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Everything posted by whowhere

  1. http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/custom.html?year=2009&country=1&cols=3&df=1&hol=1 US Holidays and Observances: Jan 1 New Year's Day Jan 19 Martin Luther King Day Feb 16 Presidents' Day May 25 Memorial Day Jul 3 'Independence Day' observed Jul 4 Independence Day Sep 7 Labor Day Oct 12 Columbus Day (Most regions) Nov 11 Veterans Day Nov 26 Thanksgiving Day Dec 25 Christmas Day According to this site the US has ten stat holidays including Nov 11 to honor those who have served. Jan 1 New Year's Day Apr 10 Good Friday Apr 13 Easter Monday May 18 Victoria Day (Many regions) Jul 1 Canada Day Sep 7 Labour Day Oct 12 Thanksgiving Day (All) Dec 25 Christmas Dec 26 Boxing Day (Many regions) According to this site Canada has 9 not including Nov 11 to honor vets. Canada is most ungrateful country that has had every opportunity to be masters of its own house but has been overshadow unruly immigrants and unhappy briton settlers who have to have something to hate to cover up their ineptness. If I ever saw a so called Canadian with the maple leaf emblem in a foreign Country I would see that as a call for them to get a beating and a mugging for their parasitic arrogance to world. Really, what has Canada brought to the world table in the way of innovation and wealth creation via business success. The model of carting in immigrant labour to push labor costs down and pump out exports to the US is not success and is more reason for those showcasing the patch to get their head kicked in. Name one country that brings in immigrants/refugee cowards gives them instant citizenship and credit to go buy a house. There isn't any but Canada. Canada is a joke. If you are looking for the reason why those who who see the Canadian patch like Canada its because Canada is the world's bike where anyone Can go for a ride. Look back at one of the posters boasting about the amount of unprotected sex he got because he was Canadian - Gooodie real accomplishment. Anyone who boasts about that ought to post pictures to see how many would not touch them with a ten foot pole. Where's our Nov 11 Stat holiday?? The US has ten, Canada has nine. Make Nov 11 a stat!!
  2. So you are denying Ontario was an open field prior to US independence? You are denying Ontario was settled by American Monarch Lovers? I suggest you evaluate how Canada was established as Upper (Ontario) and Lower (Quebec) Canada who didn't want to be apart American Independence. Are you denying that the British Monarch defended Canada from the US In 1812 by sending in British Forces? Are you denying the British Monarch Brought in Millions of Settlers after 1837 to balance out the rebellion of Quebec who was moving towards succession? Contrary to what the unruly and ungrateful Immigrant populations of Canada want to think about the Monarch and its role to Canada they were in fact pivotal to what is Canada today. Canada is because of the British Monarch. Canada is not the Country it is today because of democracy or a fight for independence as done in the US. Canada had its chance to embrace democracy in 1982 but chose to the path of whoredom and become an abomination to judeo christian doctrine and fly in the face of Roman principals of exploiting others for the benefit Romans. Instead what we have is Canadian system of selling out its people so a narrow few can enjoy lives at the expense of future generations of Canada. How has Canada become a more democratic and wealthier Country since the 1982 Constitution. Canada hasn't and its because of Conservative Corruption. So you are denying the fact that Nfld did not have a majority referendum to join Canada and was joined to Canada because of the British Monarch? I see your type. As long as you get out of Canada what you want to hell with the future of Canada and its real heritage prior to 1982. I suspect you are one of those unruly immigrants or more accurately a cowardly refugee who fled from a fight and now have come to Canada to make Canada into the image you want. Good luck with that. If immigrants really want to contribute to the betterment of Canada, get rid of the conservatives.
