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Clansman Crescent


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One of the most expensive neighborhoods in Caledonia, Ontario is called "Clansman Crescent - Haldimand County."

Clansman Crescent? As in Ku Klux Klan? Clansman....wtf?

When you go from Haggersville to The Six Nation reservation? You will pass a sign that reads,

"Indian Line."......wtf?

Racism is alive and well in Canada. I have been in every crownland community from Prince George to Brantford!

All have Canadians who look down on indians.

It isn't our fault we were here first with rights. It isn't our fault we don't go bald!

We have been outnumbered since Canadians arrived on the land and we still have our status card.

Either Canadians are that WEAK or we are that STRONG.

Any thoughts?

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One of the most expensive neighborhoods in Caledonia, Ontario is called "Clansman Crescent - Haldimand County."

Clansman Crescent? As in Ku Klux Klan? Clansman....wtf?

When you go from Haggersville to The Six Nation reservation? You will pass a sign that reads,

"Indian Line."......wtf?

Racism is alive and well in Canada. I have been in every crownland community from Prince George to Brantford!

All have Canadians who look down on indians.

It isn't our fault we were here first with rights. It isn't our fault we don't go bald!

We have been outnumbered since Canadians arrived on the land and we still have our status card.

Either Canadians are that WEAK or we are that STRONG.

Any thoughts?

#1 -- you're not an "indian" unless you are from the country "India".

#2 -- what is a "crownland community"?

#3 -- why not take your "strength" and go to the Yellow somethingorother reserve and kill that guy that froze those baby girls. Then make sure that not one single other native person ever has a drink of alcohol again. THEN and only then, can you call yourself "strong".

*sick and tired of the "you're bashing natives!" threads.*

Get a job. Buy a house. Go to school. Whatever -- but DON'T DRINK BOOZE and all of you would be just fine. It is NOT everyone else's FAULT that you cannot pull yourselves up out of the gutter.

I paid $11,000 in taxes in 2007. How much did you pay? How much did you TAKE?

take take take!

whine whine whine!


Edited by Drea
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One of the most expensive neighborhoods in Caledonia, Ontario is called "Clansman Crescent - Haldimand County."

Clansman Crescent? As in Ku Klux Klan? Clansman....wtf?

I wasn't going to bother with you but I really think you should know this. Caledonia is a Scottish name. It was an area known as Inverkeilor. The Romans named this area Caledonia after the Celtic tribe, the Caledones. Are you starting to see the connection here yet?

Now. What is an extended Scottish familly or "tribe" known as? Yep! You got it! A Clan! Hmmm, now in a town named after an area in Scotland would it not be expected to see street names based on a Scottish sort of theme?

Sorry to disappoint you but there is no racism inherent in the name Clansman Crescent, just a little bit of Scottish heritage.

It isn't our fault we were here first with rights. It isn't our fault we don't go bald!

We have been outnumbered since Canadians arrived on the land and we still have our status card.

Actually I think you should become a prolific poster here. For example the above is priceless, you just cant buy that kind of stuff.

You still have your status card? Wow! I guess we Canadians dropped the ball on that one when we first arrived here, should have confiscated all those damned status cards first thing, soon as we jumped off the boat.

Edited by AngusThermopyle
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One of the most expensive neighborhoods in Caledonia, Ontario is called "Clansman Crescent - Haldimand County."

Clansman Crescent? As in Ku Klux Klan? Clansman....wtf?

When you go from Haggersville to The Six Nation reservation? You will pass a sign that reads,

"Indian Line."......wtf?

Racism is alive and well in Canada. I have been in every crownland community from Prince George to Brantford!

All have Canadians who look down on indians.

It isn't our fault we were here first with rights. It isn't our fault we don't go bald!

We have been outnumbered since Canadians arrived on the land and we still have our status card.

Either Canadians are that WEAK or we are that STRONG.

Any thoughts?

Yeah, I have to admit you gave me the laugh of the day. I am not so sure you have thoughts - but I will respond.

You need to look in the mirror - personal responsibility seems to be lacking.

You are too funny. Can't take you seriously - gotta' be a new fisherman trolling for suckers - or is it perhaps bottom feeding?



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One of the most expensive neighborhoods in Caledonia, Ontario is called "Clansman Crescent - Haldimand County."

Clansman Crescent? As in Ku Klux Klan? Clansman....wtf?

So what? There's a town in Germany called F**cking. It doesn't mean the residents are promiscuous. It's just a name get over it.

