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Everything posted by whowhere

  1. All you are doing is taking away from real Indians. The minute an Indian and a European are mixed you have journey into the Realm of being just.... Canadian. No tax breaks, No reservations, you are like everyone else, deal with it.
  2. Its all science and DNA. Hate to break it to you, you are not Indian.
  3. And where does your valued Statue of Westminister reside?? Actually Canada's parliament was created in 1867 in the formation of Canada, maybe you are to dense to realize that. All the Statue of Westminister did was make it so Canada's parliament was independent of the UKs parliament. The monarch still remained Canada's sovereign as was demonstrated in the joining of Newfoundland to Canada and the 1982 Constitution Act. How did the monarch deliver this to Canada? Throught the UK parliament. That is how the Queen exercises her sovereignty through the UK parlimanent. That is way it was in the past and that is the way it will be in the future. And you are living a fantasy.
  4. Really, when has the Queen ever exercised her sovereignty through any other parliament? The UK parliment is her vehicle of sovereignty. BNA, Statue of Westminister, Newfoundland Act, 1982 Constitution (Canada Act) are all legislation that lives on in the UK parliament. One thing is fact, the English Law is one of Precedents. It's an evolutionary Law based on previous actions. England has the power as it has in its history to depose of the monarch and replace that monarch with another. After that monarch has been deposed, that monarch will exercise its sovereignty through the UK parliament as all monarchs have through Englands History. Whatever, realms are associated with the Monarch are subject to governance by the Monarch and the UK. Power stems from the stroke of the pen. The UK will eventually wake up to this Reality and Canada will be brought before the International Court where Canada will be able to try and argue against English Common Law. Canada's only way to escape this fate will be to have the Canadians vote in a New Constitution without the Monarch. Something that should have been done in 1982.
  5. Because metis is a cross bread, I hate to break to you, eh. You no longer indian, eh, but just a simple plain o'le Canadian eh...Metis is no more distinct than any other mutt. People pay money for dobermans or jack russels, not a cross between a poodle and pekinganeese.
  6. No one voted for the PM and his choice of Cabinet. Canada's political structure is designed to be overseen by the monarch/Governor General. If the Governor General is no longer going to represent the Monarch, then the GG can represent the interests of the Canadian People. It is quite simple to accomplish, ask the Monarch to allow Canadians select and vote for the GG rather than it coming from an unelected Prime Minister. Doing this would not take away from the Monarch.
  7. Why should an unelected Prime Minister choose the Governor General. Canadians should choose this person.
  8. http://metis.ca/index.php/metis-people/The%20definition%20of%20Metis%20Peoples Either Do I, another way the US is on the leading edge.
  9. Is this the Red Man or the White Man Speaking?
  10. A parliament controlled by a PM and cabinet who the Canadian people did not elect. An unelected Senate and overseen unelected Supreme Court made up of either Conservative or Liberal appointees. Corruption, Corruption.........Alert Alert........Corruption... The only way for Canadians to regain the Country from the Corrupt Liberals and The Conservatives is for the Monarch to allow Canadians to elect the Governor General to represent the Monarch. Why stop there, also for Canadians to elect the Senators as well. What is happening now, unelected PM is putting forward a list of Senators who the GG rubber stamps. The Canadian people should put forward the Senators via an election and then the elected GG can swear the Senators in. Canadians Can Have a Republic its as easy as getting the GG to be elected by the people.
  11. I would include your prior posts where you said the Queen was the sovereign of Canada. On that how has the Queen exercised her sovereignty on Canada? The queens arm of Sovereignty is the UK parliament. That is how the Queen has always exercised her sovereignty on Canada. The difference between Canada and the turks de caicos is the UK parliament can act on the Turks de Caico without the Queens involvement. Because of the Statue of Westminister the UK parliment would require the Queens input. Yes, canada is still a realm of the Monarch. The queen is still the head of state and the Statue of Westminister did nothing to change that nor did the 1982 Constitution. To prove that fact the queen exercises her sovereignty through the UK parliment was in 1949 when the Queen joined Newfoundland with Canada.
