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Everything posted by shortlived

  1. What about those Canadians fighting in Syria, are they terrorists? Or are they just illegal solidiers helping a government in exile? The diatribe on this is rampant. What about Canadians who helped to overthrow Gaddaffi? Etc... Are they all not Canadian for their legal acts of terrorism? Or is attacking government forces not terrorism, or only if the governments arn't friendly and politically disliked? Are they on the governmentof the day's not liked list of antigovernment militants? What about computer hackers who attack government websites, isn't that terrorism, what if they shut down electiricty is that not terrorism? Are we gonig to waste that much time and money over changing the status of 10 people every 5 or 10 years? Whynot just reinstitute the death penalty instead? You know actually give them a trial and all. Yeah cause terrorists only get a couple years in most countries.... causing killing people and blowing stuff up is much less severe than murder desrving life in prison huh??When is the next time they are back in Canada, what is that after the revolution succeeds?
  2. Doesn't the Criminal Code enshrined terrorism act actually require charges to be placed against them.. if their citizenshipis revoked they "loose the ability to be charged" under the CCC. Odd it is like they are just removing the treason and terrorism charges against the people? For the terrrorism and attacking CF personnel. Odd. What is the rationalityon removing the criminality of the act, and revoking citizenship? Also why should a foreign court be seen as acceptable proof of a crime or act being committed? Especially countries that openly torture prisoners into confession like the US, Syria and Egypt? Is it the Immigration Minister that gets to judge whether people are terrorists if no court in Canada hears the case? How is someone suppose to have access to courts in Canada if they are locked up oversees due to other countries at times questionable justice system?
  3. Nay Nay. Fact is it was a reseached point. You are wrong. Outdoor temparture can go above 50 degrees celcius in some parts of the world. In places where there are cars. YOU ARE WRONG. The danger point of a car is about 232° C Depending on windsheild and window make car colour and interior colour and material the raise can be varied. However there is a base to increase coefficient which has the temeprature increase more the hotter it gets outside. Example 130F adds say 48 or (27C) on top of about 55 degrees in one study this is 82celclius an not the most extreme case. While rare it is possible. This also doesn't account for "directed sunlight by a mirror or a raindrops, oil smear eyeglasses or plastic film that may create a magnifying lense. For external increase the cars internal temperature doubles at high temperature. so a 50 degree celcius temp could equate a 100degree celcius internal temp. The oven effect however means that if heatis trapped in a car example a black car temperatures can increase even further like a hotplate. surfaces holding the heat are even hotter than the general ambient internal temperatures. Dark cars can exceed non dark cars by some 125% Its not like Canadians are going places with 50 degree weather though, most of those places are warzones.
  4. Or put in a credit card surcharge like some businesses do. Problem solved. They are tax deducatable business expenses anyway.
  5. false, there is a difference between a plant and a chemical base. For instance hash is not the same as pot. You need to process pot to make hash. While hash could still be a herbal, it is not natural. It is manmade. Now chemical drugs are even more processed. Example opium may be a herbal, but heroin is a chemical thus should be a pharmacuetical as opposed to a herbal. Opium like pot has been used since ancient times. false, pot is edible. Pot seeds are very nutirtious. Pot is a green leafy plant. Pot is definately edible. False it is all about how much you eat, and its potency. Well there is a difference between use and abuse. Part of abusive behaviour is doing drugs like drinking all by yourself. Anyone who experiements with drugs should ease into experimentation and research dosage to body size, just taking a key of coke and inhaling it all with a gas mask is just asking for problems. The same is true of eating a grow lab.Fact is here that while eating pot can cause some pretty exceptional states of mind body interaction, freaking out is due to a failure of the individual to have proper experience in managing their own trip. People who havn't learned to manage their own trip should never do drugs alone and should always have someone who can manage their trip and/or isn't high along for the ride. These are just common sense rules. The common effect of eating too much pot is passing out , as the body shuts itself down. Overload of the endocannabinoid system causes the body to shut itself down. http://en.wikipedia....nabinoid_system It stimulates enjoyment of specific activities, like eating, causes supra sensory response that is focal concentration is a million times, and neurochemical reactions are amplified. It does not change anything it amplifies things so you more readily experience them. Likewise memory function is put into feedback mode, which is effectively what pot does, creates a feedback loop on memory function thus causing chain triggering of neurochemical processes. A pot high while can be compared to a chemical high, is not as dangerous. Cocaine and other drugs are drastically more dangerous than pot. You would get sick eating tobacco and die, you won't get sick and die from pot. Nicotine is lethal THC is not very lethal at all. There are way more harmful substances in cigs than in pot. Fact is tobacco is way more dangerous than pot. http://en.wikipedia....otine_poisoning "Nicotine, in its pure form, is one of the most lethal poisons known to man." source: "http://www.ecigarett.../comment-page-1" Also your link talks about someone who ate cannabis "resin" resin is nasty stuff. Eating resin is not the same as eating the plant, there is lighter fluid and other crap in it. Resin is a refined substance that is adulterated with lighter fluid. Also who knows what grow or lacings were on the stuff he burned to get the resin. What your link alludes also is if they smoked pot what other drugs like LSD or otherwise have they done? Fact is LSD is clinical. This says nothing about other drugs that people who smoke pot might also have done. Part of the issue is the gateway, they get the other drugs from the same person they get the pot from. The mood is much different when you already think doing illegal pot is ok so other drugs are just the same, but the fact is they are a totally different level in some cases. Making pot legal will just reduce the interconnection of the gateway and acceptance of illegal behaviour. That is if strick laws are put in place for manufactured drugs and the association between natural pot from chemical drugs removed. The netherlands is a classic example of how legalization in some form actually lowered the number of users as compared to the united states, canada or britain.
