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Status Updates posted by Merlin

  1. Feels good today.My disability is painful but am having a good day! I hope everyone is going to have a great day today. I'm really starting to settle into this forum and feel as though I becoming a part of it. Thank you all for helping to make that possible. God Bless.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. sharkman


      Are you people for real?

    3. Sleipnir


      I don't think anyone is real in here xD

    4. sharkman


      A huh, speak for yourself:)

  2. I'm going to the Doctor today which will bring me going right past the mosque. I will go quickly. Yesterday a man leaving the mosque said hello to me, I also said hello. Nothing else happened. My fear is slightly less today.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. The_Squid


      Merlin = Mr. Canada

    3. The_Squid


      Merlin = Mr. Canada

    4. Merlin


      No, I am not that poster. Please stop abusing me in this way.

  3. Wonders what is going on inside the mosque near my house when the music plays and people come to the music. It reminds me of the pied piper nursery rhyme.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Merlin


      I don't have a gimmick.I'm deathly afraid of some Muslims, afraid they will prey on my weakness as a disabled person.I see what is happening on the news and it scares me that this is what is happening in Canada too, the extremism is most scary.Many young people are becoming radicalized by online videos. It's scary.

    3. The_Squid
    4. Merlin


      3 of the 4 people who suicide bombed the London Metro were UK born.Another UK born Muslim stabbed a MP because he supported the war in Afghanistan.These young ppl were influenced and taught by online video, most by US cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.

  4. It seems to me that the same people who were calling for Harper to open up new jet options are now in his debt. Please email the PM and let him know how much you agree with the job he's done on this issue or do oppose everything he does automatically?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Smallc


      The government did not lie about the cost of the F-35s at all.

    3. cybercoma


      At all, eh? When asked for the full life-cycle costs they refused to give those numbers, even though they had them. That's lying. In fact, it's lying to parliament or withholding information from parliament, which is contempt.

    4. sharkman


      Quit holding a grudge, Cyber! You need to push out the jive and bring in the love for Harper.

  5. Just figured out how to update status. Found this site yesterday and I have to say I am enjoying it very much. A place for Canadians is awesome!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Merlin


      Cybercoma please don't confuse me with a past member. My nickname is Merlin, as you can plainly see. Please don't start rumors. I have enjoyed chatting with you on the chat feature, let's keep it friendly please.

    3. BC_chick


      I thought the same thing cc.

    4. Merlin


      bc_chick, pls don't get pulled into this. I am being unfairly targetted. I am a new member, if this is how new people are treated then maybe this isn't the place for me :(

  6. I am scared very often throughout the day. I feel as though someone is going to come to kill me. I am suspicious of everyone I see. The world is scary when you're disabled.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Merlin


      I have very few friends because I am so scared. I trust only a few people. I'm not treating my disability like a gimmick. I am making people aware of my disability so they can better understand my position.

    3. AngusThermopyle


      Not to appear cold or anything but I'm more interested in the points you do or do not make than your disability. You may or may not be disabled but that isn't the focus of this place. If you are then you have my sincerest sympathies.

    4. Sleipnir


      Why would you have sympathies for someone with disability? You shouldn't judge someone based on their disability.

  7. God Bless all of you and please bless the Argos on this day Jesus.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. sharkman


      Argos score again!!

    3. The_Squid


      Argos will win! Good for them! Great game.

    4. Merlin


      The Argos led from the start.They played well and Calgary didn't.Toronto deserved to win today.

  8. Giving in to every single Indian demand will only make them protest more, not less. Look at Caledonia.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Merlin


      Indian is a proper term. They've only recently started using other terms in addition to Indian to describe native Americans. Cowboys and Indians, The Cleveland Indians, the Dept of Indian Affairs(Canada, Indian Motorcycles, Cigar store Indian, Our government has a legal thing called"the Indian Act" which has to do with Registered Canadian Indians.

    3. Merlin


      Why not try to respond to the op instead of trying to create straw-men.

    4. WWWTT


      You don't sound like Merlin anymore?You sound like someone who has been on here for some time!

  9. Woke up this morning having a mug of tea reading MLW. Hoping the cyber-bullying will stop as it makes my pain worse and makes me very sad. Do ppl here want me to just die and go away?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BubberMiley


      Try rebooting under another persona. That will make the pain stop.

    3. Merlin


      I have no idea what you mean. It's against forum policy to have more than one account so I cannot do that. I can only be myself, I have no other choice.