  12. Ok JBG Here is nutbar. First of of all if you have a cross between a German Sheppard and a doberman you have a mutt. My parents were both English and French. Am I English or Am I French? Metis is about as much Indian as a mutt is a German Sheppard. How Canada started to recognize Metis is Beyond me. The Metis have polluted the Indian blood with their French or English. I think the Real Indians need to go on a scalping expidetion to rid their culture of these leaches. Metis are not indians in my book.
  13. I could care less about the queen but living in denial doesn't get rid of her. Yes the 1982 constitution created an amending formula, big deal. The queen still remains the sovereign of Canada. What does sovereign mean? She can unilaterally amend the 1982 constitution or effect other legislation on Canada via the UK parliment as she has done all throughout Canada's history. Canada's parliamentary structure is designed for oversight via the Governor General. The GG is not doing the job so the right course is for Canadian to elect and chose the GG through an election. That way the GG will be in position to ensure Canada is going in the direction it should be. This can be done if the monarch defers this onto the Canadian populace. How did Ireland not satisfy the Statue of Westminister and become independent of the UK. It created/established a constitution which was voted on by the people and abided by for 10 years until the UK let them go. That is the only way Canada will be free from the Monarch, but be sure the day Canada walks that road, Canada will be minus Quebec. Until then, The UK and the Monarch has dominion over Canada. As a lawyer you to know property rights. Who established Canada, who structured Canada, Who defended Canada? and the list goes on. What has Canada done to compensate the UK and the Monarch for Canada? If you are a GM worker, are you entitled to own the GM company? If you rent a house, are entitled to own the house without paying for it? Where does it state Canada is entitled to Canada without compensating the UK and the monarch? Canada is a sleeping dog and time will tick on but that doesn't mean eventaully this will not boil over to a showdown. Canada is property and contrary to what is thought on this thread it is the property of the Queen and the UK.
  14. The statue of Westminister only relates to 5 countries South Africa (gone), Ireland (gone), Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It stated to exit the Commonwealth Canada had to get the approval of the parliaments of these commonwealth countries. Canada has never satisfied the conditions of the statue of Westminister and because time has made the document out of step with reality it is actually no longer valid and ought to be revisited and amended to reflect the New world dynamics.
  15. Doing this only makes it so the congress/parliament has to deal with that area again. I am sure the be British Army would wipe the floor of Canada. The people of Quebec would do nothing to support insurrection Canada so that would leave 25 million people to stand against 60 million Brits and their allies which could be the US and whatever other country. What's your point? pa⋅tri⋅ate to transfer (legislation) to the authority of an autonomous country from its previous mother country. Show where in the 1982 Constitution Canada has been patriated from the British Monarch. The Queen is was the sovereign of Canada before the 1982 Constititution and is the sovereign after the 1982 Constitution. I would have say the 1982 Constitution was the worse thing ever for Canada because it has created dimentia.
  16. The US constitution trumps the acts of Congress. If Congress passess legislation it is challenged as unconstitutional and the courts interpreted it so then the legislation is rejected. Also, there is nothing stopping the US congress from revisiting any legislation at any time. That said, unless there is something in the UK constitution prohibiting them from revisiting legislation pertaining to Canada the UK parliament is free to revisit legislation pertaining to Canada at any time. If the sovereign Queen signs off on the Changes then Canada would be beholden to those changes. The British Monarch acquired Canada in 1759, defended Canada in 1812, and shaped and settled English Canada on countless occasions up until the 50's. After that, the Monarch has signed off on the 1982 constitution which the Liberals and the Conservatives have used to wreck the demographics of this country. Canada has done nothing to liberate itself from the Monarch or the UK.
  17. Yes I will be waiting awhile for bambinee to back up his position.
  18. Waiting for what? I am waiting for you to show me the UK Constitution prohibiting them from revisiting Legislation pertaining to Canada. If its not in the UK Constitution the UK parliament is able to revisisit any legislation pertaining to Canada at any time. As in Canada, in the UK the monarch has to sign off on all legislation and acts of parliament as well. The Queen is the soveriegn of Canada and the UK, and if she signs off on this then Canada's only recourse would be to challenge this through the International Court. That would be difficult if the Monarch via the GG refuses to ascent any acts of Canada's parliament. If this were to happen Canada would indeed be in Governing crisis at which point Canada would be coup d'étated by the UK.