  6. Well doesn't Quebec want its own everything, they'll love the Quebec Equalization Program. They can take money from Montreal and give it to Quebec City while taking money from Hull and giving it to Chicoutimi. But yes I think they would sex me for no Canadian income taxes the rest is like selling cotton Candy to a cotton candy lover.
  7. equalization should be ended along with income tax. Medicare should be solved by the federal government making an insurance crown corp and making health insurance a plan option.
  8. Apparently the melting point is 110 celcius (although I've seen 266F as opposed to 220F on the melting temp of polypropylene, so either the melting point is wrong or it is a hybrid form of polypropylene A car during summer can approach that same temperature. Not taking into account mirror reflection which could focus heat even more, or if something is in contact with metal on the dash or in a black wallet etc.. national security aside. The report says -75C to 140C however I am wondering if this is absolute, and if say a mirror focusing the sun will melt the bills now bear in mind the flame point of the paper bills is well exposure to flame. So this doesn't mean they are worse, people should just be aware they can melt.
  9. It is still legal tender, they just arn't making them anymore. Not like we can't make them if we want, they do afterall cost more to make than they are worth. No harm in that right.. Lets get on with the nickle too. then we can move up the demical place and leave parity behind. Then there can be a new PENNY.. and it would only cost 1.6 cents to make while it was worth 10 cents. (in todays currency or 0.16 cents to make, and worth 1 penny. In the NEOLOONIE) we got to keep up with food price increases somehow without adding an extra digit.
  10. Yes but they wouldn't be able to lable themselves for tax write offs and free money. It matters. They drain millions from the public's wallets. They arn't a charity, they should not be treated on the same grounds as people helping those in need and providing a public service. They are out for themselves not for the people. HENCE PARTISAN NOT PUBLIC. All the tax write offs for campaigning is nonsense, it is actually Canadians paying to hear what people want to spam them with. MILLIONS AND MILLIONS like 50+ million in public taxpayer money to let them advance their own causes? It is nonsense. People should NOT have special status, there should be no POLITICAL class in Canada. They should have NO priveleges that every other Canadian does not have. If they want to form a corporation fine BUT LETS GET REAL.. political parties ARE NOT CHARITIES, it is embezzlment of public funds, by the political parties who have voted to give themselves free money. THAT IS WRONG. NO MP WHO IS A MEMBER OF A POLITICAL PARTY SHOULD VOTE TO GIVE THEM FREE MONEY. THAT IS EMBEZZLEMENT! That is exactly what they did by giving themselves tax write offs, that is a CLEAR CONFLICT OF INTEREST!
  11. That isn't my argument but I wouldn't disagree with this completely. 1st off I think it is the Queen that should pick the PM (or indirectly though the Governor General). Likewise that person picked should have parliaments support. Individuals who do not support the choice of PM should state the reasons why they would not be suitable to manage the ministries. I think that the UN choosing the PM would actually advantage Canada somewhat, but they would need to be a professional who actually did the job. The commons shouldn't be in the ministires they should be tending to their ridings. They are better suited for a decade of committee work before another decade of senate committee work before they are even considered to be PM. Too many politicians and too little beaurocrats. That is why it is always so partisan and corrupt, it is just about me me me, instead of the whole. Its not like the cheif of defence just wins their position, or the privy council seal holder just walks into their job after a successful interview. It is absurd to expect a PM to just walk into the highest political office in the country. -- one that republicans are making more and more of an executive post (which it shouldn't be) No way do I just want to hand over total executive powers to the person who can fool the most people. Jean Chretien was a much different animal than Stephen Harper, he served for like 30 years in various ministerial roles before becoming PM. He didn't just go from opposition leader to PM like Stephen Harper. He won his seat in 1963 and became PM in 1991 or so. Harper won his in 1993??? was it, and 10 years later without ever being in a ministry became PM??? With no background in law? Other than what 2 years of a non majority opposition? Then you wonder why parliament is just shut down, and omnibus "budget bills" that attach all the other laws for the term are put through without debate. It is unnatural. Stephen Harper was like 4 years old when Chretien went into parliament. 1993-1997 2002-2006? That is 8 years in Parliament before becoming PM, two elections?
