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Everything posted by mikedavid00

  2. Anarchy is too 'fantasy'. We have shared power grids, roads, courts, borders, etc. It's fantasy that isn't reality and that's why I dont include it. I'm talking about realistic political stripe.
  3. You guys need to study political theory more. Political theory is based off the movement of economic wealth. ie: Nationalism has little to do with economic wealth. Being conservative has little to do with the movement of economic wealth. Now, you eitehr suppor 1 of 3 systems. -The gov't will a take large portions of *all* wealth and redistribute it to others. Nethlands has "The poorest rich people, and the richest poor people". This is socialism. -The gov't works with industry to promote special breaks and monopolies to special companies using gov't bodies (like the CRTC) to regulate the wealth of certain industries, companies, banks, etc. So the gov't ensures the success of Bell Canada by granting it a monopoly. If they need cheaper labor, let in immigrants to satisfy their needs. Forget about what the voting public wants. The shares for the Bell Canada are held mostly by civil servants with gov't backed pensions so the gov't has a lot of motive to protect these industries as the lion's share of investments are from the civil service, banks, etc. This is called fascism. Both our Liberal/Conservative govt's and most first world nations are living under fascism right now. If you don't know this already, you don't udnerstand political theory. -The gov't has little power or control over your life and certainly woulnd't be promoting gov't protected monopolies. The gov't can not determine policy by themselves and minorities lose rights (as in a minority of people cannot determine any outcome that effect the majority of people). There is no public social programs. Social programs are provided from charities. There is no gov't protected monopolies and little financial reguation. Every person simply needs to make the best descision for themselves. This is Libertarianism. So you want the gov't to either 1 - Tell you how to live and dertermine how much you should own to be a 'comfortable, content citizen'. 2 - Aid and embed private industry through large gov't departments. These deparements help set up monopolies in order to gain wealth for an elite cast of society (ie: the civic service, unions, etc). The goal is to drive share value up at any cost. Even if it bacfires or goes against the well being of the majority of citizens who are not in the elite cirlce who benefit. A merger of state and private sector. 3 - The gov't has little power and pretty much has nothing to do with your daily life. When you work or trade with another, the gov't is not involved in regulating or taxing these transactions at all. Sorry guys. You have to side under one of the 3. Suprised how many chickened out because they know they want #1 or suppot the current system of #2. Whatever political stripe you believe in, must match one of the three. There's no way around it or disagreeing with this.
  4. There's no science behind political stripe. I'm trying to make this as broad as possible. You either want to take personal wealth and re-distribute it (Netherlands). Or have the gov't provide a playing field to beneift only the large players so they can do things like lobby the gov't for their own agendas (ie: bring in cheap foreigh labour via immigration) (USA, CAN, UK, etc). Or, have a Libertarian system where people control their own destiny, keep their wealth and most likely vote via direct democracy with majority rule so the power gets taken away from gov't and only the people decide what they want for themselves. There's never been a Libertarian society before so it's all theory but that's what it would most likely be. Considering these three, ALTHOUGH I KNOW YOU THINK IT'S FLAWED, if you had to pick one, which would it be. TAKE NOTE THAT CURRENT POLITICAL ADVISORS ETC ARE WATCHING THIS THREAD SO PLEASE PICK ONE THAT MOST CLOESELY RESEMBLES YOUR CURRENT VALUES
  5. So you think it's a good thing that the gov't is stepping into a private website and telling them how they are allowed to run their operations and what speech they are allowed to run? You do know there's no such thing as sex smuggling right? Little girls getting kidnapped and here against their will working in massage parlours (until they get caught and threatened to be sent back home unless they come up with a victim sorty). It's pretty much a myth and there is no freaking sex slave smuggling. There is no racial hate crimes either and when people appose immigration, they will then start policing that too using racial hate crimes as the excuse to control speech. There's a book called manufacturing concent by Naom Chompskee (who I actually don't like). But the message is good. The gov't will always slowly take away you freedoms one peice at a time in the name of order and safety. They will fabricate myths, lies, and whatever else in order to gain control over your life. What they are doing with these online sex ads is big. Real big. They should be challenged in supreme court over this. It's just UNREAL that people here on the forum.. people THIS well read and knowledgable about these things have wool over their eyes and don't see what is going on. The lot of you really are brainwashed by the Canadian propaganda machine I guess. Pitty.
