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The Coward of Caledonia?

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Cite please.

Waiting, waiting, waiting patiently...again.

Actually a Toronto Star article posted in the black crime thread show that visable minorities are more likely to get a suspended sentence...

Who you going to trust, The Toronto Star or a citation that will never come.

House takes Infinity....

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House takes Infinity....

Damn it! You did it again!

I think I read the same article. Around here the cops most certainly do turn a blind eye toward Native antics, in fact I've heard a couple say just that more than once. In this area the term "catch and release" is not just for fishermen but Natives too.

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Who you going to trust, The Toronto Star or a citation that will never come.

House takes Infinity....

I trust Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot.

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Looks like they finally caught the other citizen who was providing security.

Well that article cant be right, it didn't say anything at all about security. It also got the ages of two of them wrong. As we were told repeatedly by another poster here all involved were 14 and 15 years old.

Such shoddy journalism, they should have consulted our erstwhile poster if they wanted to get it right.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Working for a living, as opposed to "providing security", i.e. beating the cr@p out of people might not be a bad idea.

My understanding is that this case is still before the courts, and the facts have not been finally established as yet. However, I also know there is incriminating video of the builders arming themselves to attack the youth, so don't count your chickens yet, eh?

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My understanding is that this case is still before the courts, and the facts have not been finally established as yet. However, I also know there is incriminating video of the builders arming themselves to attack the youth, so don't count your chickens yet, eh?

If it hasn't been submitted as evidence, then I would say it is bothing more than an indian folk tale...

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Holy shit! I cant believe someone brought this old dog back to life.

Something must be happening that requires more Native propaganda and lies to justify it. Who knows?

Tire fire anyone!

The poster who responded to me has no problem with the ex oficio provision of security, i.e. random, senseless beatings of builders.
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From my view having studied the Aboriginal situation not in school but in newspapers and books on the subject and from Aboriginals I’ve known, the native peoples encountered by Europeans were systematically denied rights and lands everywhere on earth. North American indigenous peoples got off relatively lightly because the conditions here were, especially in northern areas so harsh and unfamiliar that the Europeans didn't dare exterminate them or there'd have been no fur trade and exploration would have taken much longer.

In the process relationships were forged but also disease was spread. The native food supply was decimated and those events caused a form of genocide on a scale that to that point had likely never occurred before in history. Entire ancient races and tribes were wiped out mostly by starvation and smallpox. By now you would think everyone would know this.

In Canada, until the mid-thirties of the twentieth century it was still legal to hunt and kill indigenous people with impunity. The social damage done to these people has been profound and so deep; nothing can begin to repay what was done.

What Hitler did in the Second World War was trivial to what was done to indigenous cultures all over the world by Europeans.

The rage for the murders and indignities that were perpetrated on native Americans and other indigenous cultures around the world are well stifled compared to what would be the repercussions should anything similar happen to Europeans.

Compared to Europeans, the indigenous peoples have been models of restraint. Christians as a group for sheer devastation, we have no equal when it comes to the wars, genocides, rape, pillage, torture and other atrocities that are still occurring today including right here in civilized Ontario.

Anyone who thinks the Caledonia incident is a big deal needs to be forced to sit and study what has been done to native peoples here in Canada and Ontario. You need to sit and think about what is going on right now in the Arctic. That is another form of genocide - the melting of the polar ice cap.

Arctic species going extinct is to them not a matter of a bunch of wild animals disappearing from view. It is their food sources they've evolved with. They can't eat our food and thrive. Besides that, at some point, our civilization is going to die back. When it does, we will leave the remnants of Arctic peoples without a source of food should they survive our acquaintance. Does that sound fair to anyone?

What part of having your relatives wiped out, raped and otherwise brutalized do people not get?

What part of real estate thuggery do people not get?

Of course we can always look at it in terms of survival of the fittest. We superior Europeans simply move in and annihilate everything and everyone in sight. With our ability to thrive outside nature's sustainable level for a while, we have forced practically every living thing to accommodate us. In the process we have destroyed most natural resources on earth and are in the process of bringing about a wave of extinction humanity may not survive other than in some sort of pre-agricultural form (most developed people can’t farm).

Knowing the value of land and resources due to overpopulation in Europe, we came here to sack the land first and steal the land second.

You can't call the land deals made with the aboriginals any sort of fair. It was two different cultures with completely different values and understandings.

