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The waterboarding poll

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It would not matter what was written Dancer, he'd twist it around to suit his needs.

His huge ego demands it, he gets his kicks from bashing others, looking down upon them with disdain from his perch on his own social scale. He truely believes he is a better person, because he has a cause....one that is anti anything US, and anti war.....anything that can fit into those 2 catogories is something that should be scooped up and placed in a garbage bag.

He has said he has served, where or how we are left to guess, but i believe his carear was short lived, due to some unknown reason but it definitely has left a bad taste in his month...and now he paints us all with the same brush, much like he does with everything that does not go his way....

As for the pool, i'd like to keep him around for awhile....maybe people will see him for what he really his...just an angry little man, with a huge chip on his shoulders.

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It would not matter what was written Dancer, he'd twist it around to suit his needs.

His huge ego demands it, he gets his kicks from bashing others, looking down upon them with disdain from his perch on his own social scale. He truely believes he is a better person, because he has a cause....one that is anti anything US, and anti war.....anything that can fit into those 2 catogories is something that should be scooped up and placed in a garbage bag.

He has said he has served, where or how we are left to guess, but i believe his carear was short lived, due to some unknown reason but it definitely has left a bad taste in his month...and now he paints us all with the same brush, much like he does with everything that does not go his way....

As for the pool, i'd like to keep him around for awhile....maybe people will see him for what he really his...just an angry little man, with a huge chip on his shoulders.

Certainly a personal attack against me must be off topic, not to mention against other rules. Please stop now and perhaps go back and see what army guy said about his personal views on waterboarding what he referred to as 'scumbags'.

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Certainly a personal attack against me must be off topic, not to mention against other rules. Please stop now and perhaps go back and see what army guy said about his personal views on waterboarding what he referred to as 'scumbags'.

Another rule is to be able to back up what you write.


If you are stating a fact, be prepared to back it up with some official sources (websites, links etc). It is also important to structure your post in a way that everyone can understand. That means writing complete sentences and paragraphs with the appropriate grammar. If for some reason, you enjoy writing long confusing sentences and paragraphs riddled with poor grammar and spelling mistakes, your post, and therefore your opinions, will likely be discarded. Therefore, it is in your best interest to make sure that your post includes sufficient sources and contains a well-researched and well-organized argument.

Feel free to follow the rules and prove your claims if you are able to or retract them.

Edited by M.Dancer
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On the waterboarding issue I have provided information that the US put to death Japanese captives for waterboarding Americans. That left you people pretty well flatfooted on the issue and that's where you needed to start with the personal attacks and other off topic ciriticisms. It's not my problem if you can't read long sentences.

I think the Us hypocrisy has been amply exposed now.

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On the waterboarding issue I have provided information that the US put to death Japanese captives for waterboarding Americans.

Unless I missed it, you only claimed the US executed Japanese convicted prisoners convicted of breaching the Geneva conventions.....I don't recall you providing any sources to check.

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Unless I missed it, you only claimed the US executed Japanese convicted prisoners convicted of breaching the Geneva conventions.....I don't recall you providing any sources to check.

Read all about it: http://robinrowland.com/garret/2005/11/wat...-war-crime.html

It looks like there's even a book written on the subject.

In my opinion it would be better for you to either support the tactic or oppose it as being torture. Denying it happened just leaves you Americans with egg on your faces. I don't feel anly need to entertain that kind of behaviour any further.

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It's not my problem if you can't read long sentences.

Since that comment was not directed at a particular poster, I find this comment insults the intelligence of all MLW members. It is galling that on another thread, you ask members to "put our heads together" to solicit ideas on how to keep threads on topic. Good luck finding the cooperation you seek from those you openly denigrate and insult, which is just about everyone.

I think the Us hypocrisy has been amply exposed now.

From your profuse and relentless anti-American posts, I see you've made this your life's work. Does it pay well?

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monty burns wrote:

Man are you ever annoying. OK, the US is the greatest demon in the universe and terrorists are really our friends. I get it. You win. Where do I sign up for the local communist party?

this comment only shows your desperation of not being able to rebut my points in an adult manner. I annoy you because I bring you the truth and if you can't stand to hear the truth then perhaps you don't want to be here. I have never suggested that the US is the greatest demon in the universe but I think I would be totally justified in saying that the US is by far the greatest threat to peace in the world today. But again, this is about waterboarding and so I merely point out your hypocrisy in needing to execute Japanese prisoners of war and then continue to suppor the practice when it's done by Americans. What possible explanation could you have for that which would make you look like a decent global citizen?