When you go from Haggersville to The Six Nation reservation? You will pass a sign that reads,

"Indian Line."......wtf?

What does it say on the other side of the sign? White Line...Multicultural Line....Canadian Line...what?

Racism is alive and well in Canada.

Good one liner but old hat. It's been used and abused and leaves me cold.

I have been in every crownland community from Prince George to Brantford!

All have Canadians who look down on indians.

Maybe it's because the Canadians you met are all taller than you.

It isn't our fault we were here first with rights. It isn't our fault we don't go bald!

Is it our fault you found out about Rogaine before we did?

We have been outnumbered since Canadians arrived on the land and we still have our status card.

Don't let go that card. It holds a multitude of gifts, compliments of the Canadian taxpayer.

Either Canadians are that WEAK or we are that STRONG.

This is an interesting observation. I think you will find that Canadians are waking up to the fact that Native people have to pull up their socks and stand on their own. Yes, Canadians, especially politicians, may have been weak in standing up to your centuries old incremental demands. Your ace in the hole has been played once too often and is quickly being devalued to the numeral one. In case you don't know, that's the lowest card at the bottom of the deck.

Any thoughts?

Thanks for asking.

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Wow. Sure you have Scottish people who came to Caledonia, but they stood HELPLESS as the Six Nation people forced their developers and OPP off indian land. To this day, you cannot log off your computer from this website, physically go to Douglas Creek Estates, and start building homes on indian land. Because you are that helpless. And you don't rally with Gary McHale unless you have your beloved OPP there to babysit you!

I on the other hand, go anywhere I want and throw your ignorance in your face DAILY. Regardless of OPP keeping an eye on all of us at anytime when we enter your "crownland" territories.

My girlfriend is English, from ENGLAND. And Canadians aren't respected there as "European descendants." People in Great Britian HUMOR cowboys and take their tourist dollars and talk about them with mockery when they are gone! And you Canadians were sent here because you were European Peasants! Still the peasant. You have the power to feed the world, and your peasant mentality can only feed yourself! "Tax" dollars. So when they start charging $20 for a pack of smokes and $60 for a case of beer, you will still buy it with your false pride as a "tax" payer! Fools! Goofs! Canadians!

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Certificate of INDIAN Status.

Chauchee is an INDIAN within the meaning of the INDIAN Act, chapter 27, Statutes of Canada (1985).

Your Ancestors couldn't stop us from keeping our status. Your old people couldn't stop us from extending our rights. YOU will not stop ME from continuing on in this war that is not yours! You don't even FIGHT. You PAY tax to your government that continue to keep you a peasant!

EAST Indians aren't INDIANS here in this country! They lost their identity as INDIANS when they left INDIA. They are CANADIAN, like you! NOTHING MORE! And they go BALD like you do! Unlike me! They get hair all over their bodies like you, like gorillas. They don't have a hairless hide like me! And when people say, "f**king indians!" People who hear the rednecks complain like that? Don't visualize a turban or smell curry. They visualize ME and smell poverty! When they complain about EAST INDIANS, they don't even call them PUNJABI, they call them all HINDUS. Dumass Canadians! You are no different than your ancestors. You still say, "Dang Dan! A Ding Dang Doo!"

A crownland community is where you Canadians move to, pay whatever they ask, and live there. You care not what legal perameters surround the land you live on. You just live there and think, "I will pay this much to the bank and pay this much tax for it and it is mine....a ding dang doo!"

Ask the developers who destroyed Douglas Creek Estates how much they lost over that endeavor? Ask them how their government took care of them or reimbursed them? Because the government didn't! They just left their peasant ashes alone! Like they leave you alone to pay...what do you pay for a pack of smokes now? $10? It costs about $1.30 to make each pack was it? A ding dang doo!

Ask Marie Trainer about crownland. Ask her why Douglas Creek Estates isn't crownland?

White? I wish Gary McHale was a strong 6'4" tall 260 lb cowboy. Not think pink geek that he is! He gets alot of you Canadians to wear white shirts to signify "white pride." Meanwhile they are all PINK compared to the WHITE shirts they wear! You are white people indeed! A Ding Dang Doo!

Why don't YOU go to Yello Quill Reserve and kill the guy who froze the babies. Why don't YOU make sure that no indian drinks. You are way too cowardly to go anywhere without your beloved OPP or RCMP. Unlike us indians, you are quite orphaned and dwarfed by the system you cling to.

