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Everything posted by whowhere

  1. Rome collapsed because it became weak and began seeing everyone as equal citizens and the Christian cancer infected Rome to the point of decline. Rome has to be looked at before citizen equality and the christian disease.
  2. Really?? Easy for those bias towards the British to make that assertion. The British hid on an island surrounded by rough seas. You should really read history. France dominated Europe, that's a fact. France became an empire of Europe, did Britain?
  3. The Roman slave supply http://www.princeton.edu/~pswpc/pdfs/scheidel/050704.pdf (Princeton University) You may want try getting an education. Rome was an imperial power that invaded new territories, extracted their wealth and made slaves out of the people. Rome existed for a 1000 years. Aside of Ancient Egypt what other Empire reigned that long. You and dancer may want to write princeton to tell them you know better about Roman history than they do.
  4. People need to start demanding parity with the US. The US citizen deducts their mortgage interest and they enjoy lower retail costs on Food and other items. Canada's ability to compete on a level playing field is going to be a must if the dollar reaches parity. Canada's economic model of relying on the US to generate its economic prosperity is repugnant. Canada's model is to export products to the US and over retail taxCanadians on what they need to sustain a living. It's not right and needs to be addressed. In spite of the US woes, the US still doesn't have GST. If the US can function without it, so can Canada.
  5. They should be with what they let mulroney and harper do to this country.
  6. I know logic and human nature is beyond your grasp but it is fact employers purposely fish the labor market preferring immigrants over native Canadians. They do this because they know they can cheat immigrants out of money by paying them less. I have worked with New immigrants in most of my work places for the last twenty years. Immigrants are used by big mulitnationals to drive wages and working conditions down. They also use immigrants to keep Canada an unskilled labor force. You want people to work try paying them and giving them incentives to work instead of trying to cheat and abuse them. Because that is the tactics I see employers engage in: Cheating, abuse, and threats to get employees to work for substandard wages and conditions. When I first I got out of High School I found a job at factory making the hourly. It was continental shift, so after 8 hrs it was time and half. The shift that fell on Saturday was time and half. The shift the fell on Sunday was time and half. Stat holidays was double time and half. 100 percent benefits and a pension after ten years service. At the time I didn't realize how good of a deal this was and wanted to try to build a career in the subjects I was taking in High School. Little did I know I would be getting the shaft by Social Prejudice and Corrupt Governance. For these reasons I began looking at the underpinning and fabric that makes up modern Society. Yes, I will call a spade a spade. Canada is a corrupt country where lying and cheating is the currency of the day. It's not what you can do, it's how much bs and lies you can spin to get your way.
  7. Canada was first established, settled, and Named Canada by France. Canada was captured by the British and defended against US independence in 1774 and the US invasion of 1812. After 1812 Canada saw an influx of millions of British settlers to Canada which became the English population foundation. This was done in part to counter the rise in population of the French population in Quebec. This is the Thrust of settlement in Canada prior to the World Wars. If you have other types of immigration occuring produce a refererence. The French were Catholics, the English were protestants based on the King James book commission and transcribed by English Scholars and masoretic Jews. England for whatever reason broke from the vatican and established the church of England. Case and point, Canada was established and settled as a Christian Country. Rome became Christian and was eventually superceded by Christian Europe. Canada's Heritage is Christian and Roman. I suggest you read more. Roman Soldiers invaded new territories, extracted their wealth, and enslaved those regions people to begin producing goods and farming to be shipped back to rome. Rome was an indeed an imperial power. Actually those of the british regions were subjugated by Rome and were treated accordingly. Christian Missionaries in the 5th century AD introduced the Roman Alphabet to the British. As for your common law legal system I suggest you look at what the Charter has done to that system. Yeah that's right. The generations preceding the boomers and their parents struggled to build and shape Canada into a good Country. Then the Garbage generations in the span of 40 years of undone and unraveled Canada to cultural and economic obliteration. If you subscribe to Judeo Christian doctrine foreigners are an abomination. You should read the King James. Lots in there. But then you stated you are pagan. Not sure how that works given the British were subjects to the Queen or King up until 1950. The King James Bible was commisioned by the same king who established The United Kingdom. So sorry buddy you do not escape what is written in that book. Furthermore every want to be immigrant to Canada for some reason swears allegiance to Canada's Christian Queen. In my mind doing so makes them beholden to the consequences of their ill gotten attitudes and views. Watch the movie, Fall of the Roman Empire. Read the New Testament. Watch the countless documtaries out their on Rome. I watched and Read enough to know what I say is quite accurate. I also know enough to say Canada is in Contempt of Judeo Christian Doctrine and is also in Contempt of Roman principals of Nation building.
