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Everything posted by Alexandra

  1. Who do you think should pay for an energuide assessment other than the homeowner (you) Margrace? Do you think his, her or my tax dollars should be spent on those people "needing help" to pay for their home energy assessment/repairs? And, why was this energy assessment not done a few years ago. Why wait until 2006/7 and then complain (what else is new) about having to pay for your own home assessment/repairs? Obviously 'some' people could care less about the environment when they can't even be bothered to do minimal home repairs or pay for an assessment to determine how in/efficient their home is.
  2. So, Hiti. Sources? Who are the TO Star's sources? Obviously you failed to note that over $90Million has been raised, $60Million of which is PRIVATE funding by B.C.'ers, for the Spirit Bear park. The fact that the Feds had dithered for 5 years or more whether to conduct more studies in order to decide whether or not they (Feds) would contribute anything to the Spirit Bear park is something Steve Dion and company should be very embarrassed about. To offer $30Million is chintzy to say the least. It's the Environment Stupid! Implying Layton's payoff is $30Million for Spirit Bear is really very silly. To suggest Jack Layton and the NDP could be bought off for $30Million by this government suggests Layton's NDP'ers have drastically lowered their price from the bribe they sought under the former government; Was it $4B or 6$Billion? Really Hiti, take a trip back to your old haunt to find you will be back among friends. Most of the FD'ers literally loathe Harper and Co. They don't even like your pal, Stockwell.
  3. IIRC less than two weeks ago the chinese government executed 3 religious leaders according to the Canadian or Associated Press (I think) and rumour has it that an additional 10 or 12 religious people had been executed prior to this last group. Chretien was in China at the time by the way hiti, however, it appears the ongoing executions and persecutions of Chinese religious groups has no bearing on Chretien's and his partner, Maurice Strong's, business investment in the manufacturing and exporting of chinese automobiles to Canada. So much for Chretien's 'influence' on the human rights angle with the Chinese government leaders after 13 years as P.M. of Canada. So much for how much Chretien did for the Chinese people. Diddly Squat! Chretien's arrogance knows no bounds even now. His obvious disdain for Paul Martin at the convention was just another example of Chretien's opinion of himself as the ...... little 'dictator' from Shawinigan ......... .
  4. Which NDP governments are you referring to which have balanced their budgets twice as often as the liberals and conservatives? .
  5. Francisco Juarez is an example of the Afghan Mission? "Juarez joined the navy in 2002, lured by the promise of a steady salary. He got a transfer to the reserves last year because it allowed him more time to complete his justice-studies degree at Royal Roads University. His family was upset. They were skeptical about the military, and conversations with his parents grew increasingly tense as the possibility of battle drew closer. By the end of his first week of training this spring at Gagetown, where he carried a rifle all day long and learned about handling grenades, Juarez knew he wanted out. He spoke to his wife Diane every night on the phone. He chatted for hours at a time with the army chaplain. He did not, however, go around discussing his doubts too often with his army buddies. They probably wouldn't relate to him." Wonder why his 'army buddies' wouldn't relate to him. sniffle, sniffle. And to quote from this website to prove your point? "The Autonomy & Solidarity website is produced and maintained by a network of anti-capitalists who believe that revolutionary transformation will come from the self organization of workers and oppressed people." Sheesh.
  6. As a homosexual which muslim country would you choose to live in, Afghanistan or Iran? Would Iran be considered a theocracy by your definition of a theocratic state, Normanchateau, ?
  7. How many gay and lesbian killings in Canada since adoption of Bill-250 was enacted have the courts proclaimed were hate crimes? In Vancouver one judge refused to declare a stanley park gay murder as a hate crime. The gay-lesbian activists were outraged by this judgment at the time. The judge found no evidence this gay murder was, in fact, a hate crime under the criminal code of British Columbia. A 'provincial' court. Why do you think the judge reached the conclusion he did Normanchateau and were you as outraged by his decision as you are about Harper's decision against including sexual orientation in the hate speech Bill? .