If we ran families the way Europeans treated the planet during the last thousand years or so, no family would have more than a single surviving child. The oldest would always kill the youngest and be rewarded for it.

But at the same time we have religion. Christianity - as two faced a concept as there could ever be. On the one hand teaching grace and forgiveness and on the other operating by genocide and extinction.

Some of the religious leaders actually believed the bilge about grace and forgiveness and it was that carbuncle on an otherwise ruthless religion that allowed any indigenous cultures to survive at all.

That any survived is more a testament to how tough human beings can be than any sort of tribute to the milk of human kindness that might have been generated. Proof of that trait in our nature is the Caledonia issue.

A further proof is going to come to light in the eastern half of the Greater Toronto Area where a form of genocide is being put into place by the McGuinty government right now.

This is a form of genocide so pervasive that not one single person will avoid the coming chemical devastation of McGuinty's Smart Growth Program. Every single person in the eastern GTA will suffer chemical injuries and a large number are going to die as a result of the government's intentional disregard for public safety.

The object is increased tax revenue and the chemical injuries and deaths of one half of the downwind GTA is acceptable collateral damage.

Money is the driving force of this genocide just as it was in all the others. Money is the ultimate justification and everything is cool right up until you are in the way of the anticipated cash flow.

I wrote a book on the subject: LAND GRAB IN NORTH PICKERING back in 2005. It detailed how the genocide in the eastern GTA is going to happen. It has started.

The thing about genocide is that usually it's done in a sneaky fashion. The people being exterminated generally don't understand they are being wiped out until there aren't enough of them left to fight back.

The Caledonia situation is very unusual because there are enough aboriginals left who care and are willing to put their lives on the line. As nasty as they may seem to those living in the area, and I have no doubt there have been some scary times, these people have legitimate beefs and they deserve to be heard - properly heard I mean.

Aboriginal peoples, it has been proven, are people just like any other people. The differences are mostly in the customs. But customs aside, we all think, feel and live with similar needs, ambitions, and desires.

You know yourself it can take a lot to get most people riled up to the point they will raise their voice at another person. Aboriginals it is well known are much more reticent and withdrawn than Europeans. It takes a lot to get them riled up to the point where they will collectively take a stand or force an issue. All of their known history shows this. That is not to make out that they were collectively saints. Their ways are profoundly different than ours so we are not in a position to judge. But one thing you can be sure of. For the Caledonia situation to have gotten this far bespeaks a camel and one extra piece of straw that tipped the balance.

The situation is not going to be resolved without compassion, understanding, honesty, skill and an integrity no Canadian government has so far had the courage to exhibit.

For that to happen, the negotiations have to be conducted by men and women who possess those qualities. Right now the Ontario government is virtually devoid of people with those qualities. The Federal government has the same problem - no credibility with either side. If the government can't find someone capable of dealing honestly with the Aboriginal Claims how then can the situation be resolved to anyone's satisfaction?

Until that someone is found who both sides trust to do the right thing, and then abide by the outcome, there will be no permanent resolution and no happy outcome for either side in Caledonia.

This is not something that can be dealt with in a matter of hours or days. This is a huge problem that will have a domino effect right across Canada. So whatever happens; has to be done right the first time or even more trouble is on the horizon from coast to coast.

There is another aspect to consider. Most Canadians have no contact with Aboriginals. For many, the only ones they see are drunks in city cores. Those drunks didn't just happen. They were made by Europeans. Each and every one of them represents a major social tragedy that tears families apart. Aboriginal families are much closer knit than European families, especially those of British descent who often farm their children off to boarding schools. So there was often little or no comprehension of the devastation alcohol had on Aboriginals until it was way too late. That was just as much of the genocide as smallpox and the simple tactic of starving people to death in the wilderness.

Those of you who haven't read Farley Mowat's accounts of the devastation white people brought to the Arctic should take the time to read it. Anyone who can read that work and still blather on about Caledonia has lost some essential humanity if they ever had it.

Certainly the circumstances today are different. But the circumstances today are built right on top of history - events these people’s forebears lived through. Most likely the none-native people in Caledonia had nothing to do with those past events. They are caught in the crossfire. They are today's victims of the past abuses just as the Aboriginals are.

If you relocate your family to the side of a volcano and no one tells you it's a live volcano that could blow at any time, do you make war on the volcano? Or do you go after the people who allowed you to invest in the land knowing that they were taking your money in the hopes the volcano wouldn't blow?

If you bought on the side of the volcano knowing it was a volcano; when it does blow, do you blame the volcano or yourself?

