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Everything posted by whowhere

  1. You missed my point. My point was jbq is ungrateful to the forces that brought about the us. The statue of liberty represents this. Because he is in nY I am saying she is telling jbg to go eff himself. clear enough for you.
  2. http://www.textkit.com/learn/ID/144/author_id/65/ Using scholastic logic, French, English, Italian, Spanish, German, are dialects of Latin as they are using the Latin/Roman Alphabet. French/English are nothing more than splitting hairs. The fact is, Quebec has its history and is making its own cultural and governing decision. You want to function in Quebec you better learn French. You want to function in the US you better learn English. Using your logic will Jesus understand anything you have to say because he didn't speak English. Cars don't have accidents, people do. Guns don't kill, people kill. A language is a tool, nothing more. English Canada has a bad attitude and needs to wake up and get with the program.
  3. Yes they are because the people behind RIM are all business and highly educated. The conservatives should have made sure they got Nortels assets. Really, How is it the Canadians fought in World War II as Citizens yet the British never stopped being http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/britishcitizenship/othernationality/britishsubjects/ Odd since World War II ended in 1945. Try Reading a book, how you ever became a Lawyer is beyond me. God help whoever you represent. They are definately not good hands. Yes, their position was why should they fight to help their Occupiers. Ungrateful Province? Buddy Quebec fell under British Occupation in 1759. Twenty years later the Canadians of Quebec/Canada/Nouvelle France fought 4 years along side to bring about an independent United States. The were betrayed by Benedict Arnold and the Continental Congress for not helping the Marquis Lafayette spearhead a final attempt to regain Canada from British Occupation. The Correspondence of this can be found in the Library of Congress online. Also more can be found in Archives of the Dialogue of Kings of France around the time they wanted Quebec/Canada back. Not only was Quebec/Canada betrayed by an ungrateful United States this support bankrupted France and led to the French Revolution in 1779. This Revolution Rocked Europe to its core and destabalized Europe for 40 years. The Historical Strokes the led to the establishment of the United Shows and demonstrates the only ungrateful is likeminded people such as YOU!. Fortunately for the US, the US machine is much bigger than you and in spite of your ingratious attitude the US will be propelled forward. Just Remember that every time you look at the statue of Liberty because she is telling you to go eff yourself. Because Canada would be and have been in a position to Grow and Accomodate increase in population. The population of England is 50 million. You can fit 5 Englands in Ontario. All being Equal Ontario should be 250 million strong. Ontario will never be anything with the simpleton Conservatives at the Helm. Hardly, Obama is doing his best to clean up after bush's incompetent presidency. Obama was more sizzle than steak but at least I will say he is more genuine than Bush. Rivalry, more sibling Cluelessness. Canada has obviously been smoking to much of BC's pot because they are too strung out to grip the reality of what it means to be a successful Country. Obviously, you are economic simpleton. Local business require customers. Local busines do not thrive unless people have money to spend. In southern Ontario we have Blue Mountain Skiing, many golf course, and of course the retail stores that need shoppers. The Conservatives have successfully move Canadians back too 1990 wage levels at the retail prices of 2009. Doesn't match. Because of this Businesses are in deep deep trouble. I will have to believe in the Cosmic order of things the corrupt conservative will ultimately get what they deserve for their communist style governance. Perhaps it was a scam but at least it stimulated the local economy. What was enron? But at least in Enron, the hand US justice came to bare. What came of the debacle in Canada. Once again you help affirm that Canada is corrupt country that lacks the checks and balances of the US.
  4. Need I say anything more. You proven my points. You obviosly don't read, either. Canada was not bilingual until after 1982 and this was thanks to the liberals. It had nothing to do with Quebec. Quebec did not shove french up Canada's ass, the Liberals did. I suggest you put down the bong and gets some fresh air to clean out your congested polluted brain.
