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Everything posted by whowhere

  1. The sad reality of people is they are clueless. In the end it is about money and where that money is going. Any money spent by a business to get that product or service to market is a benefit to Canada's GDP. If the money is spent in other countries Canada is subsidizing another countries GDP and losing income tax Revenue. It is not a violation of Free trade to tax companies who outsource work that should be done in Canada. It's time people see these corporations for what they are tax evaders and tax cheaters.
  2. You were a victim of brainwashing Your point is? Trolling? I am not the one declaring Canadians fought in the World wars when the people of Canada were British subjects up until 1947. World War two ended in 1945. I am not the one claiming Canadians fought off the Americans in 1812 when in fact the British Monarch sent in Troops to defend Canada from the American Invasion. These facts don't sit well with you people. If you people can't accept the facts as they are then you are the trolls.
  3. What are saying is bs, because Universities and colleges are pumping out grads every year who are able hit the ground and get this work done but the rug is being out from under them because they are being sold out. Yes, if you outsource or contract out inputs to your company to low GDP countries at the expense of Canada's income tax revenue, the company should compensate Canada accordingly. Canadians are paying way to much tax relative to the US. This is area to look at to fix. Free Trade is about a finished product or a service that makes into another country free of tariffs. This is the way it should be, because that is that companies business. If a company goes to india to get IT work done for Canada which has nothing to do with its business of selling wheat to India or the world that company is cheating Revenue Canada and cheating Canadians out of gainful employment.
  4. I couldn't care less about language or quebec either but the facts are the facts. It sounds like you fell for the liberal tactic of divide and conquer. The implemented their 1982 constitution and implemented bilingualism across Canada. While the rest of Canada was busy cursing and hating Quebec for this, the Liberals and the conservatives carried out their agendas of giving out Government jobs to their buddies and making sure the public was distracted while they raped, plundered and sold Canada out. Harpers is to blame for Canada's current situation, no one else. Canada is also what is because of mulroney.
  5. We don't have to compete. When the city workers go on strike and ask for more money they compare their incomes with city workers in other cities. That said, revenue Canada could find what they are outsourcing and establish how the outsourcing was established. If it is judged to be work that should have been done in Canada then this corporation should be penalized for the lost income and other taxes not paid. These companies shouldn't get a free ride at Canada's GDP's expense. India is taking GDP food out of Canada's mouth. You want to earn GDP, produce something the world wants to buy from you. If money is all people are after how can you can compete with a street hooker who will stop at nothing for a dollar. The best way is to get them on tax evasion.
  6. Canada has taken in way to many immigrants and refugees. Doing this has translated in low incomes, congested roads, poor working conditions. Who say's he was Jewish? Christian propoganda perhaps. It is widely known it took 300 years before the Christian machine got up and running. It is also know the Septuagint (Old testament in Greek)was around for 300 years before Jesus appeared. Jesus and his crew had opportunity to read the old testament stories and preach accordingly. Pick up the King James version and you will see the new testament was translated from Greek. If you read the New Testament you will see the Romans Crucified Jesus not the jews. If you look at the documented history, the Romans burned down the Jewish temple built by herod. Jesus didn't preach in latin and the Jews dealt in Hebrew. The Romans god was Jupiter and this alphabet stems from rome. I suggest for your hereafter you better learn to another alphabet instead polluting this alphabet with your flawed comprehension. Preserve!! Muslims are another topic entirely and really they are not worth talking about.
  7. http://www.outsourcing-weblog.com/50226711/india_canada_top_outsourcing_destinations_study.php Not sure how much of this 12 Billion is Canada's but this is just for IT. #1 Canada does not have a free trade agreement with india. #2 if this work was project based and these firms competed with other It companies around the world then the business is warranted. However, I suspect the outsourcing corporation enlisted an employment agency and brought in people to man the phones of custormer service lines and remotely handle It issues. 12 Billion is alot of money to not have taxes paid on. Not only that, that money the should been generated and spent within Canada not india. As they say look after the cents and the dollars will take of themselves.
  8. Not so, back when all the 6 banks were posting 1 billion a quarter profits each they were outsourcing data entry jobs to india and africa. When Canadians were doing these jobs they were being paid $18 dollars an hour, they got it done in India for maybe a $1 an hour. This story was profiled on w5 or something. Many big companies list on the TSX are having their input work done in cheap over seas labour markets. Doing this translates into the lost income taxes for the Government, lost spending power which is lost Sales taxes. To regain this lost money these corporations should pay a tariff on money flowing out of Canada. Not hard to track if Revenue Canada asks why this money is paid out to this countries corporation/Business and for what reason. If they deem the company was outsourcing a required function to doing business such as customer service they are penalized a tax to compensate for the lost Income tax, CPP contributions, EI contribution, WSIB contributions, lost gas taxes, and list of taxes goes on. These corporations have to stop taking advantage of Canada and get what they deserve for their tax evasion.
  9. Yes I suppose its difficult for some to understand the World war ended in 1945 and were there as British subjects. You need to brush up on your numbers, 1947 comes after 1945 not before. I am sure eventually you will get it.
