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Everything posted by whowhere

  1. For someone that hasn't been to Canada spends an odd amount of time on a Canadian political forum. 1604 or 1607 close enough. http://www.jafi.org.il/education/100/PEOPLE/BIOS/herzl.html God mustn't have liked him very much because he passed on in 1904 at 44 years of age. Adam lived until he was 900 years old and Noah started work on the ark at 500 years old. You are lucky immigration was lax back then and for a lawyer you are lucky to be in a Country that respects recourse for the law unlike Canada. Statue of Limitation in Ontario is 2 years for civil litigation. This to is also thanks to the Conservatives that make up harpers conservatives. Just another way how Harper's conservatives look out for their buddies.
  2. Quit skirting. If I stand on facts and you/them can't accept those supported facts who is the one with neurosis? Projection perhaps?
  3. I am not talking tariffs on fininshed goods or service coming into Canada or going out of Canada. I am talking about the "employing" of people outside of Canada for the companies day to day functions: IT, customer service, product repair/service, etc. If employing outside of Canada is done, Canada is entitled to its lost income taxes and no prices will not go up because other the market dictates prices via competition. Also, taxes would decreas in general because Canadians will no longer be subsidizing these cheating corporations. I have countlessly explained what operational departments are. There are proper channels to conduct business if you do not want to do the work yourself. You contract out the work or you are a company to do the work. As for banks, whynot allow foreign banks unfettered access to Canada and to compete with Canadian banks on a level playing field. Canada's banks are protected by regulations against foreign banks. The banks are abusing Canadians in their employment practices and how they are protected from Foreign bank competion. The fact is our banks are betraying Canadians and Canada with their practice. If we allow banks to continue to get way this then we have to allow companies like siemens who use to have manufacturing in Ontario to continue to promote there business in Canada but have channeled all work outside of Canada. Siemens was whining about bombardier getting the subway car deal which will be in Canada versus what they wanted to do is have them made in China and brought to Toronto. How does buying subway cars from Siemens a foreign national building in China benefits Canada's GDP? It doesn't. It takes subway fares and hard paid tax dollars Canadians have paid and diverts it to Corporate Siemens outside of Canada and into China's GDP numbers. As for your consumer angle How is a consumer shopping in China personally and bringing the stuff back to Canada? They are not but the outsourcing company such as a bank is personally going to India and the fruits of that outsourced work is seen by Canada/Canadians by answer of a phone outside of Canada. I am being consistent and clear. You are trying to twist my position around unsuccessfully I must say. The position has stated countless times. Finished goods and services tariff free. Inputs to getting products or services to finished goods and services performed outside of Canada is subject to a lost income tax/business tax penalty. It appears you are an advocate of selfishness. You think its ok for a corporation to take from Canada and give nothing back in the way of taxes and employment to sustain the micro economics of Canada.
  4. If its factual and true who has the neurosis? Me or you/them?
  5. Right......Walmart is an example of a good capitalistic business. They recognize that their people should not be overpaid for what they do. If the people at Walmart were paid more than what they are what do you think would happen to retail prices? If Walmart people get paid more than people working at Honda do assembly would have to have their wages increased proportionally to compensate for your communist unbalanced economics. No walmart does not cheat Canada or Canadians in paying low wages because the employment is being done in Canada and the consumer is able to afford to buy merchandise from their stores. What you saying does not match what I am talking about. Walmart does not outsource operational departments outside of Canada the Banks are and other companies. They are cheating Canada out of its GDP and cheating Canada out of income tax revenue.
  6. Did the institution let you out? You make no sense. How is Canadians and Canada better off if I call a bank and their phones are answered by companies located in India? Canada's GDP is being routed to India when it should have been channeled in Highering Canadians or Contracting Canadian Companies to do the work. If companies pursue this way of operating their business they owe Canada for lost income tax Revenue. As a Canadian Citizen if I go the US or Anywhere and bring products back to Canada they are subject to GST and PST. Whether a company employs a Canadian to answer the phone or illegally employs someone from india to Answer the phone for a bank the bank owes Revenue Canada Income Taxes for that employment. Not only are these companies cheating Canada out of Income Taxes they are cheating Canada's economy out of money that should have been earned and spent in Canada. Hard Working Canadians does not owe India are GDP dollars. If companies of another country wants a piece of Canada's GDP they will have to get their products onto the shelves of Walmart or whoever or promote their service through normal market channels. Any other way the company is illegally doing business with a Canadian company and the Canadian Company outsourcing is a tax cheater.