  5. As a lawyer you should pay more attention to the origins of their technology (the US) as they were being sued for patent infringement. Canada fought in both world wars by British conscription and as British subjects. Furthermore, the people of Quebec refused to participate and protested the involvement of Canada. Once again 1867 Canada's history is somewhat muddy. If Canada was so proud of their contribution then they should show it by having Nov 11 as stat holiday as it is in the US and FRANCE. Yes France has Nov 11 as a National holiday because they are willing to show the world they are grateful for the events of WW2. As for Canada, it is the most ungrateful arrogant country deserving of a beating. If you look at how the US is is laid out with its highways, the states themselves, and the legal framework and institutions it makes the US scalable and in a position to grow. Canada's donkey politicians couldn't scale themselves out of a wet paper bag they are more about the pittance money they siphon for vain ends. They think nothing of the Trillion dollars the US printed off and gave to china when the chinese wanted their money from US treasury bill. Canada pulls in maybe 250 million in tax revenue. It will take Canada 4 years of hard work to match one night of US currency printing. The US dollars is still holding strong in spite of this. Canada would be better served to start learning from the US rather than looking for ways to slam it. Canada should have developed a backbone and defended the industry. Canada should have also developed a backbone and propped up Nortel rather than let it get sold off for small time nothing. The contrast, the US did what was necessary to elevate the auto industry and the Financial industry. Canada's politician obviously think the world is coming to an end in 2012 and they will stop at nothing until Canada is......oh too late a banana republic Canada is not pulling its weight on the world scene. It's model is the importing of immigrants which really accomplishes low wages and poor working conditions with the idea they will support products destined for the US. Canada has no interest in micro economics and because of this Canada is what it is. Canada is corruptly governed and lacks the checks and balances to be a democracy. Canada operates like a communist regime and does not see Canadians as human beings but as vehicles to extract inflated taxes compared to the US and providing nothing for those tax dollars other than the fact politicians and civil servants own ten bedroom homes and drives BMW suvs. I wish I was joking here, but sadly that is the life carved out for them at the expense of Canadians. Get rid of the Corrupt conservatives.
  6. I suggest you check out that link in my prior post. Quebec represents 25% of Canada's population. French is the language in use. Only 20 percent are using other languages. Quebec has a population growth stategy. That is more what can be said for English trash Canada.
  7. Right...............The only thing dysfunctional is your brains logic. Do you think the people of Ontario voted the Conservatives in to build the 407 at taxpayers expense to only turn around and sell it for a pittance. The 407 is run by theives and is a raping of anyone who uses it. It cost 20 dollars to go from the 400 to hamilton. If I took toll highways in the states to Florida, which is 3000 Km it would not amount to that. Guess who makes up the corrupt harper Conservatives. You guessed it, the same ontario conservative politicians that screwed up ontario. The people have a right to checks and balances. The US president is independent and independently elected from the congress. However, the Congress can fire the president if he steps out of the bounds of the constitution. Canada's system is designed for the governor generals office to monitor the actions of the prime minister and his cabinet. If the Governor general will not do this and is just a rubber stamp it is time for Canadians to ask the British Monarch to allow Candians to elect a governor general who will represent the monarch in Canada. This is not exactly a republic but at least Canadians will no longer be abused by the Conservatives and the liberals. Canada is a testament absolute power corrupts. Majority Conservative Governments is the reason Canada is the Garbage country it is and lacks the infrasture, innovation and fertility rates to grow in step with the US.
  8. What does Quebec have to do with English Canada?
  9. The Monarch is a lineage. You talk of the Queen, you talk of the Monarch, past and future. The British Monarch was who the US was breaking away from. It took immense fighting to establish an independent United States. The Canadians spoke of by George washington were contributors to establishing that independence.
  10. Who brought Canada Bilingualism, the liberals. The only provice that was french before 1982 was Quebec and that is their legal language. The rest of Canada was English. If you look at the Antics of English Canada in the 60's onward it was no different that what Isreal is doing with their settlements at the protests of the palestinians. This imposing of English Canada lasted for 40 years. Over the last 15 years I have noticed the English media trash has alway used Quebec as a direction of hate and somehow the english commoners were on the same social level as the British Monarch and used terms that we conquered you/Quebec so you people should shut the eff up and let us eff up your province like we have effed up ontario and the rest of Canada. Proof is the pudding. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_demographics_of_Quebec There's the contrast between Quebec and English Canada. They have more children and they are adopting more children. Quebec's growth stategy makes sense in the way of preserving its culture. English Canada is cultural hateful craphole that looks to the US but are a blight to their ancestors or they are lyers for breaking their oath to their beloved queen. In any case you should be arrested for constorting with descendents of American indepedence traitors, monarch lovers, or poor characters for not abiding by their oath of citizenship. The English Canadian is one of these four. They fled 1776 us independence and settled in ontario. (They must have loved the Queen) They came afterwards and were British settler to Canada (The Bulk of English Canada's population before 1982) World War Refugees who still had to pledge allegiance to the British Monarch And New immigrants who had to pledge an oath of allegiance to the British Monarch. So really English Canada has zero excuse but to love thier Queen.