    4. BubberMiley


      Against forum policy? No it isn't. You just aren't supposed to try to get around a ban or suspension. But there's no rule saying you can't reboot. Your pain is cured.

  10. Praying a lot these days preparing for the end of the world this Friday.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The_Squid


      Why couldn't He destroy the earth after the weekend??? dammit!

    3. Sleipnir


      Well it would be after last weekend :P

    4. The_Squid


      Just one more weekend.... Pleeeeease!!

  11. I am remembering the people who fought and died for this country while others would rather tear it apart. Disgusting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BubberMiley


      I think he means it's disgusting to sit around remembering while others are busy tearing the country apart.

    3. wyly


      many of those people who fought and died for this country would be disgusted to hear how merlin now spread intolerance here..

    4. Merlin


      Let us cast aside petty bickering this week as we remember those who fought and died for this great land. They all deserve our praise and gratitude.

  12. Yes I was Mr.Canada as many of you have guessed, yeah right. It was correct assumption. I tried to get around ban and I was banned again. I will no longer be visiting this forum. That seems to be what the mods think so I might as well admit it...not!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sharkman


      well brother, you gotta know when to hold it.

    3. Argus


      I am shocked, shocked to find that people have multiple sock puppets here!

    4. The_Squid


      You bring this upon yourself.... But then, that's exactly what you want....

  13. Remembers fondly of a time when men were men and women were women and everyone knew their place in the world. Now it is so confusing and this is leading to so much needless fighting. We need to go back to the good old days.

    1. sharkman


      Back when there was no wheelchair access everywhere? "The good old days weren't always good, and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems".

    2. Merlin


      No, it's true. many things are better today but many things were also good then as well. Still isn't wheelchair access everywhere though, a lot better yes.

    3. BC_chick


      Oh yeah, the good ol' days! Women knew their place... as did blacks, FN's, Chinese, etc etc...

  14. Such a lovely day outside today. Nice day for a warm cup of tea and slippers.

    1. Sleipnir


      You clearly must not be in Canada, where I am - its freezing as heck :/

    2. Sleipnir


      lol its a joke btw

    3. Merlin


      It's nice to be outside then come home and have a bath then a nice cup of tea.

  15. 100 million people owning 300 million guns in the US didn't kill people in Newtown so lets punish those people. Great idea Obama!

    1. The_Squid


      Sensible gun control does not "punish" anyone. Why should the families of 20 dead children be "punished" because the gun nuts need their weapons with no common sense restrictions?

    2. WWWTT


      It sounds like you have little or no understanding how laws work Merlin.Take traffic laws for example.If you speed or break another kind of traffic law you are fined,etc,etc.These laws are imposed so that our roads are safe for other commuters and pedestrians.Does that help?

  16. God bless everyone this Sunday and God Bless the Argos who play very soon.

    1. BubberMiley


      And God Bless Stephen Harper, Father of Canada

    2. Merlin


      Afaik Stephen Harper is the Prime Minister.

  17. Happy Birthday Mr. Dress up!

    1. The_Squid


      If one is dead, can any birthdays be happy?

    2. Merlin


      I think that in todays world where ppl are so self absorbed and rarely think beyond themselves. If anyone thinks about another person at all after they pass on should be applauded and remembered.

  18. Let's all contact our MP's and urge them to support M408 when it comes to vote.Does your MP support sex selection abortions?That child could become a PM, a gold medalist or even cure cancer or AIDS.Pity to lose them before they have the same chance at life that we've all had.

    1. cybercoma


      That child could also convert to Islam and become a suicide bomber.

      Give life a chance, eh?

  19. I applaud Pm Harper for not giving in to every wing nut who chooses to not eat. I enjoyed watching this person while eating a two turkey dinners.

    1. betsy


      I thought "hunger strike" means no food at all except water. The chief's consuming fish-broth. It's more like she's going on a diet at the same time!

  20. Took time out of my day to remember those that have given so much to protect me. Too bad some found it a great opportunity to protest war. Disgusting.

  21. Argos come from behind victory makes me happy. I love the Argos!

  22. Michael hardner, nice to see you back. I haven't seen you on in a while. I hope you had a good holiday. I tried to msg you this but it wouldn't let me.

  23. Woke up this morning having a mug of tea reading MLW. Hoping the cyber-bullying will stop as it makes my pain worse and makes me very sad. Do ppl here want me to die like Amanda Todd?

  24. Good morning everyone! Lovely day this is. I hope we're all doing well, feeling and being well to each other. Try to follow a proper example of how to behave in society.

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