  7. Actually, Wal mart is Canada's largest employer or the second largest employer!!! On that how is Walmart outsourcing operational employment to other Countries? Does Walmart have Warehouses sprinkled on the US side of the border and uses US trucking companies to bring products to the shelves of their stores. Does walmart Canada route calls to their location stores to people outside of Canada? NO! Walmart from what I see is good and straight forward. Yes their shelves are products from China or wherever but the products on their shelves is not their "operational business" How they answer the phone at their stores. How they store their merchadise to get it to the stores. How they ship their products within Canada are all operational components. If anyone of these areas is done outside of Canada than they to should have to compensate Canada for lost income tax revenue. Using walmart has not helped your argument.
  8. I don't think you a are real american but a transplant perhaps from your parents relocating there when you were growing up or worse an immigrant who came through the US green card program. Or you are upset with the Original Americans who settled the US in 1604 and you are forever grateful to Abe Lincoln for Liberating your ancestors. Perhaps you are really a women and changed into being a man and can't get over not having voting rights till the 19th century and were seen as man's property.
  9. The conservatives have formed the cabinet that controls the government in the years building up to where we are at today. They allowed the sell out of Stelco to US Steel which laid off countless people. They have allowed the sale of Inco and Falconbridge which has led to countless lay offs. They are responsible for the disappearence of Nortels Assets to foreign company parasites. The conservatives are responsible for auto citizenship with voting rights to people from low GDP countries. These immigrants are able to finance homes and apply to any work. If these immigrants get laid off from their employment they are entitled to collect EI or claim any other government program. These immigrants have caused low wages and poor working conditions. The Conservatives have made being a Canadian worthless and meaningless. No country in the world does this to their people. Because my Grandfather was from England that gives me an olive branch to return to the UK and an eventual EU citizen. However, the terms is I have to be a model citizen for 5 years and I am unable to claim for any government program. After this I can apply for citizenship. All I can say for Harper and his Conservative they can all go and rot in hell for their sell out of Canadians. Not to long though, it is a waste of Cosmic Energy.
  10. Come on, you can't tell me a company who chooses to channel their operational functions such as customer service to another Country in a move to save money is good for Canada. How is it? Yes the corporation may have higher profits but at whose expense? I don't want to subsidize selfish corporations through paying higher taxes because they are exploiting Canada by outsourcing outside of Canada and cheating Canada out of its Income Tax Revenue. Really, How Can Jim Flaherty and Steven Harper sleep at night while these companies are raping and plundering Canada's GDP. An outsourcing Tax is the way to stop this the evil scourage of the world which is as evil as slavery. The world must stand firm against this evil and stamp it out. Businesses have to compete based on acumen and intellect not by exploiting and cheating. The world cannot be sustained on that model. The right thing for harper to do is to raise this issue at the upcoming G8/G20 meeting in Toronto. Collectively they can reshape this world and right the Global Tiller and put an end to this scourage.
  11. I to was in Tenessee and I found the people Friendly and any store I went to helpful. You don't get the chip on your shoulder attitude down there as you do in Canada. Whenever you go to a store in Canada they act with an attitude of why are you bothering me.
  12. Another Distinct difference between being an American and a Canadian. American's are more polite and truthful. Canadians are dishonest, untrustworthy, and will sell out anyone and everyone. A nation of Backstabbers. Canada is this way because of the conservative party.
  13. what you have said is ??? Anyway how is Canadians better off by a company outsourcing work to china or India as opposed to hiring a Canadian to do the Work? Canadians are being cheated on two fronts by these companies. 1# They are denied their rightful employment opportunities. 2# They are subsidizing these cheating corporations by paying higher taxes in general. Why should a robber baron company take money out Canada's economy and channel it who knows where. It's Canada's money. These companies are not investing in Canada, they are cheating Canada. The only way a company can jusify outsourcing is for every job outsourced they provide a position in Research and Development and other advanced position. Not happening, all these care about is driving their input costs down and running away with the profits. Screw them.
  14. Ok first of all, have you gone to the US, bought something and brought it back? If you have you would know you will have to pay PST and GST on the purchases made. Same thing if a company goes to India and outsources "employment" type work Canada is entitled to its income tax revenue from the Company outsourcing.
  15. I don't think you know what you are argueing.
  16. What are you abondoning your insistents the UK cannot revisit legislation pertaining to Canada? You insist since the establishement of statue of Westminister the Monarch has been irrelevant to Canada. Yeah, I guess you better to Newfoundland the Queen had no business joining Newfoundland to Canada and they are free to take their oil and fisheries and go their merry way.
  17. You should read the prior posts. Someone asserted Canada provides a better social safety net than the US. I refuted that and you jumped in obviously without reading prior posts. Not only did you jump in you proceeded to twist around what I was saying. Other than Canada's Health care what else does Canada have over the US to brag about? This thread awaits your beacon of light.
