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Finally a blow to Socialism and it's facist followers in England.


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This story is mind boggling, a local news channel did an undercover series on what was being preached in Mosques. The outcome wasn't good, radical Islam is being preached in 53 percent of the Mosques in England. They aired the segments, the outcry came from READY FOR THIS? The cops, yes the cops filed a complaint and investigated the News Station. Beyond unbelievable, not really this is standard MO for the police in England. Race relations is a number one priority, preaching hatred is okay if you are from a certain "Race". The Radicals must love the Labour/Socialist Goberment, honestly facism isn't to harsh a word because police used their powers to threaten and investigate a valid story-would they use violence to silence someone?? What's next, telling MSM what to report. Opps that's the BBC.

Story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml...9/nofcom319.xml


Channel 4 vindicated over Undercover Mosque

By Duncan Hooper and agencies

Last Updated: 1:52pm GMT 19/11/2007

West Midlands Police are facing accusations of "serious misjudgement" after their complaint against a Channel 4 investigation into extremism at British mosques was comprehensively dismissed by Ofcom.

The Green Road Mosque in Birmingham was one of those featured in the programme

Police had claimed that the Dispatches programme Undercover Mosque misrepresented the views of Muslim preachers and clerics through misleading editing.

But the decision has rebounded on the force after the broadcaster won praise from the media watchdog as a "legitimate investigation, uncovering matters of important public interest."

The production company involved has told Channel 4 News they are considering legal action against the police.

Adding to the police embarrassment, Ofcom continued: "On the evidence (including untransmitted footage and scripts), Ofcom found that the broadcaster had accurately represented the material it had gathered and dealt with the subject matter responsibly and in context."

Following today's

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This story is mind boggling, a local news channel did an undercover series on what was being preached in Mosques. The outcome wasn't good, radical Islam is being preached in 53 percent of the Mosques in England. ... Race relations is a number one priority, preaching hatred is okay if you are from a certain "Race"...

I find it strange that radical Islamists manipulate the "Race" term. I thought that Islam itself to be a major factor to unite them. Another words, it shouldn't be a difference between a White and Black Muslims. Am I wrong?

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Finally a blow to Socialism and it's facist followers in England.

Wow, a discussing radical Islam being headed by a title evoking Socialism, Fascism.

Not bad. Next time, you should go for a record, something like Gay Socialists and their Maoist Zionist Anti-democratic Hippy Fascist followers while discussing Pro - Teletubby Islamo-Sheikh Anarchy.


On to more serious issues;

The cops, yes the cops filed a complaint and investigated the News Station

While I agree that normally this would've been a shocking/tragic development (and a veritable blow to democracy), one cannot assume this unless you know all the bases. Who knows, perhaps the reason the police were upset was not that investigation per se, but the fact that some over zealous nosy reporter was poking around where they should not be and risked upsetting some already present (and probably far more in depth) Scotland Yard/MI5 investigation.

By publicizing a fact, you risk pushing certain elements under ground and out of sight for those who actually have the capacity to rectify a very dangerous situation. And we all know that out of sight is not necessarily out of mind, especially when dealing with hell bent radicals.

Edited by marcinmoka
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I find it strange that radical Islamists manipulate the "Race" term. I thought that Islam itself to be a major factor to unite them. Another words, it shouldn't be a difference between a White and Black Muslims. Am I wrong?

True, but people will use their own religion for political gain. Especially when your religion is about brainwashing and political gain.

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YouTube has the entire program online (Dispatches: Undercover Mosque)...as well as several official responses. Worth a look if you haven't seen it.


When we say that Islam and our values, Western democracy, are incompatible that is not to say that Muslims are bad.

---Nick Griffin

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Worth a look if you haven't seen it.

WOW!!!! I can hardly belief some of the things being said. And equally as shocking, that such a pitiful Wah'habist pawn hails from Jersey (in fact, right on JBG's doorstep).

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WOW!!!! I can hardly belief some of the things being said.

No worries...when the one fellow preached that homosexuals should be thrown from the mountain-tops...it was taken out of context.



I don't want you to worry about your jobs while you're away. That's why I'm firing you now.

---Hermes Conrad: Futurama

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IMO all mosques should be open to anyone. Anyone should be able to go in anytime and record or listen to what is being said regardless of religious affiliation.

In Canada one's religious ideals and actions are (should be) up for the scrutiny of the public. Nothing should be allowed to be "hidden" from the public.

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IMO all mosques should be open to anyone. Anyone should be able to go in anytime and record or listen to what is being said regardless of religious affiliation.

In Canada one's religious ideals and actions are (should be) up for the scrutiny of the public. Nothing should be allowed to be "hidden" from the public.

Your private religious ideals should be made public even if you only ever practice them in your own home?

You don't really think about what you say do you Drea?

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Your private religious ideals should be made public even if you only ever practice them in your own home?

You don't really think about what you say do you Drea?

That is correct White Doors. ALL religious indoctrinations, sermons, etc should be recorded and put up for public scrutiny.

Did I say in one's home? I specifically mentioned only mosques -- yet you take it as an affront to your religious freedom?

Having trouble with reading comprehension this morning White?

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In England the libraries are full of Islamic Books that preach hatred and violence towards Jews and us Infidels. How to beat your wife and where to hit her, nice bodice rippers-- not. When asked why they aren't being removed the Spokes Person stated freedom of Expression, now if I were to stand on a street corner in England at state "Islam is Evil" I'd be arrested faster than one can say "Bob's your uncle". There is currently a double standard in England, and it's scary. If the police are enforcing PCness and refusing to tackle hate speech and incitement for violence by these Islamist and instead investigates the Media to me that is the first step in creating a "Fascist State".

