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Everything posted by BC_chick

  1. I wrote a whole paragraph about the reasons where I think she lost and said while I said that to some people gender may have played a role, I think that aspect is low on the list of reasons. This one statement calling me naive is really your best retort?
  2. I think many women were proud to vote for a woman and as much as I dislike her I would have loved to see a madame president. However, I don't think there were many people who voted for her because she's a woman (ie they'd otherwise vote for Trump but they just wanted to see a woman in the Oval Office). Likewise, I think the whole narrative about her losing because of sexism is a bit over reaching. There may be some, but I don't think in this day and age there are too many people who think a woman is incapable to do the same job as a man (with a few exceptions of course such as jobs requiring physically strenuous work where women do face some challenges). I think she lost for a myriad of reasons: she was too much of an insider, her past (which many still dub as a 'vast right wing conspiracy' - gag), the wikileaks about her collusion with DNC, the polls giving her supporters a sense of complacency, her complete contradictions in policy, and many more. But her ovaries was way down on the list for the reasons of why she didn't get elected. By the same token, her ovaries had very little to do with why people voted for her, whether or not they were proud to vote for a the first woman president.
  3. I was pretty unimpressed with both the Harper 2011 majority as well as the Trudeau 2015 majority. I was also unimpressed with the 2004 George Bush re-election, but Donald Trump is a special kind of a-hole unlike anything I've seen in my lifetime. I think Obama summed it up best and I think this is why we're seeing the protests we are today: “This is different than just having policy differences. I recognize that they profoundly disagree with myself or Hillary Clinton on tax policy or certain elements of foreign policy, but there have been Republican presidents with whom I disagreed with but I didn’t have a doubt that they could function as president. I think I was right and Mitt Romney and John McCain were wrong on certain policy issues, but I never thought that they couldn’t do the job.”
  4. FPTP may have *an inkling* of an argument when it comes to parliament, congress, US senate where regional representation is important within a large body of government, but for the executive where it's one person it really makes no sense. I've been reading a lot about the justification for it and it seems there is none. It's an archaic system with absolutely no relevance in the modern world.
  5. Oh wow. I'm surprised the media isn't all over this.
  6. On the flip side, Trump's lower polling numbers was a sure way to ensure his supporters' motivation.
  7. Yeah well, like I said, I think the polls gave the Democrats a false sense of security. Why wait in line for hours to vote if it's such a sure bet anyway. Blame Huffington Post et al and their 98% chance of winning predictions. As much as everyone is bagging on Nate Silver, he's the one who gave her the lowest chance when factoring in economy and past elections instead of just polls.
  8. Electoral college favours Republicans given the rural vote. Out of the last 5 elections, the only 2 times where the winner of the popular vote lost the election was Democrats. It's not a fair comparison. I would expect a whole lot of protesting from the Republican side too if they were the ones getting screwed over by an archaic system of voting.
  9. I wonder how much of that had to do with the polls giving Clinton virtually no chance of losing. I was worried about the complacency that is probably going to result from such over confidence. Trump's supporters on the other hand were very motivated to get out and vote.
  10. Many people kept saying that the media was only exposing Trump's own words and actions. While this is true, I couldn't help but think what they could come up with if they spent as long combing over every bad thing HRC said and did in the last 30 years. They could've come up with just as much shyte on her, easily. She's a walking contradiction. But they didn't. Every day I read CNN, Huffington Post and other media outlets and they were shameless in their character assassination of Trump while staying mum about concerns facing Clinton's integrity and character. I still think she's more qualified than him but she is not the champion they made her out to be. She is very corrupt and in many ways what is wrong with Washington. It all came back to bite them. I truly do blame the DNC and the media for Trump's presidency.
  11. He was a joke, I agree, but obviously he'd struck a cord somewhere and instead of listening to what he was saying and working within that constraint, they chose to completely mock him and anyone who supports him. There is a whole other 'truth' out there for 50% of Americans, you can't deny their reality to them.
  12. Rachel Maddow is now blaming third-parties for Clinton's loss but if you take them out, Trump would've won by even a higher margin (Libertarians are more likely to vote Republican and Gary Johnson got four times as many votes as Jill Stein). It's amazing that even now they refuse to acknowledge the way the DNC went about instilling their chosen heir turned off many people.
  13. Agreed. Modern day Republican Party in control with Donald Trump at the helm is probably the closest we're going to come to the possibility of a nuclear war. I'm thinking of converting to Christianity just in case Jesus does show up.
  14. Not really, the Republican establishment was very much against their candidate - or divided at best. They didn't deserve the egg as much as the Democratic Party did.
  15. I didn't. As much as I dislike her, I would've preferred a Clinton presidency. But as unpopular of a thing this may be to say, there is a tiny teeny weenie part of me that thought the Democratic Party totally deserves this big egg on their face. ETA - and the media! Wow, they were shameless, it was painful to watch. I can totally get why the anger from the Trump camp was legit when it came to the way the media handled their candidate.
  16. Not all but a lot. Yeah I noticed that too. I was saying it during the primaries too. They super delegates were dumb to promote the candidate who won the primaries with the states that won't matter in the general election. They shouldve paid paid more attention to what the delegates in the battleground states wanted.
  17. I really hope the Democratic Party learns a valuable lesson in all this. They chose her ignoring all the signs that she's just a highly unlikeable candidate. Why did nobody else run other than O'Malley and an obscure candidate like Bernie Sanders? Even he managed to almost take it away from her. The Democratic Party really fumbled this one.
  18. This was probably my biggest reason for not liking her. I disliked it very much when she was First Lady and I disliked it when she ran for Senate in 2000 with the well known intention that she plans on becoming the first woman president. I abhorred the idea of a woman like that being the first woman president. That is a pathetic role model for women, IMO. I was also appalled by the way her supporters chose to deny this aspect of her instead of acknowledging it and supporting her nevertheless (as Gloria Allred did for example).
  19. I discovered it when extremely frustrated with the inability to delete a quote and I was clicking every possible combination of key + delete possible. It was a triumphant moment. lol
  20. That's pretty much my only complaint too.
  21. Click the time link (or date if enough time has passed). It'll take you to the last post on a thread.
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