Come to ANY reserve and share this strength you claim to have in this website. Cowards! I come to your crownland communities ALL the time! Alone! With no cop to protect me. They wait for me to fart and wait to arrest me! I face odds you are yet to face! What goes around comes around. And I curse all you Canadians! Your Jesus has no power compared to MY God!

Get a job? I left a $31,000/yr job because I hated your lifestyles! I didn't want this superficial living! Buy a house? I have my own 120 acres in my territory that Canada cannot touch! My own Chief n Council cannot touch it either. My Hereditary Title is recognized ABOVE your laws! Something you will learn in the days to come! Go to school? I create websites from scratch and type up to 70wpm. I can speak and compose the english language better than over 90% of you A Ding Dang Doos! Try me!

I DRINK booze! What are you doing here? Go make me some tax! Im thirsty! Can you say that? No you can't!!!! For you are not an INDIAN! You are a PEASANT!

It could never be your FAULT for my sufferings. For the nightmare my people endure. For you are powerless to affect me or effect my people in ANY way! You are that powerless. Still the peasant you are! A Ding Dang Doo! All you are is a tax figure who can brag about your little contributions! Contributions that we don't see our touch or spend. For we literally GIVE over trillions of resource to your government so you can work! So your government can deal with the world! And the world is waking up to the rip off artists you are as Canadians! And you think we are terrorists. You will see REAL terrorists come in from other lands. Who will curse you with the curse you cursed us with!

I have paid tax my entire life. For there is no jobs on the rez. Overwaitea/Save On Foods for a year. Paid tax. Costco Wholesale for 6 months? Paid tax. Easyhome for 12 months? Paid tax! I have free education yet my band office wouldn't fund me. So I owe Canada student loan and BC student loan money for my web program. I was working full time to pay my RENT so I couldn't finish my program in time. But I can still create HTML codes from scratch faster than you can respond to this entry in this thread.

"take take take!

whine whine whine!"

"pay pay pay!

Peasant Peasant Peasant!

A Ding Dang Doo To You Too!"

Anything else? Im right here! And you cant take your own medicine!

Not like I can give it!

Get the hell to work! Im hungry!!!!! :lol:

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Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Certificate of INDIAN Status.

Chauchee is an INDIAN within the meaning of the INDIAN Act, chapter 27, Statutes of Canada (1985).

Your Ancestors couldn't stop us from keeping our status.

Funny, it would appear "our ancestors" gave you this status you seem quite proud of. This may be a silly question, but, are you always this conflicted?

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Actually I'm wondering about this self proclaimed literary ability he claims. After reading his juvenile illiterate disjointed rant I'm left with the impression of a precocious 5th grader trying to impress the "big" people.

As for the content of his post, well, I've seen more sensible stuff written on the walls of bathroom stalls.

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Excessive testosterone can lead to baldness. It could be even in a Jungian sort of way why some warrior societies favour extremely close crops or shaving the head, perhaps intuitively they know a bald man is a virile man.

Never seen a native man with male pattern baldness but I have seen a few native women with thinning hair....

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physically go to Douglas Creek Estates, and start building homes on indian land.

Not all land sales were legit, but that one was. Payment was made to the government in trust for the Six Nations as per their request and a crown deed was issued. The governent is responsible for the amout of the payment plus promised interest (which accounts to little as they were only promised and increase in their trust by $3,000-$5000 per year on the entire '41 sale), but there is no claim on the land itself.

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Wow. Sure ...

My girlfriend is English, from ENGLAND.

Obviously you had to have an "imported" white person (are you her token "trophy"?) because white women here already know better.

Your Ancestors couldn't stop us from keeping our status. Your old people couldn't stop us from extending our rights. YOU will not stop ME from continuing on in this war that is not yours! You don't even FIGHT. You PAY tax to your government that continue to keep you a peasant!

You are sooo proud of your laziness, it's astounding to those of us who LIKE to work, who LIKE to own a home and some land, who LIKE our children to have secure futures.

EAST Indians aren't INDIANS here in this country! They lost their identity as INDIANS when they left INDIA. They are CANADIAN, like you! NOTHING MORE! And they go BALD like you do! Unlike me! They get hair all over their bodies like you, like gorillas. They don't have a hairless hide like me! And when people say, "f**king indians!" People who hear the rednecks complain like that? Don't visualize a turban or smell curry. They visualize ME and smell poverty! When they complain about EAST INDIANS, they don't even call them PUNJABI, they call them all HINDUS. Dumass Canadians! You are no different than your ancestors. You still say, "Dang Dan! A Ding Dang Doo!"
I.AM.CANADIAN. Thank you!

