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Everything posted by maple_leafs182

  1. double post by accident.. Ill just add this. What's with mainstream media and all its useless stories. Tiger Woods having an affair is not news.
  2. John F Kennedy was the last true american president in my opinion. He signed executive order 11110 that gave the treasury the right to print government notes backed by silver. In the 5 months from signing this order to his assassination, they printed over 3 billion notes, this could of put the Federal Reserve out of business, after his assassination no president ever used that order. I have some trust in the Kennedy family. did you watch the video? Jim Carey, you know the Canadian actor, he hosted the event. Those 3 agencies are all government agencies, I know some might call it paranoia but I have little trust for the American government. Just like with climategate and global warming, science can be manipulated And Wikipedia isn't a good enough source. Yet again, if fluoride is good for your teeth, sell it separately and don't force everyone to drink it. this is from the consumer health organization of canada "Ozone is tri-atomic oxygen (O3) - it is a highly charged, volatile particle. There is ozone and there is medical ozone, and they are very different. Ozone produced from air is toxic because of the nitrogen oxides, nitrites, nitric acids, sulphur dioxides and other compounds formed. This type of ozone is poisonous. Medical ozone is produced by passing clinical oxygen through high voltage tubes. We use only the cold spark method for medical purposes. This does not produce the poisonous gases, and that is the big difference".
  3. Thanks for the replies, keep em' coming. this post is kinda all over the place... I'll start off with 9/11 In the 30's Hitler staged a false flag terrorist attack on his own parliament(the Reichstag) and blamed it on foreign terrorists. In doing so, he created fear in the people. They willingly started giving up their liberties so Hitler could protect them. Exactly what is happening in America. Ever hear of the Patriot Act? Benjamin Franklin "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety". Hitler "Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death". I would like an explanation to how wtc 7 collapsed at near free fall speed, it was not hit by a plane. If your going to bring down buildings in front of an audience of millions, you probably aren't going to use traditional methods to take it down. the steal columns should of still been erect unless they were cut at the bottom. Why is there so much trust in government, it's like after ww2 happened people can't fathom tyranny in government is possible. We shouldn't use fluoride in our water. If there is some evidence that fluoride is good for your teeth, sell separate fluoride water, don't force the entire population to drink it. We should be using Ozone(O3) to clean our water, like certain cities in Germany do. Drinking ozone too will help kill bacteria for bacteria cannot survive when in contact with oxogen. It's the third oxygen molecule which is unstable that kills the bacteria. For how our new society should look, i would recommend you look up The Venus Project. As our technology evolves so should our society, we have computers, robots, the internet. We should be using these technology to better mankind, not for greed and profit. We should be working to creating automatized farms. Poverty shouldn't exist, we choose for it to exist. There would still be progress in technology, most inventors invent because they have a passion for what there doing, this will continue. Einstein, Tesla, they continued his studies because he had a passion for it. I do not believe people should be entitled to money for creating songs. We have the internet(which should be free to all citizens ) to distribute songs, programs, movies, ect... for free. Copyright and Patents are there for profit reasons. Without money, they would become useless. I understand why in our current society people would want money in return, money buys liberties. Autism and vaccines..I would recomend you looking up Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposing the fraudulent science that covers up the link between the two. I'm sure you guys heard of climate gate, the e-mails that expose the fraud of global warming. This is serious stuff. There is Science, then there is TabaccoScience. It's lies. I still don't understand why the world reserve currency the American Dollar is issued and regulated by the Federal Reserve which is a private company. Something as influential as money should not be in the hands of few. As for this recession, I will have to say it's a lie as well. This is a depression. The economy isn't getting better, have any of you been paying attention to the commercial real estate market in the states, it's doing terrible, look at hotels. This bubble hasn't even burst yet. I'm thinking after the terrible sales that will occur this holiday season, more bankruptcies will occur causing the next collapse in the market. And with all these bailouts and the new healthcare reform that will cost billions, this will all lead to inflation, if not hyperinflation. We should be listening to people like Peter Schiff who predicted the sub prime mortgage collapse years before it happened. He is saying things are going to get worse. and for some more controversy. I mean this is bigger then 9/11 being an inside job. I don't believe Prime Ministers, and Presidents are at the top. The media portrays them as being at the top so the men really at the top are never exposed because they are not accepted to exist. I believe the "Ruling Class" still exists. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, The Builderberg Group. The men behind the curtain. They have an agenda, the New World Order, which is a one world government and a one world financial system. They just have to create problems that will push society towards their agenda. If there is a treaty signed at Copenhagen, it will be the first steps towards a one world government. And if the dollar collapses, which I believe it will, that too will be leading us to a one world financial system. And please, i would love for to be proven wrong on this stuff, so don't be shy. I want a serious debate on this. I am not the only one who thinks this way either.
