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Everything posted by jbg

  1. Being inclusive does not mean being blindfolded to the facts.
  2. Trouble is, it's not the way the rest of the world works. And it was their decision to spread their poison here. The consequences should be ones they don't like.
  3. In case people haven't figured this out this is a war. The radical Islamists cannot abide the idea of: A West generally supporting Israel, and holding the Western Wall; Their 16 year old daughters being able to date anyone they want; Their family members not having their faces covered (even though the Koran never mentions a hijab); or Parents not having dictatorial control over their children. In short, they cannot and will not accommodate themselves to any aspect of Western life other than subsidies. While I consider B. Hussein Obama's views that this may be a "workplace" incident to be a dereliction of responsibility, I will grant that some of these people are aggrieved and scared by what they see in the West. In short, walking time bombs.
  4. I do not advocate collective punishment for Muslims.But in the wake of the Paris and San Bernardino massacres can we really blame those that hold Islam responsible?
  5. Where is the compliance with international law by those who: Build Gaza tunnels; Commit Paris massacre; Attack the Charlie Hebdo; or Slam planes into buildings?
  6. One of the reasons I am deeply disappointed in Obama is that he would have been ideally placed to deliver the messages to which you refer. Instead he has chosen to stir the pot, and validate feelings of victimhood. The politics of a typical ward healer in Chicago. Not of a President, much less the first black President.
  7. What a whopper. Israel is by no means the worst or most villainous country in the world. In fact it is quite decent considering the neighborhood it inhabits. The Arab neighbors have had plenty of opportunities to have a constructive relationship with Israel, where they could benefit from both Israel's seacoast and its know-how. Instead, they chose rejectionism, war, terror, and strife. They murdered Anwar Sadat, who tried to pursue a constructive path. Israel is not perfect. It wants to exist in peace as a Jewish state. It will continue to exist as a Jewish state. I doubt that the neighbors will ever allow peace. This will not end well for those primitive neighbors.
  8. He did perform the song and I guess it's far enough from the "overplaying" of the song during 1976 that I again like it. In any event here's the Gordon Lightfoot Set list I compiled at Ridgefield, Connecticut the night of November 11, 2015: Sweet Guinneviere Did She Mention my Name Waiting for you Never Too Close 14 Karat Gold Clouds of Loneliness Painter Passing Through Rainy Day People Shadows Beautiful The Watchman's Gone (from Sundown) Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald Carefree Highway INTERMISSION Drink Yer Glasses Empty Now and Then Ribbon of Darkness Sundown Pony Man I'd Rather Press On Let it Ride If You Could Read My Mind Restless Baby Step Back Early Morning' Rain ENCORE (NOT A SONG) Cold on the Shoulder ENCORE Gordon Lightfoot's voice was extremely good, at least compared to the July appearance in Manhattan. He wished the crowd a good Veteran's Day. He mentioned that he was going to perform "Drink Yer Glasses Empty" as sort of a tribute to Veteran's Day, and mentioned his Canadian background.
  9. I liked it the first 800 times it was played on AM radio down here. I just like other Lightfoot songs more. I'll let you know more tomorrow night.
  10. I think that the House of Lords was created during an era when “democracy” was not what people had in mind. That came later, particularly with universal male suffrage. Does this exist when Canada’s Senate doesn’t approve an HOC bill? I recall that the 1988 election was triggered in part by the Senate’s desire to legitimize CAFTA with an election. Is my memory correct? There are a couple of historical facts to remember. One was that there was close to double-digit inflation in 1975. That made it difficult to run under an old budget. The government was likely to be defaulting on some bills within that month if supply wasn’t unjammed. Also there was some “insuendo” (a lawyer’s slang an conflation of “insulation” and “innuendo” that Whitlam, like Indira Gandhi before and Hugo Chavez later had no plans on going to the polls. At that time, remember, there were actually very few surviving democracies, the U.S. (barely), Canada and U.K. being among them. I don’t like the song much. It doesn’t mean Gord won’t subject us to it tomorrow night in Ridgefield, Connecticut where I am seeing him. He’s still my favorite singer, that song and “Sundown” notwithstanding.
  11. I realize I am a bit ahead of myself, but 2 1/2 hours (1 hour in Newfoundland) but November 10 is the 40th Anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald (link). On this momentous day the U.N. passed the infamous Zionism is Racism Resolution (link); and Australia's PM Gough Whitlam was fired by Governor-General (link). The latter was because of the failure of a series of money bills in the Senate. I wonder what some of our constitutional experts such as ToadBrother think but I digress. What a day!
  12. Just from reading this thread man-influenced "climate change" is a religion. It certainly hasn't been proven, but denying it can be criminal. A lot like the Salem (Massachusetts) witch trials.
  13. My generation was heavily indoctrinated on two things: 1) Nuclear war, i.e. “duck and cover”; and 2) non-smoking. I got over the first one, which was designed to encourage dovish foreign policies. On the second I still havcen’t smoked a tobacco (as opposed to marijuana) cigarette to this day. For the same reasons that pipelines are blocked in Canada. Why would pipeline opponents support that which Canada will not even build itself (East and West) ? East-West makes little sense if NL is now producing oil.
  14. Some are trying to soften the impact of the lie. I have a problem when someone's instinct is to lie or exaggerate where it's totally unnecessary. A truthful narrative would be that he moved from underclass to neurosurgeon. Full stop. No need for exaggerated or made-up stories about stabbings, rock-throwing or West Point. I find this deeply troubling.
  15. Some change their minds when they get their drivers' license and start working a job and seeing the tax withholding line.
  16. No problem. I've done worse. Even gotten suspended for joking about Hugo Chavez.
  17. Perhaps they wouldn’t be “occupied” had the Arabs not ignited the 1967 War and the two before them. When you start a war and lose it total conquest is a hazard. What a lie. Those proposals included a so-called “Right of Return” that would have allowed the Arabs to swamp areas inside the Green Line with Arab immigrants. The settlements came when the Arabs enunciated the Khartoum Declaration: 1) no peace; 2) no recognition; and 3) no negotiations.
  18. Is there anything Israel or for that matter the Jews could do other than disappear to win the hearts and minds of the world?
  19. I think these are family decisions, in consultation with doctors. I don't think they should be politicized.
  20. Imagine asking rulers one step above, or below, Idi Amin to explain their fiscal policies?
  21. The agenda of the climate alarmists is a mixture of symbolism and a desire to foster a redistribution of wealth from productive taxpayers to Fourth World kleptocrats. Does anyone really think that the money will go to the impoverished citizens of these countries to mitigate the impact of climate change? They have to be kidding except the joke isn't funny. The problem is that the citizens would never vote for such a wanton transfer of resources.
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