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Everything posted by 85RZ500

  1. The party in power will be blamed if the economy tanks. But lets get real here. One of the major contributors to the state we're in was the ratcheting up of the price of oil. Fuel went up in lockstep therby reducing the disposable income of the average worker. The ripple efffects were the increases in the costs of transporting goods which in most cases were passed on to the consumer. All this at a time of job losses, those with jobs getting pitifull raises if at all and the clawback of benefits, another reduction in disposible income. If gas goes back up to the high point, all the stimulus in the world won't change a thing.
  2. Actually that's #2, and their cable guy premier is working on the other 4 to join the club. Atta go Danny, your ABC fiasco seems to be backfiring. But Quebec is in the same situation tho' the Bloc is already to vote it down. Now what O arrogant Iggy, two provinces have stated they're are being treated unfarily by the budget which flys against the terms of your ammendment. Grow a spine, and vote the budget down, we dare you.
  3. Hey, they haven't voted on the Liberal budget ammendments yet, I'd wait `till that's overwith. The NDP are fielding attack adds, at Ignatief! The cable guy from NL is saying that their few Liberal MP's are going to vote against the budget This should be fun.
  4. Don't hold your breath. I found it odd that Jay Hill was on the tube right after the ammendment motion was tabled saying that the Conservatives were OK with the terms of the ammendment. No" we'll look it over and call you in the morning", a right now OK was what he said. Now why would anybody with a spine take the crap that Ignatief unloaded and just say OK. Could it be that the wording of the Liberal ammendment is going to backfire on them. One of the conditions is that all Canadians are being treated fairly and equally. Williams from Newfoudland is telling Ignatief to vote the budget down because of how the budget treats his province, Quebec is complaining too. This could get interesting, it ain't over yet.
  5. I'm not disappointed in him, I knew he was a jerk the first time I laid eyes on him and heard his babble. I watched him present the Liberal ammendment motion. He was insulting, pure arrogance and ignorance. He talked to the government like they were his students, the man is bloody offensive. But here's the best part, 2 minutes after the cameras left the house, they had Jay Hill on camera. He said the Conservatives were OK with the Liberal demands. Ha' part of the ammendment says that all parts of Canada must be treated equally. The cable guy from Newfoundland is already telling the Liberals to vote the budget down because it shortchanges them on the transfers. I hear Quebec is in the same boat. So if the two provinces say they're not being treated equally, Ignatief cannot support the budget and must, by his own words, vote it down. Stay tuned, the intellect drop-in may cook his own goose yet.
  6. Ignatief has given the Tories instructions to deliver three report cards on specific dates during this year. Ever the professor, arrogant and aloof. If I was Harper I'd roll the dice, Go ahead lead the country with the socialist and the separatist, I'll sit back and watch the implosion.
  7. I tried it once and was unimpressed, rather sit back with a good shot of Goslings Black Seal. But hey, if it loses weight stops/cures cancer and makes you happy, what store sells the stuff? Oh wait, its ingesting smoke and there are scads of people who say that's bad for you. They have groups and organizations that back them up. They only mention tobacco however, mabye thats`cause they're all whacked on weed.
  8. Your man Michael! what a laugh. The arrogant sot is now saying the Tories will have to make accomodating changes, but in the game of politics that's anticipated and planned for. He ought not to send an e-mail to me, I'll tell him how I really feel. Did you sign your love letter "Progressive Tory"?
  9. Talk about shooting themselves in the foot. Obama has started the green ball rolling with new rules for the auto industry. It's scary when a politician who knows zip about the auto world starts making the rules. I'm amazed that the oil people let the prices escalate to their stratospheric levels. That simply spurs on the greenies to jump on the auto industry which will lessen the need for oil. Cheap oil/gas will put more disposable income in the consumers pockets while most likely correcting the spike in the cost of consumer goods brought on by higher transportation costs. C'mon OPEC, open the tap some more.