  10. Hardly, I was born in Germany because my dad was in the Canadian Army. My parents are French/English. I have been to Quebec once but I hear about Quebec constantly because of Forum and Media whiners. I have no bias towards french or english. The people who have the chip is the ones trying to reinvent history to match their history revisionism. As I have said English Canada has bad attitude. Depending on the day they hate the US or they hate Quebec.
  11. The indians have no alphabet. France was the first to use the Word, Canada, and Canada/Canadian has been used in many documents. Through US legal logic that makes Canada/Canadian copyrighted to its owner. The originator France, and Canada/Canadian of Nouvelle France. If you require inspiration on how to handle and deal with the aboriginal population of Canada look to the US. The irony you claim to be a Roman Catholic and they propogate the Holy ghost supposedly expresses itself through those around you. France was a Roman Catholic Nation so once again you make no sense. In the Roman Catholic scheme of things the Holy Ghost helped Samual understand the savages and document their expressions into the French Language. Of Course we know English/French have jacked the Roman Alphabet and the Romans burned down the Jewish Temple in 70 AD and were the ones who crucified Jesus. The Roman God is/was Jupiter. He is the god of Social Justice/Truth. I suggest you people start learning another language, perhaps greek because your polluting the conscious stream of history with your dementia. Yes I know the Christians got even a jacked the Roman Empire and is now represented via the Roman Catholic church. To preseve this jacking, the christians went on to burn all the books of the day. I look at historical dates and the acts on those dates to arrive at a perspective. Once again, the contrast between the US and Canada is Canada runs from true history wheras the US embraces History and makes it available for all to see.
  12. Canada independent, what part of Queen being Canada's head of state do you not get. What part of the 1982 Constitution was democratic. That document was imposed on Citizeship Canadian by the Liberals, the Supreme Court, and the Queen. Citizens have a say/vote in the documents that govern them. Once again Canadians were treated as British Subjects. Canadians continue to be treated as British Subjects because they are no longer captains of their future but are beholden to the communist Conservatives and Liberals.
  13. Whether conscripted by Britain or Candians were conscripted by the Canadian parliament makes no difference because the monarch is still Canada's head of state. Fact is fact, No Canadian Citizen fought in the world wars, british subjects did. War ended 1945, Citizenship started 1947.
  14. If the British monarch was irrelevant then why did Canada see fit to create the 1982 Constitution via the Liberal party, the Supreme court, and the signatory of the Queen. That document has been used to unravel Canada and create Canada into an immigrant crap hole it is today. Canada's population 20 million 1982, 2009 34 million mostly because of Immigration. These immigrants received instant voting priviledges which has significantly altered the mindset of Canada. These immigrants have mostly come from low gdp countries and are living lives they did not earn, work for, nor deserve in the world history of mankind. These British Subjects did not fight for anything but for their own vanity. Canada is the Country it is today because these British subjects looked the other way while the politicians systematically wrecked Canada with their corrupt policies aimed to enrench themselves at the future generations of Canada's expense. These British Subject created a Canada Pension Plan that they contributed very little in the way of contributions yet many retired at 65 and have live into their nineties collecting way more than they ever contributed. Get the calculator out, they did not contribute what they recieve. Their way of paying for what they didn't deserve was via an immigrant ponzi scheme. These British Subjects put immigrants ahead of 1947 Citizen Canadians. The corrupt politicians have made Citizen Canadian worthless with their lax immigation designed to increase the tax based to progate their CPP ponzi scheme and enrich the government politician and civil servant at the expense of Citizen Canadian. Canada operates as a Communist Country with policies for the the benefit of the few and not the interests of the many. Truth is truth, these soldiers are undeserving of anything but the truth. The truth is they fought as british subjects and that is fact.
  15. What part of 1947 do you not understand. Before 1947 British Subject. After 1947 Canadian Citizen. Got it! Stop putting meth into your arm. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End_of_World_War_II_in_Europe Citizen after 1947, World War 2 ended in 1945. Canada's soldiers participated as British Subjects, not Canadians.
