and Allah.

Atheists are blinded by their hatred of Christianity because it's their parents religion that they don't see how much more extreme Islam is much of the time.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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Yes- excellent.

I particularly like "Faith: not wanting to know what is true."

That's a fairly lame one that says more about you than about faith.

You can put any word at the beginning of that sentence, and the only thing it shows is that you KNOW you're right and your opponents are wrong. Well, if you say you're right, you MUST be right!

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I have no problem with it as long as they don't disallow Religious ads from everyone. I want to see public reaction to Muslims ads calling for Sharia Law and Cleric messages for the beating of their wives in Canada. All backed up by the Koran and Allah.

Atheists are blinded by their hatred of Christianity because it's their parents religion that they don't see how much more extreme Islam is much of the time.

Most people don't have run-ins with Muslims nearly as much as they have with Christians. I have debated Muslims on these matters, and they can be rather extreme, though, oddly, the most bitter debate I ever had with any religious person was a Evangelical with a trumped-up doctorate he'd got from a diploma mill who went around talking about how evolution and atheism were Satan's tools to destroy Christianity.

I don't hate Christianity, I don't hate Islam. I think they're rather silly, and I find some of their followers to be rather hateful people, but then again, I've encountered a few Atheists in my time who I absolutely despised.

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Most people don't have run-ins with Muslims nearly as much as they have with Christians. I have debated Muslims on these matters, and they can be rather extreme, though, oddly, the most bitter debate I ever had with any religious person was a Evangelical with a trumped-up doctorate he'd got from a diploma mill who went around talking about how evolution and atheism were Satan's tools to destroy Christianity.

I don't hate Christianity, I don't hate Islam. I think they're rather silly, and I find some of their followers to be rather hateful people, but then again, I've encountered a few Atheists in my time who I absolutely despised.

Well, you finally say something somewhat reasonable. I didn't know there were that many Evangelicals in Vancouver where it's mostly Sikh's and Buddhists.

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Caught this vid on Google Video last night .. a documentary called "Jesus Camp". Now tell me that does not scare you like how you think Muslims are getting indoctrined. These kind of people scare me just as much as fundamentalists in ANY religion, muslim, jewish, catholic, christian ect ect.


Whereas a person of faith would have 100% certainty about God, most atheists are skeptics. Skeptics believe that the only thing we know for sure is that we can't know anything for sure. This perspective of doubting all knowledge is why most atheists would say there probably is no God.

Organized Religion followers - declares that God exists.

Athiests - declares that god does not exist.

Agnostics - on the fence. Impossible to determine if god exists, but is open to the idea that the possibility is there.

All of us fit into one of these categories. All of them seem to require some faith of some kind.

Mr Canada

Atheists are blinded by their hatred of Christianity because it's their parents religion that they don't see how much more extreme Islam is much of the time.

Don't flatter the Christians. Atheists are an equal oppourtunity hater with all religions. This way we can't be seen as discriminatory ... lol

I don't know what my parents religion was, at the same time I do not know what my grandparents religion were. I know my late Oma and my surviving Grandmother, are very religious people. They never talked about it to anyone as far as I know.

If you have a relationship with Jesus or God, then it is your relationship and yours alone. It is a personal thing. What works for you, may and will not work for many others.

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Caught this vid on Google Video last night .. a documentary called "Jesus Camp". Now tell me that does not scare you like how you think Muslims are getting indoctrined. These kind of people scare me just as much as fundamentalists in ANY religion, muslim, jewish, catholic, christian ect ect.

Fundamentalists Christians react the same way to Jesus Camp as Muslims do to terrorists and honour killings: tiny minority of extremists!

Organized Religion followers - declares that God exists.

Athiests - declares that god does not exist.

Agnostics - on the fence. Impossible to determine if god exists, but is open to the idea that the possibility is there.

All of us fit into one of these categories. All of them seem to require some faith of some kind.

Maybe this was meant as satire, and I missed the point, but I'll plow through anyway: nobody, regardless of their beliefs can have metaphysical certainty that their beliefs are certain; the feeling of certainty is just that -- a feeling - a sensation that many neuroscientists now believe our brains generate to reward us for discovering new information. Anyway, since that feeling of certainty provides such a poor guide to determining accurate information, we have to reign in our feelings of certainty, otherwise known as FAITH, and make an effort to evaluate the accuracy of our new beliefs.

