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Oleg Bach

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Everything posted by Oleg Bach

  1. They do not look at it as a devine anything - I have never met a modern Jew who was devine in mind - one speck! They are materially minded in the over all - not spiritually minded...The Jews that had spirit were destroyed - those who depended on the matieral world for survival survived - It was not the secularist Jews that perished during the holocaust - it was the spiritualists..who waited for a messiah to save them...The survivors fled during and prior the great war and genoicde. The modern secularist Jew does not respect the spiritualist Jew...and as I see it - spiritualist Jews are the marginalized minority in Israel.
  2. Layton was not mine - my friend...as for his cancer death - word on the street has it that he might have partook in risky behaviour - being the liberal minded socialist who stuck to the 70 hippy crap - "if it feels good do it" - having slandered our dead Lenin....I don't care if we were neutral or not - war is buisness...only fools fight and die so some liar can have a gold plated toilet.. Sweden hugh? You have one smart brother - looks like the family does have some character and are not all material rich worshipping sissies.....I bet your bro is loved by all for his strength - He must have matured into a fine man eventually...i takes guts to go against the flow...I have an older brother who is very wealthy and went with the flow - He is an utter failure - his oldest son offed himself not to long ago - Looks like going against the flow was the right decision in the long run...good luck BC - as for Layton again....what a bunch of shit.
  3. If a person has faith - they are strong and do not need protection. The very early Christians with stood the worst horrors imaginable and through the merit of their faith survived. Muslims - Jews - Atheists - etc...are on their own - The state --or a private company should not be in the buisness of sustaining a religion...religion is supposed to be seperate from buisness and state. Ontario has no buisness entering into any sort of religious instruction in so far as giving guidance on religion.
  4. They have had decades of time to bring about world peace and harmony - they failed ----------I say if you have an employee who has had chance after chance - but continues to falter and lose direction - YOU FIRE THEM!
  5. There is not such thing as clean energy...or a perpetual motion machine...The whole world is not moving towards supposed clean energy - China the mover and shaker on the planet is moving towards more and more dirty coal fired power plants...Dalton does not have a clue of what is going on. Dalton reminds me of the hobbyists on the Supreme Court who like to dabble in international law ...which has more status - than dabble in domestic legalities...Like that weasil Al Gore - who is a total fraud in the fact that he is getting richer and richer by stating the obvious - that the rich do not clean up after their own eterprise. You can green the whole western world and continue to trade with China - who plan to fire up another 200 coal plants - this is a closed global environ - we can be green - but the black cloud of industrial progress will drift over from China none the less. As for handing over almost 3 billion dollars to some up start green hungry company ----I say give them nothing - because if we as the public hand over the money - we will all have to work harder and by doing so create MORE pollution...so it is not in good faith that they deal - they deal in ambition and greed and the green band wagon.
  6. Dalton should lose the election on this point alone . That when the contract was presented to Ontario (too Dalton McGinty) - that he or his representatives should NEVER have signed a document that contained such a default clause that stated - "If we do not get the contract or for some reason the contract is cancelled - that we recieve almost 3000 bundles of cash at one million a pile" That's a lot of money - that's a lot of work by the common Joe and Sue...This signing either exposes the total legal and finacial ineptness of the McGinty clan - or shows collusion....no way in hell or heaven - should people work who are already over taxed be sending their money as tribute to what are common high end gangsters - Dalton is a coward!
  7. Just noticed that it was was over two billion and not million - this is more corrupt than imagined..The people litigating against in effect you and I for money they did not work for...who for all intent and purpose are sueing for some inconvenience...who seem to have the money and the lawyers to torment the tax payer...making all public people work just a little harder for nothing..while these bastards of undeserved privledge get to punder us? McGinty is supposed to be like a protective father - who job it is to protect you and I - If we were children - the child protection service people would have stepped in by now and put dear old dead bead dad Dalton in his place. Dalton if he had any power should approach this private and shadowy government (the courts) and insist that the action be tossed out! BUT it seems that he will allow the parasites to feed on us - like the common henchman he is - he will do the bidding of the super rich and GIVE our money - to these already multi-millionares..........FOR DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT THE SIMPLE ACT OF PICKING UP THE PHONE AND CALLING A DAMNED LAWYER!