  11. Yeah unamerican, via the fact Canada parasites a medium which they did not create nor have an industry that contributes to the backbone of driving the internet and the internet technologies forward yet you sows through mud at the US. Canada watches mostly US/British produced movies and television shows and lacks to the intellect to produce movies and shows the world wants to watch. The US doesn't try to retire on the sale of food, beer, and gas in Canada we pay inflated prices in the neighborhood of 40 to 50%. We have a gst they have no federal Tax. They have an elaborate highway infrastructure which is operated by the US government. Canada's Federal Government can't be bothered with the highway infrastructure. The US produces and manufacturers it own military weaponary. Canada couldn't produce a bow and arrow without collaborating with the know how of other countries. Canada is a parasitic Country that has rode the coat tails of the world for to long. Canada's claim to fame is bringing in other countries losers and rejects who couldn't make it the country they left so they come here to canada. Wow is it any wonder why Canada is the backass Country it is today.
  12. Canada is not a young nation. Canada was has it origins in Nouvelle France which was the Canadians George Washington was talking about. That Canada started around 1604 in parallel with the establishment of New York City - 1608. This History of North America is 400 years old. Your propaganda Canada was established in 1867 and went to war with Quebec in the 1970's by trying to impose your arogance onto Quebec with your delusions of Grandeur. The 1982 Constitution Quebec was slighted and since that inception the politically corrupt have used that document to unravel Canada and in turn tried to convince Canadians they are now a multicultural shithole. Speak for yourself Canada and Canadian has meaning. 1867 Canadians are nothing more than simulated bacon bits. Once again, the Contrast between the US and Canada is the US embraces history, 1867 Canada runs from history.
  13. From what I have seen when the provinces harmonize their tax with the GST the province has relinquished control over what is subject to the HST. This decision becomes the sole decision of the Federal Government. If the Conservatives want to establish themselves as the good guys come out and announce some adjustments such as no HST on used vehicle sales. This will mean an actual tax cut of 8 percent pst on used car sales. Instead its going to be a tax increase of 5 percent complements of the Harper conservatives. Figure out how many used cars sold privately in Ontario that is not subject to GST but will be once the HST goes through. This will translate into hundreds of millions in tax dollars for the corrupt conservatives.
  14. You are obviously a simpleton and you miss the fact that no one has the power to veto the acts of parliament aside from the rubber stamp Governor General. It is actually very easy for Canada to be kind of a republic in a stroke of the pen by the Queen or the future King Charles. All she/he would have to do is put forward a proclamation stating the senate will be chosen by the people and the Governor General will be chose by the people. The Governor General will still be the monarch's representative. Really, I am quite surprised this has not been pursued. I can't be surprised and my prior posts are affirmed that Canada's political parties are parasites and corrupt out look out for themselves rather than progess and scale the country in line with peer countries.
  15. More crack pipe smoking. George Washington went on to bring about an Independent United States and was their first president. George washington will be remembered and studied for thousands of years into the future. His works can be found at the Library of Congress a US government initiative. Where's Canada's online archive of documents? Another difference between the US and Canada they have nothing to hide. Whereas Canada is about doing little to nothing and taking as much they can.
  16. The French/Canadians did not fight against the Americans in 1812. If they did it was under duress of the British Monarch. The war of 1812 was won as you stated because of the British monarch not because of those who fled American Independence in 1776 and set up shop in Ontario. The war of 1812 is British History not 1867 Canada history.
  17. What are you talking about? Quebec/Canada was lost to the British Monarch in 1759. The date of that George Washington letter is 1755. You must be smoking Crack, George Washington was a British Soldier at that point In 1776 George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and so forth spearheaded American Indpendence from the British Monarch. Put the crack pipe down and pay attention to the details.
  18. Incoherence??? http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/mgw:@field%28DOCID+@lit%28gw010118%29%29 "http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/mgw:@field%28DOCID+@lit%28gw010118%29%29" George Washington to Robert Jackson, August 2, 1755 Your knowledge of your own history is nauseating to say the least.