  3. Why don't the wanna be Canadians search out the history of the Map of Canada before the time of US independence 1774. The symbol on those maps is the http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_'fleur_de_lis'_stand_for The true symbol of the real/original Canada was the Fleur-de-lis. Whoever came up with maple leaf, I believe after the 1982 Constitution smoked a little to much crack and was very unoriginal. Anyone who truly knows the history of Canada would know Ontario was an open field at the time of US Independence 1774 and was then settled to make room for the haters of freedom and democracy and the embracement and love of the Queen. From that point Ontario and other parts of Canada was settled by millions of British settlers. Today's Canada that was put in motion 1967 was defended BY THE BRITISH LOYALISTS in 1812 and British Troops. Pre 1867 Canada was populated by British Loyalists (Torys from the US) millions of "britons" brought in by the monarch from Great Britian and other common wealth regions. This was done to Balance out the ever rising Quebec/French/Canadian population. From 1867 onward the monarch has always periodically involved itself in the Govermental Structure of Canada. Particulary in 1948 when Newfoundland held a referendum to decide to join Canada or not. The referendum was not a majority but the Queen intervened and made Newfoundland apart of Canada. Recent History, the Queen intervened and put in place the 1982 Constitution which gave Canada a Charter of rights and a constitution to amend its Government Structure. She did this while preserving her position as Head of State. It is obvious with what the Conservatives have done to Canada in the last five years they have violated and breached the identity and spirit of Canada. The 1982 Constitution was suppose to be about uniting Canada but instead the Conservatives and the Liberals have used that document to push forward their communist style governance. To preserve this style of Governance the Conservatives and the Liberals think they are clever by watering down Canada's voice by bringing in disagreeable immigrants and dragging Canada down to the economic status of under developed Countries. The Fact is, the world deals in Broad Strokes. That is all the future historians see. English Law is one of precendents. Meaning, if it has been done in the past, it can be done in the future. The Canada that we see todays is very much because of the good intentions of the British Monarch to advance Canada but the reality is Canada is gripped by Corrupt Conservative and Liberal Governance. Today's Canada is not the Canada intended by the 1982 Constitution. Because of that, the only course for Canada will be to face the Intervention of the British Monarch on Canada's affairs again. What this intervention would involve who is to say. Because of what has been done to Canada I think the only right action of the British Monarch is accede Canada to the British Union under the UK Banner. That would mean revisiting the Canada Act by the UK parliament. Hmmm, odd, the UK parliament passing legislation regarding Canada not even forty years ago. To strip Canada of the document they used to wreck Canada and did nothing to honor the intent of that document. So people can rant on about what is to be Canadian. Tick, tock goes the clock... The history is there and is not going anywere. So whenever the hammer of the British Monarch falls on Canada they will be free to bring that up with the International Court of Justice. Oddly, even though the Monarch deferred all matters to this Court in 70's Canada's 1982 Constitution was created without that courts input or consideration. That document was put in force through the parliamentary power of the UK and the signatory of the Queen. Because Canada didn't complain then, they have zero grounds to complain to the International Court in the future in any intervention on Canada by the UK and the Monarch.
  4. http://www.ratical.org/corporations/SCvSPR1886.html
  5. I have to wonder how old you are. Your verbal garbage is what is wrong with North America. It's not enough for your types to use immigrants and so called refugees from low GDP countries to drive down wages in Canada and strip jobs away from Canadians you want to ensure they have no other avenue than to hold you at Gun point and sodomize you just for the fun of it. Afterwards they will raid your fridge and cut your fingers off for the gold you have around your fat fingers. However, if you and Canada wants to scrap welfare, the CPP ought to also be scrapped because that to is also welfare. There is no way the retirees who have collected over the last 30 years and lived into their nineties have paid into CPP what they got out of it. Also because you want to make the system fair and get costs down it, nursing homes should be look at no different than welfare. Typically people go into nursing homes they sign over their CPP and get looked after. Why? We should perhaps stuff them into Gas chambers instead and save the country money. hitler, I see the kind of human being you are. I suggest you look at Canada's immigration policies and see that is the real problem and not people on welfare. Canada's employment stats are a lie, and everything about Canada is designed to feather the nests of Corrupt Goverment workers and politicians at the expense of the populace. You are obviously in the wrong sector, shift to another sector if you aren't making enough to have others do the stuff you think you are to good to do yourself. Perhaps you should try advocating the return of the slave trade abolished by Abe lincoln.
