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Everything posted by leonardcohen

  1. The same could of being said of Great Britain before Churchill became Prime Minister. The British people had little appetite for war with Neville Chamberlain as leader who through blindness or stupidity didn't think Hitler was a threat. Pacifism,if it was allowed to sweep thru the British Isles would have doomed Europe and changed the course of history in the rest of the world,because Britain was the lynchpin of Europe,the only power that had the will and the means to defeat Hitler. The U.S.,if it had remained pacifist and managed to avoid war would at best remained an isolated democracy and at worst a target for a victorious Hitler. I shudder to think what would have happened to all those people you mentioned if Hitler had remained in power even for another year or 2 or 5. Those who couldn't escape,most likely would have being totally wiped out. The question i have is should a leader involve his people in a war they don't want any part of because he can see and appreciate the long term ramifications for his country if they don't? Great leaders are able to communicate their visions to their people,if they don't,theirs is a divided people.
  2. The idea that U.S. would ever invade Canada is beyond preposterous.The only reason that they would ever invade would be for our natural resources. In order for that to happen,the rest of the world would have run out of fuel or whatever natural resource and Canada would refuse to sell to them or charge exorbinant prices or perhaps Canada might use it as bargaining tool to get what we want. I realize for this to happen the government needs to grow some mighty big balls. All the more unlikely this might happen
  3. I think it's more that the raison d' etre of Canada was to be "not United States". Canada and the US became friendly through the inevitable "border bleed" when both sides of the border speak the same language and have similar cultures. Still, Canada's origins and history decree a certain degree of separation, similar to friendly neighbors talking over the fence in the back rather than hopping the fence. I like to think that we as neighbors can overcome the the rhetoric that spews from the political level,from both the local and federal level on both sides of the border. We may need to keep distance,as good neighbors do, because our interests are not always going to coincide, but in general the ties that bind us are stronger than the ones that seperate us.IMHO
  4. There is always going to be a segment of Canadian society who do not like Americans and never will, no matter what they say or do. My question is are they a just a vocal minority or are Canadians as a society are a whining bunch of lefties who see America as a convenient whipping boy for our problems?
  5. I heard the people debate the best is when they are arguing a point on which they don't agree with as they tend to get "blinded" on topics that they feel passionate about You're right on that point,sometimes when i see something that really gets my goat i rush in with righteous indignation and fire away with all guns blazing and logic gets lost somewhere,somehow.It's best to back away and come back later when your blood pressure has come back down and you can back up your argument.
  6. Why we Canadians seem to need to differentiate ourselves from Americans? It seems we are more alike then we care to admit. I personally find negative knee jerk reactions to anything American to be indicative of a less then healthy obsession with the U.S.. Are we afraid of being assimilated by their culture? There are aspects of American culture i find disturbing, such as their obsession with guns, the KKK and neo-nazis,as well as a split personality regarding porn,consider that the right wing has control of the government,yet America has the largest porn industry in the world,how is that anyway? I guess i'm saying that despite our differences,there is no country in the world that i would rather have my back then The United States of America. Just as an aside,how Anti-American would we be if George Bush wasn't in the White House? http://www.canadianencyclopedia.ca/index.c...s=M1ARTM0012831
  7. I doubt that Quebec will separate and I'm certain that Quebec will never seperate. If you think there is Anti- Anglo sentiment in Quebec now,wait until Quebec actually seperates! I see an unleashing of hatred against anything English,especially if they shoot themselves in the foot by alienating and eventually driving the Anglos and their money out of'' their ''country! Quebec is like a [petulant] teenager who wants his own place but wants Dad to pay for it. :angry:
  8. My reaction exactly. Do I care to figure out who or what Cindy Klasser, Peter Nash and Marsh are? Not worth it.That's a reminder to all that there is a large number of otherwise intelligent people who have no idea who or what Steve Layton, Jack Harper and some French guys do. Nash won as part of a team,Klassen won these 5 medals herself,n'est pas?
  9. He's just an Ontario elite. When I lived in ottawa he was known to be seen with the Corel owner.. can't remember his name. All the Ontario elites know each other including Rae, Malrouny, the Stranich's, and the list goes on. I'm embarrassed,apparently he had been doing more then keeping the Sens going. Jeez,I've lived in Ottawa for years and i never knew this stuff.Talk about being out of the loop
  10. I would like to know your opinion as to the viability of the modern Turkish state as you describe,in other words can it survive in it's present state for the forseeable future given that it is in essence straddling at least 2 different cultures and religions?
  11. My question is, when the next election is held,whenever that may be, do the Liberals go back to using Harper as a bogeyman because it seems, to me anyway, they've got nothing positive to give to voters? I,personally think that canadians as a whole aren't going to buy that line any more. I can only hope!