None of course because the US is not.

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Certainly a personal attack against me must be off topic, not to mention against other rules. Please stop now and perhaps go back and see what army guy said about his personal views on waterboarding what he referred to as 'scumbags'

Here i'll make it easy for you, below is all my posts, here on this topic for everyone to judge....

It is torture pure and simply again'st the genva convention, something all nations should strive to live by as closly as they should...especially the US as they are in the leadership role...
My personal opinion although counts little, if the US wants to waterboard a few scumbags in thier backyard all the power to them as long as i don't have to take part i'm good with that...I've seen what the scumbags are capable of doing and waterboarding is a very minor practice.
Actually i thought i made it very clear, that we as a nation should be conducting ourselfs within the geneva conventions, and other accords as close as we can...my personal opinon was i frankly don't care about what happens to prisoners after we hand them over...
Yes i did quote the party line, and said that water boarding is torture and as a nation, we should not be involved in such activity. I also said that i did not care what happened to those prisoners after we hand them over....but then again i'm a little baised, after seeing what those scumbags do to thier own people, cutting off a childs hands for going to school, stripping all of a mans skin off and leaving him to die in the sun, kind of does that....so as a soldier, i do follow the party line, and enforce those rules, ensuring that all the soldiers under my command do so as well....but do i lose any sleep at night wondering what happens to those we handed over...no i don't...
No where did i state that i was in favour of torture, In fact i did state the exact opposite, i firmly believe that torture is wrong and as a nation and military we should abide by the genva convention...

As for the personal attacks, like you said in "your" defense i assumed that because you could spell words like macaroni you had to have had a large ego, with a need to prove yourself a better man or women, which i think is the latter. but hey you really have'nt said one way or the other.

Edited by Army Guy
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Read all about it: http://robinrowland.com/garret/2005/11/wat...-war-crime.html

It looks like there's even a book written on the subject.

In my opinion it would be better for you to either support the tactic or oppose it as being torture. Denying it happened just leaves you Americans with egg on your faces. I don't feel anly need to entertain that kind of behaviour any further.

Surely you have a better souce than a blog. I do not doubt that many Japanese were executed, that is documented history. What I do doubt is that some were executed specifically for waterboarding and not because of a long list of grievious crimes which included waterboarding...for example you could say a man was executed for littering and fail to mention that he was also charged with kidnapping, assault and murder.

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Here i'll make it easy for you, below is all my posts, here on this topic for everyone to judge....

As for the personal attacks, like you said in "your" defense i assumed that because you could spell words like macaroni you had to have had a large ego, with a need to prove yourself a better man or women, which i think is the latter. but hey you really have'nt said one way or the other.

Yep, you applaueded and expressed your support of waterboarding people you refer to as scumbags. Then you said you were in a position of authority and that became quite troublesome for me as a Canadian.

And then you said that you had stepped out of line on the issue.

Now you're just interested in damage contol and trying to pretend that you didn't make the mistake you admitted to in the first place.

I sincerely hope that you are not representative of a person of authority in the Canadian military but I fear you are. Hillier himself gave cause for us all to start worrying when her referred to people of Afghanistan as scumbags. It was quite unbecoming of Canada's top General and shouldn't have been used to show he's a tough guy.

He is no tough guy and reminds me of one of Gary Larsoe's dumb cartoon nerds. :lol:

Edited by UShaditComing
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This is another vapour claim

Oh yes he did and not only that he said that he didn't care what happens to prisoners after they are handed over. Clearly the lad is not incapable of not putting his foot in his mouth because it is expressly against Canada's policy to hand prisoners over to those who torture them.

And he has already said that he is in a position of authority over some men. If the lad is telling the truth then he has someting else to apologize for now, or at least try to explain away.

I think he would be much better off to just clam up before he gets reported and the military finds out who he really is. They can do that on a forum you know and it would be a lot of trouble for the admins on this forum. Not that I'm threatening to do that but if he doens't clam up somebody might.

At this point in time I don't even think he's for real!

Edited by UShaditComing
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Oh yes he did and not only that he said that he didn't care what happens to prisoners after they are handed over.

