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Everything posted by tango

  1. "Economic class" immigrants are those who come with enough money to set up business to give others jobs. pity likewise. (Good grief! When will these dinosaurs depart! ) So what's really at the root of this tirade? What have 'they' done to you? You seem to have a real personal beef or grief going on. Maybe you should deal with that instead of taking it out on 'the immigrants'?
  2. How did that happen? Seems to me your problem isn't proving the law is wrong, but just proving you didn't break the law.
  3. Thanks marksman. My sentiments exactly. Attitudes and public rudeness like that of our 'Jerry Seinfeld' (who is not as funny as his name would suggest) are the reason some Quebecers would prefer not to associate with Canada. I think one of our real issues in Canada, as far as all of us getting along, is the western attitude of superiority. I never heard anyone in Ontario dis westerners, but when you go there, boy do you hear them dis us! Fact is, those who have those attitudes would like to ditch the rest of the country and sometimes I wish they would just stop whining and do it. However, being Canadians, we'd probably make a caravan to convince them to stay too! I'm not saying the redistribution of taxes across the country is fair as it stands. It likely does need some work. However, those who whine about being a 'have' province should consider the future when they may 'have not'. Natural resources are all on Indigenous land. They do not belong to the provinces. As Indigenous people say "Did you bring that oil with you from Europe?"
  4. "Pagan" is a religion. If you don't belong to a religion, you are generally considered agnostic or atheist, not "pagan".
  5. It is the ridiculous nature of my hypothetical scenario that is the point: It is ridiculous to think that a Canadian father would do that to his child. However, one did. And now we blame the child?
  6. Again, that's ridiculous. You cannot "deport" people out of their homeland.
  7. Party people will reject Kennedy because he gave them Dion. However, they will do so in their own interests, not in the interests of Canadians. I think he's the best candidate now. It remains to be seen whether they'll let him run. If not, we'll know where the party loyalties lie and it isn't with us!
  8. No, because it is illegal under International law, and stupid. How about instead we should deport you to the big 'white nation' waiting for you at the north pole. You are missing the point: Traditional land is what matters for "Duty to consult". The governments must consult about development on all traditional lands, whether under land claim or not. It's about "A say in development and a share in resources" on all traditional Indigenous land. That's "Aboriginal Rights". For example, the City of Hamilton consults with Six Nations about development because of their traditional land rights on all of the land under the NanFan Treaty. Land claims, which you described, are a separate issue pertaining to Aboriginal Title. I'm not going to argue those with you, as neither of us can know the full truth until they are individually settled. And, as I said, it is irrelevant to "Aboriginal Rights" which exist anyway. You really don't know what you are talking about though. The government holds Six Nations traditional lands 'in trust' and has a fiduciary duty to conduct their financial affairs re the land. It is Canada that has not produced an accounting of the monies related to sales and leases of lands.
  9. That's impossible. Stupid comeback. Answer the question. Never mind. Your opinion is worthless anyway. The laws must be followed. The supreme law of Canada protects the rights of all people, including Aboriginal rights. That takes precedence over criminal law. That is why the police must uphold rights on both sides. There should be no building on traditional Indigenous land without consultation and accommodation of Indigenous rights. That is the law.
  10. DoP ... I think he has Omar mixed up with his father, as many do. Since Omar's father is dead, they want to punish Omar.
  11. Yes there is ... by international law. If you don't know that, I suspect you are just a wannabe, not a real soldier. Again, I will say I am glad Omar came across US soldiers not ours, if you are an example. We know executions happen. They executed the man with him, shot Omar twice in the back and were about to finish him off when someone realized how young he was. eta - Rereading your posts, it is clear that you know nothing about the facts of this case at all. There is NO evidence that Omar killed anyone. Read some reports before you spout off in ignorance, please. It is quite likely that Omar is not guilty of anything. Suppose some white, non-Muslim looneytoon Canadian father forced his 10 year old son into an overseas military training camp and then into a war. Would you be so quick to be so hateful?
  12. My my ... what ever happened to 'turn the other cheek'. Tsk tsk. Such unattractive ranting ... and proselytizing too! Oh gmab! 'Canada is the land of the devils' eh? And it's all the fault on non-white immigrants? Well .... I guess you see what you want to see when you look through racist glasses!
  13. The party system is no longer democratic nor useful, imo. I am glad to see some people who are willing to work across party lines for the good of the country. It's only politicos who see a problem with this, but they don't understand Canadians anyway and they don't know how little we care about 'the party'.
  14. A company's taxes stay the same, but are shifted from a tax on its profits to a tax on the energy it uses. Same for a household, and either a household or a company can reduce their energy costs and benefit from the plan. Your conclusion is the opposite of the statement, typically tory spinerama. So ... what's Harper's plan again? He has no plan that he will tell the public in advance - he'll just spring it on us. We have no friggen idea what the man will do in office - knit sweaters? I'm thinking we gave Harper a fair chance, and he's just becoming more secretive, less democratic, just like we feared. The man is an authoritarian very impatient with any semblance of democracy. And he cheats and lies about it. I think it's time to give Dion a chance. He hasn't had time to get addicted to power like Harper is, so he may tell us the truth for a while.
  15. Do you agree that our governments must respect our laws? That is all that is required.
  16. They'll never let you in! They are opposed to racism! And McHale has proclaimed himself loudly to be a Christian.
  17. calm down. I'll 'bloody tell you' anything I like. It's a discussion board. You keep making these racist generalization that are positively sicko. Petty much a one trick pony, aincha!
  18. Army guy, you are a scary dude. I hope you are not in our army now. Do you know what 'evidence' is? Do you know that circumstantial evidence - he was there, he was trained - isn't enough to convict someone? Do you know what a child is? Fortunately, one American soldier did. Fortunately, American soldiers are standing up for him and telling the truth.
  19. Children do not have the legal responsibility to make those decisions. Omar is a child soldier. You angry and violent people are either abused children or certifiable adults.
  20. We should be concerned about living up to our legal responsibilities. Other than that - absolutely - it's none of our business! ps Are you not aware that dumping stolen cars on reserves is the oldest trick in the book? I have personally met some of Gary McHale's supporters who are engaged in that 'business'.
  21. Treaties must be honoured if we want to live here in peace. Health care, education, etc. are treaty contracts with Indigenous Nations that allow us to live on their land. So ... if Canada stops paying what it owes according to lawful treaties, we lose our right to live here. Capiche?
  22. You are correct that the Queen does not own 'our' land, but perhaps not for the reason you think. The 'Crown' holds land 'in trust' for Indigenous Peoples who hold the underlying Aboriginal Title. The Crown's title is vested in the treaties, and your property title is vested in the Crown's title. The Crown's treaties allow us to live on Indigenous land. That is why we are tied to the Crown - the Queen's treaties define Canada - define our rights to live here. Canada's Treaties with Indigenous Nations
  23. Because they are xxx (adjective)-Canadian (noun) And I'm happily Irish-Canadian. My family has been since 1847. But I live in an Italian-Canadian area, which is fast dispersing. Give it a rest, already. Integration into Canadian life takes time, sometimes a generation. Always has. Your ancestors did too. There are a lot of generalized anti-immigrant slurs in your comments. Perhaps your family had to endure that too. Which wave of immigration is your family from? wiki_Immigration_to_Canada
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