In the Caledonia situation, the Aboriginals are the volcano. Their issues have transcended generations. Just because nothing happened in the past was no guarantee of nothing happening in the future.

And as nasty as the Aboriginals have been, they are nowhere near as nasty as they have a right to be given half a chance or as you would be yourself.

The fact that the Aboriginals and the townspeople of Caledonia co-existed for so long in apparent peace and harmony should tell you an important thing – how little those townspeople really knew their neighbours or what motivated them.

Europeans have very short memories because we can consign our memories to books and forget them. We don’t have to carry the mental burden from generation to generation. Consequently relatively few people know beyond two or three generations who their forefathers were, let alone their histories. Aboriginals without written words have been forced to keep their histories alive by retelling the stories over and over again.

Aboriginals know their ancestors as people as family kept alive with constant repetition that bind their families together very tightly. We don’t.

Their memories of the past have been found to be very accurate. Especially when you consider they had no watches or calendars. They have family histories that our culture can only envy – those whose families weren’t totally blown apart by government intervention – another form of genocide.

So any of you who are feeling rage or some other form of injustice over the Caledonia issue, you might just want to take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself just how much of the Aboriginal point of view you understand. Without that thorough understanding, you have no call to be voicing an opinion one way or another.

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Your post could have had some merit, in fact I'll say it did until...

Hitler was trivial, yeah sure.

Melting ice caps are genocide,yeah sure.

McGuinty is planning genocide for half the GTA, yeah sure.

European families all send their kids off to boarding school, yeah sure.

And more eroneous statements than I have time to list.

I won't bother taking your post apart point by point, it would take far too long. What I will say is that I think you managed to use the word genocide more times in one post than anyone I can remember so far.

And it was all based upon your opinion with not a single link or cite to back up one single claim, well done!

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Your post could have had some merit, in fact I'll say it did until...

Hitler was trivial, yeah sure.

Melting ice caps are genocide,yeah sure.

McGuinty is planning genocide for half the GTA, yeah sure.

European families all send their kids off to boarding school, yeah sure.

And more eroneous statements than I have time to list.

I won't bother taking your post apart point by point, it would take far too long. What I will say is that I think you managed to use the word genocide more times in one post than anyone I can remember so far.

And it was all based upon your opinion with not a single link or cite to back up one single claim, well done!

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Your post could have had some merit, in fact I'll say it did until...

Hitler was trivial, yeah sure.

Melting ice caps are genocide,yeah sure.

McGuinty is planning genocide for half the GTA, yeah sure.

European families all send their kids off to boarding school, yeah sure.

And more eroneous statements than I have time to list.

I won't bother taking your post apart point by point, it would take far too long. What I will say is that I think you managed to use the word genocide more times in one post than anyone I can remember so far.

And it was all based upon your opinion with not a single link or cite to back up one single claim, well done!

I understand and agree to the points that person made. For the non-whites to understand the First Nation you first have to have compassion and want to know what the truth is. I've done my own research into this when years back a Band of First Nation wanted to setup a settlement with my area. The natives aren't always in the wrong and we, non-natives better have an more open mind to the truth before we take an opinion against them.

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Don't worry Angus, there is plenty to back up what I said.

Hitler was trivial not in what he did, but by comparison with what was done to aboriginal cultures by Europeans world wide. There is a difference.

Hitler did not wipe out most of the populations of an entire continent - not even close. You might think that concentration camps were a Hitler thing. But if you read about life on reservations here in North America, you find that concentration camps were a big deal here before they were a big deal in Europe. Reservations didn't have gas chambers, but they did have starvation, disease, social amputations, sexual abuse and psychological destruction. The pictures of concentration camps in Europe could have been taken all over North America as Aboriginals and Inuit literally starved to death after the buffalo and caribou were decimated almost to the point of extinction. The caribou didn't get quite as close to the brink, but considering how many were needed to support Inuit life in the Arctic, it didn't matter much one way or the other, the people who really needed them for food starved to death searching for food. Literally walking until they dropped in their tracks dead after eating bones, their clothing and even the nearly inedible lichens that grew on the rocks.

The genocide in the Eastern GTA is well documented but not on line. I've worked with quite a number of prestigious scientists on it. The information is in my book LAND GRAB IN NORTH PICKERING. In 2005, every Liberal Cabinet Minister received a signed for copy. That was to set a known by date so that should I ever be able to publicize what was going on, people would be able to prosecute government officials personally who could have averted what will become a widespread chemical disaster and didn't when they had the chance. In choosing not to follow the points set down in my book, the government committed a series of criminal code offences against the residents of the Eastern GTA besides genocide. That included fraud and breach of public trust.