  6. The idea is, is that there are plenty of wealthy people in Canada who benefit directly from the tax payer. You have no idea how much of our financial sector on Bay street is built off our tax dollars. While indirectly, pretty much the whole TSX has our tax dollars in it. Public workers do not pay taxes as they get paid THROUGH taxes. Ultimatly the stock market, funds, and salaries of these people on Bay street belong to the private sector workers in Canada. Canada is a funny country. We take from the poor and give to the rich.
  7. I think that Quebecers should stop takling about seperation and just do it. They'll find that there's now too many immigrants to allow seperation (just like there was on the last referendum) so they'll be stuck. What they can do is portion off a part of Quebec away from Montreal and get their nation which I definatly support.
  8. Yes they are. I've wen't to school with man.. sorry.. *MANY* of them and they never go back home. They settle here and bring their family later. If not they are off to the US and then return in 8 years when their H1B expires. Come guys stop beeing silly. Dalton is just pandering for votes from the immigrants (as usual) to send out the message that the Liberal party is 'still the party working for immigrants'. This is done of course before this election. He's allowing a wider open immigration loophole into Ontario which compromises the spirit of our federal law. He's allowing relatives of immigrants to be fast tracked into Canada for free on the tax payer dime. That's ALL THAT'S HAPPENING. Stop repeating the spin. Any 3rd world country will have typical academic marks that slaughter ours. Ask anyone from the 3rd world and you will see that everyone in the class who does pass, passes with at least a 90%. It's just standard over there. They pretty much ALL qualify for the scholorships. But alas, this is the info that the media doesn't report on and something you have to be in the 'know' of. You guys seem to be incapable of understanding what is going on here. The Liberal party as usual is acting on behalf of the Liberal party and not Canadians. Us usual, they are using tax dollars and destroying our country in order to get more votes. This is all the Liberal party knows how to do. All the socialist parties are the same. But it's unreal how you guys really think it's about the students and schools and you guys just fall for the spin so easily. It's really about VOTE BUYING and it's what the Liberals do best.
  9. Why don't we aim for canadians? WHy is it that all my friends are in the Carribean and Australia taking their med school? Again this is a topic that you probably don't understand and you aren't aware of the elitism problems in our medical schools. Remember we have a COMMUNIST medical system and this is why it's so rotten and broken from the schools to the hospitals.
  10. Really which ones? Maybe a few out of 50 states? Our total bills are higher. Actually it was funny when the HST went though. The mainstream media and the forum here was falling into the spin of the 'kitchen renovations' and we discussed nonsense like how the accounting departments was going to deal with the switch over to HST. I was the lone voice shouting out loud about how gas prices and utility bills would sky rocket and no one listened. Then one day, gas prices jump, utilities go insane, and then it becomes a surprise to everyone. As soon as they announced the new meters, it was me who said that they would be used to raise prices. If not right away, in the future as the peak hours would grow and grow. And then the new 'super peak hours' which is will be when you come home from work. Sure enough I was right. You guys thought that the new meters were a new toy or something and happy to get them. You thought that you guys were going to SAVE money by programming 'your dishwasher at night' as the political/media spin had you believe. And sure enough. You guys were wrong. The guys of Mapleleafweb. The same political hacks who have more experience with the political system and the media than 99% of Canadians and you guys fall for the spin like everyone else. It's simply amazing. It really is. Right here on this forum and you guys can't see through something as simple as the smart meters or HST. Unreal. You guys fall for political/media spin so easily it's astounding. You guys believe any excuse the spin doctors feed you. Don't let the media and spin dictate your reasoning and how you think. Come on guys seriuosly.
  11. It's funny how this comes as a surprise to you guys. The gov't protects certain monopolies, mainly the Liberal gov't protects them, and they turn around and give money to them. So do the unions. So does everyone else like the banks etc. It's just funny that this is suprising to some people like they never knew...