  8. With an attitude like that it's no wonder Canada ranks behind many European Countries in Vacation Day, Stat holiday pay, employment security, and national pride. We are citizens to servants to the government. Citizens are free to move to most beneficial employment. IF EI is used as lever to propel Canadians to higher employment, good for them. Go back to pakistan, start a business, or try harder to become employed. Simple as that. I can see you are a suporter of forced 60 hour work weeks and likely six day work weeks as in china. If that's the country you want, then relocate. We have technology and resources to benefit Canadians but that technology is being used to abuse and exploit Canada and Canadians. Why should Canadians settle for less than what our Grandparents got? My Grandpa had a stay home wife and was able to afford a new car, a cottage, a house, and retired with a pension. Over in Europe France, Germany, Sweden, they enjoy 6 weeks vacation a year. Look at Canada today. What do today's Canadians get? and you want to take away welfare and EI to further insult Canadians? The problem of Canada is shear selfishness.
  9. Determination for who? To establish Canada as an extension of China or India? Yeah, sure. Canada's origins is French/English. After the WWII Canada saw refugess coming from many other countries around the world. Since 1982 that has morphed into economic immigrants with attitudes of entitlement and a social superiority complex. Canada's doesn't need immigrants and if anything they have proven they contribute nothing to moving Canada into a world contributor of innovation. My observation, Immigrants have proven to be disruptive, are negative, and contribute nothing to Canada's cohesion.
  10. Why should they get the red carpet treatment to high paying work. There are lots of Canadians who are willing be trained in a trade but are discriminated against and marginalized because of social prejudice. Try looking after those who are here rather than depriving them of their rightful opportunities. The conservatives have made it to easy for employers to claim they can't find the skills in the people of Canada so they have to look outside - BS, If you can't find the skills, contract a business from Canada, the US, or mexico. We have trade agreements with them so if the company needs work done a company is out there to get it done. Let's face it, the real pursuit of these employers is to keep Canada unskilled and low paying. Stop pandering to these lying employers. The truth of Canada's employers is they use immigrants as a way to repress wages, working conditions, and deprive canadians meaningful complimentary work experience to propel them to higher paying employment. The Conservatives are all to eager to supply the bullets to the guns the employers use to choke Canada into the second rate country it is.
  11. My point is my tone is virtually non existence compared to that of some US politicians.
  12. Its ridiculous for me to paint all boomers that. Canada is where it is at because you people allowed it to happen. that makes you guilty. You are responsible for Canada's current state. If in fact you are entitled to what you say you deserve then the wealth should already be in place to look after you and or Canada is already positioned to looked after what you people think you deserve. Not the case as there are those who are advocating mass immigration and the sell out of Canada to provide the boomers with what they think they deserve. My personal experience with the kinds of immigrants Canada is bringing in is ones coming from low income Countries. Even minimum wage in Canada is enough buying power back in the Countries they came from to live large. If these immigrants are in this predicament at whose expense is it at? Not the boomers, that's for sure. Canada has gone to far with immigration and we don't need them. Canada has all the resources, intellectual Capital, and historical roots to propel it through the next millenium. We don't need china or any other asian country. We don't need entitled immigrants because they are not entitlted to Jack. The God portrayed in the Old Testament would Concur. The Roman God Jupiter would also have to concur given that Rome operated in the trade of people for the benefit of Romans. My Ancestors built Canada, not some banana country immigrant who the boomers are eager to roll out the red carpet for to feather their nests.
