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ron Young

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Everything posted by ron Young

  1. Dude you were barely worth what I already typed lol. Get over yourself sparky.
  2. https://ciec-ccie.parl.gc.ca/en/news-nouvelles/Pages/NR05112021-2.aspx
  3. Ummmmmm ok it's pretty clear you already have an agenda with regards to me. Let's get a few things straight. Not a fan of Trudeau. My job? We haven't even discussed terms of employment. Btw you can't afford me. You post lies that you cannot possibly substantiate beyond partisan media links. Of course you wouldn't value my opinion. My opinion is that you are a dishonest partisan hack who deep down inside doesn't give a toss about Canada or Canadians. Or at least those that don't share your narrow views on society. That my slow to dull friend is based soley on what you write here on this forum.
  4. Canada is now vaccinating at warp speed. Slightly ahead of predictions and modeling.
  5. I know I'm right. That's why I called you out for being wrong. Now you want to get all pissy about it? Wtf is that? " Superior leftist attitude" is that what you call being right? News flash sparky I am not a liberal or a leftist as you say lol. In fact I don't even like Justin Trudeau. What I am is intelligent enough to be honest and act with integrity. Not to worry kitten I rather enjoy proving you wrong I think I'll stick around for a while I suspect there will be ample opportunity in future.
  6. So what do you think he has been doing since he was a bay st lawyer lol? Otoole is inefectual because he is incompetent plain and simple.
  7. How old are you man? Do you act this immature in real life or is this just an online personna? It's any wonder nobody takes a damn thing you write seriously. It's the blatant lack of credability and integrity. Perhaps some growing up is in order 'eh kitten.
  8. No he did not. As per ethics investigation findings and report. You may want to read it. The rest of what you wrote is partisan hackery. I'm being kind when using that description. What actually happened to your integrity? I'm genuinly curious to know when, where and how you lost it.
  9. We could debate the merits of taxation on societal measures for a week. However you aren't going to ever give in to critical thought, nuance or the public good. So why on earth would I try. I've been lurking on these forums for years. Has your MO of squacking about the evils of lefty liberals changed in the number of years you have been posting here? Didn't think so lol. It isn't debate you are after at all. Try some honesty and integrity.
  10. But it wasn't me who accused the current government of doing nothing for vets. How dare you sit there and tell me and everyone else who cares to read your drivel what I give a sweet fork about. We can all agree that more needs to be done but pushing a narrative that took literally 2 seconds to disprove is both irresponsible and counterproductive. Isn't that embarassing to you?
  11. What is there to discuss? It doesn't matter what I tell you or show you does it? You have it all figured out already and all you really want is confirmation or confrontation.
  12. No truth in that statement at all.
  13. Really? I see lot's of beautifull women everyday. You know what doesn't happen though? Sexual assault.
  14. Really? https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng How about the veterens affairs offices reopening? Can we do more? Of course? Does your analysis of the situation refect reality? Nope. Does it do anything to alleviate any vets who may be suffering? Nope? Is it indeed not really about the vets but more to do with your personal opinion? Absolutley. That is my whole point. When you look for info that confirms your biased opinion you can always find it. Toss in a good portion of anger and viola.
  15. You can read and watch that garbage without using it as source material. You can even form some convoluted opinions based on material you never publish as a source. Perhaps that is what conservatives are missing? The ability to recognize any nuance whatsoever.... Do I owe you something? LoL get over yourself man you aint worth the effort beyond calling out your bullshite
  16. That makes about as much sense as a paper bag full of hammers. Seems like an awfull lot of words just to say nothing lol. Would have been easier just to you know explain who the f this" we " is you spoke of?
  17. Awwwe yes the old tired "woke" trope. Don't you folks ever get tired of being unwoke?
  18. Ummmmm your views are anything but worldy. Learning comes from many differant sources if you let it. Railing against the evils of immigrant children in school could most certainly be considered a diatribe. Me calling it out as such quite honestly can't be.
  19. No it isn't really. Since you know they will be running the place in a few short years. Our children learn our history and thanks to immigrant children they may also get to learn a new perspective on that history. Hey it is a free country you can feel free to stay dumb.
  20. You mean like folks do for our current PM and his father? Who tf is we?
  21. If that is your idea of hard work it's faulty. That's it man. Bust out some retarded conspiracy theory to make everyone take you seriously. Are you ok? Like mentally speaking? You need me to call someone?
  22. That might just be the most ignorant diatribe I have read on this site in quite some time. My kids all learned a great deal from the kids in their classes from other countries. Then again they get their open mind from both parents. What actually happened to you?
  23. You didn't type that with a straight face did you? LoL.
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