  19. Yes, I see it now, you likely doing work on behalf of Canada for the conservatives in the US. You are here to ensure the gravy train keeps on. Because you claim to be a lawyer, define what all this means. My interpretation and the logical interpretation coming from a dictionary is not necessarily the practiced interpetation by the lawyers of Canada and Canada's corrupt judiciary. Really, how much do you know about Canada. Are you talking about 1867 Canada or 1604 Canada? When talking about Canadians are you refering 1950 onward citizenship Canadian or are you referring to 1755 Canadians referenced by George Washington in his documents. When you talk of Canadians are you refering to the Canadians who fought 4 years alongside the US and aided in the Achievement of an Independent US. These Canadians were betrayed by Benedict arnold. Canada is the tale of two Canadas and two so called Canadians. You people are the beneficiaries of intellectuals who constructed a legal constitution, democracy, and carved out a geography to make the US what it is. Without your government structure and the constitution put in place back in 1780 where would you be today?? Canada has never had such document. The so Called 1950 Canadian is all about hating the US or Quebec. I was only referencing recent history. Nixon as you pointed out was kicked out of office. The fact is, the congress which is independent of the white house and the judiciary has the power to remove the president from office. Canada has a parliament (your congress) is not separated from the Prime Minister (your president) and his cabinet (your president's administration). Because of this Canada is a victim of political corruption. The only Countries Canada can be compared with is the UK, France, the US, Australia, and any other connected European Country. Compared to the US, Canada is a weak democracy. Not only is it a weak democracy, Canada so called 1982 Constitution was not voted in by the people but imposed on them by the liberals, the supreme court, and the monarch. In the US, the constitution was voted in/on by each state. Smart enough to not be wasting my time on an American forum to talk about stuff that doesn't affect me. I suspect you are Canadian living working in the US with connections to the politics of Canada. So really how much value can anyone put on what you have to say.
  20. Then you have to be a spy because what benefit is it to you, to waste your time on a Canadian forum to accomplish what agenda exactly?? My point is, and I have stated in clearly. The American people elects the president and the congress has the power to remove the president from office. What's to explain, the GG office of Canada needs to get a spine and not rubberstamp the legislation, the senate appointments, and whatever other mechanicsm of government. How credible is a governor general when the GG is selected by the PM and without scrutiny is signed off by the Queen. Canada is corrupt because it lacks the checks and balances the US has. The conservative parties only pursuit is to feather their own nests at the expense of Canada's future. Canada has no competent institution to stop the conservatives, the liberals, and the other party co-conspirators from wrecking the country with their communist style governance.
  21. Any real American would not be wasting his time posting on a Canadian Forum so I doubt your authenticity! You are certainly ignorant, look no further than the illinois governor "http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-blagojevich-impeachment-removal,0,5791846.story" Rod Blagojevich was impeached and forcabily removed from being Governor of Illinois by the state legislature. The people of illinois directly elected this governor but the elected legislature has the power to fire him as they did. Not only that, he has been indicted and may go to prison. There was also another story about an elected judge in Texas who was also impeached by the state assembly. As I said these are offices elected independently of the state assembly but were held to account by the elected state assembly when they stepped out of line. Canada has no such independence or accountability. It doesn't matter whether Harper has a majority or a minority HE STILL CONTROLS THE GOVERNMENT!! Never mind all the Plum senate appointments he gave his buddies you hear about in the media. It's what you don't hear about in the media when the conservative controlled goverment stacks the government payrolls with their party faithful. They can do this because the government departments report to his cabinet ministers. Minority or Majority it doesn't matter. Canada's judiciary, senate, and the government bureacrats are thickly lined with conservative and liberals. It is this way because Canada's governer generals office is not doing their job in holding the politicians and government leaches to account. It is quite clear you know nothing of what you are saying.
  22. Yes Canada, the general will of the conservative leaches and their comrads the government parasites who are busy watering down the voting via lax insulting immigration policies. These leaches hide behind their parties as the government parasites hide behind their union all the while they enjoy the cake and the bottom feeding Canadian gets sold down the river. Canada is every bit as communist because of the political and government corruption that is running rampant. If it were not for the monarch evil Canada would be out in full colors. The difference between Canada and the US is Canada has no accountability. We have corrupt parties all way around. In the US the president forms the cabinet who operates the US government. People vote directely for the President and his leadership. In Canada we did not vote for that turkey harper but whether you have a majority or a minority its the same because that party forms the cabinet which in turns operates the Canadian Government. You can be sure Harper and the conservatives have been busy stacking the government pay rolls with their buddies. Because in the US the president and the Congress is separate the president has to watch his step or risk being impeached and sent to prison. In Canada what does harper have to watch out for? especially if he had a majority? Talk about wielding absolute power on a Country. The problem is the Governor General has to stop being a rubber stamp and start policing the actions of the corrupt conservatives and the parliament in general. Canada doesn't have a congress to watch the actions of the Prime Minister and his corrupt conservatives. Because of this Canada's government is bloated with conservatives and Canada has suffered because of it.