  12. I think what most poeple here are failing to introduce is the concept of casual use vs. abuse. Casual use of alchohol is said to have some benefits, this is drinking not to get drunk but as a tonic. Like a small glass a day etc.. (Alchohol can be medicinal) Also, smoking tons of pot isn't good for your health. Having some Cannabis can be beneficial to health though as it stimulates the body. Getting totally baked is akin to binge drinking, neither is healthy. I would't prevent people from doing either though. It is their life and their health I'm not going to protest outside fast food chains so why should I protest the neighbourhood pot porter. The only real issues are public safety such as preventing second hand smoke, and removing public endangerment like driving high, likewise things like health insurance run ups that could be solved by turning medicare into a premium based health plan that offerse basic care, but has premium markups just like other forms of health insurance in the private sector. If this is about peoples health it should be about more than pot but crappy lifestyles in general. What people just seem to be ignorant about is PEOPLE SMOKE POT ANYWAY!!! regulation will only institute more control over abuses, while also educating people on acceptable social use rather than CULTURALLY DRIVEN ABUSE OF DRUGS. Few poeple grow their own tabacco... few people brew their own.. because they'd rather be lazy. The only people growing pot are the deseperate and people who by lifestyle break the laws (with rare exception of the 5 people who actually hold legal permits to grow) You make growing legal and the grey/black market will collapse.. removing the gateway to crime associated with pot. That is exactly why it won't happen, crime runs Canada. It becomes legal and it will get marketted by big companies. Really only stupidity is stopping the legalization of pot. The divide between natural drugs and chemical drugs should be drawn, and natural drugs should be legal. Things that need to be processed to increase potenency etc.. should be considered "pharmacueticals" naturals are botanicals and should be legal. God made the sh!t, and it is edible...
  13. http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/01/01/bank-of-canada-wont-discuss-melting-plastic-bills-says-national-security-behind-silence/
  14. Canada should just let a genderarmie branch of the military do policing when it isn't invaded. The military gets low pay. Problem solved. As far as the TTC, these corps should be able to run themselves, but if conditions on grants and loans want to be attached so be it. None the less TTC cops are more than just ticketters, apparently they are like NS or something just like the OPP.
  15. The fact the bills melt if you travel south with them is a bigger problem IMO I will say it was a creative way to prevent capital flight though. With all this global warming .. they may not last as long as they say they will. Making the change to wax paper almost redundant.
  16. I can speak for myself. First I'm not partisan, political parties should be banned from recognition, let individuals take their seats but all these perks for parties just wastes tax dollars for a clique to squander public funds and embezzle and give privelege corruptly to themselves. Frankly, what i meant is language shouldn't be illegal. Stopping people from communicating is another matter, censorship is wrong. Now perpetuators of lies, and fraud need to be viciously destroyed, murdered out right I would suggest if it is intentional and to cause the public harm at the benefit of the few. But language that is deemed foul is just a cultural perception. All language even foul language has meaning, and frankly some actions deserve a foul response because they are foul actions that are disgusting and contemptuous. You don't just say nay to someone suggesting seniors have their pensions taken away so the rich can get more of their money, or that our rivers be allowed to become toxic dumps. These are real issues that are contemptuous and disgusting and deserve a foul response. Call it what it is. Criminal behaviour doesn't deserve a civil response. Criminals in parliment should not be pandered tarrings and featherings and set alight would be more appropriate response for the dialouge that would be respectful to society.