Your women have no asses. Just flat. Nothing. Big saggy boobs and no asses.... oh and usually a big tummy to go with it... Ha ha ha

I have never had bedroom fun with a native... I've had black, asian and white men but never a native. Creeps me out that lack of body hair... ewwww.

A crownland community is where you Canadians move to, pay whatever they ask, and live there. You care not what legal perameters surround the land you live on. You just live there and think, "I will pay this much to the bank and pay this much tax for it and it is mine....a ding dang doo!"
Aw sweety, I thought you had made up a nice name for "reserve".
Ask the developers who destroyed Douglas Creek Estates how much they lost over that endeavor? Ask them how their government took care of them or reimbursed them? Because the government didn't! They just left their peasant ashes alone! Like they leave you alone to pay...what do you pay for a pack of smokes now? $10? It costs about $1.30 to make each pack was it? A ding dang doo!

You gave us tobacco, we gave you booze -- would you rather be addicted to smokes or booze? Those drunken natives in front of the post office don't smoke.

Why don't YOU go to Yello Quill Reserve and kill the guy who froze the babies. Why don't YOU make sure that no indian drinks. You are way too cowardly to go anywhere without your beloved OPP or RCMP. Unlike us indians, you are quite orphaned and dwarfed by the system you cling to.

Come to ANY reserve and share this strength you claim to have in this website. Cowards! I come to your crownland communities ALL the time! Alone! With no cop to protect me. They wait for me to fart and wait to arrest me! I face odds you are yet to face! What goes around comes around. And I curse all you Canadians! Your Jesus has no power compared to MY God!

I would NEVER step foot on a reserve. Frig it's just too filthy and I am a clean nut. And you folks really gotta stop wrecking the houses the govt builds for you -- of course, you dont' have the gumption to build your own and our compassionate govt can't just let you freeze... Speaking of freezing -- this asshat is YOUR culture's problem. YOU don't give a crap about children, they are simply a means to an end (more welfare money).

I have no "Jesus". I am an atheist, so I also don't believe crows are our anscestors... LOL

Get a job? I left a $31,000/yr job because I hated your lifestyles! I didn't want this superficial living! Buy a house? I have my own 120 acres in my territory that Canada cannot touch! My own Chief n Council cannot touch it either. My Hereditary Title is recognized ABOVE your laws! Something you will learn in the days to come! Go to school? I create websites from scratch and type up to 70wpm. I can speak and compose the english language better than over 90% of you A Ding Dang Doos! Try me!

You hate computers and the internet and driving a vehicle and watching TV? Do you live in a wigwam? Chew birchbark? If not then you are a hypocrite.

I DRINK booze! What are you doing here? Go make me some tax! Im thirsty! Can you say that? No you can't!!!! For you are not an INDIAN! You are a PEASANT!
No my anscestors hail from Germany and France, not India.

Your "people" will eventuallly all die off (or the flatass women will marry whitey -- if she is lucky and verrry pretty) anyway. A culture that is perpetually drunk cannot survive.

It could never be your FAULT for my sufferings. For the nightmare my people endure. For you are powerless to affect me or effect my people in ANY way! You are that powerless. Still the peasant you are! A Ding Dang Doo! All you are is a tax figure who can brag about your little contributions! Contributions that we don't see our touch or spend. For we literally GIVE over trillions of resource to your government so you can work! So your government can deal with the world! And the world is waking up to the rip off artists you are as Canadians! And you think we are terrorists. You will see REAL terrorists come in from other lands. Who will curse you with the curse you cursed us with!

I have paid tax my entire life. For there is no jobs on the rez. Overwaitea/Save On Foods for a year. Paid tax. Costco Wholesale for 6 months? Paid tax. Easyhome for 12 months? Paid tax! I have free education yet my band office wouldn't fund me. So I owe Canada student loan and BC student loan money for my web program. I was working full time to pay my RENT so I couldn't finish my program in time. But I can still create HTML codes from scratch faster than you can respond to this entry in this thread.

"take take take!

whine whine whine!"

"pay pay pay!

Peasant Peasant Peasant!

A Ding Dang Doo To You Too!"

Anything else? Im right here! And you cant take your own medicine!

Not like I can give it!