Then clearly you should be able to post exactly where you say:

And then you said that you had stepped out of line on the issue.

as well as:

Yep, you applaueded(sic) and expressed your support of waterboarding
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Yep, you applaueded and expressed your support of waterboarding people you refer to as scumbags. Then you said you were in a position of authority and that became quite troublesome for me as a Canadian.

Actually i said i did'nt care if the US waterboarded or not, i also made it quit clear that myself and the soldiers under me follow the countries policies and ROE's to the letter...how is that troublesome...

And then you said that you had stepped out of line on the issue.

I actually did say that i should not have express my personal opinion, and when dealing with the press, or egomaniacs like yourself, it actually made me pause and think...But that really puts you in the drivers seat does it not, i mean you can express your opinion, but not me, because you've threaten to use it publicly and again'st the very institution i care about.. But then again you'll do what you want, with any info i post, you'll twist it to suit you and your cause so fill your boots.

I sincerely hope that you are not representative of a person of authority in the Canadian military but I fear you are. Hillier himself gave cause for us all to start worrying when her referred to people of Afghanistan as scumbags. It was quite unbecoming of Canada's top General and shouldn't have been used to show he's a tough guy.

If thats is the greatest thing you have to fear about our nations military , that one of it's soldiers has an opinion about the Taliban and it's murderous gang of thugs, then you got off easy did'nt you. But then again ask that same question to the men that have joined the Taliban program, that have spoken thier mind, you won't find any thier dead. killed to set the example, that speaking ones mind is a very dangerous thing...but then again so is going to school,flying a kite, listening to music, going outside without an male escort....

Give me one source that quotes the general refering to the people of Afganistan as scumbags. Or like everything else did you twist the meaning there as well...he was refering to the taliban, and all that make up that group of terrorists...Yes i said terrorist, not freedom fighters, nor holly warriors, or what ever else peaceniks call them....

i actually perfer scumbags....print that, but wait that old news...

And do you think for one second that the General cares what you think, he's in charge of the very organization that is on the pionty end of this nations foreign policy, He's not paid to be polictically correct, but lead men and women into combat. And while the comment made some old ladies and peaceniks gasp it sent the message loud and clear to the right people....our troops, and our eneimies.

He is no tough guy and reminds me of one of Gary Larsoe's dumb cartoon nerds.

Like i said before he's not worry if he impresses you or not, he's concerned about doing the job our nation has charged him with, and with his troops.

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Give me one source that quotes the general refering to the people of Afganistan as scumbags.

I'm sure he can twist it all he wants and no doubt will but the facts are the facts, Hillier never called the people of Afghanistan scumbags.

He called terrorists scumbags, maybe ushaditcoming is just unable to figure out who the terrorists are or he thinks that all afghans are terrorists.

OTTAWA -- Canada's blunt-talking top soldier won praise yesterday for his clear and sometimes brutal description of the coming military effort against terrorist "scumbags" in Afghanistan. Defence analysts and politicians from the NDP and the Conservative Party said it is time for a military leader like General Rick Hillier, who speaks from the heart about the role of the Canadian Forces in the war on terror.


And this is what the General said.

The terrorist bombings in London underscore the need to take the fight to the enemy in failed states where they have room to thrive, said Hillier.

As a Western society that values rights and freedoms, Canada is already in conflict with "what people like Osama bin Laden, Mullah Omar and those others want."

"These are detestable murderers and scumbags," Hillier said. "They detest our freedoms, they detest our society, they detest our liberties."

It's time for Canada to take a stand, he said, just as it did 66 years ago when it joined the Second World War against the Nazis, whom he described as "those despicable, murderous bastards."

Edited by M.Dancer
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Oh yes he did and not only that he said that he didn't care what happens to prisoners after they are handed over. Clearly the lad is not incapable of not putting his foot in his mouth because it is expressly against Canada's policy to hand prisoners over to those who torture them.

And he has already said that he is in a position of authority over some men. If the lad is telling the truth then he has someting else to apologize for now, or at least try to explain away.

I think he would be much better off to just clam up before he gets reported and the military finds out who he really is. They can do that on a forum you know and it would be a lot of trouble for the admins on this forum. Not that I'm threatening to do that but if he doens't clam up somebody might.

At this point in time I don't even think he's for real!

I'm done apologizing for anything i say. you report or use what ever you like....