  6. I haven't read though the posts on this thread but based on Chretien's record of success and his power to pull Canada together to form a majority the Country needs chretien to rescue Canada from the Corrupt conservatives. Mulroney wrecked Canada and his governance put Canada on the road of surpluses. If anything could be said about his era is when you approached the government for anything there wasn't the level of distrust you have with the Government under Harper. Mississauga has a mayor, Hazel whose holding office into her eighties. http://www.mississauga.ca/portal/cityhall/mayor Chretien appears to be in good health. Age is not a factor. Chretien needs to come out of retirement and rescue Canada from the corrupt Conservatives. I am not saying this because I like the Liberal Party. I am saying this because he has a proven record to the get the job done. Harper has a proven record of incompetence. If anyone could put the terror of sleepless nights into the conservatives it would be Chretien. If Chretien unseated harper and formed a majority just for vanity and ego's sake it would be a pleasure to watch.
  7. Once upon a time America/Britain used slavery. In 1870 the Yankees introduced machinery to replace the need for slavery and still produce the needs to expand the US. Since the 1950's big corporations began outsourcing production to overseas markets then importing those products to the US. Up until the 1990's modern machinery kept America producing goods but the greed factor of the corporations crept in and they bagan tooling China, Mexico and all these other countries with advanced production machinery. The corporation did this to get costs down all the while selling the goods to Americans at inflated prices. Today the Evil Corporation & the Evil Canada and Conservative party Agenda is to import these workers from China, India, and wherever else to put the cherry on the sundae of decimating the enginuity of what use to be North America. We gave china, india, and whatever other countries a purpose. It should be enough for them to sell their exports to North America. We don't need them coming over here and cloning Canadians and Americans alike and stripping Canadians and Americans of their rightful liberties. If they come over here it better mean 28 Days of Stat holidays a Year. If also better mean we are seeing monolithic endeavors undertaken such as a High speed Rail Connecting Windsor to Montreal. Your response is revealing. You will not be happy until Canadians are made economic slaves to your selfishness and greed. All things being equal Canada has failed to grow itself in tandem with the US in the way of population and infrastructure. So out of desperation Canada is resorting to immigration as the solution. Sadly for Canada, it has turned into heightened ridicule from the US and ever increasing border security. The US is not impressed with Canada in the least and only keeps Canada strung along as long as it serves the US's interests. Aside from white drippings off the corner of Canada's mouth that is all they are needed for by the US. Canada had opportunity to show the world it could stand on its own two feet. Instead Canada has chosen to sell itself out and the future of Canada with it. Not to worry, the US will continue to evolve and Canada can continue to ankle bite the US along the way. Just don't expect the tone of the US to be to congenial. When all is said and done on this current economic analysis it will be revealed the US orchestrated and played the world for a fool and will came out laughing. The laughing will also be at the Canadian simpletons. Thanks for Coming out Canada, next...
  8. Good for you but those who get that are few and far between. I am merely pointing out that Canada is below the US in Wages and paying to much at retail. Canada is below the UK and France when it comes to mandatory paid time off. That is Canada's roots and who we have to strive to be on par with. Being below these countries shows what kind of Country Canada wants to be.
  9. Canada is resource wealthy. What kind of resources does the UK have? Canadians have been getting shafted by the Conservatives and Liberals for way to long. People need to start demanding they get what our peers are getting in Europe or at least the $600 stimulus money paid out to the Americans which we didn't get one red cent of from the Canadian Government. Being Canadian, means being exploited and cheated by the Government crats, politicians, and the man (corporation) all the while the conservative Gods inflict Noahs arc** on Canadians. ** After the flood the people began building a tower to heaven. God didn't like that and to stop them God scattered the people around the world speaking many languages. The Conservative and Liberal Gods didn't like a prosperous democratic Canada so they ruined Canadian Industry, Ran up the National Debt, and brought in mass amounts of immigrants who have all kinds of religious beliefs and speaks basic english. Doing this stripped Canadians of their democracy and distracted them with the inflicted anguish and stress of being displaced by these torrent of immigrants being pushed onto Canadian society. Immigrants and Canadians alike need to stand up against the Corrupt Conservatives and Liberals. It's time to demand the Governments cut costs, ensure retail costs are on par with the US, and we get vacation time on par with the UK. It's not going to happen unless people begin mounting a direct attack on these politicians.