The frog and insect extinctions are related to the same chemicals that the Eastern GTA is going to be saturated with. What kills frogs and insects - crude oil emissions kills people as well. Technology is developed enough now so that it can be tracked. It's quite an interesting story. Very complex. That's why I wrote the book. It isn't something you can explain in a few sentences.

Not one person of the literally thousands of people I made aware of the problem successfully disputed that information including politicians, scientists and doctors.

When I ran for Mayor of Pickering, and started telling the public what was going on (and the genocide was just one aspect of it) the media blacked out my campaign right across the GTA. But I still managed over 5,000 votes on a shoestring budget. Those weren't kooks voting for me. Those were people who understood the chemical ramifications of living downwind from new, enormous sources of air pollution that didn't have to be upwind from us. Unfortunately due to circumstances I just didn't have the time or the money to get a really good professionally run campaign going. I didn't decide to run until it became clear the pro-development incumbent would get in unopposed and consider that an endorsement to develop huge chunks of Pickering's important natural and agricultural areas.

At one point I considered running for the Provincial Conservatives in the last provincial election. Before they would accept me as a candidate, they wanted to ensure that what I was saying was not something that would get the party in legal trouble or was something they could not back up in terms of a legal challenge. So I gave the book to a party official and it was vetted by them - especially by a current chemical engineer working in the oil and gas sector. They approved the book without reservations. Eventually, I decided not to run as a Conservative because I didn't like their nomination process.

The melting ice caps are definitely part of Global Warming and that is a direct result of the European Industrialization process. What is going on in China is their response to western urbanization. With industrialization comes Chemical Winter and the acidification of the oceans. This is also science that is irrefutable. If you don't think acidification of the oceans is a problem, my suggestion is that you take a step back and do a little reading on the importance of oceans to oxygen production and thus life on earth.

When I referred to the British in particular sending their children off to boarding school I was referring to a well-known well documented practice. It has been going on for centuries. It is very disruptive to families and keeps families who practice this sort of social engineering from the closeness enjoyed by societies that don't do that sort of thing. There was an article in the Toronto Star a week or so ago about how disruptive a process the British habit of sending boys in particular off to boarding school is. The practice is well known to cause social problems and deep personal problems and now they're starting to realize just how bad it is.

It's a big part of the European image - how callous they can be when social brutality is called for. It takes a personality whose capability for empathy has been amputated. When you have nations run on a lack of empathy you have what happened at the end of the Middle Ages - a race for resources and domination.

But farming out family members to boarding schools and apprenticeships is one of the reasons why European civilizations were able to spread their influence around the world. For the first time in history, families were so loosely knit that losing family members for long periods while they travelled to distant places was socially tolerable without causing the destruction of the societies from which they came.

Close knit social entities do the opposite. They either migrate en mass or as family units from place to place or stay where they are in known territories. Certainly there were exceptions or humanity would never have populated the entire planet. But even so, most human movement were in the form of migrations with maybe advance scouts. They rarely sent expeditions. When they did, they were historical. Like the Mongols. But after that most major influences came from Europe, not the other way around.

And if you study the history of degenerative disease, you'll find that for the most part, disease originated and spread from densely populated areas along trade routes. In short, disease followed the trail of human filth not the reverse.

Aboriginal societies were especially vulnerable to these diseases because they had never lived in filth. When they had worn out the ability of a locale to sustain them, they moved on. Since they weren't eating anything unnatural, their excrement did not create the environmental disasters ours does today. As well, there wasn't enough of it to overcome the ability of the environment to neutralize it and make use of it. Their living conditions were exceptionally clean by comparison with Europeans. That is not to say they didn't have problems. But theirs were very simple by comparison with the problems Europeans brought.

As soon as Aboriginals were forced to live on reservations in one place and the ability to move away from their own excrement, that brought on another strata of enforced depravity and despair. They had never lived like that. Essentially, they were forced to live the forerunner of factory farms. It ain't good for cows, pigs or chickens and it ain't good for people. But the Canadian government made the aboriginals live that way.

They had no choice by then because so much of the wildlife had been shot, there wasn't enough left for the Aboriginals to live on anyway.