  16. It's time Canada stops propping up the GDP of other Countries by allowing them to outsource Canadian work. The dot com era was suppose to make Canada a knowledge based economy and that industry went bust for Canada and has since become low paying. This insult is further perpetuated by the likes of the Sasketchewan Wheat Board which fired 140 IT professionals and outsourced this work to India. The Big Banks are also Notorious for outsourcing jobs to India and other Countries. Really, that has been the Scourage of North America Services and Manufacturing being done deliberatly in Lower Costs Countries only to have the fruits of these efforts brought back into Canada for the Benefit of the Greedy Corporation. Well, I say we need to learn a lesson from this. Corporation need to be treated accordingly. They are creatures of Regulations and Rules and their purpose is to maximize profits for their investors. Ok fine. In this environment of Globalization putting tariffs on exports is off the table. Free trade is truly about one country's companies having uninhibited access to other markets and sell their products. A product could also be Engineering expertise to construct a brigdge or something else. This creates GDP for the country of origin. This is really free trade. Instead what corporate America has been doing is outsourcing their input work such as a customer service or IT to low cost countries or have turned to manufacturing their products in places such as China to import those products back into the US or Canada. Well this wrong, and its time Canada and the US wake up and do something about this scourage. What to do? 1/ Put an outsourcing tax on this work to represent the lost income tax revenue that ought to have been paid had these companies perform their business on the level 2/ Establish A law requiring all outsourced work be paid through a government agency in the Currency of Canada. Why? Leverage. The US took advantage of China by paying China back 1 Trillion in Printed money for the Treasury Bills they owned. This agency will pay these outsourced Companies with Printed Canadian Money and Canada can pocket the money paid out by the Greedy Canadian corporations to reinvest in Canada in the Way of Infrastructure and technologically advancement. Doing this will create currency conversion jobs in Canada and help the Forex exchange. Doing this will either encourage these Banks and other corporations who do this to start employing Canadians to do this work, which is what we really want or Canada will get the benefit of having this "free" money to use for the betterment of Canada. 3/ Alberta Oil Sands trades 700 Billion a day in oil with the US everyday. Some of thes These Oil sands companies have been paying in US curreny. Canada has to step in and plug this act. These oil sands companies also outsource alot of work to companies in texas to only have the results of that work brought back into to Alberta to aid in the Oil Sands extraction. Once again, if the work such as customer service, IT, Machine Repair, whatever is deliberately sent to another country to be done for whatever reason Canada needs to step in the middle of this transaction with a Government Agency who will tax this outsourced work to replace the lost income tax revenue then proceed to pay these companies in printed Canadian currency and pocket the money paid out by the company to be used to reinvest in Canada's infrastructure and technological advancement. Once again to goal is to have input work to the operation of a Company be done here in Canada and not done elsewhere. Having input work done elsewhere is of no benefit to growth and GDP of Canada. 4/ It appears Canada also has a number of Immigrants and so called refugees who have come to Canada who proceed to send money from their employment to their country of origin. What this does is hurt Canada's microeconomics or takes away idle money which could have been lent or invested by a financial institution for some benefit of Canada. Instead we have these Immigrants and so called refugees taking advantage of Canada and propping up another Countries GDP at Canada's expense. Once again, Canada needs to start putting a tax on money exported out of Canada for this purpose. Canada also has to have this money put through this government agency and these recipients paid out in printed Canadian money. Of course the money generated by this new tax and sent in can be used to lower Canada's taxes in line with that of the US. Economics is more than just getting a calculator and typing amount time 13%. That's boring, Canada needs to get with the program and start taking advantage of the dynamics of Canada.
  17. http://www.cic.gc.ca/English/resources/publications/legacy/chap-5.asp#chap5-2 Yes you are right, in any case world war II was over at this point. Canada's soldiers participated as British subjects.
  18. All the statue of Westminster did was make Canada's parliament independent of the UK parliament to pass legislation. The statue of Westminister also had a formula to leave the commonwealth which Canada has failed to comply with. Regardless, Canadians were not recognized as Canadians until after 1955; they were british subjects. I have provided references to back this up, accept it. They were British subjects and no more. No Canadians fought in any real world conflict except the Canadians referenced by George Washington in 1755. These Canadians faught 4 years to bring about independent United States. These Canadians were betrayed by Benedict Arnold, The Continental Congress commanding officer leading the Campaign to regain Canada and the Continental Congress not supporting the Marquis Lafayette of France's final push to regain Canada in 1779 and 1780. Because of this Quebec has been under Occupation for 250 years.
  19. Regardless, The Soldiers of Canada were there as british subjects.
  20. details, details, ... White American men were citizens and they expanded into California, texas, florida, faught a civil, and entered all world wars as American Citizens. Canada had no citizens that faught in Any "Real" war as citizens except perhaps the Korean War. Oops I almost made a blunder, The Korean War 1951-1953. The British subjects of Canada were Citizens after 1955 so no Canadian citizen faught in real Wars except as British Subjects. Why can't you subjects learn to love your queen.
  21. Canadian British Subjects faught in the World Wars not Canadian citizens.
  22. No Canadians fought in World War II. Those who faught, faught under the British Banner.
  23. My point is still proven. Canada wide bilingualism is a liberal initiative not a quebec initiative. Quebec is not responsible for English Attitudes or how the rest of Canada is governed outside of Quebec. Trudeau is viewed by Quebec as a sell out traitor. Originally 1867 Canada was 4 provinces. Original Quebec/Canada was Quebec and Ontario until it was broke in two to accomodate the freedom cowards from the US in 1776. Should the BNA act have provisions to accomodate Canada's first Language: French, whynot. However, the fact is, Canada was not a bilingual nation. It was French in Quebec before 1982 and English everywhere else. Who changed that, the corrupt liberals.
  24. come back to earth and get a grip. The uS people have been citizens since 1776 with voting right except for their slave servants of course. The world certainly knows what the difference between being a citizen and a subject. The way canadians are treated by the corrupt conservatives nothing has changed. Still being treated as subjects and not citizens. the way to change that is for Canadians to elect the governor general to represet the british monarch. That way we can fire the PM before they wreck the country with thei incompetance
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