  12. Some of you guys have gone cookoo. (how is that spelled anyhow?) You guys are telling me you feel it's ok for the gov't to be banning speech from online content? That's essentially what is happening. And not banning this content IS a Conservative stance. Controlling speech and censoring viewpoints is a Liberal/Communist/Fascist/Socialst stance and always has been. It starts with prositution ads, and 10 years from now it moves to speech about the gov't not letting in immigrants as it promotes hate crimes so publications are no longer allowed to discuss immigration policy. Then they begin watching this site. Now we all have to watch what we are saying online. Penalties can include jail time. I'm just amazed how most of you guys come to 'expect' this from your gov't. Wow you guys are seriously off your rocker and the gov't banning online content from a private publication should be code red for things to come. You guys are sleeping at the wheel right now if you can't see the severity of this.
  13. Woah is this Kimmy asking this? That's the least person I would expect asking this. A normal, fair question that is unbiased.
  14. You should come live over here. Why would anyone think that this is some sort of place to call home. I have a bunch of people in rags and cloth around their heads loitering the sidewalks. People who do not speak English and don't consider themselves a member of my country. How can I look around and consider this place my home?
  15. How do you know all the people on this forum aren't 6'5" tall and above?
  16. Why is that? We obviously are not representative of this country so please tell me why we aren't getting participation from everyone else? Why don't they come on here and talk about politics and such? Just curious. (and yes I know what the answer from the far left is going to be).
  17. Again more falswhoods being spread. I have been to all malls and you will find at LEAST 50% of these malls staffed with minorities. This is Toronto we're talking about here and I dont think anyone here on the forum is that much in a bubble that they would actually believe there are 99% white workers anywhere here.
  18. Oh stop it. I've been there many times and it is rare to see a non Asian there and impossible to hear English being spoken. Stop spreading mistruthes to people. I challenge anyone to look online or on Youtube at pics or video of inside the mall and you tell me there are multi ethnic people walking around - it simply isn't true. The goods sold are of little interest to anyone. The stores or cheap and small. Ugly plastic handbags, pirated movies, import fake jewlery at high prices that you can get at Ardene for WAY cheaper.. SMAAAL stores. Haggling for prices. Cash only tax evasion. Cel phone covers. I had a friend who claimed Asians didn't help Canada at all because they simply evade taxes. Go to that mall there's no such thing as tax. The new mall will be more of the same cheap stores with products of interest to no one.
  19. Bingo. Those are the people who control the North. I also like Argus's suggesting of eastern Ontario separating. Our provinces are way too big. Too much daddy gov't getting too much money from everyone and handing out to cricket clubs and ethnic events and Tamil fund-raising.
  20. I liver in this hell hole of North America they call Toronto. It's the city of world trash, racism, corruption, and poverty. There is nothing beautiful or nice about this place. I've been saying it all along: people have got to be less afraid of separating. Yes, they should separate as they have different needs than we do here. The Americans did it properly by splitting the states up into small sizes. The industries up there are farming and minerals. I'm not sure about forestry. We shouldn't be raping the northerners so we can buy votes from the immigrants and elite civil service living the high life in Toronto. The north should separate, lower taxes, draw business over there, and try to damage Toronto as much as they can. I'm sure Northern Ontario would get some sort of Inuit name.
  21. Umm... The majority of Calgarians did NOT elect this guy into office. Neither Ignatieff. This isn't against him per say, but our political system but that's another post for another day. The dude isn't a bad evil guy. No one is saying that. I'm pointing out how easy it is in Canada to shyster your way into power.
  22. Ok aside from all the spin and hate that is being spread by the left here on the forum I can basically explain how this guy got elected: -Vote splitting. This is what really happened but I'm about watch a movie and don't have time to go into research. Yes immigrant ethnic voting was HIGHER than the average turnout and put points way into his favor. Here's another thing.. Is he muslim? Well.. technically. But Islam does not accept ___. I'm not here to start rumors that I have little evidence to prove (and there is some evidence), but I don't think many would consider this guy a local at the mosque.
  23. Because they are part of the left. This is what they do. They have done this since 1910. They have done this since Nazi'ism.
  24. But that's just your problem. Let me state this AGAIN (remember in ear and out the other) 15% OF CALGARIANS VOTED THAT THEY WANTED THIS GUY IN OFFICE. There was NOTHING unanimous about this. The 'special interest' that wanted him to succeed showed up to vote. The numbers prove this. Please do not spread falsehoods about 'Calgary' wanting this guy in office.
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