  17. Your position is out of touch. Ignatieff was called on by the Party to play a role. He did not seek the position as leader initially. He was asked to come back to Canada and help the party. He gave an effort, his people you know the Toronto of his youth did not reelect him. You can't expect someone to keep going into the commons once they no longer have a seat there. He wasn't a carear politician regardless. He was a journalist and academic. What don't you get about that? Canadians don't stop being Canadians once they leave the dotted line Canada has opted to call Canada. I would never spend Winter in Canada unless I wanted to take up skiing and other winter sports. Fact is I hate winter. That fact does not make me unCanadian, it makes me have personal preferences. I'd gladdly leave Canada over each and every winter. I'd gladly stay in the tropics over subarctic Canada. That fact does not make me unCanadian it makes me have personal preference. Tell all the snow birds they arn't Canadian cause they spend their winters in Florida. Fact is weather in Canada SUCKS!!! More in some parts than others. You are trying to brand Canada when a brand doesn't exist. Canada is a dynamic state, Canadian citizenship was fabricated sometime after WWII... fact is he was and is Canadian, get over your Canadians are like X or like Y.. he is Canadian, in a free society Canada is suppose to be totalitarian ultra nationalists trying to make people the way you want them does not belong. GTFO of here. I'd rather have a global person run the country than an idiot who only knows what is good for oil.
  18. I think the issue the court has ignored is the fact that natives weren't allowed to sell their land. The sale had to go through the equivalent of Indian Affairs. The issue is clearly that it is Edmonton and not some rural landscape. It wasn't a legal transfer from Canada's perspective because the sale did not legally occur. This is much the same with the Six Nations Brant sale. I know from this sale of reserve land wasn't possible because it is federal land as far as Canada is concerned, held by the crown for the use of the natives. The problem is native title isn't able to be extinguished by sale. Now the natives selling land use rights is another issue completely. In 1880 the entire area was probably under Rupert's land title transfered to the Federal government. it was crown title by Canadian law. In terms of land sale, there is a difference between title and deed. Title denotes jurisidiction and control while land use sale is a deed which can be revoked by the administrator of the title. It was likely a duress sale brought on by alchohol, and the person who signed probably wasn't even sober. http://www.papaschase.ca/history.html Yeah starve the land out of them, that is how Canada shold be remembered... Sounds more like torture than a land transaction. Doesn't sound like they sold their land or title at all "From 1890 to 1930, the Govt. of Canada sold all of IR 136 lands to third parties" This sounds like the govt of Canada sold their land not the Papachase. I think it is fair to say the Papachase had their land expropriated by the Govt. of Canada and sold to white setlers because Ottawa was extremely rascist at the time.
  19. Industrial chemicals, not pot. What is the rate around Lake Athabasca? What about these places http://www.bibliotec...yweapons155.htm then cross references with Psychiatrists per capita and the diagnosis rate. If a doctor gets paid to be a doctor and relies on illness to make money they will find illness or perhaps even invent it. Read about the PIPS system. you will understand mental illness in Canada is largely fabricated and totalitarian and worship of a cult based on paranoid beleifs of ideal lifestyle as opposed to people "being sick" terminal or suffering. The Quacks just don't like how people live. Japan is a very conservative cult. (cult = culture more or less). It being a more totalitarian police state its rate will be higher provided there are enough psychiatrists around to diagnose people as mentally "ill". Being sad or too happy is ill to them. Not thinking what other people think is also ill to them. Not having the same hygeine practices is ill yet there isn't even clean water in some countries.. and historically people bathed like once a year? So all our ancestors were ill too right? Probably all your ancetors would be schizophrenic at some point in time.. because they have "Strange beleifs" and we can't think different can we? It is a totalitarian practice not founded at all on the concept of health they are witch hunters. Now some people are ill but they are a minority. However forced confinement for beleiving in faries or not showering by choice is not medicine it is psychiatrists forcing their cult beleifs on others. If all the people who beleive in aliens or had a contact experience are schizophrenic... it leaves a lot to be wondered. THis can be applied to people who had angel experiences too... just read on the PIPS system and you will see why it is just totalitarian police state BS the KGB was into and the CIA and other groups are still into .. most likely CSIS and the mental health establishment who are part of lobbies they just want to shove their rules down your throat and arn't going to stop at nothing to do it. This refer madness nonsense about pot is the same sort of totalitarianism.
  20. OMG this is the best argument for the Tory lie of an elected senate ever! Why not just give a direct vote to all Canadian citizens to vote on the laws? and eviserate the bourgoisie? or hows this why not let the citizens make the laws to to vote on rather than a group of people who are good at lying. Why exactly are lygestlaters allowed to make all the laws anyway? How often do ATM's and Banks get their accounts doctored? You'd think a vote bank were possible to be implemented. you know with like a voters chip card and an atm system. that they can confirm their vote afterward with.
  21. So you are saying it should be legal for a siamese twin to murder their other half, because their life is more valuable than the one they want to kill. My gosh i'm stuck in the world with people doing things.. I geuss it makes it ok for me to kill them right because I want to be disconnected from them, they are breathing my air afterall.
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