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Everything posted by PIK

  1. I hear now they want all RCMP officers patrolling the trans canada should be fully bilingual. Soon only quebecers will be able to get a good job in canada.
  2. Got pulled out of the line in washington and got my junk touched, so if I want to go back I will have to put up with it or do not go back, we all have a choice.
  3. And it is about fucking time, it seemed it was always us that has to change to keep everyone else happy.
  4. Thank god for harper, one thing is for sure if the libs were in power we would not own any C-17's which we were able to fly with stopping at the UAE, Which means they would have had us over a barrel and the libs for sure would have sold us out. And I would not doubt it they would have no matter what so they would not offend them.
  5. I gave up listening to him along time ago. I also question his so called abduction over there.
  6. When you have a idiot for a leader and no ideas on what to do with the country, the hidden adgenda does not work anymore, what else is there to do but attack the family and so what if there is trouble , so are most marriages, so attack harper on it, is attacking most of the country , thanks for the majority.
  7. Did the liberals that ran for the leadership ever pay back the money they owed, I know election canada kept changing the date , which right there I lost all respect for them.
  8. 1st of all the cons have spent 3 times the amout on it then the libs did, and the biggest problem with the libs is ,they throw money at something then forget about it,does not matter if it works or not but it makes them feel good. One thing about the cons ,they are not afraid to say something is not working and try to fix it. Just like when people scream about cutting some women support groups, again the cons put more money towards it and then got rid of the ones that were'nt doing anything. That is called good goverment.
  9. There will always be little things like this, but smart canadians know that the left is done,tired, has no ideas what to do and spend all their time trying to dig up a scandal here or there and they just can't do it, why because no party is going to be as corrupt as the liberals. Your elitist ways no longer go over with canadians, and till you change and I mean big change all the old liberal guard has to be shown the door and bring in some new blood like the cons did, and get your party going. I am a con ,but believe for the good of the country we need 2 strong parties, just like when the cons were down to nothing the libs went nuts and tried to steal everything that was not tied down.
  10. So what I got out of this , is I am against the killing of animals for food and clothing, but if someone else does the killing ,you have no problem eating or wearing animal products. So I take it you are for making it illegal to fish with barbed hooks?
  11. So william , do you check under the bed every nite to see if the evil one is under there.
  12. In my small town we are losing doctors fast. I was lucky and got a new female doctor. It turns out our old doctors have 1200-1500 people to see, the new ones here are cutting off at 400 and my new doctor in the 3 years I have had her has been pregnant twice and only works mornings.
  13. He has a few differenr names but lennon is not one of them.
  14. Really I condemn assholes like you that take these losers and make a god out of them and there is only one god and I would bet his name is not john lennon. You and many got taken by a snake oil salesmen.
  15. Fuck john lennon, I work for a living and work hard. Kill brown people, lets remember who got us into this war , but lets get back to your god lennon, like I said he was nothing but a drug addict, that was probably responsible for others screwing thier live up, world fucking peace ,give ne a break ,we have never had world peace nor will we ever, we are humans ,either making war or conning people. Sure lennon produce some good music and thank god he could or otherwise he would be living on the streets ,but he had losers like you to make him rich and keep those drugs flowing. No wonder your view of the world is so screwed, how much a a brain do you have left.
  16. You are right lennon and harper are different, harper is not a drug addict, or a con man, so what if lennon could play music or write songs, he suck you in and made a pile of money doing it. And his little charade in bed naked with his ho, and talk about world peace and again the idiots fell for it. People were saying if lennon were alive would the world be different , not one bit except lennon would just be a little more richer and still acting like a fool.
  17. This is real peacekeeping and as long as we are there , more peole get educated, the better it will be in the future. If we all left now the country would go right back to where it was and every person that helped out NATO would be rounded up with thier families and killed. Sorry but we canadians do not leave peole in the lurch like that agfter all we have done over there.NATO leaves afghan people to fend for themselves, families wipe out , now that would be a great headline in the papers. I can't get over how many people would sell their soul just to disgree with harper.Go and tell a soldier he being used and disrespected and see what happens to you.
  18. When in jail or dead ,you are no longer committing crime.
  19. Don't lie you were not going to vote for him. With all this crying about what happened and about it never happening before, well iggy whipping a private members vote was also the 1st time it ever happen,so enough of the fake rage.
  20. And for the people that are going to say what about the 5 soldiers in pembroke that won't have any place to go, well pembroke is maybe 1/2 hour from the base.
  21. Why does the left feel it needs to throw everybody out of work and make life unaffordable for most over 2 fucking % of emmisions. Don't you people realize how stupid you sound, you can take canada right off the map and nothing in the world will change. Lets just clean up real polution, which IMO is being forgotten about since everybody got on the Al ( make me stinking rich) Gore train.
  22. http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2010/11/17/terry-glavin-canada-re-joins-the-adults-in-afghanistan/#ixzz15ZZ1eSGz
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