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Everything posted by geoffrey

  1. Jerry, I don't want to shatter your world completely, but you do realise that almost no business pays GST? There are plenty of things businesses can't deduct as expenses (golf club dues... 50% of meals... ect. ect.), but they do have all the GST returned on their purchases, assuming they are operating profitably. I know how much you hate small business, but come on. GST-only isn't the answer to your problem. Not that the problem exists to the extent you claim anyways.
  2. I'm a little unfamiliar with the situation... is this a declaration from the legislature of Kosovo or was this based upon a referendum result?
  3. Do you have evidence to support that? I wouldn't doubt it, but I'm curious to see the basis of that statistic.
  4. I respect that freedom to. I just don't feel like paying for it. As a big proponent of private medicare, I'm completely in favour of paying extra for my additional risks. I don't think anyone should pay for my increased risk because of backcountry skiing or mountain biking. I should pay for that. And so should those that ride motorbikes. But because we have a public system, we all have to act in the best interest of the whole and limit our risks as much as possible. Wearing a helmet is not a big deal. Nevertheless, it comes back to using religion to make exceptions to the law. Religion is not based on any rational thought, or argument, and shouldn't be used to justify legislative changes in a democratic country. There is no evidence that Sikhman is going to hell (or wherever they go) for having his head unwrapped. Until he can prove otherwise, he can wear a helmet. In civilized countries, we believe in science and facts. Let's see some facts before we make legislative changes. Irrational beliefs are not grounds for exceptions. Show me real factual consequences and I'll listen. There isn't any. So why are we changing the law?
  5. I like how everyone thinks that because Alberta has money, we must be miserable. I don't know about this. I feel alot more enthusiasm and optimism for the future sitting in meetings in Calgary than in Montreal or Toronto. People in Calgary are far more optimistic and excited about life than anyone in Winnipeg or Windsor. Having money doesn't make you unhappy. It may not be the fundamental ingredient in being happy, but Albertans have alot going for them from any perspective. Everything isn't perfect, but it's pretty damn good. Despite being in an oppresive Canadian business climate, Alberta is still one of the richest regions in the world. We're doing very good. No need for change. If you want the government to start handing out everything to you, go to Quebec or the Maritimes. It's not the way we do things here. We don't want you. Jerry, why do you look to the government to solve issues between individuals and families? What else do you want the government to do for you? Bayman, tution rates have been frozen here for years, they have not increased at all since I started in University 4 years ago. And with some very minor exceptions (two ridings come to mind), provincial boundaries accurately reflect population distribution.
  6. Anyone should be able to ride without a helmet, if they choose to opt out of public health care and notify their private insurers of that choice. Does he expect me to cover the risk of his beliefs? How can he justify that? I am to pay for all Sikh's risk, not even founded in rational thought? That's not a modern society.
  7. So, all union members then are left wing NDP supporters? What of the right wing union members? Shouldn't a union, the democratic institutions they pretend to be, spend their ad dollars on the basis of their membership? Why do I support the Alberta NDP through my union contributions? That's an outrage. Thank godness I'm moving to a contract basis soon, leaving the union for more money and bargining room. Too bad everyone couldn't do that.
  8. Sounds like a great way to get a power surge.
  9. Just use plastic. Hard currency is a big waste of time, no need to use it. Your one dollar paper bill or a loonie don't give you Aeroplan points either. If everyone converted to plastic, things would be much more efficent. The cost of doing business with cash is considerable.
  10. When your the richest, lowest taxed people in North America, perhaps the world, it's hard to see the justification for radical change. When you have it real good, you should be very very very cautious about wholesale change.
  11. What is the percentage of credible opposition parties? 0%.
  12. Hey, if you say someone is a party to extortion, you've got to back it up or pay up. I'd be suing too. I'd like to see more politicans held to account when they start talking out of their assholes.
  13. Romney is what the Americans need right now, a guy with an economic focus and some serious progressive ideas on tax reform and even, god forbid, increasing health coverage in Massachusetts. All that matters to the US right now is economy, and McCain is vastly underqualified in that regard. They don't need another war president. They need a person with business sense and practicality.
  14. Just pay at the pump. It's way more secure than using your credit card inside. It's harder to tamper with a gas pump than with a little CC machine in the shop. I'm really suprised there hasn't been a move for gas stations to get rid of their people and just have full automation. For those in Calgary, I noticed that there is an ESSO over by 52nd and Memorial that is completely unattended, pay at the pump only. It's the way it will be in the future. Even my 70 year old grandparents pay at the pump after I explained how much more secure it is, and they are far from tech savvy. It will happen sooner or later, and you might as well get used to it now.
  15. If there is a market for it, go for it. But I sure as hell shouldn't have to pay.
  16. Is it just the black kids that can't play fair in the sandbox? Why aren't we having cries for Chinese schools or Thai schools? Why does the black community feel like it can't integrate? It's obvious that many minorities have integrated just fine into western culture.
  17. Yes. It's okay. The vast majority are terrorists after they democratically chose Hamas as their leadership. If you vote for terrorists, expect to be treated like one. No sympathy.
  18. And so it's fully owned by the Goverment of Canada. Done and done. -- Not another one of these threads... stuff like this is good evidence of mandatory economics courses for all university grads. Fictional English and Philosophy is required for business majors but the looney's need not learn a thing about reality. And hence we get threads like this. Sad.
  19. I couldn't disagree more. Without it, the U.S. market would be in even worse shape than it is now. No one is willing to invest in a company where management doesn't take any responsibility.
  20. That's great. Nearly the greatest thing I've ever seen.
  21. Where would we be financially if we kept the Kelowna accord that you so strongly supported?
  22. Seems to me that you'd rather just pick and choose for your desired social engineering outcomes. Realistically, that's bullshit. A family of two earners saves lots by only have one mortgage, one cable bill, ect. ect.. So they have more ability to pay than a single at the same income level IMO. Not that it should matter. That's one way to do it. GST is kind of regressive though IMO, especially if it were at that level. It would be a tax that falls nearly 100% on the middle class. I think an individual flat income tax is a better way to look at it. Why do you need to ensure that? You then believe that rich people must give money to poor people? Why? What's your basis for that? Are people not entitled to what they earn? I think Cuba operates on your desired system, where everyone is equal. Unforunately, it's resulted in a system where everyone is equally dirt poor. Whaa??
  23. I certainly hope no person in our military actually would give their life for the Queen. It's all a big joke anyways.
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