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There is currently a double standard in England, and it's scary. If the police are enforcing PCness and refusing to tackle hate speech and incitement for violence by these Islamist and instead investigates the Media to me that is the first step in creating a "Fascist State".

If one cannot stand up and say "I am a holocaust denier", then it stands to reason that another cannot say "Islam is evil". You can't have one without the other.

If one has every right to preach "god hates gays" within his congegration without admonishment, then others should be able to deny the holocaust without going to jail for it.

If there is freedom of speech it must extend to all. Everyone should be free to hate and spew hatred publicly if they so wish. Otherwise we would have to shut everyone up and Coulter and her ilk would be in jail by now. Evangelists would be in jail. The leader of Iran would be in jail. Michael Moore would be in jail. Kids that tease fat kids --jail. Where do we draw the line? Should there even be a "line"?

For the record -- I do not deny the holocaust, just used it as an example.

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For the record -- I do not deny the holocaust, just used it as an example.

Denial of the Holocaust is just plain silly...there were witnesses to it on both sides...still are. Denying it is kind of like saying that it should be up for debate that the sky is blue on clear days. The Muslim Council of Britain though feels that it needs to watered down so to speak by including Palestine as part of Holocaust Memorial Day...as if what is going on there is anything remotely like the REAL Holocaust.

If the MCB could show where this is happening in the Middle-East...then I'd agree on including Palestinians as victims in the same way Jews were in WW2. The only thing remotely close post WW2 is The Killing Fields.

As I mentioned in another post...the irony of Palestinians being included as victims of some greater expanded Holocaust is not lost on me.


Lois: There's nothing wrong with being smart. There's nothing wrong with being cut from the herd, either. It makes you the one buffalo who isn't there when the Indians run the rest of them off the cliff.

Malcolm: Huh?

---Malcolm in the Middle

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It was an example of free speech.

Nothing more.

Wrong or not, people either have the right to free speech or they do not.

Can't have it both ways.

You can't stop an idea from being discussed simply because it's wrong. Some people believe that *insert here* is wrong, but they cannot stop the other side from having a voice.

Having free speech means everything is up for debate.

IMO free speech doesn't include inciting hatred toward another group.

As long as you're not harming others speak away!

Edited by Drea
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It was an example of free speech.

I'm aware...

Wrong or not, people either have the right to free speech or they do not.

What's the ol' saying?

Freedom of speech doesn't include yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater.


While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions.

---Steven Covey

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That is correct White Doors. ALL religious indoctrinations, sermons, etc should be recorded and put up for public scrutiny.

Did I say in one's home? I specifically mentioned only mosques -- yet you take it as an affront to your religious freedom?

Having trouble with reading comprehension this morning White?

I respect everyone's freedoms.

You said this:

In Canada one's religious ideals and actions are (should be) up for the scrutiny of the public. Nothing should be allowed to be "hidden" from the public.

You specifically said 'nothing should be hidden from the public'.

What else was I to think?

If you are satying that you do not really believe this, then you definitely DO type before you think.

Thanks for proving my point.

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I don't respect everyone's religious freedoms.

People should not be free to teach others to hate in the name of some unknown entity. Period.

Now, I don't advocate going into people's homes -- I certainly believe that all religious doctrine should be scrutinized.

White, would it be a-ok with you that a muslim is teaching his children to hate, to kill, to die in the name of Allah? You are ok with this because it's "freedom of religion"?

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I don't respect everyone's religious freedoms.

People should not be free to teach others to hate in the name of some unknown entity. Period.

Now, I don't advocate going into people's homes -- I certainly believe that all religious doctrine should be scrutinized.

White, would it be a-ok with you that a muslim is teaching his children to hate, to kill, to die in the name of Allah? You are ok with this because it's "freedom of religion"?

Yep, I am ok with it being done in their own home. If the authorities suspect someting violent may be imminent, they can get a wire tap and/or bug the home to nullify the threat, but I take privacy issues very seriously so if I want mine to be protected i must stand up for everyone's - not just the one's I agree with.

That's the difference between freedom and no freedom.

You should think about that.

I may not like you and I don't - but I am free to say it. You should be free to call me whatever names you usually call me too. Now, if you physically threaten me or ask another to harm me - then you have gone too far and broken the law. But you can say you WISH I was hit by a bus or something.

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Well what the hell. You've got Mullahs all over the place. Over here, we've got mullahs like Dick Cheney, Richard Perle and Ann(e) Coulter.

I've always thought Coulter and Perle should be tossed in prison. It's against the law to say what I think should be done to Cheney.

<<edit>> Oh what the hell. Bugger Dick Cheney!

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The irony is that if he did bugger Dick Cheney the Islamists he defends would cut off his head.

Dick Chaney= top dog ---- Bushy= bottom guy....now I will just wait for that poster to threaten me as if he works of the Canadian version of the CIA combined with the stinky privatized jerks call Black Water.... Let me reprimand myself and save the member the effort "So that's your Bush slurr of the day?" - he scares me when he does that - not sure of his name but he will be along soon I am sure...thought this was an independent Canadian site - maybe some of the funding comes from state side...but I am not worried to much about a reprimand for insulting Chaney and the guys...they are getting real close to the faded and yellowed records that will be called history books - printed on real bad cheap paper - no glory for Chaney - and he knows it...he must feel poorly for embarassing himself and using poor George to take the brunt of his corporate dictitorial foolishness.

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...they are getting real close to the faded and yellowed records that will be called history books - printed on real bad cheap paper - no glory for Chaney - and he knows it...he must feel poorly for embarassing himself and using poor George to take the brunt of his corporate dictitorial foolishness.

I think Vice President will survive history quite well....the hydrocarbon economies of the world certainly agree with him more than the anti-corporate whiners who couldn't lift the VP's testicles with a wheelbarrow.

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