  13. Actually my religious tone is not one of preaching but one of reference. Being this God is not here to talk directly one could look to what was written to draw parallels to what is going on in current affairs. Particulary in Canada's case the story of Sodom and Gomorah. That is that God. Rome's God was jupiter not the God of Abraham. Some Say Jupiter and Zeus are one in the Same God. The letters you are writing are Roman letters, not english, french, italian, spanish, german or whatever other language who has decided to make you use of these letters for their means of documenting their respective societies. When I site history or religion I do it to show people have no basis and ought to rethink their position. Because this thread is about Islamic terrorists we can thank them for the fort knox security treatment happening at the US/Canada border. Canada is not respected by the US. The US looks for ways to take advantage of Canada. The US will continue to do this until Canada embraces who it really is and starts building a Canada reflective of this. If Canada persists and insists on selling Canada out for the gain of the few it will become a world joke. You are concerned about my religious tone you ought to watch religulous a documentary put out by Bill Maher.
  14. Racist are you? Collector of Hitler paraphanelia. For one Parts of Africa (Egypt) became apart of the Roman Empire. Africans not only were apart of North American and Euro History they paid their dues to North America and Europe. Sure, Africans are pissed off for being made use as slaves in the US but they should get over it and look at the bigger historical picture. As for you advocating the sell out of Canada by preferring Asians is really a sell out of Liberties. The Asians Canada brings in don't think for themselves. These Asians lack individuality and are machine like. Often they are rude and arrogant in their manner. When I speak of Asians I speak of the variety Canada is bringing in. The successful Asian Countries such as Japan and South korea leave no reason for their people to look to Canada for economic prosperity. If they do come to Canada it is often to work at a Japanes Multi national companies in an Engineering or Operational Capacity. Easy for them to do because Japan dominates the world as much as the US with big Corporations. Canada on the other hand, ?? A low life horse and buggy Country bent on cultural obliteration. Not only do japanese and asian companies operate in Canada they often are the ones paying near minimum wage, use employment agencies as a way of business, and provide only production style employment. So I guess pearl harbor was for nothing. The Korean War for Nothing. Vietnam for nothing. Perhaps its time Canada burns all the legions and do away with Rememberance day because you people are an insult to that history.
  15. Sorry buddy the retirees sowed what they should reap: Zilch, Zero. If your solution is to erode and dump immigrants on masse to Canada to prop up a cushy retirement at the expense of Canada's heritage: Fack eff to you and your degenerate idealogy. Apparently it wasn't enough for trash boomers to get their parents wealth via inheritance tax free. Apparently it wasn't enough for trash boomers who were smart enough to buy a house in the early eighties and dump it after the value increased ten fold from 30,000 to 300,000. Not only did these boomers and their parents realized these gains they got a free ride with their selfish greed. Their logic is I buy a car today for $10000, use the car for thirty years, and turn around and sell it for $100000. Who gets to live rent free and drive around in car for free? Now you want immigrants and future generations of Canada to fund your retirement. Who on heaven and the generations preceding the boomers and their parents gave you the political right to escalate real estate in that fashion. This real estate run up was because of loose immigration and loose credit. I have come across many newcomers who have been in Canada for not even 2 years and they have bought a house and are paying into a mortgage. How the eff does someone relocate to a new country and qualify for a mortage without a significant down payment. It is not a mystery why housing prices have been pushed up. Canada is not a good Country. It is not a country of good people. It is a country of lazy, selfish, greedy, lying cheats. I suggest you start thinking how to fund your retirement through good honest effort instead of trying to cheat and exploit immigrants and Canada's future generations for your vanity. I will say to you people and to the world that life as we know it will not end. It may transform into something else similar to how life transformed from dinosaurs to what life is today but it will not end. What will happen life will endure. The dilema Canada faces is the people of Canada hate life and hate Canada so much they will do what they can to make Canada a lagging Country in wealth, prosperity, and innovation behind all other countries in the world. Shame on you parasites and may the god portayed in the Old Testatment inflict on you people what you all deserve.