  8. The fact that we have a judicary that will allow such an action is bizarre. That some lawyers will ban together and ask a judge who is a non-elected personage to hand over public money to some private persons who claim they "could have made a lot of money" but did not -so the public owes them? This reminds me how the overly privledged Brian Mulroney got over 3 million bucks of public money because someone called him a crook - which he was - but some how the crook through privledge that you and I do not have is rewarded?
  9. Faith AND reason ? The REASON some parts of humanity deny or have no faith in God is usually because religion has created such a complex spider web of ideas which contain such a variety of contradictory reasonings - that it makes the god concept appear unreasonable. It is the sheer and scandalous complexity that generates sceptics and reasonably so! Keep it simple stupid ---------- Understand that the whole concept of God and YOU is utterly simplistic. There is YOU - and YOU live within creation - all around you is God manifested in the phyisical world - absolutely everything on earth and every thing beyond into the great endless stretch of eternity. So that is not difficult reasoning. You and IT. As for all religion..."complexity is the santuary of scoundrels" - I would say that - that sums it up in full! It is reasonable that skeptics find religion un-reasonable and contradictory...it is because skeptics and say what we call questioning atheists - question religion - not God. So in my observation faith is simplistic...and resonable if kept simple - that we exist and this existance is proof that we are a creation of sorts. When you take faith and claim through religion that say the mother of Christ was a virgin...THAT is unreasonable God does not or needs not deal in supposed miracles - why would he or it attempt to convince his own creations of his fatherly existance by using artifice - artifice is the domain of political science.
  10. The kids have all become weaklings under the guise of liberalism. The basic premise of liberal control is to slightly masculinize the females...and to create young males who dare not act as independent forces to be respected. It all goes back to some stupid female or feminist idea that men - acting like men are responsible for war and plunder - but in the back ground a lot of the times are nest building females who indirectly encourage males to wage war for profit...woman love luxury and they don't care if the males have to be preditorial in war or buisness - to fulfill their nest building needs and more. But they have cut off their noses dispite their face - you can not have girly men generate wealth - through war or buisness...other nations that are not liberal will overwlem the girly men we have created...YOU can not alter sexuality and not expect a dire outcome in the end - mess with nature - and mother nature will smack your liberal face.
  11. I apporached a young Israeli youth one day at the wine store and asked him..."Do you believe in God" - He stated "No, I do not believe in God, but I do believe in the state of Israel"...THAT if it is typical of modern Israeli youth...is totally hard core secularist in the strongest political sense. The privledge that the "choosen" had was in the idea that they had a contract with God - this gave them great protection by the Christian world. If they no longer believe in God - then I would safely say that the contract is in breach and there is no more covenant that garners protection by their Christian brothers... Muslims are very much like Jewish secularists. Both hold to the doctrines of their religions - and BOTH - evidently have stopped believing in God...The eccense of the God belief is the belief in Goodness...oringally the word good was spelled god...neither of these two groups embrace universal goodness - both embrace secularist spite under the guise of goodness....BOTH are infidels as the evidence now shows.
  12. Those that came after Christ - attempted to create a universal (polical) religion...which was NOT what Christ was about - Christainity was not about submission to the state but the defying of the state...any Christian prophet what suggests submission and compliance to the state is a traitor to Christ the only king. Any one or any religion that creates an atmosphere of fear and threat is political in nature - which the Catholic faith is.
  13. Forget it BC - Canada does not identify with America what so ever - look at your media and art icons that create your pop culture - they are all Canadian - It is Canada that creates your culture. The vietnam war was interesting in the fact that I shared a house with a draft dodger and his wife - interesting in the respect that he was a good guy and was not interested in waging a colonialist war on people he did not know. BUT you had to stop the spread of communism back then - contain it and plant it years later in your own nation in the form of OBAMA.
  14. Having been in Belinda Stronach's home doing a bit of decorating - and watching her from an insiders point of view - anyone that would even consider dating this light weight - which from what I understand McKay did - really has a shallow out look on the material world - McKay seems to take riches and luxury a little too seriously - I am sure he got a pudge on riding around in a big miliary bird and feeling important - This shows his disrespect and disconnet to the public at large.