  10. http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/actio...p;r.t=RESOURCES Proof is always in the pudding. In the UK they calculate vacation entitlement a different way. An employee is entitled to 5.6 weeks or 28 days of pay for their working efforts. This figure includes all stat holidays and other days. Here in Ontario you get ten stat holidays and the ESA minimum of ten days. Add it up that's twenty. The people of the UK get 8 more days!!! 8 more days!!! That is like getting almost 4 weeks vacation plus Ontario's ten stat days. As I have said, Canada is the land of the devils.
  11. Canada can start by chopping federal Government Costs. If this means wage and pension adjustments to the federal labour force to get Canada's finances back in the black, get on it. Sadly, we have a conservative government that refuses to cut government costs to restore the solvency of Canada. Harper wants to follow in Mulroneys steps of taking Canada from 100 Billion to 600 Billion in debt and leaving office with a 40 Billion dollar deficit. Because of this Canada got kicked with the introduction of the GST. A tax the US is able to function without. Over the years Canada got its finances in order but refused to scrap the GST at the height of Canada's prosperity to put Canada on par with the US. In this rise of prosperity Canada had a chance to scrap the GST and sell debt to the world (as the US and the UK did). Now that the economies have tanked the US and the the UK have been paying these debts back with printed money. Can't fix stupid. Had Canada been pushing debt out to the world in tandem with the US and the UK and burying that money in a mattress for this global collapse, they could have paid back Muloroneys 600 Billion in Debt with the money in the Mattress and went to the printing press as the US and UK to pay off the rest of the debt. Had the conservatives and liberals had a brain between them Canada would be sitting debt free right now and riding a soaring dollar in tandem with Canada's oil and fertilizer exports. The fact is, the Liberals and Conservatives have cost Canada 1 trillion dollars in lost wealth. Canada is to expunge itself of the haters and grab prosperity by the horns. The conservatives and the liberals couldn't navigate themselves out of wet paper bag.
  12. Actually what we are is a democratic capital economy. The democracy creates the laws/rules of engagement. The capital from our collective fruits of our labour is provided as a wheel of economics. North America is filled with corrupt politicians and judiciaries. Although the US is guilty of being slack, they are busy indicting and sending people to jail. Canada usually looks the other way for most white collar corruption. Because Canada's politicians and bureacrats over the last 30 years have played God on Canada they have wrecked Canada's democratic voice. Because Canada's democratic voice has been watered by immigrants it has weakened Canadians demands of increasing expectation as to what they should have beein getting from the government over the years. In this communist era of Canadian Government entitlement crats, => Canada is over run by high taxes with no regard and enforcement for the rules created by the democratically elected politicians. Capitalism works. Democracy works. They can't work if the political parties such as the Liberals and Conservatives are corrupt. Nor Can Capatalism and Democracy work if the Governance and Judiciary is also Corrupt. I know Canada is a extremely corrupt Country. The axiom of right/wrong is beyond Canada but replaced with political jockeying to extract Canada's wealth for the benefit of the narrow few tied with the political winner. Under this, Canada is doomed to continue to spiral further into the immigration sess pool of shit.
  13. Oh, I forgot to mention the $1800 US bush gave to families before he left office. Every American received $600 each and kids received $300. Oddly, Canadians get taxed like Europe and receive less than Americans. It's not hard to see how Canada is led by donkeys. http://www.labor.state.ny.us/workerprotect...ards/faq.shtm#0 http://www.michigan.gov/dleg/0,1607,7-154-27673---,00.html For michigan the minimum wage is $7.40. Ontario is $9.50 soon to be going to 10.25. All this does is drive up the cost of retail prices and stalls the economy. On the one hand Canada wants to have an economy tied to the US but it screws business with $2.00 or more an hour, in turn hurting Canada's competitveness. Maybe Canada's minimum wage should be tied to the value of the dollar to keep business costs equal. If wages are equal and the dollar is at par, Canadians should get equal retail prices. With a dollar at par, Canada's businesses are to expensive and has to logically increase unemployment. Canada fails to justify why it has higher taxes and retail costs over the US. What does Canada have? Comparing Canada to the US, Canada is a horse and buggy country, the US is the jetson family, hovering around in flying cars. They have well maintained interstate highways and state parks. They have a vast military and coast guard. The world as we know it, including the internet, and the software which makes mapleleafweb possible, is american inovation. I fail to see what Canada and Canadians have brought to the table in the last twenty years. In the cosmic order of things Canada and Canadians do not deserve to be regarded by the world as they have brought nothing and have contribute nothing to the evolution of the world. Really Canada and Canadians are parasites and disease to the world that requires vacination against. Canada is this way because of the garbage political parties we have, the conservatives and liberals alike. They are not about success and prosperity. They are about corruption and enriching themselvs and their buddies.
