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Oleg Bach

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Everything posted by Oleg Bach

  1. Rich folks do not understand what it is not to have a bus ticket..they assume that everybody has disposable income..that everybody can go out and spend a 150 dollars on a meal...that everybody is prosperious...It is a division that is natural - when you are warm you can not imagine a person who suffers in the cold - and the gap in the lack of empathy widens mentally - and fiscally...maybe one week a year we could keep a better balance by taking away all the money from the rich for ten days per year - that should close the gap and re-connect the dis-connect.
  2. Salt in the soil was the result of one group vanquishing another - During wars the conquering forces would "salt the fields" . It prevents the common culture from re-establishing itself in the vanquished area - food could not be produced..It was rather an act of spite and made the land useless for the loser and the winner. Agriculture originated the day a human being figured out that if he put water on a wild eatable plant - that he could do what the rain did - create more food than was available through the strick and unpredictable laws of nature. It was the manipulation of existing food sources - if a primative was feeding off of a cherry tree - he could stay longer by watering the tree...hence the assistance to nature is what created civilzation - not the domination of nature. There was a time when a hunter gathering group could survive by working 3 hours a day....now with so-called civilization - the group must work 6 too 12 hours a day to survive - there really has not been any progress as far as the quality of human life on earth - other than perhaps longevity through modern medicine...perhaps a person living in the old natural world for 30 years had a fuller and more enjoyable life than the modern man who lives to 80?
  3. Not to sound to weird - but once you step into the light - you can not go back - that is faith - to be totally alone in the universe with a cold and distant companion called God...scarey but someone has to do it.
  4. In the scornful memory of Jack Layton and the MDP that altered the Mental Health ACT giving sick people the right to kill themselves - I spit on that socialist legacy -----------I see human being close to death - who are enabled and assisted in their slow suicide -it is a horror - What was wrong with containing and treating those that were on deaths door -? These ideas born in modernity and some sort of social progress - are simply a nice an not noticable way of killing off the addicts...look at the prescription rate of oxycodone - dispensed to the poor................ One pharmasist commented on the doze of a now dead man that I knew of..."what doctor is giving three times the tolerable amount to this guy?" The guy was found dead....no one even attempted to curb this addict who could barely speak - oddly enough this dead person was about to settle a multi-million dollar law suit - He as a kid was sexually abused at the old Maple Leaf Gardens facility.
  5. Our current power brokers - who are in their mid 70s are the sons of those that made big bucks smuggling booze.
  6. The way I came to faith was through reason - prolonged thinking about issues concerning the human condition - I guess I am what they call a gnostic - salvation through knowledge. I did a study for a few years and tossed out the garbage _ I wanted to know the absloute truth - embrace cold reality - my faith came at a price - the abandonment of anything that was not logical - It did not diswade me or remove me from the idea of God - it just made it more reachable - more pragmatic...It was a quest.....dangerous - and daring - but it had to be done - faith delivers truth. BUT real knowledge and faith also bring on human loneliness.
  7. Kept our mouths shut and continued to collect the money - sad to say - not picking on you are contesting anything. Yes this nation is no better than yours in so far as honesty - we have a barbaric elite also - just more low key and less inclined to be identified or made public figures - the whole idea after all this time is totally tragic - and if we could we would both fall to the ground and weep - but will not because if we gave in to this sadness - we would never stop crying...so we stay calm and carry on - but we do not trust as we once did.
  8. The only great sin that America committed recently was to put profit and comfort for a few above the safety and security of the many - Saudi Arabia should have been smashed to shit for what they facilitated - and the American elite put the importance of buisness contacts above being loyal to their common fellow Americans - this is the great sin - betrayal of your own!
  9. I don't fight with my neighbours...and my neighbours do not smell - the rich and the poor all get along in my hood - it is very civil...there is love in the air when you step out into the street...Michael - You seem to have this thing about making peace with everyone - when there is already peace - maybe you are institutionalized and behind the times? You might think that I am intolerant...the air is thick with tolerance in my world. There are unreasonable people in my midst - and I am kind to them - as for moralizing - we are not animals - even the old bikers that I know conduct themselves in a civil manner - because they are intelligent and know we must all survive and get along. "smelly neighbours" - where did that come from - prejudice or the lack of full informative communication from myself _ I will try to be more open in the future - I even have faith in the faithless.
  10. Also - walk into your local TD bank and you will see posters of rich gay guys sitting on the dock of their two million dollar cottage...If Harper cared - or his bossed cared - YOU would see a picture of a tradtional family - instead of panderment to the minority mutants.
  11. Osgoode Hall - Bay Street - The bankers in general who are the sponsors of Harper - do not give a shit about Canada - so why would Harper - it's all about USING Canada to generate power for a few - then dumping us like the worn out whores they percieve us to be. Harpers real handlers - cross over to New York like they were crossing the office hall..They fly to London as if they were taking a short trip to head office up the street - They are not like us - loyality to nation and countrymen is below them - The group that spawned Harper and all the others are the same ones that gave birth to Conrad Black -----------go figure....we just have to live with the truth - that we must take care of ourselves and not depend on those that don't give a damn if we are alive or dead...it's a hard core game out there.