  16. The fact is, the pure bred, pure lain Canadian is of Roman Lineage and Judeo Christian Dogma. It's not hard trace ancestory records to know who is of Europe and Rome. My point is that today's garbage politicians have no reference for their defilement and prostitution and sellout of Canada. Rome operated by taking wealth and enslaving people for the benefit of Romans. What is Canada doing? It is Canabalizing its people. Canada's politicians have sold out Canada and Canadians to feather their own nests. Not only have the boomers and their parents are a blight to Canada's Roman and Judeo Christian history they are also an insult to the pure lain Canadians great ancestors. Canada's Ancestors struggled and toiled to build up Canada only for the trash generations of the last fourty years to piss Canada away for their vanity and selfish greed. If there is divine justice I believe the boomers and their parents will have to be judged by their parents, our great grand parents the generations before them to hold them to account for what they have allowed to happen to Canada. Putting foreigners and newcomers to Canada above Canadians is excusable to history and Canadians ancestory. It is up to Canada's politicians to insulate Canadians from the fallout of their policies. Dumping a torrent of immigrants onto Canada to fuel what exactly is nothing more than a recipe for depressed wages and working conditions. The conservatives have given employers a lever to repress Canada. The Conservative do this because they hate Canadians and they hate Canada and they will not stop until they have destroyed everything Canada once was. All is never lost but Canada has to stop the cultural free fall and embrace who we are. Step #1 get rid of the Cancerous Conservatives.
  17. Actually you have hit the nail on the head. Canada is a lost cause and blight to the world and ought to be obliterated out of existence for the boomers and their parents selfishnesss. They allowed Canada to become the cultural shithole at the hands of the Conservatives and the Liberals. Fact, Rome expanded Rome by taking new land, the people, and their wealth. The Romans made slaves out of the people. The slaves had an opportunity to become Romans after paying their dues to Rome. Rome lasted a 1000 years under this succesful model. Because Canada stems from judeo christian dogma it is actually an abmonition to defile yourself with other countries people, it's a sin. So really, the boomers have insulted history, Religion, and have insulted the future Generations of Canada with their selfish greed. Canada is a nation of Garbage politicians and the people who support them. As is the way of garbage you are all headed for the incinerated to be extinguished out of the book of life. Count on it. I have looked at history, Religion, and economics to know the people of Canada will get what they deserve. Nothing, but that will not stop the garbage form driving Canada to the cultural gutter to continue to satify their selfish vanity.
  18. Where is the Charter and the 1982 Constitution does it say that? It doesn't. What would happen is the application is filed to the court house. If what you say is true the rejection can be challeged as unconstitutional and escalated to the appeals court where the appeals judges will agree the redirection is unconstitutional. They would have to! because Section 24 is in the Constitution what you are saying is done is not. For that reason the appeals court would have to rule that redirection as unconstitutional unless they are nothing more than Liberal and conservative party puppets. If that proved to be the case the matter would then proceed to the Supreme Court....Then the Queens Office.... The International Court of Justice. Wow, all of that to have a court say yep, Section 24 says bring matter before a competent court for remedy. How much more blunt can that statement be?? Oh that redirection to the Human Rights commission is not in the Constitution, therefor that in itself makes it unconstitutional. It appears the Wheel of Justice in Canada requires an adjustment.
  19. FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS. 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: => freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; I don't get it. What does this have to do with government and legislation??? I talk and the company attempts to mute my right to freedom of thought. When this would come into being a constitutional challenge is if the employer disciplines me and uses that as grounds to terminate my employment. I have come across all kinds of scumbag managers and actually scumbags in general to know what they will grasp at doing. If this happens I have incurred a loss and will have to pursue. ENFORCEMENT OF GUARANTEED RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS / Exclusion of evidence bringing administration of justice into disrepute. 24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances Now some on this thread have argued the court will not hear the matter and would reject the application. Of course, doing this would be UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!! Section 24 is in the Constitution. Deviating from section 24 that results in the obfuscation and the blocking of justice would be cause to challenge that deviation from Section 24 as unconstitutional to the appeals court or the Supreme Court. Now What if the Supreme Court also rejects the application? What to do? What to do? Well, there is answer for that to. One could appeal to the Queen as the Queen, The Liberal Party, and the Supreme Court imposed that 1982 Constitution and Charter onto the people without the peoples say. The Queen is the final Rule above the Supreme Court. Afterall, that was old europe. The King or Queen was the bearer of Rule and Justice. It is possible the Queen would intervene to back hand the Supreme Court but not likely. In 1970 the Queen deferred all matters to be brought before the International Court of Justice. If Canada's Judiciary, the Politicians, and bureacrats think they are clever in rejecting Black and white matters of Justice regarding the Charter, the matter then can be escalated to the International Court of Justice. So Canada is accounatable to the Queen and/or the International Court of Justice. People may have to go to these lengths to fight for their rights because Canada has an entrenchly corrupt Judiciary filled with Liberal and Conservative patronage appointments. These Judges are more about towing the Party Line than being the mechanics of Justice.