  15. I don't want to be sensitized to anything against my will - Muslims if they are so faithful and good can take care of themselves just fine - Just like the idea of Allah the all mighty - does not need radical Islam to kill in the name of the NOT so powerful god..If Muslims are truely people of faith - let their faith and works protect them - to give protection to the Muslims is to insult them.
  16. I concure. The Order is probably a defective thing to begin with - the fact that the Order Of Canada has been taken back on a few occassions means that it is useless to begin with. It most certainly is not based on charater...or the true reading of character - It seems to be based on a single perception of one good deed - if that is the case then we should all have a metal...all of us have done at least one good thing...there are no angels on earth...just people and they like the Order are defective - cheers Micheal.
  17. The markets are meaningless- They remind me of a bunch of stooges tossing dice at the wall all day long - hoping to get something for nothing. Look at the millions around the planet who "work" on the market floor - not one of them is capable of putting up a tent when it rains. It is a very bizarre notion and speculation should be done away with - all markets should be closed and those that work at them should get real jobs and create some real wealth - instead of standing their with their fu*cking hand out.
  18. What a waste of a good man - to take away his remaining time on earth and cheer his down fall smells of green envy and hate. Those that do not understand this or choose to persecute one of our best are total fools....we all want success - and we all hate those that have it...why? We must hate ourselves!
  19. Calling this a free society is hypocritial. People who do not generate real mateiral wealth and comfort for all rule the roost - and those that are bright and independant and hard working are persecuted...our taxing system is a total waste of money and it grinds down our best and most diligent to powder. This is a slave system where the stupid have taken power and now have the law on their side so they can suck the life out of good hard working and socially committed Canadians. They might as well try to be honest and say that Canada functions at a 20% level of what it should function at - FREE ENTERPRISE MUST BE ENCOURAGED...When things were more free - there was more money to be had - there was more hope - there was more beauty - there was more fun - there was more life.
  20. The world is tired of all the holocaust whinning - besides Israel is a secualist state..there are no Jews there other than a few old guys in black hats that are pissed off at same sex marriage...get on with it and stop playing the religious card. If the Jews want success they had better start acting like Jews instead of mobsters...what am I saying - the old testiment if full of gangsters and gangster kings..not much has changed in 4000 years - maybe they should try someting different...instead of this institutionalized and eccepted mental illness they now embrace.
  21. Abolish the courts and re-new them - then we won't need some stupid Human Rights Commision..Justice will be done at a lower level and we can fire the blood sucking idealogs at the HRC.
  22. You are running out of promises and land my friend - this is 2011 - not 1983..We are the promised land - you WERE the promised land. Oh and that money that you talk about - I remember when you Americans came up here to spend billions on making motion pictures back in the 80s - I did really well - in fact I provided a lot of the energy as a lighting stand in for the pilot - West Wing - Yep I spent 18 years helping to make American propoganda..it was not the tax breaks or the low dollar that attracted American producers - we had crews that operated with military correctness - and I was one of them...Your top dogs just love our strong sense of duty...on set everyone is addressed as sir - we made your dirty towns look clean.
  23. Send in your best - I will vacum the red carpet. We are not below excepting the idea of a reverse brain drain running north...send us your tired and down trodden rich - we will take them in and give them santuary. Apparently the beating up of Martha Stewart was just the beging of the great betrayal - as for the large speaking fee...no problem...someone has to take care of your ignored.
  24. Who ever has the most money gets more money - It's like who ever has the biggest gun gets their way - it's pretty basic - but then again America is a basic nation of pirates - has been since the begining - all this justice and opportunity for all has come to an end.....and the promise has been broken -when they jail their most successful - then you know that success is not rewarded anymore - that there is bickering withing the high status quo. They now fight each other for that 1%...should be fun to watch as the stupid and greedy elite destroy themselves and the nation that generated their wealth - China is very amuzed at this point.
  25. You mean you have no opinion. There is nothing wrong with being rewarded with an honourarium...Imagine Canada as a company. Imagine that the company gives you a token of their appreciation for your contribution to society...it's a good thing - but there should NEVER be a taking back of something given...when the order is given - what happens after that has nothing to do with the set of previous good deeds. It would be like giving your kid an allowance for being dutiful...you can not go back in time and demand the money back rhetroactively..what is given is given.
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