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Muslim father chokes daughter to near death

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http://www.thestar.com/News/article/284350 - new pic

"She wanted to be more Western."

This is making news all over here this morning. Still breaking news.

-Immigrants came from Pakistan a year ago.

-Father is 57 years old (why is he here??)

-Daughter was refusing to wear hijab.

-Father strangled daughter to near death and is now at Sick Kids Hospital in grave condition.

Anyone want to tally up what this is costing the tax payer? I know what I just said is mean and insensitive, but the only way to have avoided all this from hapenning is to stop families from wandering into Canada who are of no benefit to us, and our economy.

I'm sorry this happened, but these families shouldn't be coming here like this. This paired with the taser incident speaks volumes of the quality of people that are coming to Canada.

You can spew idealisms, but this has got to stop. Something needs to be done now.

Edited by mikedavid00
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It is quite acceptable in canada to view immigrant actions such as this and honour killings as something we must tolerate.

The courts will do nothing. The people of this country will make excuses for him.

And certainly there will be nothing done to prevent this in the future. VArious appointed human rights commissions in this country will tell us we need to educate ourselves to be more sensitive to immigrant beliefs.

You will be called an intolerant racist for even complaining about immigration.

You will likely be thought of as a person who posted this "unusual occurence" as someone who wants to sensationalize this issue. In fact it is not an unusual incident. Fairly common.

Canada will reap what it sows by being tolerant to the point of accepting anyone as a valued member of society - when in fact it is more and more apparent there are some - if not many - who come here that are indeed NOT planning to become valued members of this society.


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It is quite acceptable in canada to view immigrant actions such as this and honour killings as something we must tolerate.

The courts will do nothing. The people of this country will make excuses for him.

And certainly there will be nothing done to prevent this in the future. VArious appointed human rights commissions in this country will tell us we need to educate ourselves to be more sensitive to immigrant beliefs.

You will be called an intolerant racist for even complaining about immigration.

You will likely be thought of as a person who posted this "unusual occurence" as someone who wants to sensationalize this issue. In fact it is not an unusual incident. Fairly common.

Canada will reap what it sows by being tolerant to the point of accepting anyone as a valued member of society - when in fact it is more and more apparent there are some - if not many - who come here that are indeed NOT planning to become valued members of this society.


This tragic event should make all the liberals happy - feminist eccentric man haters - those who dispise the traditional family - and the God haters are just jumping for joy - not to mention the parasite medical team just lusting to "harvest" the poor girls vital organs. Looks like this will put another huge dent in male rights - to bad a crazy zealot will be used as the poster boy for secularist oppression.

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This tragic event should make all the liberals happy - feminist eccentric man haters - those who dispise the traditional family - and the God haters are just jumping for joy - not to mention the parasite medical team just lusting to "harvest" the poor girls vital organs. Looks like this will put another huge dent in male rights - to bad a crazy zealot will be used as the poster boy for secularist oppression.

What a disgusting post, this man should be treated just the same as any other Canadian, he tried to murder his daughter, lets leave feminism and religion out of this. It is just an excuse for protecting men's supposed rights.

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What a disgusting post, this man should be treated just the same as any other Canadian, he tried to murder his daughter, lets leave feminism and religion out of this. It is just an excuse for protecting men's supposed rights.

Well already the CBC is trying to excuse this.. the morning host has a sickness in him. You shoudl ahve heard him trying to excuse this.

It will become an Islamic issue. The victim will be the father, and the perpetrator will be you and I - 'the west'. We caused the man to do this to his daughter.

It will become a political issue and he will get let go, no jail time.

Remember how I said that I garunteed the Liberals would 'do something' about the Brampton hospital? Sure enough, 3000 social system leechers protested outside the hospital and suprise suprise, our Premier assigned a manager to the hospital to investigate what is going on. The Liberal party got involved.


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What a disgusting post, this man should be treated just the same as any other Canadian, he tried to murder his daughter, lets leave feminism and religion out of this. It is just an excuse for protecting men's supposed rights.

Men's supposed rights?

Lost me there.

He will not be treated like any other canucklehead - he will be treated with kid gloves. Anything less will be considered trampling on his cultural rights by the appointed human rights folks and their ilk.

The wonders of sharia law.


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Men's supposed rights?

Lost me there.

