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ron Young

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Everything posted by ron Young

  1. Bingo On Guard....That is exactly what happened. What bothers me is if you have to be that calculated just to stay elected the prize must be worth your soul as a human being.
  2. Well I guess the efforts of a very few who desire to demonize anything Muslim have born fruit. We are officially afraid of a woman with her face covered. What's next? I'll tell you these teenagers wearing different colored socks are looking pretty scary these days and lets not even mention the amount of actual butt crack being paraded around our society today. Can we ban that?
  3. Of course it should be legal for recreational, medical and industrial uses. Now that its legality is fully politicized we are going to continue shelling out an unbelievable amount of tax money to determine the answer to something that should have never been a question in the first place. Oh the complete and utter stupidity of these elected and wanna be elected miscreants in Ottawa astounds me and outta astound you as well.
  4. Funny how it all plays out. We go into someone else's yard armed to the teeth, participate in destroying their way of life so we can continue driving SUV's and pick up trucks and now we need new legislation to protect us against their anger and or perceived wrath. The security of this Country and its citizens is being used as a political weapon by every politician both for and against this latest piece of legislation. It may be a simplistic view of what is happening on my part in the world post 9/11 but I think a little simplicity is exactly what we Canadians need. Simply replace politicians with real people who lack vested interest and we can fix things I mean really the elitist garbage that hold the power will never do what is right for the majority of Canadians. Until we come to this realization as a people we are stuck with what we have whether it be Conservative, Liberal, NDP, Green. When in power they are all the same to me. To me our government fits at least one of the definitions of the word radical.
  5. nope nothing wrong with the numbers. Just wondering why since they are 2 differant social issues unless we are strictly talking about gun violence involving drug abuse. As stated earlier guns should be registered because by design they kill. Thats their purpose. Thats what they do. That is all I am suggesting nothing else. Not at all but the cash we are flushing down the toilet is pretty hurtfull. Not too mention the added costs of destroying all of the information gathered over the life of the LGR. Against the advice of the chiefs of police in this country. Yes the basic math seems to show you are twice as likely to die in the US from a gunshot than in Canada. My purpose was to demonstrate how lack of gun control leads to more deaths by gunshots it appears as though you have helped me with this. Thank you. Look bottom line is I am not against gun ownership, shooting sports or even carrying concealed weapons. In an advanced society the people we hire to protect us should know where those weapons are. Thats my only argument. For the government of the day to decide that is not something they want then enact legislation to not just end it but end it for all time and destroy all data associated with it to me is absolutley assanine, irresponsible and speaks volumes about said government. Furthermore I still fail to see any valid reason not to register a weapon that has the potential to snuff out human life since we have already demonstrated the need to register, insure, license other less harmful but also potentially deadly things. It makes the gun owners look like little babies who are crying over some paperwork...It just looks juvinile to the rest of us.
  6. Oh so you are actually using the 2 numbers are part of your argument..I see. Well no I don't but I doubt that matters. I'm not really worried about gun safety at all. As I don't own any. Neither am I scared of guns having had the occasion to fire a few weapons over the course of my 43 years I could almost say I actually enjoyed it somewhat. Maybe its the fact that I never shot at anything live....Anyway next. Yes it is a hobby...much like snowmobiling, motorcycling, boating, fishing, hunting....all of which require various levels of govt red tape to do legally.....None of which have the distinction of being designed to do one thing and one thing only and thats kill....That is reserved for your precious guns......Putting restrictions on private firearms ownership is just a no brainer to me. Grabbed this from the NRA website: "Firearms are the second leading cause of traumatic death related to a consumer product in the United States and are the second most frequent cause of death overall for Americans ages 15 to 24. Since 1960, more than a million Americans have died in firearm suicides, homicides, and unintentional injuries. In 2003 alone, 30,136 Americans died by gunfire: 16,907 in firearm suicides, 11,920 in firearm homicides, 730 in unintentional shootings, and 232 in firearm deaths of unknown intent, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Nearly three times that number are treated in emergency rooms each year for nonfatal firearm injuries. " I guess admitting the obvious is just so uninformed and un intelligent.