  14. 40 percent more at the pumps for Gas than the US 8.99 US for 24 cans of bud 5% alcohol, 44 Can for same beer. Canadians get 8 to 12 stats many European Countries get in excess of 20, The UK has twenty, go figure. Canadians get two weeks that they have to beg and scream for, in Germany, France, Sweden, they get six weeks vacation. Denmark with their oil rich wealth went about buying cars for those that needed them. Canadians get world oil prices for their oil. Many arab countries pay for their citizens to go to University abroad. What does Canada do with its resource wealth? What exactly it is that Canadians get? Canada is bottom feeding Country that aspires to the depths of hell rather than shoot for the heavens. Canada is the land of the devils. Canada can start by, Lowering taxes to equal the US. Lower Retail Costs to Equal the US. Increase Stat Holidays to equal the UK. Increase vacation time to equal many european Countries. Will this happen, not likely, because Canada is full of self centered selfish people looking to sell out the next generation of Canadians just to get what they didn't work for nor deserve. They did this by racking up Canada's national debt, inflating real estate prices through loose credit to the torrent of immigrants and no inheritance tax for the assets passing from the boomers parents to their hands. Talk about feathering the nest. One thing is for sure boomers figured out all the angles on how to screw anyone and everyone.
  15. Dress lite when the grip reaper comes for you. You are certainly looking out for your interests and not what is in the interest of Canada's real culture, and real heritage. We are not a multicultural country and its time Canada stops the insanity.
  16. ahhhh, no!! http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/1774 The estimated population of the American colonies is 2,780,369 including 575,420 black slaves. The US started off with a slave population which lasted for another 100 years to 1876. Through this time the US. Hmmm, who brought those slaves over? At this time US was a british colony. I suggest you recheck who the sovereign of Canada is, the British Monarch. Just because the Monarch doesn't impose itself on Canada, that does not mean it does not have a "legal" right to start to doing so. Canada is not built on the history you are espousing. Canada is built on Catholicism and Protestantism. Canada's history is tied to Europe which is tied to Rome. Rome operated by taking countries by the sword, extracting their wealth, and enslaving the people for the benefit of Roman Citizens. Today, the US operates by allowing people to work in the US under visa and after twenty years they qualify to apply for citizenship. The US also operates by exploiting illegal mexicans who work and pay taxes towards government programs they will never qualify for. The conservatives and Liberals have abused Canada with their slack immigration practices and ultimately I will have to believe God/Nature or whatever life force governing the trajectory of western civilization will get even with them for what they have done to Canada and want to do to Canada. After a recent trip to tenesse I was a amazed how I was surrounded by a high Proportion of White Americans. It felt like I was back in Canada in the eighties. In the nineties I began to be surrounded by immigrants who barely spoke english and had all kinds of religious beliefs. After the year 2000 I see many immigrants who now speak very good English, but they are rude and arrogant as f'uck. To me, these immigrants have to be losers as they couldn't cut it whereve they came from. To add insult here, these immigrants get automatic citizenship and voting. Also what's remarkable is these immigrants also qualify for mortgages with no credit history or down payment to buy houses. All this has done is inflate real estate to feather the corrupt boomers and their parents pockets. In looking at what Canada has done via immigration and inflicting these people on Canada's populace is on par to Canada playing God. If anyone knows the story of Noahs Arc. After Noahs arc, the people wanted to show their gratitude to God, so they attempted to build a tower to heaven. God didn't like that so he scattered the people around the world speaking many languages. He did this so they wouldn't understand each other and I guess not continue building a tower to heaven. So, Really, Because the Conservatives are bringing in Immigrants who lack reasoning intelligence and they don't speak english that well is really no different than what God Did in the story of Noah. So what we have is the Conservative Gods. In furtherance God began leading the Children of Isreal. In this, it included wiping out lands of people and animals. Think about that, that is western religion. So if European History includes wiping people, it's the Roman Way, and the way of the Judeo Christian Doctrine. I can cite history, religion, and what the US and many European Countries are doing to show Canada is to stop what it is doing and start deporting immigrants and cancelling work permits now. OUT, OUT, OUT, with the Immigrants. Go back to wherever they came from and live in their mud huts. The can stop congesting the roads and abusing Canada's health care system.
