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Status Updates posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. Another one finished in time for the season. Now I only have one left to do and it'll be time to look for another project. It's a 1981 Kawasaki KX125 A-7. I love vintage dirt bikes!


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AngusThermopyle


      My Honda is the last year of the Elsinore series, 1981. They dropped Elsie after 81 and went with a straight CR designation. The RM's were awesome bikes and pretty well left everyone else in the dust back then, at least for a few years anyway. I'd love a Husky CR but they're very hard to find now. What I do have is a Husky 175GP Cross Country. They're actually even harder to find than the CR's. She's rideable but still needs a couple of details to make her perfect. The countershaft sprocket cover is missing, still trying to track one down. I also need three of the four plate mounting brackets for the side plates, only one was on the bike when I got it. There weren't too many of these imported into NA back in 1976 so I'm pretty fortunate to have this one. She's a really sweet ride for an old twin shock, drum brake 76.


    3. bush_cheney2004


      Yeah, Huskies were even exotic back in the day and were well respected.  They were pure to the dirt bike riding spirit without all the glam from the big well-heeled Japanese producers.   They were winners in the right hands.

      The good thing is that we have ebay today...for parts. 

      In 1969, I trashed a Suzuki AS50 engine by stupidly separating the case with a screwdriver and hammer !   The dealer fixed the resulting air intake leaks past the rotary valve with epoxy filler.   But they did say I fixed the broken 2nd gear just fine once I had it apart.


    4. AngusThermopyle


      In answer to the two stroke observation. They aren't banned, it's just that the four strokes are enjoying a great deal of popularity right now. Having said that there is a resurgence of popularity happening for the 2T's currently. People are getting tired of the expense and complexity associated with 4T bikes. I can do a top end job on my bikes in a couple of hours as opposed to a lot longer on a 4T. Add to that the thrill factor of a 2T over a 4T and you have a winning formula for the two's. I've ridden both and despite the 4's being easier to ride I'll take a two hands down any day. Nothing compares to the rush you get when a 2T comes on the pipe and that power hits like a sledge hammer. There's still plenty of new 2T's available from quite a few manufacturers and new ones being introduced regularly. In fact KTM have just released their 2T fuel injected models.

  2. I guess Justin will be hitting the bong pretty hard after this. Finally, a Liberal with a conscience does the right thing for Canada and Canadians. Hopefully this will just be the start.


    1. scribblet


      Wonder how many others are thinking about

  3. Just another indicator of the steady decline of Europe. Sadly they appear to have gone past the tipping point. Once blasphemy laws are enacted and punishments are doled out the rest is pretty much just history.


  4. Just keep digging Justin. That grave isn't quite deep enough yet. What a total maroon.


  5. Mark your calendars folks. March 21 2019, the day democracy in Canada died.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. capricorn


      Where is the Governor General in all this? Is she staying abreast with the collapse of democracy or is she dusting off her resume hoping to blast off into space before having having to deal with a crisis.

    3. DogOnPorch


      She's pretty much a Liberal...doubt you'll hear a peep out of Julie. 

    4. AngusThermopyle


      Also not hearing much about this from the MSM. I wonder why not, said no

      person with a functional level IQ ever?

  6. Maybe Macron can call his good buddy Trudeau and ask if he'll hop on over to France and explain to the people how diversity can be their strength too.


    1. betsy


      Hahaha  Wasn't Justin supposed to be a 'reformer" too?

    2. AngusThermopyle


      He's reforming alright, the problem being that his reforms do more damage than good. France is screwed, they've even been discussing splitting the country now along a French and a Muslim divide. In other words, France is lost. That'll never happen here though, we only get the good inva ...errr...I mean immigrants. All you have to do is pretend that the distinct enclaves now forming in Canada don't exist and it'll all be sunni ways for all our days.

