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Everything posted by jbg

  1. I am a straight white male. However, I consider myself a bisexual Golden Retriever. Thus I have the right to assert my identity by defacating on a schoolyard in open view of the students, and then either mark a fire hydrant (in my male phase) or urinate on the lawn (in my female phase).
  2. I think this is one of the rare, though not unique, times we agree. One of the reasons I support Brexit is that the EU was basically a takeover by Germany of Europe. We lost too many people in two world wars to give up without a fight. The EU was simply a benevolent and unelected version of the unelected Kaisers and Third Reich leader. Canada and the U.S. actually have a lot to teach the world. Even if your reference to the quote of Trudeau the Smarter (with the mouse morphing into a gnat) were accurate, has the U.S. shown any territorial ambitions since 1815? We are on the same page on these last three paragraphs. Diplomats and bureaucrats love the camaraderie of the big meeting, the big agreement, and then getting smashed together and celebrating. The inconvenient fact here is that they’re supposed to represent their people. Once in a while the people do something shocking and vote the “wrong” way for them. If the UK-EU ties made sense they’ll still happen the way the U.S. and Canada interlock. There’s no need for a super-government. Congratulations. At least someone else gets it. The dictatorship was more on the lines of the old mercantalist cartels and quotas but that's a quibble.
  3. The British troops didn't fare too well against the U.S. The Canadian troops kicked our asses at Fort York (now Toronto) and other places. The British are bluff and bluster; the Canadians are quiet, effective fighters who I respect. The Brexit vote is opposed by people who want to tell the British what's good for them. Having a massive, unelected bureaucracy running their lives gave them no benefit. Europe is in a fix; the UK will do just fine.
  4. And hte problem is that the moron won't even keep the immigrants out. It is a demagogic appeal to the worst in America.
  5. I did some sales on Wednesday; not nearly enough as it turned out. I will be repurchasing on Monday what I sold Wednesday.
  6. I love the tunefulness of your post. My ringtone happens to be the opening of Let it Be. This vote was a bridge over troubled waters. And to quote Blue Rodeo, it's most important to trust yourself, and as "what am I doing here?"
  7. When Britain joined the European Common Market in 1973 both the UK and the European countries to which it was hooking itself were very different. The U.S., which had nursed Europe back to health after the devastation of WW II (which in turn had not really recovered from WW I) was stretched thin by Vietnam. The Watergate scandal was still hovering on a distant horizon but was developing. The U.S. was about to dismantle Phase II wage and price controls. The interim Smithsonian Accords of December 1971, which was a patch up of Bretton Woods, was about to collapse. Fast forward to the new millennium. The Cold War is over. The U.S., if not riding high, is riding higher. Britain is no longer a declining nation ready to sing its swansong. And the Common Market morphed into the EU, which was taking control of greater and greater day to day matters. Immigrants who can't readily be assimilated are overrunning Europe. In short, Atlantacism makes a lot more sense than further integration with Europe. Britain returned to a modernist path, abjuring Europe's retreat to statism/mercantalism, dressed up in the modern label of socialism. Time to "Brexit."
  8. There just aren't words to respond to this.
  9. Their predecessors in interest fought a war. They lost. Now their successors want a do-over. Does that satisfy you?
  10. Trouble is that the Arabs don't want to recognize any borders at all.
  11. It isn't what I want. It's what the Arabs have forced. And the world has forced for not supporting Israel against unprovoked aggression. Any other course equals a dead Israel.
  12. Increasingly yes. Our Barnes & Noble in White Plains, New York, United States has a good vinyl section. What I recommend is buying a record player at Best Buy or some place like it that plugs into a computer. That way you can digitalize your vinyl for listening on your iPhone or other device. In terms of Top 5 Albums I may have left out "Woodstock." It belongs in the Top Anything list.
  13. That's like saying there is nothing orange about the sunset on a nice day. Who forces them to tacitly or openly support Israel? Does Fox News run Western governments? Not if it involves surrendering the State's Jewish and Western identity.