He will not be treated like any other canucklehead - he will be treated with kid gloves. Anything less will be considered trampling on his cultural rights by the appointed human rights folks and their ilk.

The wonders of sharia law.



Girl has died..more detail later

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What a disgusting post, this man should be treated just the same as any other Canadian, he tried to murder his daughter, lets leave feminism and religion out of this. It is just an excuse for protecting men's supposed rights.

To be a male head of a family is simply illegal in secularist corporate Canada - Gays are granted more privledge than a traditional male. Those that do not breed are exaulted and those that attempt to carry on genetically are persecuted. The problem with this nut that alledgedly rung the neck of his own daughter - was that he was stupified and did not UNDERSTAND - the "system" in place in this glorious land of opportunity and freedom - that you are not free! So as in most domestic situations where violence errupts from the male - it is due to frustration that manifests it self in rage - the dummy that went nuts really did not have a clue of what kind of nation he had settled in - that it was one large estate run like an animal farm...most males actually believe that there is freedom and justice in Canada - big mistake - once awareness of how the system really works takes place in the individual..then that person has some saftety - this Muslim had mitgrated into a nation that is run by social engineers that commit fraud to maintain power on a daily basis.

What Canada needs is proper education - a program that would bring males and females up to speed..so they can survive - first thing that should be taught is to avoid the courts - secondly maintain your privacey - and lastly - if you go wild like an animal - there is a system in place that thrives on male rage - this incident will imporve the funding of radical groups that enrich themselves through "studies" and "inititatives" and all that other garbage - it's very sad what happened and it is even sadder that more lawyers will become millionares riding on the backs of the stupid.

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To be a male head of a family is simply illegal in secularist corporate Canada - Gays are granted more privledge than a traditional male. Those that do not breed are exaulted and those that attempt to carry on genetically are persecuted. The problem with this nut that alledgedly rung the neck of his own daughter - was that he was stupified and did not UNDERSTAND - the "system" in place in this glorious land of opportunity and freedom - that you are not free! So as in most domestic situations where violence errupts from the male - it is due to frustration that manifests it self in rage - the dummy that went nuts really did not have a clue of what kind of nation he had settled in - that it was one large estate run like an animal farm...most males actually believe that there is freedom and justice in Canada - big mistake - once awareness of how the system really works takes place in the individual..then that person has some saftety - this Muslim had mitgrated into a nation that is run by social engineers that commit fraud to maintain power on a daily basis.

What Canada needs is proper education - a program that would bring males and females up to speed..so they can survive - first thing that should be taught is to avoid the courts - secondly maintain your privacey - and lastly - if you go wild like an animal - there is a system in place that thrives on male rage - this incident will imporve the funding of radical groups that enrich themselves through "studies" and "inititatives" and all that other garbage - it's very sad what happened and it is even sadder that more lawyers will become millionares riding on the backs of the stupid.

Despite the ramblings of your sometimes incoherent writing style, I must address one issue.

This person who did the dastardly deed was not a nut.

He is likely a follower and a believer of sharia law.

All women are owned and property. To be done with as is felt like.

What he did is quite legal in many countries that follow his religion. That is why he will be well supported here in this country with lots of help from his community.

And the legal system will do their best to understand and lessen the penalty. If indeed there is a penalty to be paid at all.

I bet - if he did indeed do this - he gets off with day parole at worst. Perhaps a little counselling on the side to help him adjust to canuckleland.

And canuckleheads will support him in his "time of need" rather than realize this is what we import on a daily basis.

We reap what we sow.


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I wish I could state I'm shocked but I'm not. Muslim women in democratic countries are not treated as equals, our laws don't protect them from their culture. In Norway they are discussing amending their laws to consider "Culture" as a mitigating curcumstance when sentencing men for Honour Killings. We must eradicate the Liberal Idiology of "Reasonable Accomadation" because it subjugates and discriminates against immigrant women and subjects them to barbaric Sharia Law. The liberal left seem proud of their Reasonable Accomadation and for this women and children get battered and murdered.

Multiculturalism is the reason women are dying, we tolerate barbaric cultural practices because the Left force us to. Until the left change their idiology women will die in Canada and children will be beaten.

I have no doubt the system will treat this man as a "Victim" of our culture and the child that was beaten to death will be forgotten. The left will line up to pander and appease the Muslim Community instead of using this as an example of what WE won't tolerate. Another Political Cause for Political Islam to declair its self a victim of our culture.