  7. Oh my! And the hits just dont stop coming. This one is for everyone who screeched in mock outrage about McKay's fishing trips on a forces helo.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Exactly Hal, this is just more nonsense from the hypersensitive left. The kid wearing the shirt didn't care. Leave him alone. He's allowed to wear the damned monkey shirt.

    3. ?Impact


      The kid may not have cared, because he might not be aware of the history and was paid to wear the shirt for the photo shoot. The company however is an International company and should have been aware of the situation.

    4. OftenWrong


      Sure ?Impact, I know what you man but then again I would not have been triggered by the picture if I saw it without all this media attention it's getting. We have a little nephew who is 5 years old, my wife sometimes calls him "my little monkey". No one takes offence. Although, we are not black. I don't see what difference it makes. Just my opinion.

      Drawing conclusion from this- black boys and girls are not permitted to wear shirts with monkey references on them. Only white kids are.

  8. Part two of the illegals in little rubber boats saga begins. First it was the Med, now it's the channel. How long before washed up bodies on the British shore become political fodder.


  9. Quick! Someone tell Justin about this. It's so much better than just trying to censor Facebook.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. scribblet
    3. scribblet


      Just wondering how much election meddling Google did as opposed to Russia and who really  spent more money.... and... who worked with more politicians..  so who really had the greater reach and who actually influenced more people.... hmm. 









    4. scribblet


      So now that it has been proven that Google Is front for the Democrat  Party  what is going to be done about it...

  10. Since our new member Sophia spammed this right off the status section I'll re post it. It is more relevant than her rantings after all.

    I guess Justin will be hitting the bong pretty hard after this. Finally, a Liberal with a conscience does the right thing for Canada and Canadians. Hopefully this will just be the start.



    1. betsy


      For someone "new," she seems to know what she can do in status update, things she can't do in the regular sections.


      Poor Justin must've been really caught by surprise. Apparently, according to a pundit, Alleslev has an impressive CV.

      But the talks between Alleslev and Scheer’s team began three or four weeks earlier, just a few weeks after she hosted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in her Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill riding.

      Alleslev suggested criticizing the Liberals while serving as a Liberal MP would “undermine” the government, so she decided to oppose it openly instead.

      Alleslev did not attend the Liberal caucus retreat last week. However, her riding association was still in touch with the Liberal team in Ottawa in recent weeks, a Liberal source said.


  11. So this is why there are no Islamic terrorists, just mentally ill people like the Danforth shooter.


  12. So when is Trudeau going to go all hammer down on these guys? After all, rather than admitting Freeland screwed up major with Saudi Arabia he tried to make it all about human rights. So...when will Iran feel the sting of his petty foot stamping tirades?


    Perhaps Iran can use this as their national anthem.


  13. Some great new pictures of Trudeau waving to all his adoring fans as he jets off once more.


  14. What a surprise! An election on the horizon and the Liberals trot out the same old lie from 2006 once again. Oh no! Help help! Soldiers in the streets with guns!


  15. #metoo. So they're saying pound (#)me too? I guess, if that's what they want.

  16. I wont swear to it but I think Trudeau is the first ever Canadian PM to be barred from a Canadian Tire parking lot.

  17. And so it starts, the house of globalist cards is falling down and the masters of that house don't know what to do about it. Interestingly we had protests across Canada this weekend, but nary a peep in our media about them. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/13399/french-people-screwed

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. AngusThermopyle


      And here you go again with your false claims that I'm a Trump supporter. You appear to be incapable of understanding simple statements such as "I'm not a Trump supporter". For my part I simply enjoy watching you twist yourself up into an impotent quivering bundle of rage over things you have zero influence over.

    3. BubberMiley


      The most distinguishing traits of the die-hard Trump supporter are to attack his enemies, defend his record, and deny ever being a Trump supporter. They are also characterized by a complete unawareness of the concept of humour and therefore interpret people laughing at them as seething rage.