  12. From watching the movie, I don't think the b@stard has any appreciation for the hurt he's caused. He seems to be enjoying his life just fine in Ireland. He's strolling the lanes quite freely, pausing to enjoy the sight of children playing. I hope this movie makes things a little more uncomfortable for him. He deserves to be watched like a hawk. And some leaders in the Catholic church deserve to be jailed for gross negligence and obstruction. On one hand he doesn't believe he has anything wrong and on the other he says the church should have done something if they thought he was doing something wrong.I not sure which is worse,stonewalling by The Catholic Church or the utter blindness or denial of the priest.He sounds like a sociopath and there is no cure for that. I know i'll catch some flak for this,but it is cases like this that highlight the apostasy of the hierarchy of Catholicism.
  13. I have noticed in myself a correlation between my appetite,yes,appetite! for porn and my relationships.I found that whenever i am in a relationship with a significant other i lose all interest in porn whatsoever,real sex wins out over fantasy sex anytime!.On the other hand when i am not involved with someone my interest in porn is back within a week or two after regardless how long said relationship lasted. I also noted that the longer i am without real sex the more hardcore it takes to,''how should i put it'', reach satisfaction. What do you make of that?
  14. Terminology is NOT the issue. Many Christians find it unacceptable that homosexuals are using the traditional word 'marriage' to describe themselves being just as 'EQUALLY MARRIED' as Christians and other religions that use that word to describe the union of a 'man and a women'. There are other words homosexuals could have chosen to describe their UNIQUE union. Since homosexuality is not a religion but a 'lifestyle' and to 'BORROW' the word marriage to include homosexuals is seen by many an repulsive anomaly (relating especially in our country) to Christianity. The federal government has degraded Christianity and Christians by allowing the word 'marriage' to describe the union of two members of the same sex. Thank You--Exactly the sentiment i was searching for.
  15. I'll mock who I want, when I want, thanks. If religious types feel their personal beliefs entitle them to pass judgement on others' lifestyles, then I am free to judge them in return. There,There now, feel better now?
  16. Why is it unfair? To me, being predjudiced against someone because some ancient manuscript allegedly penned by an invisible and ominipotent sky-being tells you to is pretty unreasonable. That statement right there whether it was intended or not,mocks anybody who believes in God.Please don't do that.It is insulting.
  17. Megaphone diplomacy does no one any good, it will come back and bite Harper in the rear. I think you'd be surprised to hear how alot of the recent hoopla is being received. I look forward to the spring. I don't know if anbody here watches ''The Rick Mercer Report'',but his weekly rant this week was about this subject, and i liked what he had to say about it,basically we're a free nation and we can say what we want and if China doesn't like it, too bad,if they want to bully their way on the world stage by using their economic might as a blunt threat they lose credibility in my eyes. We will trade with you,but we don't have to like you.
  18. 1}Please show me if you will where marriage has a purpose outside of religious considerations? 2}It seems to me that you are saying Christans are by definition ,'bigots',a bigot being defined as a person who is unreasonably prejudiced or intolerant.That just seems unfair.
  19. I am a conservative who fully supports gay rights, that there should be tolerance,a live and let live attitude. I do however have one question. Civil Unions sure, but why the insistence on marriage, which according to Christian Theology is a union between a man and a woman? Homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible.Does anybody who opposes homosexual behaviour automatically become a bigot because they believe the Bible?
  20. 46,argh just saying that makes me feel old. I do not feel my age,yet, i still feel about 10 years younger and that's where i going to stay
  21. I just read an article recently in either The Ottawa Sun or The Ottawa Citizen that said a recent poll actually had the Liberals sans leader were actually tied with the Conservatives in popularity.That makes me wonder about whether some people are just plain dumb or do we really hate conservatism that much or don't care about corruption at all.It appears the fear mongering that the liberals use as a campaign strategy in just about every recent election goes much deeper then i thought. :angry:
  22. I just wanted to say that this quote is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. If your implying that God himself should come down here to fix everything, then it's assumed that you believe he's real. we Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. No need to call my opinion ridiculous. My opinion is that there is no such thing as a "god". Humans invented the notion of god to help them because darn it, life is sometimes tough -- so tough that we humans need to believe there is a someone who will take care of us. IF gods were "real" then he/she/it/they would be intelligent enough to know that her/his/its/they were no longer being "believed in". Hey if I had an ant farm and I created their whole little world and wanted them to *worship me, I certainly would show my face at least once per generation. I would not expect my little ants to believe a book written by other ants. *How big an ego does an entity have to need to be "worshipped"? God sounds like a mafia boss! We have free choice,why should God shield us from the consequences of our actions. Why do people who don't believe in the existence of a higher being seem to feel an obligation to mock those who do? I don't mock people who believe differently than myself.
  23. One thing to keep in mind,once the government taps into such a revenue boon like the GST they are never going to give it up.Never.
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