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Status Replies posted by Argus

  1. LeBron back to Cleveland? It could happen!

  2. Despite their swaggering bravado in claiming to "support the troops", Harper Conservatives have reduced defence spending to just 1% of GDP — the lowest level in Canadian history!

  3. Welcome Americans, Mexicans, Somalis and Sri Lankans! Get your free health care in Canada! Just step off the plane, say the magic word REFUGEE and you'll be treated for all your ailments courtesy of the Canadian taxpayer!

  4. Some woman wants to marry Paul Bernardo. Can't evolution handle this somehow?

  5. Some woman wants to marry Paul Bernardo. Can't evolution handle this somehow?

  6. I'm shocked no one cares that a Canadian Tennis player has made 3 consecutive Grand Slam Semis. GO GENIE!

  7. Canadian Military Chief is complaining that military cutbacks will hurt military readiness. If I had it my way, I would cut military spending by 50% and lay off the first cry baby that complained! Useless good for nothing war pigs!

  8. I think socialist and monty are the same person.

  9. Is currently watching people tearing up his basement carpet and underpad so they can clean up the water from the small flood the rain caused. :-P

  10. Supreme Court rules in favour of union over Jonquiere Walmart closure.

  11. Is currently watching people tearing up his basement carpet and underpad so they can clean up the water from the small flood the rain caused. :-P

  12. May 2014 was the hottest May ever globally, beating 2010. -NOAA

  13. Ontario teachers give BCTF brothers and sisters $1 million. Great show of solidarity. We know what we are up against. http://www.cknw.com/2014/06/19/ontario-teachers/

  14. Religious-based schools should not be able to provide diplomas or credentials for any reason. Not elementary schools, not high schools and not universities. If you want your children to attend these, fine. But they will have no credentials if they do. It's time to stop the brainwashing and discrimination. Christian, Muslim or whatever.

  15. Islamic group in Middle East determined to establish a new Caliphate and institute Sharia Law. I know, I know, shocker huh?

  16. Has finally given up hope and is cutting down his apple tree. Damn you, winter!

  17. Rotating teacher strikes begin in BC today. Too bad the liberal government has forced this to happen.

  18. Hudak's own daughter has special educational needs and has benefited greatly from nursing care, yet he wants to gut those public services. I wonder if he'd feel differently were he not an elitist with sizable personal wealth...

  19. Back after a lovely week in Washington state!

  20. Back after a lovely week in Washington state!

  21. just bought a treadmill so he can work hard while accomplishing nothing and getting nowhere. Gee, it'll be like working for the government again!

  22. Back after a lovely week in Washington state!

  23. just bought a treadmill so he can work hard while accomplishing nothing and getting nowhere. Gee, it'll be like working for the government again!

  24. just bought a treadmill so he can work hard while accomplishing nothing and getting nowhere. Gee, it'll be like working for the government again!

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