  17. Stop wondering and start pushing and supporting Canada to adopt a broad scoped economic union with either the EU or the US. All the countries in the EU recognized they could no longer go it alone (even the UK!!) what makes Canada so special. The EU 480 million. The US 300 million. Canada 34 million, of that 14 million chinese and east indian economic migrants. Canada is lost in space run by commander tom harper destination hell in a hand basket.
  18. Trust me, I wish I could have years ago but that would only mean I would have been an illegal with no long term benefit. To become a citizen in Canada it's as easy as getting off an airplane from whereever they came from. To become a citizen in the US you would have had to have gained a green card (not easy) or worked in the US under a visa for at least 20 years and then you could apply to become a citizen. I see how the US has operated and is operating to know this is par for the course in grand economics. Harper and Flaherty could only dream to understand US economics. Because they don't Canada hasn't got what it takes to continue. It amazes me how the media is trumpeting the collapse of the US dollar and how China now refuses to buy any more US debt. Harper should look at trying to create an economic union with the US rather than trying to sell Canada out to the Chinese and the East Indians. Overrunning Canada's populace with a disportioned amount of immigrants contrary to Canada's cultural fabric is disdainful. Having media that now champions China sentiment goes to show what the conservatives have done to Canada. Who Cares what China thinks or does. Nothing of china is of their own initiative. They are where they are at because of Foreign influence and Forein Greed. China has been exploited by these Foreign influences and the US in receiving Zero percent interest on the US debt they had and then being paid out with printed money. Really, I am surpised China can sit down after the azz raping the US did on them. The fact is, Canada and the US are resource and land rich. The US has been busy developing its Country for 200 years. Canada has been busy keeping Canada an open field and their cities stagnate and choked by Unions and political corruption. China and India are small geographies compared to Canada and the US but their population densities are horrendous. Canada had it's opportunity to flourish and propel itself and created distinct and sovereign Country. Canada had hundreds of years to build up its highway and city infrastructures but chose to keep Canada a horse and buggy field country. These are opportunities pissed down the drain by the Conservatives with their racking up of the National debt, no investment in infrastructure, and their nazis style populace erradication.
  19. Just what Canada needs a mulroney and bush loving party to drive Canada to obliteration. The conservatives are incompetent. They don't need a majority they already have the keys to the government as they hold the cabinet positions. What would a conservative government accomplish?? Mulroney moved Canada from 100 Billion to 500 Billion in Debt. The Conservatives that make up Harpers Conservatives were party to selling the 407 in Ontario among other things. If you want a party that will sell Canada out for the benefit of their conservative buddies, vote for them. If you want a Country with lower National Debt and in turn lower taxes don't. The conservative are an insult to the word conservative. If anything a conservative is really a "Con" Artist party. Lying, Cheating, and corrupt governance is their governance. The conservative haven't got what it takes to make Canada a prosperous leading Country. The Best the Conservatives Can do is create an economy/environment of Low Wages where the Pure Lain Canadian is competing with the torrent of immigrants being used by predatory employers to drive labour costs down or keep them down. They do this all the while they are making billions every quarter. I know this as fact!! Because I am seeing it and experiencing it first hand. The new order of Canada is to dump your RRSPS and mutual funds and Live the credit wave as the Americans have done. When the shoe drops, throw up your hands and go bankrupt. When you really realize the extent of Corruption by the Conservative and Government budgets they refuse to cut to lower taxes at par with the US your only option will be to resort to Criminal activity as the new Career direction. Will it be your fault?? Not in the least because Canada is indeed a gutter country run by the Arrogant and souless Conservatives that has made Canada no better than a prostitute. Canada on the world stage puts outsiders interest ahead of the interests of canadians. Any policy is designed to benefit government workers and the political parties at the expense of Canadians. Canada may not be a communist country but it certainly has all the signs of one. Extreme Taxes on the populace and Extreme incomes for the government workers and politicians over the people they extract taxes from. Canadians pay 30 to 40 percent more for gas at the pumps then the US yet Canada is supplier of Oil and gas. Canada's retail costs are also typically 50 to 300 percent more than the US. Canadians also have to Pay 5% GST. The Americans have no such tax. The US goverment feels income tax is enough taxes for them. The conservatives want to take all your money when you make it and take it when you spend it. Contrary to what the media says about the US. The fact is the US has much lower taxes and retail costs than Canada. The US also has a well developed transportation infrastructure and institutions in place to maintain governance. I know this, as I have been to the US on several occasions and see it first hand. If the US were to adopt Canada's taxation policies they know it would only choke the countries economy. Canada needs politicians who are serious about making Canada's living costs and wages competive with the US. The conservatives are not that party.