A link to the Norway story: http://islamineurope.blogspot.com/2007/11/...should-get.html


In the public debate the most strict punishments are called for so-called honor murder. Tor Erling Staff (lawyer at the supreme court) is, on the contrary, quite clear that honor must be an extenuating circumstance when giving out sentences.

Staff thinks that Norwegian society has betrayed men from other cultures who had come to Norway.

In a book published this week, Staff says that those who commit honor murder in Norway should get a reduction in sentence. If two people are sentenced for murder that according to the law should be punished in the same manner, Tor Erling Staff thinks that the person who can show that he killed his wife on ground of honor, should get a lighter sentence.

Staff says that if a murderer should get 17 years in prison, a man who murdered his wife on the grounds of his family's honor should get two years reduction.

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"She wanted to be more Western."

This is making news all over here this morning. Still breaking news.

-Immigrants came from Pakistan a year ago.

-Father is 57 years old (why is he here??)

-Daughter was refusing to wear hijab.

-Father strangled daughter to near death and is now at Sick Kids Hospital in grave condition.

Anyone want to tally up what this is costing the tax payer? I know what I just said is mean and insensitive, but the only way to have avoided all this from hapenning is to stop families from wandering into Canada who are of no benefit to us, and our economy.

I'm sorry this happened, but these families shouldn't be coming here like this. This paired with the taser incident speaks volumes of the quality of people that are coming to Canada.

You can spew idealisms, but this has got to stop. Something needs to be done now.

It is a sad state of affairs, that one lunitic so full of pride - not godlyness - but blind fanatic eliteist pride....spoils the lot of all of Islam...this father killed his own daughter because he believed that he was superiour to us white Christian infidels...why do our liberal brothers welcome such haters into the nation?

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To be a male head of a family is simply illegal in secularist corporate Canada

How long do you have to sit around to dream up the crap you're constantly spouting?

Immigrants and crimes against women. Sorry to say it does happen, we've also had cases of that lovely practice, throwing acid in the face of women who displease males in some way. Quite a few of those actually if my memory serves me correctly.

Unfortunately we do tend to make excuses about such behaviour. Personally I believe we should enforce a zero tolerance policy for such acts. Hit them with the law at its fullest and screw any lame "Cultural" defence they attempt to use. It would be better if we could just screen the b*stards out in the first place, I'm not sure if there is any way to do that though.

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Incredible to believe that because some people are liberal it is the liberals fault that this occurs.Our laws protect everyone equally , and no allowance is or should be made for any religious beliefs.

If not, then I suppose our laws do not protect us from pedophile preists, drunken home grown wife beaters , etc.

Who cares about sharia law? That is not law in this country. We could talk about Peruvian hat makers too, but for what?

Women and children get beaten and murdered all the time, even by canadians. Is our culture to blame for those?

I guess if we did not have multiculturalism in this country, no one would be killed. Somehow I doubt it.

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Incredible to believe that because some people are liberal it is the liberals fault that this occurs.Our laws protect everyone equally , and no allowance is or should be made for any religious beliefs.

If not, then I suppose our laws do not protect us from pedophile preists, drunken home grown wife beaters , etc.

Who cares about sharia law? That is not law in this country. We could talk about Peruvian hat makers too, but for what?

Women and children get beaten and murdered all the time, even by canadians. Is our culture to blame for those?

I guess if we did not have multiculturalism in this country, no one would be killed. Somehow I doubt it.

Nice comments - however the laws are not applied equally in this country.

Cultural differences are definitely becoming a factor.

Quote - I guess if we did not have multiculturalism in this country, no one would be killed. Somehow I doubt it. - end quote

Why invite even more known trouble?

Are you a person who wears a vacant smile as well?


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Quite frankly with so many of the uncivilized homegrown here now I fail to see the difference.

Canada already is a country of an advanced stage of social development, IOW, a civilized country.

If you wish to be critical of Canadians who are critical of uncivilized immigrants, the least you can do, is use the proper vocabulary to describe whatever you are trying say.

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QUOTE(mikedavid00 @ Dec 11 2007, 07:05 AM) *

It will become an Islamic issue. The victim will be the father, and the perpetrator will be you and I - 'the west'. We caused the man to do this to his daughter.

You are most assuredly right.

And if a single person on a web board somewhere says this, then of course you will be right and the shrieking will be justified.

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