  20. Where in the charter does it say that? It doesn't you people are just trying to obfuscate justice. Fact, #1 => I file the application, #2 => If what you say is true the Court throws the application out citing your reasons. I challenge you people to produce that Lower court ruling backing up your bs. Fact, If Lower Court throws my claim out I can appeal that to the appeals court and they will decide to hear the matter or reject the matter on the basis you state. The Charter is clear and it is clear the Court is to redress the wrongs. Fact, if the Appeals court will not here the matter it can then be escalated to The Supreme Court of Canada. Show me a Supreme Court of Canada ruling indicating the charter only has to do with individuals and government!! In any case the company's lawyer would have to produce this case ruling to the judge. Costing this company money to hire a lawyer to search out Case law. As I said, it would cost me as little as $200 dollars to get this matter before a judge. It would cost the company thousands to defend against this move.
  21. Really?? Where does the charter say it is limited to legislation and government action? It doesn't. Spin your BS somewhere else. #1 I know exactly what I need to do to put a charter matter before the court for a Judges decision. #2 If I don't like what Lower Court says it is my right to advance the matter to appeals court. #3 If I don't like what the appeals court says I can bring the matter before the Supreme court of Canada. The charter is clear as water FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS. 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: => freedom of conscience and religion; => freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; =>freedom of peaceful assembly; and => freedom of association. If any individual, corporation, business, or the government wants to eff with my fundamental freedoms, the charter states ENFORCEMENT OF GUARANTEED RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS / Exclusion of evidence bringing administration of justice into disrepute. 24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances Also quite clear bring the matter before a competent court. I know the courts of justice act is a stickler for how applications are put before the court but once you get by the court adminstrator, bobs your uncle. If for whatever reason the local court won't accept the application you can the proceed directly to the Supreme Court of Canada. If this company wants to trample on my expression of thought it my constitutional right to ask the court for remedy. I am ready to dance In spite of your BS.
  22. Yeah if you say so buddy. Section #2 of states: freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; I will interpret other media of communication, my work environment. Yes you can, Cathedrals are open to the public and the charter would support you. > freedom of conscience and religion; Ah??? Have you read the New Testament? That's exactly what Jesus did!!!!!!! Doesn't matter, free speech is free speech. I wasn't talking to him, so he can eff off. Contrary to what you think I am quite calm and pursue communication and not argumentation. #1 I don't need a Lawyer I can represent myself. #2 The Charter stipulates what you are to do if you are wronged. For as little as $200 I can haul this companies ass before the court. By the time the company pays a lawyer enough to appear at this appearance they will have accumulated a bill in the Thousands. This company is selfish and greedy. Every penny counts so I doubt they would stand up for this two bit whiner. If that's how any company wants to play I am ready to play. Besides I guess the weekend has doused flames on this whiners crying to the supervisor. He has decided to let it go. If he wanted to pursue it he had to put his complaint in writing to the Human Resources which in turn they would have to came in on me. As I said I am ready to dance and all the ducks are lined up . I guess I will be waiting to dance another day. What part of section 2 do you not understand???? freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; GET IT?? If you are wronged the Charter states apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances Get that to?? Quite black and white, clear as water.
  23. There is a good historical movie put out in the 1960 => The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964) Rome was an empire of a thousand years it became that empire by conquering and enslavement. Basically, the Roman went into a country extracted its wealth and enslaved the people to send back farming and manufactured goods. However, the people had the opportunity to advance out of slavery and become Roman Citizens with a right to vote. Figure it out, Rome Endured for a 1000 years on this successful model. Rome Collapsed because it made everyone a citizen with equal rights to vote and Christianity infected the lower populace like a Cancer which ultimately collapsed Rome and led to Christian Europe centered around the Vatican. Christian Europe was brought to its knees and abolished by the Establishment of the United States and the Rise of Napoleon. The End of the Religious Grip on Europe has been Solidified with the Establishment of the European Union. The World has two World thought Powers anchored from the Roman Empire: The United States and the European Union. If you people honestly believe you are entitled, think again.
  24. Actually I should apologize because my response was in general and not necessarily to you. That response should have been a response to This guy is a communist and wants to sensor to people. He ought to consider relocating to Cuba or North Korea.
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