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Russell by-law spat sparks bilingual study


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French-speaking Canadians have NOT historically enjoyed the same rights as other Canadians, unless one claims that there is a right to receive government services... in English only, and schooling... in English only.

As for the idea that assimilation is the reason why so many French-speaking Canadians today are bilingual (English-French), it flies in the face of logic. Those who assimilated gave up their first language and adopted another one. They taught that other language to their children, and discouraged them from keeping the language they had discarted. French-speaking Canadians who assimilated became English-speaking Canadians. By the way, the percentage of French-speaking Canadians outside Quebec who are literate IN BOTH ENGLISH AND FRENCH has increased as a result of access to French-language education, so has the percentage of French-speaking Canadians outside Quebec graduating from ENGLISH-speaking universities.

As for the notion that those who assimilated did it freely... sure, they were not forced at the gunpoint to give up French, but how truly free is the choice to switch language when your children are forbidden from learning that language in the schools you built, when the media, government and even the Church keep telling you you are inferior, when the message you get everywhere is to "speak white"?

And there are some who think they can still do the same today and then turn around and say that to do otherwise is discriminating against them.

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French-speaking Canadians have NOT historically enjoyed the same rights as other Canadians, unless one claims that there is a right to receive government services... in English only, and schooling... in English only.

Now you are claiming Quebec never wanted anything to do with the 'Quebec Act' and it was forced on them.

Which raises the old question, WTF does Quebec really want?

As for the idea that assimilation is the reason why so many French-speaking Canadians today are bilingual (English-French), it flies in the face of logic. Those who assimilated gave up their first language and adopted another one. They taught that other language to their children, and discouraged them from keeping the language they had discarted. French-speaking Canadians who assimilated became English-speaking Canadians.

Then keep Quebecers and the French language in Quebec and all's well, if you detest English Canada so much.

By the way, the percentage of French-speaking Canadians outside Quebec who are literate IN BOTH ENGLISH AND FRENCH has increased as a result of access to French-language education, so has the percentage of French-speaking Canadians outside Quebec graduating from ENGLISH-speaking universities.

Then why don't you quote those percentages?

As for the notion that those who assimilated did it freely... sure, they were not forced at the gunpoint to give up French, but how truly free is the choice to switch language when your children are forbidden from learning that language in the schools you built, when the media, government and even the Church keep telling you you are inferior, when the message you get everywhere is to "speak white"?

"Speak White" is really condescending and shows you have little understanding of the superior culture.

And there are some who think they can still do the same today and then turn around and say that to do otherwise is discriminating against them.

But it is not done in a free and democratic manner, that is why.

You simply do not want to accept defeat and threaten the breakup of Canada because of it.

It is no ones fault if there are not enough French speakers to freely influence the French language throughout Canada and applying communist tactics to CONTROL 'the demand' is discriminatory, undemocratic and totally wrong.

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THAT DOES IT :angry:

NOBODY here has said anything about the Quebec Act, but that would not deter you from claiming I did. And you claim that I detest English-speaking Canadians - for what, making it clear I believe Quebec's language laws are discriminatory, undemocratic and a pile of m*nure?

Your reference to the "superior culture" and the imbecile statement that I am condescending for having a problem with being told to "speak white" is prove enough of your hatred for French-speaking CANADIANS.

Yes, I am CANADIAN, and more than you. Not because of my language, not because of where I was born, but because I am not full of hatred.. And my language rights as a CANADIAN did not become extinct the day my ancestors crossed the Ottawa River. You can't understand something that simple, your problem.

It took a long time, but today French-speaking CANADIANS are truly equal before federal laws and Ontario laws. Hopefully, there will be a day when English-speaking CANADIANS are truly equal before Quebec laws again.

I have said enough, I have heard enough from you. Feel free to insult me at lenght. I won't even read. You are not worth it.

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THAT DOES IT :angry:

NOBODY here has said anything about the Quebec Act, but that would not deter you from claiming I did. And you claim that I detest English-speaking Canadians - for what, making it clear I believe Quebec's language laws are discriminatory, undemocratic and a pile of m*nure?

It was Quebec who chose to retain the 'Quebec'Act', which included an incompatible obsolete language and the Catholic religion.

It was you who said:

French-speaking Canadians have NOT historically enjoyed the same rights as other Canadians, unless one claims that there is a right to receive government services... in English only, and schooling... in English only.

So if Quebec wished to advance its society at a rate equal to the ROC, then it would have been wise to enjoy all the same cultural amenities English Canada receives, by assimilating, rather than adhering to conditions in the 'Quebec Act'.