  18. True, I have know of such a case. Fortunatley for her the Father of the Baby supported her. You can't rely on the Conservatives to protect women from this shallow abuse by employers. At least in the US they have legal mechanisms in place to sue and get compensated accordingly. In Canada good luck getting justice.
  19. What about them? What do they have to do with a company employing other Countries people to do their work. In the the Case of the Saskatechewan wheat board throwing a 140 It workers out and using a company in India to do the work deserves to be hit with a tariff to compensate Canada for the lost income tax revenue. Here's the Litmus test If its one off work, project based, that's not operational. Ie a company wants to set up a new database or create a new website. Fine contract out. But if a company wants to outsource their cost of doing business that's a problem. Operational business units required to operate cannot be outsourced and if it is then that company is a tax evader.
  20. You should look at the fine print for mat leave. Although the law says the employer is suppose to save your job for you to go back too I have known cases where the employer refused to give the women her job back. The way EI works is if you collect for mat leave its as if you were laid off and you are now required to requalify for EI again. In this situation a women in Canada will have exhausted her EI, has no job, and now has to provide for a newborn. That's the kind of Canada we have.
  21. The only dumbass is you. Why don't you try reading peoples posts. Someone posted Canada has more benefits than the US and I disputed that and then you jumped in like the jackass you are. You are dumb and an idiot. READ If you know how to.
  22. And the US has none of this? What does Canada provide over and above the US other than its poor excuse for health care. We pay for it, its not free!
  23. People People People, Outsourcing Inputs outside of Canada to get a product or service to market Is wrong and ought to be taxed to make up for lost income taxes and these transactions should be done in Canadian Currency. Free Trade on Finished products or Turn key services such as engineering architecture, security, or whatever originating from Canada or vice versa with another Country is ok. The problem is when you employ people or contract companies outside of Canada to this product or service to market. My point is clear as water. Tax Tax Tax.... Why should Canadians be denied employment opportunities and pay higher taxes to subsidize these cheating corporations. Screw them.
  24. It is Canada's rightful GDP because Canada generated the Revenue paid for the Product or Service sold. To Get a product or service to market is coordination of operational departments. If any operational department is outsource outside of Canada that outsourcing should be subject to a tariff to compensate Canada for the lost income tax revenue. Take GST, GST does not apply to inputs to business they are exempt. However, GST is charged on the final product or Service. Same logic, I am sure you will get it sooner or later. Yes within Canada and sustaining Canada's economy, not India's or China's. Ownership is irrelevant. You open a facility/office in Canada to produce a product or service you must utilize Canadians or Canadian businesses to help you get your product or service to market. That means a receptionist must be answering the phone within Canada. That means customer service is answered within Canada. That means data entry of recievables is done within Canada. If company outsources an operational department they ought to compensate Canada for lost incomes taxes through an outsourcing tariff. And the us slapping tariffs on Canadian softwoood lumber and restricted the imports of Canadian Steel was a violation of Nafta? Somehow the US did it. It's called protecting your economy. There is nothing wrong with Canada looking after its interests. It's Canada GDP, why should we give it away to other Countries. We have a symbiotic relationship with the US and because of this Canada does well. Doing this, Canada will do better If I travel to the US I require US money to purchase anything. If a company from India wants to do work for a Canadian company they should accept Canadian Currency as payment. Same Idea. What this Company does with the Canadian Currency is there problem. They can convert it or better find something to buy from Canada with it!! I support Free Trade. That means a finished product or Service created in Canada can be sold into the US or anywhere free of tariffs. I don't support the outsourcing of inputs to other countries outside of Canada required to get a product or service to market. This wrong and evil in my mind and has to be stopped with all the mights of the Governments around the world. The best way to stop this practice is to put a tarriff on outsourcing of inputs period. Yeah the strategy of selling debt to unsuspecting world buyers (latest victim china) and repaying them with printed money. It's like 2-4-1 pizza. Leverage buddy. Paying the This is where you are a simpleton. China trades in the Billions with the US via their exports to the US. The money received from these transactions was probably parked in US treasuries. The US thought sweeeeet. So they cycled China's money around the US economy and when it came time to pay the US said here, have some printed money. If a company wants to do work on behalf of Canadian Company they have to accept being paid Canadian money. Not unreasonable. They don't like don't do the work! Canadians will not have a problem with that. The only one who thinks they are entitled is the corporation that takes from the Canadian economy and gives nothing back. Canadians don't owe these low life corporations anything and why should Canadians subsidize corporate profits. What I have put forward makes clear sense and is acceptable in a Free trade Globalized world.
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