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Black Dog

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Everything posted by Black Dog

  1. Damn why'd they set up shop in such a dangerous neighbourhood in the first place? Will Israel accept the Palestinians' "right to exist?" Of course not.
  2. Well if that benzo-addled crybaby whackjob is your guy it's no wonder you're psychotic.
  3. Actually murdering all the slaveowners and colonists was good. When did they decide to do that, exactly? And you keep hyping up white people accomplishments even though you've achieved nothing on your own. Get f*cked with your KKK crap.
  4. Actually white people (specifically, the French) kept Haiti in poverty by siphoning billions of dollars from its economy as "reparations" for property the french lost in the Haitian revolution (including enslaved people). Guess you didn't learn that at Cracker School. The thing that cracks me up about racists is the extent to which they take pride in things that aren't accomplishments (like their skin colour) and in actual accomplishments they had nothing to do with.
  5. Spanish people aren't Europeans now? They really should take your husk off life support, there's no activity in that cranium.
  6. So how'd they build longhouses, totem poles and fleets of war and transport canoes if they didn't have lumber or tools? Magic? I don't think you actually know any history but i expect there's lots of things that didn't get covered when you went to school in the 1930s. This dumbshit has never heard of smallpox.
  7. Ooooh wow a university! And yet now you do nothing but suck on right wing propaganda all the live long day because at the end of the day you just want to hear what you already think echoed back to you. Nope, didn't say that either. And? Do you think being a product and beneficiary of colonialism (or captalism or whatever -ism you want) means one cannot critique or question it? I'm hear to tell you you're arguing with phantoms. You can't produce a single example of me saying any of the things you say I said! You didn't say there was a connection between early settlement and current immigration, you literally said they are the same thing. They are not, though immigration can be a tool of colonization. Lol you're getting more unhinged the longer this goes on. Many such cases.
  8. If you think the Indigenous people of the west coast didn't know how to build house, use tools, or engage in trade until the white man came along, you know less about Canada's history than my toddler.
  9. Not many extremists think they are. But you've admitted yourself you are steeped in what I would say is right to far right media, I doubt you read or engage with ideas from the left at any point taht aren't filtered through your media bubble. More strawmen, it's like you're incapable of engaging real people. Unreal. Where'd I do this? Be specific. You equated colonial systems with individual immigration so yeah it's fair to assume you don't understand the subject. Ah yes the old "you criticize society yet you live in society" gambit. And? You mean other than living on the land they colonized and within the institutions they created? How quick you are to claim the rewards while denying the costs. Ah so the ends justify the means. Here we have it.
  10. What opinions, specifically? Can you articulate what I actually believe here or are you just attacking the strawman your all right wing media diet has made for you? I'm a middle-aged man with a job, a mortgage and a kid. Has the possibility that not everyone of your socioeconomic strata shares your opinions and values, or that you may not actually represent "sensible people" ever once crossed your mind? Of course not; you're a zealot. Fallacy: affirming the consequent. Whether they came with the intention to kill or erase culture is beside the point (though I'd argue that killing and erasing culture was actually the explicit goal of the settler colonial project). People are judged by their deeds, not their intentions. They took a lot more than that. Those are definitely a bunch of words. They have zilch to do with the subject at hand, but there are lot of them. "Zeal"? "Lack of self awareness"? My dude you are barking at the moon here. i'll refer you once again to my first point above wrt strawmen.
  11. This is utterly fatuous, flattening everything to vague ideas and ignoring the actual context. You cannot talk about past colonization without referencing the European competition for territory, resources and prestige that drove it. It had very little to do with "doing good things." I also fail to see any commonality between "we need to colonize foreign lands and convert savages to our faith by the flame and sword" and "we should promote immigration so we have enough people to work and maintain our standard of living". It's also nonsensical to refer to contemporary immigrants as "settlers" unless you're one of those crack-brained "great replacement" theorists. Again, I have no idea what the f*ck you're banging on about here.
  12. Wrong and your chosen examples illustrate why. The filles du roi was an explicitly imperialist/colonialist project designed to increase the French population and assert French claims over an already occupied land. How individuals participating in that project viewed themselves is irrelevant. No foreign power is paying today's migrants to come here with the explicit motivation of occupying the land and asserting a claim upon it. Wtf does this have to do with anything?
  13. What are you even talking about? I think your conflation if immigration and colonization is bizarre and ahistorical is all. I mean, if you want, but my handle has nothing to do with race.
  14. But you're really only talking about *some* Europeans here.
  15. And I'm entitled to call that belief racist. Which it is. Anyway there's nothing intrinsic to white people that makes them the greatest makers of doo-dads and gadgets. Yeah white racists love the Japanese for some reason, which is funny to me.
  16. TFW you don't know what colonization means. I'm not joking when i say you need serious psychological help.
  17. Weird to see a simp for monarchy talk about the bourgeoisie like its a bad thing, but then i don't expect someone as clearly and deeply mentally ill as you to be consistent. You should get help tho.
  18. Here you say "in many ways, i do believe that (whites are the superior race) to be true." The obvious corollary is that you believe that non-white races are inferior. I mean damn.
  19. See, this is why you need to get out of your right wing information bubble and actually listen to what centre-left people actually believe. Hell, even just read history because then you'd know that MacDonald didn't withhold food from Indigenous people to prevent them from being dependent on the government, but to force them onto reserves where they would become dependent on government handouts.
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