  14. Why not? Do countries that lose a war normally get a “do-over”? Does Mexico get a U.N.-supervised rerun of the Mexican War? Should Spain get back Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines? And why should the Arabs be rewarded for intransigence? A combination of those. Arabs that are willing to assimilate and accept that they live in a Jewish state should get the full benefit of citizenship. And the surrounding countries are part of the bargain as well. True peace, and they should accept displaced Arabs who do not want to become Israelis. The same way Israel accepted hundreds of thousands of displaced Jews from Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco after they were expelled from those countries during the early 1950’s.
  15. The Palestinians had lots of negotiation opportunities before settlements stared. They lost the war and then wouldn't negotiate. Too bad so sad. As Abba Eban said "the Arabs have never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity."
  16. What's hard is that the PLO, Hamas and Syria will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state. They consider pre-1967 Israel to be "occupied." Which is why they didn't agree to recognize the 1949 Armistice lines, the so-called "1967 borders." They fought a war. They lost a war. They want a do-over.
  17. I'm not voting for that candidate. And frankly I don't believe he believes a word of what he says. Trump is a $3 bill. But what about the expulsion and/or persecution of Jews in just about every country they have inhabited except, gratefully, Canada, the U.S., and Australia? Even Britain has had their expulsions of Jews? What about that, Big Guy?
  18. Why do so many seem to have a problem with pro-Western countries sticking up for other pro-Western countries and peoples? Why is it that so many would force Israel to fight barbarity with both hands tied behind their backs? It is patently obvious what the transaction is here. The Arab states fought four conventional wars against Israel. Most of the world grudgingly acknowledged Israel's right to defend themselves against another state actor. With those wars where the double-standard came in was the fact that the war was started by others and Israel was expected to return territories lost in those wars without giving Egypt-like peace guarantees. The Arabs wised up and understood they could never beat Israel in a conventional land war So they turned to asymetrical war; knifings, random attacks through terror tunnels, bus bombings, Hamas missile attacks, pizza parlor attacks and the like. I concede that none of these are likely to destroy Israel as a state. But they take lives senselessly and needlessly. They injure Israel's economy. And most important no organized society would tolerate them. Even Big Guy, Eyeball and Gostacked as Canadians would never tolerate those kinds of attacks becoming routine within Canada. Why shouldn't Canad stand with other civilized nations against the butchery. The usual suspects on this thread criticize Israel for defending itself. Is anyone among these critics really going to be satisfied with Israel remaining a recognized Jewish state within any borders at all, even pre-Six Day War?
  19. Good attempts Rue, but looks like Jew haters are simply gonna hate!!! I am my posts on this and other threads not at the haters but at the enablers. Those that have a problem with Israel defending itself from actions that no civilized country would deem tolerable, such as orchestrated knifings, car aimings, terror tunnels and the like are the ones we have a problem with. There is going to be no changing of minds of the haters. And by the way I don’t consider you a Jew-hater.
  20. Implicitly. Since every thread you start or participate in attacks Israel's right to defend itself.
  21. Your narrative is getting false and tiresome. You constantly glorify people who fight, and usually have fought using random acts of violence against helpless people. You allege that the King David Hotel attack was "terror" in the same sense that attacking a pizza parlor or a bus is terror. That is demonstrably false and you know it.m The King David Hotel was full of British troops. The Zionist fighters warned of the attack. The British made a strategic decision not to listen to what "a Jew" said. Pure and simple. The Arabs "fight by sending out human bombs to attack random people and targets. There is no equivalence.
  22. It’s easy for keyboard warriors and politicians to be “Liberal” (pun intended) with other people’s money. I just spoke yesterday with a German who is about 18 years old working in a local athletics store. His English seemed rather good for a recent immigrant. He said that his parents sent him to an “American school” since “like all Germans, we want to come” to the States.
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