  12. Having been in the media buisness in the past - all I know about talking heads and actors is that they will say anything - do anything - betray all of humanity just to be in front of a camera - to them it is all about "look mum - I'm on TV - I am the great success we all dreamed of" - all actors and talking heads are shallow ---and all of them will parrot the policy of the ownersof the media who are like a secret shadow government - If the media types so much as show a glimer of truth...it's out the door for them.. Years ago I would audition for commerical on occasions - they always picke the best liar for the job - the one who could look you in the eye and not so much as twitch while the lied...with me they could see this little glimmer that might blurt - "the king has no clothes" - I never got any of those jobs ----------media types who love the lime light more than doing what right - should be tossed into a pit of shit.
  13. Big shot - He has that aquiline Roman aristocratic nose - it might be a genetic problem - kind of like a re-incarnatied Caligula....the nose says all........................only the spoiled rats and oppressors had noses like hawks -
  14. Yah I understand - but have you ever tried to figure out smoke patterns in a room with a fan blowing? You have some many complex variations that you only get a small glimpse of how the sytem works...a drop in temperature - moisture - sun flares ---- a cow farting that sets up a chain reaction ---that might effect the jet stream - I hope they never figure out how planetary systems work - If they do they will just wreck the place a little more.
  15. They look at Canada as some sort of non-country...a back water - kind of like letting the cops cross into a private dwelling owned by the underprivledged poor --------Some Americans percieve us as just another Iraq...but of course with more cultural similarities - and not as prone to being de-humanized and plundered as they might wish - seeing we look like them - If we looked like Afghani tribesmen - they would have the mayor of New York use Toronto's city hall as a convention center.
  16. Did you folks not occupy bay street during the G 20? - The big dogs showed you who was boss then - did they not? Good luck.
  17. 60 bucks amounts to 6 packs of cigarettes - big deal................I like it when they say > "we think you are a crook and will have to hold your check for one week to clear" - Meanwhile they do this to 50 thousand people across the nation - generate profits from this holding - but give you nothing for using your money for that week...real nice guys playing the reverse - insinuating that the public are crooks....I have seen them put a hold on a cheaque issued by their own bank - what the hell is that?
  18. Only once have I met a real conservative - The real deal - His father was an influential millionare - and he is a billionare - as for politics - conservatism as WE know it - He does not give a shit - cos' in his real conservative mind we are all shit - left - right and centre -------------This real conservative conserves one thing ----------HIS MONEY AND HIS POWER.
  19. There was a female crack addict on the street during the summer - she was so sickly that she in broad day light - in front of a bank - pulled down her pants and spewed out a high pressure stream of liquid shit onto the side walk - pulled up her pants and limped away -----------------I wonder if this poor creature did this on the lawn of the chief Justice of Canada - If the good Justice would still feel the same about giving the wasted woman a clean crack pipe?
  20. Islam is totally hypocritial...do the math - GOD is almighty - all powerful - generates life and generates death through natural means. YET - there are Islamics that go out of their way to KILL others in the name of God --------------------This is the height of hypocracy....If they really believe that GOD is all powerful -----------then WHY to they insist at the same time that God is to weak to do his own bidding - that he needs help...to kill.........................................it's very simple - Islam does not respect GOD.
  21. I won't be pleased with the Saudis untill they make amends for killing 3000 people in New York to amuze themselves.
  22. This is what happens to our high buisness elite - to our high courts - they have this idea that being an internationalist and a man or woman of the world is much more sophisiticated than being a common rube Canadian - They like to take the power that their native land doles out..but they are thankless to the nation that grants them power - arrogance? No worse than that - It's meglamania of the highest order - Conrad Black made the same mistake when he was disloyal to the common Canadian family - and in the end he needed us as will Baird - but in the meantime - let the jerks fly like gods and crash when they find themselves to be but frail human beings who need the support of family - of nation.
  23. Firstly - no matter how grand a city is - they are all shit holes of clustered humanity - living in their own crap no matter how perfumed that crap might be...it's still un-natural perverse and dirty - as far as healthy human existance is concerned. The kids I am talking about are those that are not my children but children in general that I have observed - as I said - all kids who are properly nurtured tend to copy the example - they enjoy the power of being kind and will not hesitate stuffing a bit of their food in your mouth - this might be partly learned but not completely. Ancient places like Mesoptamia were brutal - but so is Toronto - We have learned to shine things up and are conditioned to be blind to the condition of suffering and common stress...we are told that which is evil is actually good - some believe it and others see it for what our modern city is - brutal - not much has changed in 5000 years - we still are pressured to run like rats...and careerists might put on nice clothes and a strong face but they are all stressed out and usually drunk by Friday afternoon in a vain attempt to escape the brutality. If you look at modern urban life for what it is - you will frazle and become alienated and "disabled" as far as functioning in the artifical and brual environ - most of us are dellusional and suffer but dare not cry out..for fear of abuse - Interestingly enough - those that abuse themselves usually do it in order to avoid abuse by others - In other words if you whip yourself at least you are in control of said whip - Michael - I have faith in the natural world but not much faith or belief in human constructs - sorry...but I KNOW how good life could be - most except things as they are and suffer in silence ....
  24. Green=nature and natural resource - economy is the utilization of natural resourses to create material wealth. To create wealth you have to create waste (pollution) - thus you harm nature and are actually anti-green - so the whole thing is a hoax...a great contradiction in reality. Get rid of the term green and go back to preservation and stwardship of nature and our resourses...and mostly those who profit through the manipulation of natural resourses - should take part of that profit and clean up the mess they make generating profit - That would mean a little less profit and more real green .... Of course it is anti-economical - because if those who profess "green" would have to be responsible and curb greed to a degree...if you don't you get brown instead of green.
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