The reason I bring this up is that the categories of belief listed above our way to simplistic to be of any real value. The believer who is certain that his conception of God explains all he needs to know about metaphysics, hasn't shown me a whole lot of reasons for sharing his convictions.

An atheist does not necessarily declare that God does not exist, but will contend that the evidence for divine intervention in our world and our lives is so flimsy, that we may as well conclude that such a belief doesn't explain anything relevant about how our universe came to be, and we are better off developing our understanding of physics and cosmology to fill in the gaps in knowledge. In our own lives, most atheists are convinced that religious-based ethics are out-dated and based on a mythical understanding of free will, that is contingent on having a non-physical mind controlling our bodies.

An atheist does not have to prove God does not exist to the believers, because liberal theologians can keep pushing God further and further into the shadows of murky philosophical constructs that are to myself, no different than non-existence!

An agnostic may be someone who's not sure, or it could be someone like Thomas Huxley, the man who coined the term -- his position was that existence of God cannot be proven or disproven by anyone - ever! Huxley was not an open minded agnostic. He did not see his philosophy as a moderate middleground, but instead the superior belief position on the subject.

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No no no. An agnostic is someone who states "The existence and nature of God are unknowable."
God isn't unknowable though. God is very knowable. I'm just waiting for the convincing evidence. Until then, I'm going to go on the assumption that a God doesn't exist. Just like I go on the assumption that a flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist because the evidence just isn't compelling enough

So, how do you classify that?

Edited by cybercoma
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God isn't unknowable though. God is very knowable. I'm just waiting for the convincing evidence. Until then, I'm going to go on the assumption that a God doesn't exist. Just like I go on the assumption that a flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist because the evidence just isn't compelling enough

So, how do you classify that?

That can be classified as the person that does not see the forest for the trees. Humanity is submerged in creation...I guess it's hard to tell you are a miracle when you have always been such and have nothing to compare it too. The term take it all for granted might fit in this case. The insecure and agressive atheists that want to effect children with their lack of hope and faith are an odd bunch. My question is - why is it so important too them to spread the word of non-belief? What is the agenda and purpose of this type of publication - and what do they expect to achieve?

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Deep down inside every atheist, when they're all alone, there is a little part of them that knows they could be wrong.

Of course that is true - there has never been a credible report from the other side regarding God's existance...It's like the numbers factor that evolutionists and believers in UFOS play...There is a possiblity because of the sheer size of the universe that there is other life...AND it is just as possible that there is NO life any where other than here. That is possible - and if the flying saucer set and the atheist were to acknowledge that we are alone...then they might consider the only distant companion that they have exists - GOD! It's much like war and starvation - as long as humanity in their humanist thinking believe we have a never ending supply of humans to kill - they will keep on killing - what exasperates this is the idea that once we kill everyone on earth - there are more out there to replace them...This is a mistake - once we are gone....there will be no more and God will move on...and we will be like what the atheists believe - NOTHING. Take an atheist an put him on the gallows...give him ten minutes to think and he will beseech God to intervien...always!

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Of course that is true - there has never been a credible report from the other side regarding God's existance...It's like the numbers factor that evolutionists and believers in UFOS play...There is a possiblity because of the sheer size of the universe that there is other life...AND it is just as possible that there is NO life any where other than here. That is possible - and if the flying saucer set and the atheist were to acknowledge that we are alone...then they might consider the only distant companion that they have exists - GOD! It's much like war and starvation - as long as humanity in their humanist thinking believe we have a never ending supply of humans to kill - they will keep on killing - what exasperates this is the idea that once we kill everyone on earth - there are more out there to replace them...This is a mistake - once we are gone....there will be no more and God will move on...and we will be like what the atheists believe - NOTHING. Take an atheist an put him on the gallows...give him ten minutes to think and he will beseech God to intervien...always!

I suppose you're insane enough to even think this is a worthy test

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I always could be wrong. I wonder, though, whether you afford yourself the same luxury.

Sure you are going to have moments of doubt. But there is no logic in holding on to doubt that impairs your power...so the doubt is fleeting if you are intelligent. There will come a time down that slippery slope when they will post ads that state - Hey kids the world is over populated and marriage and the opposite sex is evil...it is your duty to eat sperm rather than seed it - and the gay "life style" is environmentaly friendly plus....homo-errotic behaviour is much more satisfying than those dirty baby producing females and their planet killing vaginas provide. :rolleyes:

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