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Everything posted by Guthrie

  1. meanwhile, Condi visits Syria --- gosh, is she a traitor too?
  2. Vietnam saw vastly greater numbers of violent deaths, casualties and destruction of property during the Vietnam war than anything following. The North Koreans live in bitter poverty but South Korea is not tremendously better and it would not survive nearly so well if not for the money they take out of the pockets of Americans. Also, their war did not end, it is not officially over, even now. Vietnam is now much better off than any time in it's history - and we never have had to fight the Viet Cong on Main Street USA, as the right wingers warned us we would when we demanded the troops come home from vietnam -- this seems to be a particularly notable paralell between Vietnam and Iraq - the bullroar claim that we will have to fight them on Main Street - what a pathetic example of cowardice walking hand in hand with bullying
  3. well, not that I said so but yes, CO2 is a poison - Without which we would have no plant life.... The more correct phrasw would be, 'without the proper balance of, we would have no plant life' --- certainly too much CO2 will kill any advanced plant life more quickly than too little CO2
  4. Gee, is it just the one Brit admitting defeat? -- Well, sure the article only lists the one but I'll bet there are others.
  5. CO2 is a poison? well, not that I said so but yes, CO2 is a poison -
  6. Gee, if the Brits admit defeat in Iraq, why doesn't Shrub just pull out our guys and start a finger pointing war; he has always been much more effective in as a finger pointer than as a political leader or (god save us all) a commander-in-chief We didn't lose the Iraq War --- The Brits Lost - Not US
  7. The debate is not whether or not the climate is changing on a world-wide scale, but WHO is responsible. Nature or humans? We cannot "save" the planet from itself. We could not have stopped the global warming 10,000 years ago either. We need to learn to adapt. Mother Nature does not care that people live on the coasts -- they will have to adapt (move). The places that now grow all of our food will no longer be able to do so -- we will have to adapt (grow it elsewhere). Some species will die off -- well, where are all the Mastadons(sp) today? -- are humans responsible for their demise or is Mother Nature with her everchanging earth climate? I disagree. We could not, even a hundred years ago, have done anything about a meteoroid hurtling toward earth. Today men work to prepare to defend earth from that very thing. Bottom line, whatever we can do to improve the environment, we should do. This fatalistic attitude of, oh well we're screwed anyway might as well go out and poison the back yard ... well, it's just so numbnuts lame as to be maddening
  8. Terrorism is using violence and extortion to intimidate or coerce. So by it's very nature, a hate crime is the quite the same as terrorism. The KKK leaves a man hanging from a tree or the KKK bombs a church, the purpose of the crime is not to steal someone's wallet but to create fear in the minds of a group of people. That's what the KKK wants, it's what the 9/11 terrorists wanted.
  9. Congress protects itself with hate crime laws. The potential sentence for assaulting a congressman is greater than a sentence for committing battery on a regular citizen.
  10. The president with the least vacation days was Jimmy Carter. So I hope President Bush takes as many vacation days as he damn well pleases. I agree - in fact, give him an early retirement. Starting now would be good.
  11. What's in your face are numerous posts trying to inform you that the debate isn't whether the planet is warming or not. So how does buddy whosit having to pack up his non-CO2 emitting camel and head to Moose Jaw add to the debate? "...posts trying to inform you ..." no, these posts don't inform but "misinform" -- the reason there is no debate on, "whether the planet is warming or not." is the fact - this debate has been resolved - the only real question left is, what are we, as a civilization, going to do about it? Some of us want to make efforts to save the planet --- others want to put money and power before survival, as dumb a position as one might imagine.
  12. Wrong. He WAS a hermaphrodite. The proof is buried here: all six seasons -- 136 epsodes spread out over 17 DVDs Now go find it for yourself! sounds like the KKKontest of the week - not just trivia but a chance to insult the member of a minority by making smarmy accusations about his belonging to even a smaller minority I can only assume the effort was intended to be humorous
  13. so they wish to defend committing a fraud on the US citizens -- even if they have to lie, they know it's right to take out Saddam they are trying to argue the ends justifying the means --- which is the argument of fascism
  14. it takes a real severe case of cognitive dissonance to deny the truth even when it's in their face Chi_Trib taking responsible steps to reduce the effects of pollution should be beyond no one -- deny the truth, at the peril of your world
  15. when all else fails, the extremist right wing will go right back to buck passing - blame someone else, anyone else so sad
  16. Or as Mark Steyn once said (paraphrased); "First it was global cooling....then it was global warming....now it's "climate change" so the ecoloonie crowd doesn't have to change the bumper stickers every 30 years" ... Sorry, this is not just insulting, it is not true. Yes it is. Did you know the world's first Earth Day was convened to bring attention to the impending global cooling crisis? not just wrong, backwards
  17. Or as Mark Steyn once said (paraphrased); "First it was global cooling....then it was global warming....now it's "climate change" so the ecoloonie crowd doesn't have to change the bumper stickers every 30 years" ... Sorry, this is not just insulting, it is not true.
  18. No, you never actually won any point. You make harsh accusations, you show no proof. Your article doesn't show anything about any operational connection between Al Qaeda and Iraq before fall of Saddam. Al Qaeda invaded a portion of Iraq with the aid of the Kurds. No, there is no excuse in that nonsense. have you no real support?
  19. This should settle the question of this thread. The day of this exchange is a red herring. Link
  20. ?? I would recommend choosing a thread title that was less dramatic and more focussed on the topic. For instance: example1 example2 example3 No, I don't believe the title is so very dramatic and for the topic of power generation from brewery waste water, I believe it to be very focussed. Certainly, more so than the examples you offer.
  21. Sorry, Buckley isn't even mentioned in your article. So it's evidence of nothing. If you want to make Al Qaeda the excuse for the stupidity of Bush, hadn't you decide your excuse for the obvious failure of your argument? If Al Qaeda is the BIG issue, why did Bush abandon the attack on Al Qaeda in Afganistan? If Al Qaeda is the BIG issue, why has Bush made no effort to capture it's international headquarters, in Pakistan? If Al Qaeda is the BIG issue, why doesn't Bush invade Saudi Arabia, where there are more Al Qaeda than there are in Iraq? so, what point were you attempting to make?
  22. yeah, I checked your source, nothing in any of it refutes the fact of global warming. Your source merely misinterprets their own data. in some cases, your source refers back and forth to itself or simply dead end at a blank page and then there is the debunking we get from National Geographic Nat. Geo.
  23. Say there, Mr Howard, any ideas on reducing pollution? "Yeah, use beer." Link
  24. I know exactly who he is, and he is not informed. If he is, then he is closet liberal in the same camp as Pelosi. sorry, I'll choose to believe he is more informed than you - have you any evidence to support your wild and frantic accusations?
  25. GWB deniers remind me of that comcast phone commercial --- a guy stands there in his boxers and his tiger stripe tattoos -- "I told you before, tattoos are permanent" "but that was before on my old service" "sorry, Roger, you tiger now" "sorry? ... but I have Comcast Digital Voice" ...It does not prove man global warming. ... What did you intend to say? No, as none of that can happen.
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