Get the hell to work! Im hungry!!!!! :lol:

Eat bugs. They are free. Good on yah, for being such an excellent representation of your people. :lol:

Edited by Drea
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Your women have no asses. Just flat. Nothing. Big saggy boobs and no asses.... oh and usually a big tummy to go with it... Haa ha ha

Awww, come on Drea! I just ate and didn't really need to be reminded about that. You know, no breasts, just big floppy shoe tongues.

YOU will not stop ME from continuing on in this war that is not yours!

Now this statement is very curious. I must ask, what war? Next I must ask why we would want to stop you if it isn't our war?

I'm trying really hard to find some point to what you say but it mostly appears to be incoherent ramblings. Have you been drinking?

Edited by AngusThermopyle
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Wow. Sure you have Scottish people who came to Caledonia, but they stood HELPLESS as the Six Nation people forced their developers and OPP off indian land. To this day, you cannot log off your computer from this website, physically go to Douglas Creek Estates, and start building homes on indian land. Because you are that helpless. And you don't rally with Gary McHale unless you have your beloved OPP there to babysit you!

I on the other hand, go anywhere I want and throw your ignorance in your face DAILY. Regardless of OPP keeping an eye on all of us at anytime when we enter your "crownland" territories.

My girlfriend is English, from ENGLAND. And Canadians aren't respected there as "European descendants." People in Great Britian HUMOR cowboys and take their tourist dollars and talk about them with mockery when they are gone! And you Canadians were sent here because you were European Peasants! Still the peasant. You have the power to feed the world, and your peasant mentality can only feed yourself! "Tax" dollars. So when they start charging $20 for a pack of smokes and $60 for a case of beer, you will still buy it with your false pride as a "tax" payer! Fools! Goofs! Canadians!

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Certificate of INDIAN Status.

Chauchee is an INDIAN within the meaning of the INDIAN Act, chapter 27, Statutes of Canada (1985).

Your Ancestors couldn't stop us from keeping our status. Your old people couldn't stop us from extending our rights. YOU will not stop ME from continuing on in this war that is not yours! You don't even FIGHT. You PAY tax to your government that continue to keep you a peasant!

EAST Indians aren't INDIANS here in this country! They lost their identity as INDIANS when they left INDIA. They are CANADIAN, like you! NOTHING MORE! And they go BALD like you do! Unlike me! They get hair all over their bodies like you, like gorillas. They don't have a hairless hide like me! And when people say, "f**king indians!" People who hear the rednecks complain like that? Don't visualize a turban or smell curry. They visualize ME and smell poverty! When they complain about EAST INDIANS, they don't even call them PUNJABI, they call them all HINDUS. Dumass Canadians! You are no different than your ancestors. You still say, "Dang Dan! A Ding Dang Doo!"

A crownland community is where you Canadians move to, pay whatever they ask, and live there. You care not what legal perameters surround the land you live on. You just live there and think, "I will pay this much to the bank and pay this much tax for it and it is mine....a ding dang doo!"

Ask the developers who destroyed Douglas Creek Estates how much they lost over that endeavor? Ask them how their government took care of them or reimbursed them? Because the government didn't! They just left their peasant ashes alone! Like they leave you alone to pay...what do you pay for a pack of smokes now? $10? It costs about $1.30 to make each pack was it? A ding dang doo!

Ask Marie Trainer about crownland. Ask her why Douglas Creek Estates isn't crownland?

White? I wish Gary McHale was a strong 6'4" tall 260 lb cowboy. Not think pink geek that he is! He gets alot of you Canadians to wear white shirts to signify "white pride." Meanwhile they are all PINK compared to the WHITE shirts they wear! You are white people indeed! A Ding Dang Doo!

Why don't YOU go to Yello Quill Reserve and kill the guy who froze the babies. NOT my problem - it is yours Why don't YOU make sure that no indian drinks. NOT my problem - it is yours You are way too cowardly to go anywhere without your beloved OPP or RCMP. Unlike us indians, you are quite orphaned and dwarfed by the system you cling to.

Come to ANY reserve and share this strength you claim to have in this website. Cowards! I come to your crownland communities ALL the time! Alone! With no cop to protect me. They wait for me to fart and wait to arrest me! I face odds you are yet to face! What goes around comes around. And I curse all you Canadians! Your Jesus has no power compared to MY God!

Get a job? I left a $31,000/yr job because I hated your lifestyles! NOT my problem - it is yours I didn't want this superficial living! Buy a house? I have my own 120 acres in my territory that Canada cannot touch! NOT my problem - it is yours My own Chief n Council cannot touch it either. My Hereditary Title is recognized ABOVE your laws! Something you will learn in the days to come! Go to school? I create websites from scratch and type up to 70wpm. I can speak and compose the english language better than over 90% of you A Ding Dang Doos! Try me!