  4. Let me start this off with I think society is well..stupid. Not the people in society, just society in general. Just giving a warning, I have a radical different view then most, but if we all thought the same, then none of us would really be thinking at all. where do i begin. lets start with the war on drugs. I fail to see any pros to keeping any drug illegal, yes even heroin. You think that we would of learned with alcohol that prohibition doesn't work, guess not. If you want people to stop doing drugs, education is the key. Educate people on the dangers of drugs, and if they still want to do them they should be allowed to. I believe in personal liberties. If someone gets addicted, it should be treated as medical/health problem, not a crime. If society was more open and sympathetic to addicts, they would be more likely to seek help for their addiction. The governments role is not to tell us what we can and cannot do with our bodies. With drugs also comes gangs and gang violence. We made drugs illegal and pushed the market underground. Gangs make a lot of money off selling drugs so I can't see them stopping anytime soon. We are funding gangs by keeping drugs illegal. When two gangs have any disputes, they can't go and solve their problems threw the courts, so they usually turn to violence or other illegal activities to solve the problem. So we're just creating more problems. k, what next...how bout the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I know a lot of you are going to call me crazy for this but it's what I believe. I do believe 9/11 was an inside job. Please if you disagree don't call me stupid, just explain your view. There are many reasons why I think this, but the most obvious is world trade center 7 collapsing. It was not hit by a plane and collapsed at free fall speed. I would encourage people to look up operation northwoods. It was a plan for the CIA to commit acts of terrorism on US cities to create public support to go to war with Cuba in the 60's. Kennedy rejected it. That being said, I think the war in Afghanistan has no merit, neither does the war in Iraq, or the war on terrorism in general. Over a million Iraqis have died since the war started, mostly civilians, and the US is still trying to justify the war. This also leads to a bigger problem, a corrupt US government. Have people not noticed that the US has become fascist. It is no longer a nation ran by and for the people, it is a nation ran by and for the corporations. You think this would be obvious with the recent bailouts. o, i would like o add another thing. How come when someone straps a bomb to their chest and blows them self up and kills people it's considered monstrous and inhumane but when we use missiles to kill people it's not monstrous and inhumane??? Ok, now lets start talking about the economy. It's a giant ponzi scheme. It's designed to get the rich richer. 2% of the worlds population owns over 50% of its wealth...50% of the worlds population lives on less then $5 a day. We've put man on the moon and yet we still haven't solved poverty. Why do people think it's ok for billionaires to fly around in private jets and have every luxury while there is a growing number of people who live on the streets and are constantly looking for food. Is it because money says its okay for that to go down? Money pretty much controls the world, so in theory, if you controlled money, you would control the world, right? Central banks around the world issue and regulate the money supply, central bankers control central banks. So in theory, central bankers control the world. Let me talk about the American dollar because it is the world reserve currency and what happens to the american economy effects the world as we saw with the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Ok, so the federal reserve is America's central bank. It is a private bank. They gave a monopoly of printing money out of thin air to a private corporation, does that sound stupid to anyone else? If america wants money, they have to go threw the federal reserve system, they get their money as a loan at interest from the central bank...and where do they get the money to pay the interest? well from the federal reserve. And if they get there money as a loan, that means money is created out of debt, money=debt, debt=slavery. So much for livin in a free nation, and yes, this is how it works in Canada too, and in England and japan and the EU and many more countries. You know how back in the day, there was a ruling class that rules over the land(kings and emperors). That never left, we just call those people central bankers and corporate leaders now. Isn't it ironic that freedom isn't free. I really don't see the point of money, I think we need to go on a resource based economy. Instead of us all competing, we could work together, i know i know, it sounds crazy...man working together. We would finally solve poverty because well, nobody would be poor because money doesn't exist. We wouldn't need stupid copyright laws or patents, man are those stupid. O yes, H1N1, almost forgot. who got the shot? Please don't tell me the media propaganda got to you. We have to change the way we look at health. We're looking to medicine to get us healthy, medicine has nothing to do with getting healthy. Nutrition is the key to health. Disease is caused when cells are either getting too many toxins or not enough nutrients. If your cells are healthy, you are healthy. Health is a choice. Why do hospitals serve jello and popsicle. We got to get the fluoride out of our water supply because yes, fluoride is a poison, lets use ozone to clean our water instead. We should get rid of preservatives in food, stop consuming aspartame and stop using pesticides. We should be eating food as nature provided it and stop using chemicals, its not natural for our bodies to consume. Back to the vaccines, I know not all vaccines contain thimerosal, but some do. Thimerosal is 49% mercury and has been linked to the autism pandemic. Mercury should not be injected into your body. i feel like im just preaching now. so ill stop. I still got a lot to say but i'll wait to see what you guys have to say. Moderator, if this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it.
  5. k, so you think medicine will make you healthy.. and eating healthy has no role in being healthy. health is a choice.
