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Everything posted by maple_leafs182

  1. You are wrong. The fed is the enabler to large US fiscal policies. The Fed continues to pump money into banks, a lot of that money is going into US bonds, if the Fed did not do that then the US government would be forced to change its fiscal policies.
  2. The US is already at a 16% unemployment rate. Bailing out those companies out didn't solve any problems. At least if we let the companies fail we could of got rid of all the bad debt. It would be 3 years later, we may of been back to growth instead of continuing to have a teetering global economy. An interview with Dr. Robert Shapiro who is an adviser to the IMF says that if Greece isn't bailed out then there could be a crisis worse then 08'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsXg_kn-vYY&feature=feedu All these bail outs have done to solve our problem is a temporary fix, we kicked the can down the road and made the problems larger. The people are protesting wall street, wall street is the financial sector, they are protesting the financial sector...the financial sector is the problem, not the corporations. You guys have to start looking at monetary policy...the reason these corporations are so large and are goblin up all the wealth is because we give them easy access to capitol. We favour them over other the little guys, if they make bad bets we bail them out and take on the debt. This isn't a left vs right issue, this is an up vs down issue.
  3. We don't live in a capitalistic society...if we did then GM, Chrysler, Goldman Sachs and a bunch of other companies would be nothing but a distant memory, this isn't capitalism. I have no idea why you guys refuse to look at the monetary system, it has such a huge impact on our society.
  4. It isn't that corporations are bad it is that they are too large and hold too much influence over our lives. If we had something like sound money which limits the amount of credit available in the market then these corporation could not get so large. We virtually have oligopolies in every sector of the economy that stifles competition which inhibits innovation.
  5. I don't follow Wages never keep up with price inflation. I remember 5 years ago when I first got my licence gas was 70 cents a litre, now it is hovering at 120 cents a litre. My wages did not increase that much over the same period of time. Inflation is a rise in prices that is caused by an expansion of the money supply. Maybe I worded that statement poorly. When the costs of production rises, the corporations pass those extra costs onto the consumer. As a result the corporations take in a larger sum of money from the consumers which increases their profits which leads to higher dividends to be payed out. It is sort of trickery though, those dollars are worth less so it doesn't actually lead to growth, it is more of an illusion of growth. Does that make sense at all? The end result is us losing our purchasing power.
  6. Perhaps. I think unions really need to step up and take more control. Some of these CEO salaries are ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it is a perfect solution and I am sure unions can become corrupt but it still puts power back into the hands of the workers. If you are a multi millionaire or billionaire, does it really matter if gas goes up 6 cents a litre. When you are living pay cheque to pay cheque, seeing gas prices and food prices rise hurts you the most. Even if you are slightly better off, having prices rise still diminishes your wealth and the things that benefit are the corporations that then see higher profits.
  7. I don't want the government to redistribute wealth. There are two ways...there is probably more then two way but there are two ways I can think of. First, socialism, not state socialism, there is a difference. The workers need to realize they control the means of production, they need to take control of their work place. This has nothing to do with the government, this is on the people, the workers, they need to better their situation for themselves. Second, I have mentioned this several times before but you guys constantly discredit this notion, we need sound money. We can't continue to use a fiat currency. The inflation associated with fiat currency directly takes the wealth from the middle and lower classes and gives it rich. Inflation is a hidden tax on the people that affects the lower income families the most.
  8. I am not advocating state socialism, I don't believe that is a solution. Look at the wealth gap in the US, it is the largest of any of the industrial nations, why is that? It definitely isn't because of social security or other entitlement programs or a lack of taxes on the rich.
  9. Oh, that clears it up. I still don't understand, saying I am wrong means nothing to me, explain to me why I am wrong.
  10. ...yes, because that is what it means to be a grown up. Many of these people protesting aren't stupid, they aren't protesting because they are bored and have nothing better to do...they have realized the system is flawed, they know that all the money is going to the top of the pyramid and they are getting nothing, this is why they are protesting.
  11. Places like the America were capitalistic countries so the tax code was designed for entrepreneurs. That is why the rich pay very little taxes and companies like GE pay no taxes. Just learn the tax code, that is very important thing to know. Taxing the rich more won't solve any problems. Why not cut the size of the federal government down and tax the poor and middle class less? I said a while ago that we would see protests come to America, I think what we are seeing now is nothing compared to what we will see. It seems that these protests are getting more organized and I think they will eventually move from wall street to the Federal Reserve banks where they should be. Why don't you guys look at the hidden tax of inflation as a problem.
  12. Ya, you are right, it can be done. One thing I would really like to see change is the senate. I think senators should be elected not appointed.
  13. I know not everyone in Quebec wants to separate but there is a large minority that would like to separate from Canada. I would like to replace our current parliamentary system with a constitutional republic system that has limited federal powers. In my opinion the federal government should only do a few things such as maintain sound money for the nation, develop a national defense to be used only in defense not nation building like we do now, possibly health care but I think we could develop a better system then we have now, I know there is more I just can't think of any right now. What I don't want is an authoritative federal government that imposes federal laws and regulations on the provinces, I want the provincial governments to hold the powers of creating laws and regulations.
  14. I don't want decriminalization. In Winnipeg you always hear about problems of gangs, we just had a provincial election yesterday and one of the campaign promises the Tories had was they were going to get hard on crime and gangs. Why not legalize drugs so gangs don't have a multi-billion dollar industry to fund their operations. Even if drug use went up which I am not convinced it would, why do we push this industry into the underground market which inevitably leads to street violence.
  15. How do they react to us having a Queen? I think people in Quebec are more angry about the fact that people who don't live in Quebec have an influence over what policies govern them.
  16. I say we burn the crown to the ground. Lets become a constitutional republic with limited federal powers, I am sure Quebec would be happy with that.
  17. In my opinion that is terrible. I hope that there was sufficient fences and/or signage warning people. It does not matter what nationality you are.
  18. To be fair, America is in a similar position except it has the ability to print money to cover its debt which it is doing. But you are right, that is why I don't like entitlement programs, they are often payed for using debt and there comes a point where the debt needed to fund them becomes unsustainable.
  19. Your president gave the okay to assassinate an American citizen, why are you okay with that? He was not charged, he was not tried. What is to stop Obama from assassinating more US citizens, why does he get to unilaterally decide who gets to live and die. Ron Paul wants people to follow the rule of law. I really don't understand your logic.
  20. That is what we need, that is what the market is calling for, a deflationary depression. I know that sucks but had credit not been so readily available in the 20's there would not of been the first great depression, just like if credit wasn't so readily available prior to the recession there would not of been the recession. This is why I advocate for a gold standard, it limits the amount of debt available in the market. If we want to get the economy growing again we need to let all the bad debt liquidate and let people acquire capital and invest that capitol back into the economy. We need savings to drive the economy, not debt.
  21. As shitty as this might sound, that is the healthiest thing that could happen for our economy. Just shifting around debt from one institution to another won't solve the problem. We need all this bad debt to be liquidated.
  22. Letting all the banks, corporations and governments fail would let us start over new. We keep propping up failed institutions which is preventing us from starting over new.
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