  19. The conservatives control the criminal code. Ammend the criminal code to go after the adminstrators of these shelters and we will see how animals are treated after that amendement is made.
  20. That's a weak reason. Here no one here knows or cares who you are and there is no way for them to find that out unless you tell them or mapleleafweb release your info. And the world is not flooded for 40 days and 40 nights. And the Sea does not part. And the River doesn't turn to blood. And the sky doesn't rain frogs. And God doesn't speak to man through a burning bush and reveals commandments. And God Leading the Children of Isreal to build his temple and appearing through a Pillar of Fire and Smoke guided the Construction. And Solomon who was tied to the pillars brought that temple crashing down. passages asserting adam was 900 and Noah was 500 is not out of step with the thrust and momemtum of this God's epic. Is this consistant with life as you know it? For you to question the translation endeavored by the masorectic Jews and the 50 English scholars has to be based on something. Perhaps you are a master in speaking/writing hebrew and English and are able to question the translation/Interpretation. The Alepo Codex is what it is and if the King James doesn't reflect an accurate and true interpretation then one should be redone. However, the Septuagint also needs to be interpreted. After doing these tranlations the books can then be cross referenced to see how consistent and close they are. Back in the 90's when mike harris was premier and he also created the 60 hour work week which the Liberals repealed. The fact is, Lawyers can do this if they want to. Good luck of this happening in Canada. At least you have democracy at work electing Judges and also a jury. Canada has no such justice.
  21. Animals require a shelter because of society and the acts of people. Animals did not decide to be pets they were made out to be pets. As it is when kids are raised by questionable parents and guided by questionable schooling to ultimately be kicked or pushed through the cracks of life there has to be mechanisms to deal with these situation. What you are talking about is adminstrative corruption which is unacceptable. Just another way how the conservatives reaveal how corrupt they are.
  22. Are you a meth addict? There is something wrong with you. The sun is nature, outsourcing is man's domain. If a company were to capture the sun's energy in Canada and employed Canadians to do it, no problem If a company captures the suns energy in Canada and sets about selling the suns energy in Canada yet uses people in India to answer their customer support number this company is subject to an income tax surcharge. If this same company exports the captured suns energy to India, sets up an office an India, and employs people from India to sell the energy, good. If the company sells the suns energy in India and uses a customer services number from Canada as the company is Canadian fine, however if this Canadian company then uses a customer service number in China to answer Questions for the people in India, India has a right to pursue Lost Income tax Revenue to Recaputure their lost GDP revenue.
  23. You must be thick as my point was 10 ten times is not that much yet you spend so much of your time posting on a Canadian Political forum. Well, the King James is based on a collaboration between English Scholars and Masorectic Jew using the Aleppo Codex. The same codex Isreal is based on. If you want to parade about as a Jew then you shouldn't be throwing stones at your elders. Using your logic than moses who was 80 in the old testament when he led the Children of Isreal out of Egypt or 40 years old if you look at the new testament. Which book are you going to beleive really? That would make moses 3 or 4 years old, a remarkable feat. It is noted in History the septagint, the old testemant was introduced to Greek society 300 years before Jesus by the Actual tribes of Isreal. The greeks had advanced mathematics and the pythogorean thereom goes back to 600 BC. So you are in contempt of your masorectic heritage or you are in contempt to the intelligence of the tribes who introduced the septuagint to the Greeks in 300 BC. Which is it? In Ontario it use to 6 years until the conservatives changed it. Harper was not apart of the Ontario Conservatives but many who make up Harpers conservatives are prominent members of the former Ontario Conservatives. Harper is certainly influenced by these sell out elitist conservatives. Ontario Litigation is different. In the US if you have a case some lawyers will pursue the case and you only pay if they win. In Canada that is not the case. The pursuit of Justice and getting justice in Canada is a flawed endeavor. Not only is it flawed at the lawyer level you are also up against unelected Liberal or conservative appointed Judges. In the US the Judges are elected.
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