This of course would not prevent a francophone from privately carrying on the French culture, like the English do when we toast to our ancestors at times like Christmas and discuss old traditions from our different cultures.

Your reference to the "superior culture" and the imbecile statement that I am condescending for having a problem with being told to "speak white" is prove enough of your hatred for French-speaking CANADIANS.

The White, English speaking, Christian culture and all its advances in North America is the dominant culture which all other minority cultures try to copy. No one would argue that.

"Speak White" is a nonsensical statement. Mostly Quebecers are of the White race, like the majority are in Canada.

Yes, I am CANADIAN, and more than you. Not because of my language, not because of where I was born, but because I am not full of hatred..

You are displaying your hatred.

And my language rights as a CANADIAN did not become extinct the day my ancestors crossed the Ottawa River. You can't understand something that simple, your problem.

Quebec language rights were confined to Quebec before CORRUPT federal politics made 'French' an official language of Canada, whereas the 'English language' needed no official title because English WAS already the de-facto language of Canada.

Do you SEE the corruption making official, a small minority obsolete French language to be used as an equal with mainstream English?

Is this logical? Is this practical? Is this financially acceptable and ethical to all Canadians that must finance this huge amount of money to accomplish this? Does this not discriminate?

It took a long time, but today French-speaking CANADIANS are truly equal before federal laws and Ontario laws.

Discrimination and undemocratic corrupt politics is nothing to brag about.

Hopefully, there will be a day when English-speaking CANADIANS are truly equal before Quebec laws again.

What culture/language are you,(not English or French???) making another nonsensical statement playing BOTH sides of the issue, like some alien from another planet, when you are in fact French.

It is not only English speaking Canadians that are discriminated upon, but any minority that wishes to use the English language in Quebec including francophones.

I have said enough, I have heard enough from you. Feel free to insult me at lenght. I won't even read. You are not worth it.

That is your option.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is an update relating to Russell's nauseating discriminatory sign issue:

"In any fight, you don't save your best for last," he said, adding that a boycott would put pressure on council and Mayor Ken Hill. "This is a fight, and if you're going to fight, then fight to win."

Russell Chamber of Commerce president Corey Buckler, who was at the meeting, said he was behind Mr. Galganov.

However, Mr. Hill dismissed their concerns and said he intends to proceed with the bylaw. Mr. Hill said the bylaw is to expected receive two of three required readings on June 4, with a final reading two weeks later.

Jean-Serge Brisson, a former councillor, said a "silent majority" of francophones opposes the bylaw, but won't speak out for fear of being branded as sell-outs.


It is clear Russell Mayor Hill should be CHARGED with SEDITION or the very least INCITING ETHNIC HATRED based on ethnicity or hatred against the COMMON CULTURE in the province of Ontario.

Edited by Leafless
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It is clear Russell Mayor Hill should be CHARGED with SEDITION or the very least INCITING ETHNIC HATRED based on ethnicity or hatred against the COMMON CULTURE in the province of Ontario.

Need a dictionary don't you ?

Sedition.....too funny !

Not to mention common culture...lots of french in this province, lots more of english too. So they are common cultures.

What were you saying?

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Need a dictionary don't you ?

Sedition.....too funny !

Not to mention common culture...lots of french in this province, lots more of english too. So they are common cultures.

What were you saying?

Sedition is funny?

Sedition: 1.-conduct or speech inciting to rebellion or a breach of public order.

English is the majority linguistic language/culture of Ontario.

If you call 4.4% French in Ontario common, I would call that "to funny" to be considered ANY FORM of a 'common language'.


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Here is the latest update relating to Russell, Ontario, ( that's right Ontario and not Quebec) Mayor Ken Hill and his undemocratic battle against English speaking Canadians to implement discriminating Nazi type policies.

Francophones celebrated a vote by Russell Township council last night in favour of a bylaw that will require all new signs in the township to be bilingual.

Francophones who packed a public meeting on the issue in Embrun erupted in cheers after a tight 3-2 vote passing two of three readings of the controversial bylaw. The bylaw will become law at a meeting in two weeks when a third and final reading is voted on.

Anglophones, primarily business owners, left bitterly disappointed that council was going to "force" them to put up bilingual signs and say their worst fears were realized when Mayor Ken Hill appeared to open the door to more legislated bilingualism in the future.

Hill calls this democracy in a province that HAS NO LAWS RELATING TO LANGUAGES and is breaking 2b-of the Constitution Act, Canadian Charter of rights and Freedoms "freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other means of communication."

"The majority of the people have spoken and that's what democracy is, we speak for the majority," said Mr. Hill.

Sure Mr. Hill, in your own corrupted mind.