I DRINK booze! NOT my problem - it is yours What are you doing here? Go make me some tax! Im thirsty! NOT my problem - it is yours Can you say that? No you can't!!!! For you are not an INDIAN! NOT my problem - it is yours You are a PEASANT!

It could never be your FAULT for my sufferings. NOT my problem - it is yours For the nightmare my people endure. NOT my problem - it is yours For you are powerless to affect me or effect my people in ANY way! You are that powerless. Still the peasant you are! A Ding Dang Doo! All you are is a tax figure who can brag about your little contributions! Contributions that we don't see our touch or spend. For we literally GIVE over trillions of resource to your government so you can work! NOT my problem - it is yours So your government can deal with the world! And the world is waking up to the rip off artists you are as Canadians! And you think we are terrorists. You will see REAL terrorists come in from other lands. Who will curse you with the curse you cursed us with!

I have paid tax my entire life. For there is no jobs on the rez. NOT my problem - it is yours Overwaitea/Save On Foods for a year. NOT my problem - it is yours Paid tax. Costco Wholesale for 6 months? NOT my problem - it is yours Paid tax. Easyhome for 12 months? Paid tax! I have free education yet my band office wouldn't fund me. NOT my problem - it is yours So I owe Canada student loan and BC student loan money for my web program. I was working full time to pay my RENT so I couldn't finish my program in time. But I can still create HTML codes from scratch faster than you can respond to this entry in this thread.

"take take take!

whine whine whine!"

"pay pay pay!

Peasant Peasant Peasant!

A Ding Dang Doo To You Too!"

Anything else? Im right here! And you cant take your own medicine!

Not like I can give it! NOT my problem - it is yours

Get the hell to work! Im hungry!!!!! :lol:

Did somebody hear something, or is it just the wind blowing smoke in from the landfill?


Alright I will stop feeding the troll.


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Obviously you had to have an "imported" white person (are you her token "trophy"?) because white women here already know better.

You are sooo proud of your laziness, it's astounding to those of us who LIKE to work, who LIKE to own a home and some land, who LIKE our children to have secure futures.

I.AM.CANADIAN. Thank you!

Your women have no asses. Just flat. Nothing. Big saggy boobs and no asses.... oh and usually a big tummy to go with it... Ha ha ha

I have never had bedroom fun with a native... I've had black, asian and white men but never a native. Creeps me out that lack of body hair... ewwww.

Aw sweety, I thought you had made up a nice name for "reserve".

You gave us tobacco, we gave you booze -- would you rather be addicted to smokes or booze? Those drunken natives in front of the post office don't smoke.

I would NEVER step foot on a reserve. Frig it's just too filthy and I am a clean nut. And you folks really gotta stop wrecking the houses the govt builds for you -- of course, you dont' have the gumption to build your own and our compassionate govt can't just let you freeze... Speaking of freezing -- this asshat is YOUR culture's problem. YOU don't give a crap about children, they are simply a means to an end (more welfare money).

I have no "Jesus". I am an atheist, so I also don't believe crows are our anscestors... LOL

You hate computers and the internet and driving a vehicle and watching TV? Do you live in a wigwam? Chew birchbark? If not then you are a hypocrite.

No my anscestors hail from Germany and France, not India.

Your "people" will eventuallly all die off (or the flatass women will marry whitey -- if she is lucky and verrry pretty) anyway. A culture that is perpetually drunk cannot survive.

Eat bugs. They are free. Good on yah, for being such an excellent representation of your people. :lol:

How right wing of you.

This is a very serious problem when someone this far left of the spectrum has had it with these individuals. I think in 20 years when we will have problems funding pensions for everyone, the crap hits the fan.

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Yah Yah, we know the Indians own everything every where. Even the air we breath. But answer this question. What can or will you do about the 33,000,000,000 WHITE MEN living on your land. Yah like I thought nothing. Except a little extortion.

Think ya got three too many zero's there.

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To this day, you cannot log off your computer from this website,

Okay...I'm still trying really hard to get your drift.

So what does that mean and what does it have to do with anything?

Okay, I figured out what you're saying now. Dont panic man, just look up near the top of the page. You should see a little log out link there. Just click on that and you'll be logged out. See, now wasn't that easy.

Edited by AngusThermopyle
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