Once again your facts are wrong, check DND policy on the media, and tell me which rule i'm breaking...you should know that policy you claimed to have served, i have not broken any DND rule or regulation, nor have i broken any Canadian civil law in regards to the info i have posted on this forum...

How in the blue bloody hell is the Admins going to get in trouble, you'll have to give me a source on that one, infact i sure everyone would be interested in that one...I think the only one that is going to get in trouble is you was the staff find out that you've somehow smuggled a computer into your padded cell.

give me, better yet give all of us a break.

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I'm done apologizing for anything i say. you report or use what ever you like....

Once again your facts are wrong, check DND policy on the media, and tell me which rule i'm breaking...you should know that policy you claimed to have served, i have not broken any DND rule or regulation, nor have i broken any Canadian civil law in regards to the info i have posted on this forum...

How in the blue bloody hell is the Admins going to get in trouble, you'll have to give me a source on that one, infact i sure everyone would be interested in that one...I think the only one that is going to get in trouble is you was the staff find out that you've somehow smuggled a computer into your padded cell.

give me, better yet give all of us a break.

I didn't say you broke any law, only that you are talking nonsense which is clearly against Canada's policy in Afghanistan. It's public and everyone knows it lad. Canada does not hand over prisoneers to others who will toruture those prisoners. YOU tell us that you applaud the practice and you are also in a postion of authority. If anyone decides to shut you up because you are getting to be an embarrassment to our armed forces then they will ask the admins on this forum to identify you. That will cause them a lot of unnecessary trouble. Now just stop that kind of behaviour please. I'm a Canadian too and I don't want you telling these Americans that Canada hands over prisoners to be tortured.

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Read all about it: http://robinrowland.com/garret/2005/11/wat...-war-crime.html

It looks like there's even a book written on the subject.

In my opinion it would be better for you to either support the tactic or oppose it as being torture. Denying it happened just leaves you Americans with egg on your faces. I don't feel anly need to entertain that kind of behaviour any further.

This is your impeccable reference source?


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This is your impeccable reference source?


All right then, let's make a deal. If I can prove that the US executed at least one Japanese prisoner of war for waterboarding an American prisoner then you promise to leave this forum. If I can't then I will leave this forum.


I'm really getting very weary of the denial and I have much better things to do here with all the business I'm getting now. So much taht I can afford to ignore the simple stuff like b/c and shady and concentrate on people who have something to talk about. Do you? If not then you probably don't want to play with the big kids.

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I didn't say you broke any law, only that you are talking nonsense which is clearly against Canada's policy in Afghanistan.

Which policy, you've said it's clearly against it, show me the money, or stop making this shit up....

It's public and everyone knows it lad. Canada does not hand over prisoneers to others who will toruture those prisoners.

Show me the post that i said Canada hands over prisoners to be tortured...your making this up, like i said before you'll twist anything i say to fit your needs....your the one that needs to stop...

For someone that claims he is in the know, That is still being investigated, Canada has been accused of handing over prisoners and not doing the proper follow up's which include ensuring prisoners are looked after as per the genva convention......that's public record...Part of that investagation is accusations that prisoner that we have handed over, claim to have been tortured....Despite our policy we have in place, which is clear against torture and our policy of handing over prisoners...but you already knew that...

YOU tell us that you applaud the practice

Let it go man...once again show everyone where i said that i applaud the practice, or stop making this stuff up...

If anyone decides to shut you up because you are getting to be an embarrassment to our armed forces then they will ask the admins on this forum to identify you.

I'm an embarrassment, because i disagree with some of the garbage that your spewing on a public web site, or countering your attacks on the military itself..The military has it owns means to track IP addresses they don't need any help.

That will cause them a lot of unnecessary trouble. Now just stop that kind of behaviour please. I'm a Canadian too and I don't want you telling these Americans that Canada hands over prisoners to be tortured.

Are you always this condescending, or is this all a show to make a name for yourself on this forum, Psst it's working your making friends all over, maybe you should start a poll, call it who likes me poll, i know, i know theres no place to put it in the bash the US topics.

Yes lets not forget the fact your Canadian shall we, one is still caught up in the fading fad of lets bash americans because it's makes us look more important than we really are...., or the "direct from BC" just down from his tree to give us this important announcement....contrary to your curent believes, we are already aware the US is not perfect, and that war is bad. But we are also aware niether is our country perfect.

No i'm afraid it is you sir, who has become an embarrassment to most Canadians, and you should stop it...

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