Looks like the only way to stop linguistic corruption and discrimination is to designate Ontario 'officially English', to protect its residents against brazen language assaults like what Mr. Hill is implementing.

Surely Mr. Mc.Guinty would approve of this, to protect the majority Ontario residents against this horrible Nazi type discrimination against the English in their own majority English speaking province.

Where is Ontario Premier Dalton Mc.Guinty in all of this and why is this man not arrested for sedition or inciting hatred in a province where English is the majority language/culture of the province.


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Sedition is funny?

Sedition: 1.-conduct or speech inciting to rebellion or a breach of public order.

NO sir , sedition is not funny. What is funny is you think it applies , even when you post the meaning of the word and can plainly see it does not cover this, much against your wishes.

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NO sir , sedition is not funny. What is funny is you think it applies , even when you post the meaning of the word and can plainly see it does not cover this, much against your wishes.

It is one of the supreme ironies of this forum that a member who wages a monomaniacal crusade against against francophones and non-british immigrants, has himself at very best, an arthritic grasp of the english language...

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It is one of the supreme ironies of this forum that a member who wages a monomaniacal crusade against against francophones and non-british immigrants, has himself at very best, an arthritic grasp of the english language...

Note Dancers spelling errors.

Arthritic grasp?

I have never seen or heard this word used anywhere, but could possibly be used in buried papers relating to the medical profession.

I say buried because when it relates to MSM and the medical profession, still have never seen this word used and I doubt 99.9% of the population would never use this word in the incorrect manner you did.

What exactly do you do all day/night besides trying to come with ways to portray yourself as an academic, when you are nothing but a prejudiced shameless flunky.

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NO sir , sedition is not funny. What is funny is you think it applies , even when you post the meaning of the word and can plainly see it does not cover this, much against your wishes.

You must live in Russell and support the twisted Francophone ideologies that demand 'linguistic respect' by way of Nazi type policies.

Are you telling me the Nazi type legislation which is being propagated by Mayor Ken Hill is not an invitation relating to 'open resistance to authority' by the English community of Russell?


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You must live in Russell and support the twisted Francophone ideologies that demand 'linguistic respect' by way of Nazi type policies.

Nope, and Godwins Law rises once again.

Are you telling me the Nazi type legislation which is being propagated by Mayor Ken Hill is not an invitation relating to 'open resistance to authority' by the English community of Russell?


It is not an invitation to do so. Since they are french , open season then right?

"Nazi" this and that. MD was right, you do have an arthirtic grasp. (and he used it correctly, and with no spelling mistakes. An error using a doubled word, alas you should get out more)

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Note Dancers spelling errors.

Noted. Not one.

Arthritic grasp?

I have never seen or heard this word used anywhere, but could possibly be used in buried papers relating to the medical profession.

I say buried because when it relates to MSM and the medical profession, still have never seen this word used and I doubt 99.9% of the population would never use this word in the incorrect manner you did.

All that proves is you don't read much and you have a stunted vocabulary. But I will help you out, arthritic is an adjective and is modifying the noun, grasp. In other words, your usage of the english language is hobbled by the inflammation of the brain joints.

What exactly do you do all day/night besides trying to come with ways to portray yourself as an academic, when you are nothing but a prejudiced shameless flunky.

Far be it from me to call you a befuddled addled brained nincompoop, but unless you can find where I have portrayed myself as an academic....while you're at it, I believe you have also claimed I have said there is a:

1) I have a family business in Montreal

2) I'm a professional investor...

Were there others....

Do you have any other phantasies about me? Will I need to shower?

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Nope, and Godwins Law rises once again.


Godwin's Law does not apply in this case as it is an APPROPIATE COMPARISON.

It is not an invitation to do so. Since they are french , open season then right?

What does French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish etc., etc. have to do with 'dictating language on a commercial buisness sign' in the province of Ontario.

"Nazi" this and that. MD was right, you do have an arthirtic grasp. (and he used it correctly, and with no spelling mistakes. An error using a doubled word, alas you should get out more)

You should learn and I really mean this, LEARN TO REPLY TO THE TOPIC and knock off the personal ATTACKS and learn to spell 'arthritic'.

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Godwin's Law does not apply in this case as it is an APPROPIATE COMPARISON.

What does French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish etc., etc. have to do with 'dictating language on a commercial buisness sign' in the province of Ontario.

You should learn and I really mean this, LEARN TO REPLY TO THE TOPIC and knock off the personal ATTACKS and learn to spell 'arthritic'.

Sorry buttercup, but no personal attacks were included.

Godwins law applies.

Nazi does not equal french language debate , although I understand the wood you get trying to connect them.