  10. Hypocrisy? I still remember that loud mouthed Liberal asst. PM yelling"we will protect the original meaning of marriage until hell freezes over". My old party, the Liberals, set new standards in hypocrisy, you could say they re-wrote the book.
  11. AW c'mon, with those choices? LOL, Harper is the true Canadian, Ignatief is a part-timer. And the real choice is between the two of them
  12. Not sure on the spelling but Bev Desjalais was her name. What little respect I had for Layton went up in smoke after that. That was supposed to be a free vote in the house, Layton pulled that off and Martin handcuffed the moron Liberal cabinet and forced them to vote for it.
  13. More news today re the content of the budget that's to be tabled Tuesday. Ignatief and co' are upset how the news is being handed out. He was just speaking to the Canadian Club , rattling the coalition sabre and dissing the proposed deficit. But what really galls me is the way he talks about this country, "his country". If he loves it so much, why did he spend most of his working life out of it. Not good enough to live and work in, but just dandy to drop in to a 6-figure retirement package in politics, the Canadian of Convenience. Now Harper has been saying that the budget is just what the Liberals asked for. Ignatief is saying the opposite, big time. I see a setup in the works, and possibly a coalition led by three people from decidedly different planets.
  14. There's a few people on there I don't know, the ones I do, I have no use for.
  15. Some of us think that they're the problem.
  16. Mr.C, just watched the BofC guru in the news. "`08 will be tough but `09 will see a turnaround". Ah, there's a flaw. The high cost of fuel and it's ripple effect is a large part of the reason for today's economic woes. The masses have less disposable income to play with, their purchasing power is diminished. The economy slows down. All we need is for the brokers/investors/speculators to start playing their games again and the status quo will remain.
  17. Yep, he still waves the coalition around and has stated he and his party would reinstate Khadr into Canadian society, both immensely unpopular. Keep quiet "Stephen", if Ignatief carry's on like this, you'll have nothing to worry about.
  18. PT, why all the yelling? And to say that the MP's ,especially those so deep in PQ society were't aware of the Adscam fiasco is naive at best.
  19. I'm not a big fan of handouts to corporations that have been so thoroughly mismanaged, or to those in the public trough. But a few short weeks ago everybody had their hand out and the opposition and province's said stimulate!, stimulate!, stimulate!. So now, here's the plan. Don't like it? call an election, bring it on.
  20. Ignatief was on the news yesterday saying Khadr should be returned into Canadian society. That's the kind of bilge he and the Liebarrels , and the Dippers, are spoutiing. Let the US follow thru with their system, if he gets another 20yrs, so be it.
  21. Yep, he sure is a piece of work. He and his wife got caught living in subsidized housing. He has used private health care while expousing the opposite. He forced his people to vote his way when it was a free vote. And kicked Bev Desjalaise out of the party when she refused to vote his way. LOL, PT your credibility just hit the dumpster,
  22. Hm, Obama has his own people to pacify. We can wonder how an American feels about someone old enough to know better grenadeing one of their soldiers, a medic no less. Different avenues of US justice have been hinted at, I wouldn't put the traitor on a plane bound for Canada just yet. And did you hear Ignatief whining about it in the news yesterday, he wants Khadr put back into Canadian society. How popular is that? With that little gem and his hinting at possibly using the coalition, Harper is wise to sit back and let this fool shoot his mouth off.
  23. Hey now, did you read the inquiry documents? This and other threads have peaked my interest. Dollars to donuts they don't have any witness's to the alleged torture. Got some reading to do.
  24. C'mon Steve, you can whip up a budget that we would like and the coalition wouldn't. Let them take charge. The NDP with 6 of their finest on the front row, the Bloc with the veto. Beautifull, these three idiots would tear each other apart. And I can just hear Igg, "now, now, class, be good boys". Bring it on.
  25. CB, he didn't just attempt it, he grenaded a medic and an close ally at that. Who knows what he was doing just before that. Yes it is treason and the reason I will never support his return. He and his family should be outta here, they're simply Canadians Of Convenience.
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