  7. speaking only from experience. all 3 of my kids went to half day kindergarten. If the only reason to have full day kindergaten is for daycare then I say no way scrap it....However if it can be proven to be beneficial to the education of our kids then I say keep it. Seems a pretty simple question to answer. No matter what the costs of education is,,, Ignorance is always more expensive.
  8. And people wonder why dismantling this useless body of overpaid underworked sychophants is a good idea....WoW seems like a no brainer to me. Oh and just so the record is clear I see no differance between liberals, conservatives at this level of politics. They do the exact same things.
  9. From 1970 to 1996 37,399 individuals perished in Canada from firearms. 47,000 deaths annually attibuted to drug abuse. Yes thats me. Seems pretty common sense stuff....IMHO..... I mean you offer it up like my ideas are bad but yet give nothing in the way of solutions yourself. Or even have the guts to say what is so bad about registering a gun. My whole argument is its a pretty simple task yet gun owners act like they are being made to offer up their first born or something. I too see a trend developing.....no ideas or gumption yourself so you just pick apart everyone elses ideas in the feeble attempt to look intelligent.
  10. This old argument always makes me laugh. Yes all of those things can be used as weapons. So can a bowl of chicken soup. We get it. However out of them all only one thing is made with one purpose in mind. Can you pick it out? The likelyhood of you refusing to point out the obvious allows me to do it for you...Guns...Yes I know its probably a pain in the ass...But to make such a crying stink over something that amounts to be a pain in the ass for gun owners certainly says something about said owners. At least that is my humble opinion. The need to register something that has been purpose built to kill is just a no brainer to me.
  11. How else are they going to fill the new jails?
  12. I blame the unions for never being satisfied until the plant is closed. I blame the company for being cut throat. I blame the workers for paying their union to screw them over for life. When is enough really enough??? If we didn't live beyond our means we certainly wouldn't need to be making 34/38 bux an hour....LOL. Surprised it actually took this long.....Workers in Illinois are just salivating for 16 an hour.
  13. To be completley honest I don't know....Would need to see first hand what the heck is really going on. Main Stream media is not to be trusted in its current state. We certainly can't trust those people and organizations with vested intereste in the status quo. So what is really going on over there? What I do know is that we are only being shown and told what the military machine wants us to see and know and that we have been lied too. So how do you base an opinion on lies?
  14. Here is where the problem is.....Of course there are segmetns of any population that doesn't want us in their country under our current system and methods of doings things. As I said we need to do things in a differant way all together. Since I've removed the money from politics with it went the traditional reasons western powers invade sovereign countries. The Bad guys you are referring too don't want us there due to our American Style tactics we have adopted throughout this conflict. Look at any good documentary about the occupation of Afghanastan and its pretty easy to understand why there is a segment that wants us out. CIA/Drug Dealing American Culture Exporting Occupation...Not to mention the Private defense security contractors which in some areas outnumber the actual soldiers. We are doing nothing differant than was done in Iraq. To me its assinine to axpect diffferant results from the same tactics. They do not work. If we were truly there to help the actual people I have a very difficult time believeing they would be shooting us or hanging us from bridges as one poster suggested......Those fears are striaght outta the bullshit media propaganda machine....We have been indoctrinated and spoonfed bullshit for so long we are now believing it. Your a human being right....If you were hungry and being oppressed by psychopathic leaders and a foreighn soldier came and fed you and stood between you and the psychopathic dictator that wants to torture and kill you.....Your telling me you would be planting IED's or shooting RPG's at them? That makes no sense at all to me. Of course we will get more of the same if we give more of the same....My idea is to change tactics alltogether. which by nature will produce differant results. Any clearer?
  15. I see a very clear diferance between killing bad guys for the morality of it and killing for oil. Peacekeeping is peacekeeping it can't be anything other than peacekeeping to me. What part of my message needs refining?
  16. I have no political desires and you are mincing words so your statement is unfair. If that viewpoint is that its ok to kill, enslave and starve your own countrymen for political or monetary gains then my answer would be yes I have no problem with killing them...They are cold blooded killers.