  23. Yes Canada is distinct from the US in that we have a conservative party who thinks its ok for Multinationals to bring in foreign workers as long as they pay them more than YOU!!! I worked for this multinational that deliberately devalued and called positions assembly/operator positions when they involved technical troubleshooting skills and formal training to do the position. If you tried to apply for one of these positions they had list of qualifications which were specific and unappliable by most. Why would a company do this?? Todays Canadian worker has no leverage to say or doing anything about the sell out injustice heaped upon them by the self serving conservative party. The only thing you can do is look for better employment but wait you are competeing with the immigrant dumping by the conservatives that has only accomplished low wages and poor working conditions. When you do see a position posting chances are you will not have the experience or education they are looking for. When this happens the company is free to look outside of Canada to fill that position. This is ok with the conservatives as long as these people get paid more than you. The difference between Canada and the US in this situation is that the US will issue a visa with an expiry. This person has no citizenship rights whatsover. In Canada this person not only got the high paying position, he is entitled to vote for their favorite conservative party, and qualify for a mortgage to jack up real estate prices for the real Canadians who struggle to advance themselves. Sure many Canadians may have relevant work experience and education to apply for certain positions but the way they are advertised makes them unappliable. Why would anyone support a party who has put the world ahead of you. The conservatives are a joke and an insult to what Nov 11 represents. The conservatives are the most vial corrupt party to ever govern Canada. Get them out!
  24. Actually Canada is nothing like the US but a mooch and a leach to American Culture and economic inovation. Who brought the world the internet? Canada contributes nothing but cultural immolation and the pursuit of exploiting its people while the goverment tit sucking crats siphon off the tax revenues for their own benefits at the expense of Canada's inovation and future. Thanks to the Conservatives and the Government leaches Canada is has a slipping GDP relative to other emerging Countries. Canada's greedy businesses are jacking up retail costs over that of the US just because they can get away with it. Canada has a GST which actually hurts the economy by taking money out of the economy that is needed to sustain it. The US has figured out their tax structure and maybe they have deficits but not everything is at it seems. The US operates in abstract economics which the conservatives can only dream of ever understanding. Because we have losers running the country Canada infrasture will continue to erode and rust away along with any world inovation with it. Have a look at the US versus Canada Lower Retail Costs, check => Canada bzzzzzzzzzz Lower Taxes, check => Canada bzzzzzzzzz More Stat holidays, check => Canada bzzzzzzzz Canada is so ungrateful they don't have Nov 11 as stat to honor those who stood for freedom and democracy. This is so because we know what's in the hearts and minds of the Conservatives and Canadians in general. Higher wages, check => Canada bzzzzzzzzzzz A just legal system, check => Canada bzzzzzzz - good luck finding lawyers who will stand on right and wrong A growing population and infrasture, Check => Canada bzzzzz - Canada is a world whore of immigrants at the expense of its heritage. Canada will put the world's people before its own people. That is the kind of people Canadian's really are. Nothing but sell out of ideals and common decency. As I said if anyone ever sees someone show casing a Canadian patch in foreign Country I would see as a call for that person to get a severe beating for their arrogance. Canada needs to get the Sell out Conservatives out and do it before they wreck the Country any further.
  25. Oh yes there is, you have lower gas prices, taxes and beer prices. The US has higher GDP and sees nothing wrong in taking advantage of illegal mexican or foreign labor to generate tax revenue for progams they will never qualify for. The US doesn't give auto citizenship whereas Canada does. Canada tries to sell it self as multicultural and the unruly immigrants and so called refugees have in fact signifactly altered the demographics of Canada to situation critical. Canada is a lost country incapable of standing on its own 2 feet. It requires its hands to be held by US/British movies and TV shows. Any movies made in Canada are usually done on the initiative of a US movie producer to get their costs down using Canadian labor and studios and not because a Canadian producer films to produce a movie to hit the theaters. I am ready to stand Corrected? If anyone can put forward to this thread a movie produced by A Canadian Producer, film in Canadian Studios, and put into the movie theaters and had an audience tell us!! Perhaps the Anglo Canadian losers will get off their asses and set about creating a movie the world will want to see rather parasiting off of British and American made movies. Not much of a difference because Canada is heavily influenced by US television and employed because of US markets. What makes Canada different is its manner of exploiting Canadian serve the conservative communist party of Canada.
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