  20. Define Canadian? How hard is it to become landed immigrant status? To easy. Canada also has to stop recognizing dual citizenship. You are either a Canadian or you are not.
  21. The fact you are being paid well enough and have such a pension you are contributing towards ought to be comforting enough to you. How many people are competing with the onslaught of immigrants for job prospects to only get close to minimum wage with no pension period. In Canada's current economic model people barely have money to function. Forget about saving for retirement. Like EI, CPP is just another tax to provide a baseline. Welfare is for those who slip below EI and CPP/OAS standards. As the way of welfare you must sell all your assets and live like you deserve. If Federal pensions are calculated that way, all pensions in Canada ought to be calculated that way as well. If this is done across the board CPP premiums would have to go down if the money is not be stolen as was done with EI. What people have to get is Canada is not a success unless Canadians make more, pay less taxes, and get more than our counterparts in the US and Europe. What is the case Canadians make less, pay more taxes, and get less than the US and Europe. Why is that? The Conservatives and LIberals ought to be ashamed for what they have done to Canada.
  22. Make way for whowhere..... I am with Mr Canada. OAS or CPP one in the same. The Path to automatic citizenship has to stop. I believe in the US you have to be in the US for twenty years after which you are eligible for US citizenship. That's how it should be here. The impact this would create is once they become a citizen they start at ground zero for CPP and OAS. If immigrants don't like these terms leave..This would also mean their CPP payout will at most be half. It makes no sense bringing in elderly people to Canada as they will be burdening the Health care system. Perhaps a new condition has to be imposed on those who sponser elderly immigrants: They must buy!!! pay for health care insurance. If no health insurers are here in Canada we can direct them to a US health insurer. It time people stop thinking of themselves and quite to trying to abuse and exploit the next generations of Canadians through higher taxes and a quality of life less than what was traditionally the common norm for Canada. Shame on those who hate life so much they will stop at nothing to inflict a hell on others. Maybe the haters get what they deserve. If people didn't do enough to meet the standard for OAS and CPP, welfare is the route for them. Typical of welfare is they can't have any substantial assets or they must sell them to qualify for welfare. The contrast of OAS is they wouldn't be required or compelled to sell their assets. Eff them, if they want help welfare is the route for them.
  23. Wow you are ignorant. Fact France Settled Canada. Canada originally was apart of Nouvelle France. Canada, Acadian, and Lousiana. I suggest you look at French Indian Relations. The French and the Indians Co-existed in Harmony. They got along, case and point. The did this for 150 years. http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?amme...@lit(gw010118)) If you look further the French and the Indians worked harmoniously to fight the Americans. After Canada was lost to the British in 1759 seeds of discontent and hatred began being sowed into the hearts and minds of the Indians. Because hatred is Canada's cultural acumen of the last 40 - 50 years and because the British have zero say over Canada's governance the noose is around the Superior Anglo Saxon Populace of Canada. The Salient point of the English Elite of Canada. British History is British History before 1867 is not Canada's history. British History is not Canada's history, period. Canada has zero right to posture themselves with British History. This fact is heightened by the fact Canadian Soldiers fought in World War II under the enlistment of the British and fought as British forces. History Revisionists would like to boast Canadian indepent involvement - Not true. A Canadian Historical Lie. Canadians were subjects of Britian up until 1955 after which Canadians began being viewed as Citizens and not subjects. So is Harper is wrong in his remarks. Canada was a Colony of France and beholden to France, After 1759 A colony of Britain and Beholden to britain. World War II highlights this fact.