  17. As I stated I have no problem killing the killers. Our so called intelligence agencies know who they are because they likely put them in power in the first place.
  18. As a matter of fact yes. Your statement is precisely why we need to change. Its hard to help people when you are blowing up their shit and killing their families. If someone dropped bombs on my home I wouldn't care what color the helmet was I'd be learning how to make IAD's For every action there is an equal reaction...There is no getting around that..... Seems to me the old treat people as you would have them treat you is actually pretty accurate. We blow up their shit they blow up our shit...its a perpetual circle of wrongness no matter how you look at it.
  19. Congratulations that is exactly how they want you to think. It is really a simple change I'm not sure why you would think it is pie in the sky. Regardless of how unlikely it is I know I'm right about it. it is the only solution to the problems we experience with our current system. It seemed impossible to put men on the moon or fly or drive a car over 600 mph but we did it.
  20. Simple instead of search and destroy it is search and help or search and feed or search and protect. Instead of an aggresive nature of deployment we are now the worlds good guys...just like it used to be.
  21. I'll take some liberty with the OP's question. First I would need complete and utter control of every aspect of government activities. Which we all know can never happen. So say it does. Heres my list: #1 Completley remove money from politics. Lobbiests are gone, Ideas and policies survive totally on their merit and not how much money is thrown at an issue or campaign. How much proof do we need that money corrupts politics? We see it, hear it, read it everyday of our lives, and yet we just accpet it, perpetuate it. #2 Political patronage is made illegal. Pretty simple when you really think about it. No more appointments of any kind by any government official. We have the technology to elect everyone. #3 Abolish all political parties, WoW I know it sounds outlandish and reeks of dictatorship. We would certainly have to give all Canadians a voice wouldn't we? A system that address's issues by which each citizen can log in and cast a vote. The levels of technology are certainly there already. Keeping the money out of it would allow us to be completley democratic on every issue. Our political party system divides us more than anything else. #4 Abolish the senate, Send them home with the same pension every other average Canadian will get. They are already wealthy people who if carefull can certainly eek out a comfortable existance for the rest of their lives without too much trouble. #5 Stand the military down, bring home, debrief, retrain, redeploy as peacekeepers/world helpers in situations evaluated for urgency and available resources. This means when we know there is a million starving people in Beakfart, Africa(fictional name) we go there and we feed that million. Then we show them how to feed themselves. When we know a group of people are systematicly killing an entire ethnicity we go there and put our soldiers between the killers and the killees. Sometimes we are going to have to kill the killers and I'm all for it. Our military is fast becoming the little sister to the U.S. Military Machine. That must be stopped at all costs. #6 Voting is now mandatory. You don't Vote you leave the country within 72 hours.....PERIOD. Little extreme yes but how else do we have a truly democratic system? Start over with a system that truly represents a majority. As stated above we have the technology to vote on hundreds if not thousands of issues. costly you say...yes it is under our current system it is, but that is outdated and just plain stupid and riddled with wasteful practices that drive up the cost of performing the actual task at hand....Collecting the vote. Representatives are elected from regions whose job it is to represent the majority of people in their region. They make a fair salary and are expected to live just like the majority of other Canadians do. I'm well aware my ideas have some holes and I'm happy to have them pointed out all I ask is that it is done in a polite manner.
  22. I'd rather fix the inequalities that exist right here in Canada than worry about whether a woman in another country can drive an automobile or not. Sooner or later each country must be responsible for fixing their own problems from within. We must lead by example and know that you can lead a horse to water but making him/her drink is up to themselves.
  23. The Caterpiller coprporation like most other big corporations put money and profits above and before human life. With that knowledge I support nothing they do to those ends. If it were up to me I'd make them pay dearly for every life or home that has been destroyed with their products before they could even operate in this country.
  24. I see no differance between conservative/ Liberal politicians or governments. Their actions and decisions are based soley on money and the perpetual feeding frenzy of the trough.
  25. The differance between right and wrong is always a dollar sign.
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