If this doesn't sound like genocide to you Angus, maybe you need to look up the definition of the word. I spent a lot of time agonizing over the use of the word and its legal definition before I used the term in my book. There was no doubt I'd be challenged on it by political heavyweights and I was. The bottom line was that my assessment of the situation here in the Eastern GTA is right on the money.

When I had the McGuinty government investigated by the RCMP over it, they took my information seriously - and then stopped several months later. They gave back the information and refused to go further without explanation. They did not say to stop what I was saying the McGuinty government was doing or that what I was saying was wrong or that the RCMP disagreed with my statements. They are caught between my findings and the government and we remain at a stalemate until somehow, enough people find out what's going on and the media finally gets the nerve to print it or air it.

Angus I don't make any statements without ensuring I know backwards and forwards what I'm talking about. I make outrageous claims at times but not until I've found plenty of evidence to confirm my position.

But keep poking away. Good User Name too Thermopyle. I hope you look a little better in real life than he did in the books. You have quite the IQ to measure up to as well.

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Well, they were at it again this Labour Day weekend!


This link is to a day old newspaper article. Tomorrow (Sept 03) you can read today's wrapup.

To put things into chronological perspective, some months ago the city of Brantford, which is adjacent to Caledonia, began to see more native protests blocking construction projects. The last thing Brantford wanted was to find themselves in the same situation as Caledonia so they consulted their lawyers and had injunctions issued that clearly banned protests from blocking duly authorized construction. The paperwork also called on the police and the OPP to enforce the injunctions, if necessary. They may not have been confident that the OPP and the McGuinty government would actually do their jobs but it appeared they wanted to at least have all the legal stuff clearly done so that the cops and Dalton could not dodge a situation with legal loopholes.

Brantford has suffered from a huge loss in manufacturing jobs over the years and has worked very hard to attract new business and industry. The last thing they wanted was to have native protests make the city look like a negative for investment for the next few generations, as has happened in Caledonia.

This weekend some natives moved in protest onto a large development construction site. The authorities removed them and took 3 natives into custody, laying charges against them for violating the court orders against interfering with construction.

The next day some 60 natives closed Argyle street, a main artery in Caledonia, in a sympathy protest for the 3 arrested in Brantford. The townsfolk in Caledonia had enough. Now they were being beaten up with another road blockage for something that happened IN ANOTHER CITY!

So apparently the citizens set up a blockade a hundred yards or so from the native blockade! They decided to block the road in protest of the natives blocking the road!

Some native leaders came out and helped police disperse the protesters, telling everyone that they were just young kids who were not authorized by Six Nations and that Six Nations agreed that they should not be there. The native blockade was removed.

However, the townsfolk refused to take down their barricades! Some comments were made that it seemed odd that Six Nations had made no effort to remove the "unauthorized" protest blockade until things had escalated. Nor had the police seemed in any hurry to move them out. So the city folk decided to stick to their blockade until 6:00 pm or so before opening the road and clearing out.

The only report of charges were against one young Caledonia citizen who was charged for allegedly ripping a Native flag from a car antenna.

Am I the only one who thinks it odd that these young natives would choose to once again attack the folks of Caledonia, over an incident that happened in Brantford?

Why didn't they block a road into Brantford?

Obviously, since I find this confusing I must just be a racist, I guess.

Edited by Wild Bill
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Well, they were at it again this Labour Day weekend!


This link is to a day old newspaper article. Tomorrow (Sept 03) you can read today's wrapup.

To put things into chronological perspective, some months ago the city of Brantford, which is adjacent to Caledonia, began to see more native protests blocking construction projects. The last thing Brantford wanted was to find themselves in the same situation as Caledonia so they consulted their lawyers and had injunctions issued that clearly banned protests from blocking duly authorized construction. The paperwork also called on the police and the OPP to enforce the injunctions, if necessary. They may not have been confident that the OPP and the McGuinty government would actually do their jobs but it appeared they wanted to at least have all the legal stuff clearly done so that the cops and Dalton could not dodge a situation with legal loopholes.

Brantford has suffered from a huge loss in manufacturing jobs over the years and has worked very hard to attract new business and industry. The last thing they wanted was to have native protests make the city look like a negative for investment for the next few generations, as has happened in Caledonia.

This weekend some natives moved in protest onto a large development construction site. The authorities removed them and took 3 natives into custody, laying charges against them for violating the court orders against interfering with construction.