    4. OftenWrong


      I think what Angus wrote in the status update is self explanatory. People look to Trump, not because they admire his personality, or even that they accept his flaws, but because they seek a leadership who will stand against globalism. Trump capitalized on this with his campaign promise to control migration and make America a better place to run business. All the media tabloid-trash style noise, Stormy Daniels, the Enquirer etc. are worth overlooking because the real issues being faced are much more important than that. And evidence of this being "a thing" is showing itself around the world. Trump is a symptom. Remove Trump, you do not remove the problem.

  18. It's a beautifull day for a ride so I'm outta here. Now I just have to decide which bike I'm going to take out. If I head back to the track I'll take my 81 Honda and do a bit of motocrossing. Maybe I'll just go for a trail ride instead, then I'll take my 76 Husky. Either way it'll be fun.

    1. Omni


      Wanna borrow my 750 Kawi? Oldie, but a goodie.

    2. AngusThermopyle


      Strictly off road for me, although I'd love to have the bike. My love is vintage, finding, restoring and riding them so an old Kawi would be nice, street or off road. In fact I do have an old Kawi I'm doing now, a 1981 Kawasaki KX125-A7. It'll be a nice match for my Honda when it's done. Right now I'm seriously loving my 1976 Husqvarna 175GP Cross Country.




  19. New forum rule. Just delete anything you don't like or disagree with. It makes discussion so much easier that way.

    1. ?Impact


      I don't like that rule, how can I delete it?

    2. Argus


      Just put her on ignore and poof, no more problems.

  20. Now that's odd. My reply to Rue in the Islamophobia thread appears to have disappeared. Is there something wrong with showing a character from an old movie? You know, Fu-Manchu, a very popular character from past international espionage and intrigue type movies. Is MLW now so sensitive that old movies will be banned? What gives?

  21. Now who can honestly say they didn't see this coming? Once Trudeau started his free millions for terrorists program it was obvious that this would become the new norm. The good news is that Trudeau can give this guy, who isn't even a Canadian citizen, ten million and claim he saved Canadian tax payers 40 million by doing so. It's truly a brave new world in Canada with the village idiot running the show.  http://torontosun.com/news/national/ex-gitmo-captive-suing-canada-for-50-million-for-alleged-complicity-in-torture#commentshttp://torontosun.com/news/national/ex-gitmo-captive-suing-canada-for-50-million-for-alleged-complicity-in-torture#comments

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hot enough

      hot enough

      This is exactly what will, and should happen when a country embraces its terrorist/war criminal neighbors. Folks who carry out the most vicious of war crimes, planned genocides, terrorism on a global, massive scale, real, actual baby killers.

      Remember how horrified all the good westerners were when the Kuwaiti incubator story hit the news? It was total bullshit, a concocted US ad agency lie to get the always eagerly gullible USians up for another illegal war, need I remind you folks, ALWAYS BASED ON LIES!!

      But the US plans a genocide against the Iraqi people, a plan that was known would cause millions of deaths and the kind, loving, benevolent westerners, the "good" people, don't give a rat's ass. 

    3. Goddess


      Why are none of them suing the Americans who run Guantanamo?  I think it's for the same reason environmental people don't go after China - China doesn't give a shit about what they have to say.  Canada is easier to bully because we don't want to offend anyone.

    4. hot enough

      hot enough

      Goddess: Why are none of them suing the Americans who run Guantanamo? 


      That's like asking why don't people sue the Mafia, in the Mafia's own court system. 

  22. Quick poll. Will the Federal Liberals become the next mini van party, or will they become the Smart Car party?

  23. So Mckenna says both women should just speak up and tell their story. Is she so incredibly stupid that she doesn't realise it's her boss who refuses to let them do exactly that?

    1. betsy


      Remember all these Liberal MPs who are actively supporting Trudeau.  They're like him!

    2. betsy


      Too bad, Mckenna just showed she has no principles. 

        Madame, these two women had swore to more than an oath.  You do not just break your oaths! 

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