Spelling? You mean like "APPROPIATE" ?

D'oh , here is a serviette, there is a little egg on your face. (geez I hope it s egg)

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You should learn and I really mean this, LEARN TO REPLY TO THE TOPIC and knock off the personal ATTACKS and learn to spell 'arthritic'.

Noun 1. arthritic - a person afflicted with arthritis; "the hands of an elderly arthritic"

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Godwin's Law does not apply in this case as it is an APPROPIATE COMPARISON.

What does French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish etc., etc. have to do with 'dictating language on a commercial buisness sign' in the province of Ontario.

You should learn and I really mean this, LEARN TO REPLY TO THE TOPIC and knock off the personal ATTACKS and learn to spell 'arthritic'.

I'm sure it's none of my buisness, but could you perhaps learn to speak english when appropiate?


Arthritic grasp of the english language...

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Well, technically speaking, I think languages are supposed to be spelled with a capital letter, like, " English, " but the fact that Leafless gets hung up on the properly spelled " arthritic, " instead of the improperly spelled, " English, " more than proves the point.

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Well, technically speaking, I think languages are supposed to be spelled with a capital letter, like, " English, " but the fact that Leafless gets hung up on the properly spelled " arthritic, " instead of the improperly spelled, " English, " more than proves the point.

I did hit Dancer on his misspelled words including 'English' and threw back misspelled 'arthritic' to the little homosexual.

So, I a mystified as to why why the elite Dancer and Guyser would even bother attacking someone so unworthy of their conversation and would simply ignore Leafless, being the academics they are.

Leafless sticks to the topic unlike the the, LOL, elite queens of the English language Dancer and Guyser who obviously are clueless as to understanding that it is the topic they should be replying to and not personally attacking for no other reason then to impress smart asses who think like them.

If Dancer and Guyser want to be critical of language they should elaborate on the fine French language used in 'La Belle Province' that makes Parisian French look like a super refined language.

French courses teach Parisian French and not Quebec unprofessional slang French.

I wonder how the English understand the French (after completing Parisien French courses) relating to bilingually classified jobs in the Francophone dominated federal public service.

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I did hit Dancer on his misspelled words including 'English' and threw back misspelled 'arthritic' to the little homosexual.

The little homosexual....hmm, I wonder if that is me or Dancer. We know Morris is married, and that could be a front , but I doubt it . I guess it is me.

Oh wait...didnt you say this?

LEARN TO REPLY TO THE TOPIC and knock off the personal ATTACKS

But thats okay if you dont want to take your own advice.

So, I a mystified as to why why the elite Dancer and Guyser would even bother attacking someone so unworthy of their conversation and would simply ignore Leafless, being the academics they are.

Because your arguments are inane?

Leafless sticks to the topic unlike the the, LOL, elite queens of the English language Dancer and Guyser

This is a homosexual thread? I thought it was a by law thread.

If Dancer and Guyser want to be critical of language they should elaborate on the fine French language used in 'La Belle Province' that makes Parisian French look like a super refined language.

Okay, I'll elaborate.

Quebec french is about as far from Parisian french as a "denuded tree" is from an intelligent post.

Is that appropiate ?

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Oh wait...didnt you say this?

I did say that, but it appears management won't ban either you or Dancer, so continue on.

But thats okay if you dont want to take your own advice.

You leave one no choice so we will talk what you persist in talking about, personal hate attacks.

Because your arguments are inane?

You always come out short with nonsensical replies such as that one.

Tell me WHY, if you think my argument are inane?

Okay, I'll elaborate.

Quebec french is about as far from Parisian french as a "denuded tree" is from an intelligent post.

We already know Quebec French is as far from Parisian French as a "denuded tree".

And if it is, why do they teach Parisian French in any French course?

Does this make Quebec French a more refined French language or why is they do not teach Quebec French rather than Parisian French?

But then again how can you possibly teach a French based Creole language when their are so many variations, none of them an 'official language' but only a slang or regional language.

So there you have it and Quebec calls it an 'official language' when it is not. This is totally inappropriate and deceiving.

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You leave one no choice so we will talk what you persist in talking about, personal hate attacks.

So there you have it and Quebec calls it an 'official language' when it is not. This is totally inappropriate and deceiving.

1. That is, at worst, better than what you traffic in: generalized hate attacks.

2. So, when you say that we should make Ontario, " Officially English, " are you saying that we should use only good, " England English, " and that our language is merely a bastardized form that cannot be called an official language without being inappropriate and deceiving? How dumb is that? The majority language of Canada is not England English, it is Canadian English.

I look forward to your pathetic attempt to defend your contradiction.

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