The next day some 60 natives closed Argyle street, a main artery in Caledonia, in a sympathy protest for the 3 arrested in Brantford. The townsfolk in Caledonia had enough. Now they were being beaten up with another road blockage for something that happened IN ANOTHER CITY!

So apparently the citizens set up a blockade a hundred yards or so from the native blockade! They decided to block the road in protest of the natives blocking the road!

Some native leaders came out and helped police disperse the protesters, telling everyone that they were just young kids who were not authorized by Six Nations and that Six Nations agreed that they should not be there. The native blockade was removed.

However, the townsfolk refused to take down their barricades! Some comments were made that it seemed odd that Six Nations had made no effort to remove the "unauthorized" protest blockade until things had escalated. Nor had the police seemed in any hurry to move them out. So the city folk decided to stick to their blockade until 6:00 pm or so before opening the road and clearing out.

The only report of charges were against one young Caledonia citizen who was charged for allegedly ripping a Native flag from a car antenna.

Am I the only one who thinks it odd that these young natives would choose to once again attack the folks of Caledonia, over an incident that happened in Brantford?

Why didn't they block a road into Brantford?

Obviously, since I find this confusing I must just be a racist, I guess.

Well first of all B.G., there were not "some 60 natives closed Argyle street". From all reports it was started by a few disgruntled youths taking out their frustrations after Steve Powless was arrested. This picture was taken shortly after 10:00 am and if you can count as well as I there might be a total of 15 people. I for one would appreciate if you didn;t embellish the facts to suit your bias'.

However, at the same time this picture shows that there were about 20 Caledonians already at the scene. By noon when the native barricade was removed and the town clowns decided to put up their own blockade there were about 100 people assembled behind the police line. It is interesting who the OPP see as the real threat, now isn't it - see picture here.

But in any case you can't be racist for asking a sincere question. You can be racist however, when you fill the question full of rhetoric and innuendo. I find your question is legitimate, when the facts are not embellished.

Why didn't they block a road into Brantford?

It is a good question. Quick events usually happen because the opportunity is there, and the equipment needed to make a point are readily available. I would bet that the most important reasons (if not the only reasons) the blockade happened on Argyle would be because the hydro tower was readily available, and the land is part of the territorial lands Six Nations reclaimed over 2 years ago. When one blocks a road that belongs to Six Nations (in their mind) it is more a statement than an act of civil disorder. Since Steve Powless was removed from a construction site under protest in Brantford, I would guess that standing up on land already reclaimed would be a statement they are not going to take it anymore.

Of course this is mere speculation and we'll all have to wait until the real facts come out.

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Since Steve Powless was removed from a construction site under protest in Brantford, I would guess that standing up on land already reclaimed would be a statement they are not going to take it anymore.

Not going to take what anymore? Law breakers being arrested?

Poor muffins, how dare anyone arrest them for breaking the law and generally being a bunch of wankers in public.

Have you ever heard of anything so outrageous! Oh the horror!

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Not going to take what anymore? Law breakers being arrested?

Poor muffins, how dare anyone arrest them for breaking the law and generally being a bunch of wankers in public.

Have you ever heard of anything so outrageous! Oh the horror!

Funny....I certainly expected AngusThermotroll to show up and you certainly didn't disappoint.

Perhaps you missed it but development on Six Nations land is illegal in the first place. Six Nations has a constitutional right to protest against anyone moving construction equipment onto their land. Of course we don't have OUR property rights entrenched in the Charter, but they do.

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Funny....I certainly expected AngusThermotroll to show up and you certainly didn't disappoint.

Perhaps you missed it but development on Six Nations land is illegal in the first place. Six Nations has a constitutional right to protest against anyone moving construction equipment onto their land. Of course we don't have OUR property rights entrenched in the Charter, but they do.

Isn't this land still part of land claim negotiations...?

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Perhaps you missed it but development on Six Nations land is illegal in the first place. Six Nations has a constitutional right to protest against anyone moving construction equipment onto their land.

So now you've decided Brantford is their land?

You never disappoint actually, just the same old crap about how the Natives are saintly and can do no wrong. Even when they blatantly break the law.


Edited by AngusThermopyle
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So now you've decided Brantford is their land?

You never disappoint actually, just the same old crap about how the Natives are saintly and can do no wrong. Even when they blatantly break the law.


Haven't you heard, Angus? The ENTIRE country is their land! So they can occupy ANY of it, ANYWHERE!

You can believe me, because I'm always right and I always tell the truth!

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