  6. then watch it stoned. whatever. just watch it
  7. buddy, watch it with an open mind.
  8. k, you're trying to win this debate on technicalities. your missing the whole point.
  9. man, that is just the intro song.
  10. no man, your blinded by your ignorance. this world heading to another world war. I wanna stop it before it happens America is doing exactly what Germany did with Hitler The German people wanted to give up there liberties for security. They wanted Hitler to protect them if you dont study history you are doomed to repeat it. Im sorry, but i find this important. and as for Canada, we're just Austria. We already made it legal for America to deploy troops on canadian soil. Wake up bud. over a million Iraqis have died already. If you think the only way to bring peace in the world is by war. your an idiot.
  11. guys, alex jones isnt a nut We're looking to medicine to make us healthy, medicinal doctors know nothing about getting healthy. You get sick because either you're not getting enough nutrients, or you're getting too many toxins. Health is a choice.
  12. through** bush, you are very ignorant. please watch them people. I'm only trying to help.
  13. why do you think im joking. I'm not. im being dead serious. all im trying to do is free your mind. I don't know if you have seen the matrix. you are like Neo before he gets unplugged. These movies will unplug you.
  14. no whats screwing over mankind. Egos. people have to get passed them. its screwing us all over.
  15. man, your still not getting. just watch them, hell play them in the background while your searching this forum. Forget all you know about life its all a big show and they want control
  16. k, this is passed alex jones. We're living life wrong, materials don't matter. Love is the only thing that does. We need to wake up. There are two ways to live life, threw fear, and threw love. right now, we're living threw fear. We need to wake up. Life doesnt have to be like this, we choose for it to be. the problem is the current system. I swear to you, you will thank me after you watch them.
  17. I know it may be hard to believe but there is a conspiracy. watch both these movies, they are the 2 most important movies ever made. we are doing everything wrong, its time for our society to evolve. The Freedom Movie: A Political Awakening http://www.stoptherobbery.com/wordpress/?page_id=285 The Freedom Movie: A Spiritual Awakening http://www.stoptherobbery.com/wordpress/?page_id=466 Most of us don't even know how to live.
  18. trust me, its important, you have to realize, it doesn't matter what country we are from, we are all one, the human race.
  19. Hey. I think everybody needs to watch these two movies. These are quite literally the two most important movies ever made. These two movies have the answer to every problem. The Freedom Movie: A Political Awakening http://www.stoptherobbery.com/wordpress/?page_id=285 The Freedom Movie 2: A Spiritual Awakening http://www.stoptherobbery.com/wordpress/?page_id=466 You need to watch both. I am not in a cult and this has nothing to do with religion. Why did i post this here. Cause it seems like you people here actually care what's going on in the world. most people just care about themselves. I too care about the fate of mankind. you need to watch them with an open mind. there long, ones 3 hours, and the other is 2 hours long. Everything we are doing is wrong, we need to wake up. This goes beyond politics. Society needs to change. We live in a world were 50% of the population lives on less then 5 dollars a day. and 2% of th population owns 50 percent of the wealth. That right there tells you something is wrong with the system. It keeps the rich rich and the poor poor. and most of the middle class is just watching it all in a daze. Wake up. send the links to as many people as you can.
  20. What's considered abuse? In the Netherlands, where marijuana is legal, there is less use their then any of it's neighboring countries. I wouldn't even buy pot from the store too often. it would be way cheaper to grow...
  21. There u have it, that's a majority right there. So if majority of Canadians support legalization, why isn't it legalized. Who is the government trying to protect by keeping it illegal? kids? education on use and abuse is the answer, not prohibition. Why should the government even have a say in what people should and shouldn't do with there bodies. They're true Marijuana doesn't form a chemical dependence. UCLA did a study proving it doesn't cause cancer- http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/...60526083353.htm And there has been no study that successfully proved marijuana kills brain cells. don't believe me, do the research for yourself.
  22. global warming is not caused by an excess of CO2 in the air. Global warming may be occurring, but it is not caused by man. Obama is just as corrupt as bush, he is not change.
  23. decriminalization isn't good enough, it should be completely legal, there is no good reason for it to be illegal. Keeping it illegal does more harm then good. It's not addictive, doesn't kill brain cells, doesn't cause lung cancer. Its just funding gangs, wastes police resources, ties up the court system with non violent drug offenses....the Canadian government spends 150 million dollars a year on courts for marijuana related charges, only a quarter are for dealers, the rest are for simple possession. The only reason it's illegal is because of the states, why the hell do they have a DEA office in Ottawa, its not their country, get the fuck out. I don't want to have to pay a fine for just having pot on me.
  24. I have a solution, legalize pot so you can all have a hoot and mellow out a bit. Plus it will make millions if not billions to boost our economy.
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