  8. It stands to reason why the Gay community would have their knickers in a knot over Darrell Reid's appointment as Rona Ambrose's office administrator since he was involved in the Focus on Family group or some such; anyone involved in such an organization no doubt would be considered "homophobes and religious extremists" by the Gay - Lesbian activists. A recurring theme which seems to permeate these posts. Harper appointed Reid to Ambrose's office? Really? Very interesting. You know this, how? To believe Harper or Dion or Martin or Rae (any prime minister, e.g.) would have the time or inclination to involve themselves in micro-managing the hiring of office staff is quite a stretch. Laughable, really. Jack Layton of course would have the time to choose his party's office staff. Ensuring naturally that the staff fit the extreme left wing agenda of the NDP.
  9. Actually, this issue was not an election promise. This SSM issue was a resolution put forward by the delegates at the Tory Convention in Montreal. It passed with an over 60% yes vote. What did not pass was a resolution put forward by a group of so-cons to ban partial birth abortion. You are right Normanchateau. The SSM issue is not an "election promise" Harper needed to keep. It is a resolution by the delegates representing the members of the Tory party at the Convention which Harper is obligated to act upon. Call it what you will but if any leader of the NDP, Bloc or Liberal party 'flip-flopped' on a resolution passed at their Convention it is possible that leader would be facing a rather disgruntled group of party members or a leadership review at the next convention. And, Normanchateau. It is a myth that Emerson turned down any softwood lumber agreement while a member of the Lib. party. This myth was put to rest by the Libs. themselves and, the American negotiators. Guess you were out of town when that news broke?
  10. I don't know about White Doors but, No. I don't believe you. Who or What 'Israeli officials' stated any such thing about the threat of Arab invasion in 1967 being merely ---- 'rhetoric'? Your source is impeccable, of course. Dayan, perhaps?
  11. In certain local circles Ujal Dosanhj is considered to be the sleaziest of the two. Certain Liberal circles, that is. Equating Garth Turner with Carolyn Parrish vis a vis Harper and Martin could be considered credible wouldn't you say? In terms of whose offence against the party caucus or against the leader of the party was considered the most `~ inappropriate ~ ? I would tend to believe Carolyn's "I hate those bastards" histrionics during such sensitive softwood lumber negotiations with the Americans was not helpful to her party's leader and therefore the more reason her leader should have suspended her from caucus much sooner than he did. It follows that Parrish's leader must have been, how shall we say, 'weak and ineffectual'?
  12. While negotiating the terms of 'settlement' with Arar and his legal team it would be self-defeating for the Canadian government to issue an apology. No lawyer/lawyers acting for the government would accept Arar's statement that he would not use a government apology, if offered today, to effect a more substantial monetary payment. Would you? Arar is suing the government for hundreds of millions of dollars. How many millions he will be offered, along with the 'apology' from the government, and how many millions Arar will accept, is the question. I think an apology ranks second on Arar's Agenda.
  13. And, the topics such as, "Harper is a wimp and so are his most fervant supporters". etc. are not empty rhetoric? The usual despicable topics from the usual pot calling the kettle black type. Or, rattler of cages.
  14. It appears you haven't been paying attention to the latest events in Khandar and the various villages and patrol bases in the surrounding areas of operation. Local village chiefs have been feeding the coalition forces intel on who and where the taliban and more particularly the 'foreign' type insurgents are hiding and operating. Why you might ask. It may seem to you that violence has escalated; did it occur to you the reason violence escalates only during the spring/summer months and has done since 2002. No? Have you noticed a lessening of the violence around the villages and patrol bases lately? Do mountains and snow ring a bell? Probably not. Any successes of our troopers and the coalition forces would not be welcome news; hmmm? That news may make Harper's/Canada's commitment to 2009 appear less repugnant to the voting public. Couldn't have that, could we?
  15. Bears on the reluctance of liberals to call a spade a spade. Yes. That doesn't mean it should be. I fail to see the societal values advanced. I can read. And I read the National Post among other publications. Why the nasty tone?
  16. I posted that over a year ago, and still consider the essay timely. If the Forum Administrator wants me to remove it I will. Interesting, however, why would your anecdote on your personal experience with the welfare programs in NYC in the 1980's have any bearing on Canada's programs today? Just curious. Are you aware that same-sex marriage is legal in Canada? As to your remarks about the Khadr's also curious about what information you have which enabled you to form an opinion on this rather infamous family in Canada? Interesting.
  17. Excuse me for interrupting Machinations. But. There is no such word as assertations.
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