  24. Your suggesting Rome didn't have what it took to fend off the Asians? Because of this threat from Asia Rome had to resort to enlisting the help of the Germanic Tribes to shield itself from the Asians? Rightttttttt.................Rome Collapsed because it no longer gripped the minds of its people. Why? two fold Rome made everyone citizens so it made being Roman of no more value than trying to sell air or dirt to your neighbors. Number #2 Christianity that infected the lower classes began to grip Rome. In a move to regripped the populace the Roman Rulers embraced Christianity which put the final nail in the coffin. Christianity was as much Imperial as old Rome. They burned books and crushed anyone with contrary views to the rising Christian machine. How many lives were lost because of Christian missionaries. Thanks to US Independence and Napoleon, North America and Europe is No longer held hostage to Satan's Religion. China an Empire??? Right.... Building a wall around your land then proceding to dominate the regions within is not an empire but pyschosis and insanity. Basically, the world could have put up loungers around the Great wall and watch the Chinese canobilize each other. Interestingly, the Reason the Chinese built the Great Wall is because they feared Genghas Khan a mongolian, who was not chinese. Genghas Khan created an empire which has zero to do with the chinese. So out of fear the chinese hid behind their wall. If any Asian Countries were Imperial that would be the Japanese. At times over their history they have occupied and dominated other regions. Today Japan no longer occupies other regions they do it by taking advantage of other regions through their multi national corporations. Two countries with large corporate presence around the world is the US and Japan. Contrary to what you want to believe Rome used Slaves as a way of life. http://www.richeast.org/htwm/Greeks/Romans...y/slavery2.html Am I advocating Slavery no? But when I see there are those on Mapleleafweb who are eager to roll out the Red Carpet to other Countries people by giving them Canadians rightful employment and depriving Canadians valued work experience required to elevate them along their Career paths I have a problem with that. The God portrayed in the Old Testament does not endorse that way of thinking nor does Europe's Roman Roots. Canada's government decision makers has zero to stand on in their policy efforts to put outsiders above Canadians. Doing this offends Canadians, It offends the Judeo Christian Doctrine, and It offends Roman principals. Immigrants are entitled to nothing. They don't like it, leave.
  25. Look around, Listen to the Media. It's no longer Merry Christmas but Happy Holidays. It's no longer the Christmas Tree but the Holiday tree. Go to Toronto English and French is being replaced by Chinese. Canada is sellout decrepit country. How often have you heard Jesus died for your sins so go ahead and sin all you want and all is forgiven. Believe in nothing, do nothing, but believe in Jesus and go to straight to heaven. Canada has tried to reinvent itself as multicultural, multi-religion. Congrats to the Liberals and Conservative for ruining Canada. Jesus knew all the stories of the Old Testament as they were circulating around 300 years before his death. It took another 300 years for the Christian machine to get up and running. Once Running It took 1500 years to bring it down. Now Christians are ankle biting the world with their doomsday BS. They are obsessed with the end of the world. I have no problem including the New Testament with the Old Testament although they are a contradiction. The old Testament was about God's pursuit to build a synagoge and for the children of Isreal to follow his ways. Every prophet throughout the old testament was a cry for the Children of Isreal to do that. All of a sudden Jesus comes along and says, It was a joke pay no mind to that, and believe in me, blah blah blah. Whatever, believe what you want. That is not excuse to support the sellout of Canada at Canada's future generations expense. Because the boomers and their parents decided to play God with their children and great Grandchildren there has to be only one outcome for them. Into the furnace to be obliterated as inferred by Mathew 10:28. They deserve this for bringing in the mulit religious Immigrants (hindu, budhist, Satanists, etc, etc) they did throughout the nineties. They deserve this for not having confidence in Canada's colleges and Universities to move Canada forward. They chose to turn to other Countries people. Doing this has taken opportunities away from Canadians and has put Canada where it is today. God led the Children of Isreal through the wilderness for 40 years before building his temple. Many of them never made it. So that said, I doubt the Boomer's parents, the Boomers, and and hey throw in their children too. will ever see the light of day again. Life is moving on without the Christians, like it or not.
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