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Everything posted by mikedavid00

  1. AND GEEE.. I WONDER WHO SHE'S GOING TO BE VOTING FOR???????? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM... (this is why I don't believe kids should be voting or even young people).
  2. I was watching CPAC interview kids on the street and in Colleges and they said they were not voting and dind't care about politics because the issues do NOT AFFECT THEM. It does effect them eventually, but they are too dumb to know that right now. Ultimately the students are right. They don't understand our economic system, our country, our rules, and they live in a fairly small bubble. They feel the gov't is there to 'give them stuff' because after all, their parents are giving to them and they are growing up under the wing of our institutions. So as children, they like the parties that promise the world. They don't understand what 'low taxes' really mean as they don't understand how much they are really paying right now. When the kid gets old and tries to enter the work place and get a mortgage or has a divorce and deals with our court systems or tries to get justice, or experiences reverse racism, or the gov't says he's guilty without a trial when he made a simple mistake on his taxes and when he finds out how people working part time calling themselves 'teachers' make huge benefits, pensions, salaries get so much and he gets so little and has to fund their paycheck, THEN he will understand the real Canada which will likely come in his 30's. Some people though never participate in our economy, sit on disability, and just become political hacks supporting the NDP because they've taken form the tax payer their whole lives.. or they are young and just interested in politics, but since they are young only understand 'I'll give you this'. That's how children think and the unintelligent. 'Do you want the lollipop, vote for me and I'll give you lollipops'. This is the NDP support base. I should note that 1 in 4 Canadians are tax contributors. The rest are civil servants, students, children, elderly, and of course, indolents.
  3. Wanna compare bank accounts? Mine vs yours?
  4. Study your history. Those are the Mussolini, Hitlar, all of them were actually part of the radical left. I am actually a Ron Paul Libertarian that supports direct democracy like the state of California. I also believe in key voting reforms (ie those who do not pay, should not have a say on how the money is spent).
  5. Yeah because he doesn't have to pay for the mess that the NDP would cause. It's my household that would get taxed like no tommorow, my wife loser her job, myself not getting contracts, and then losing our home and lifestyle all because of Jack's fantasies and his pot smoking MP's:
  6. I call undecided voters - 'uneducated voters'. I call uneducated voters - 'the far left'.
  7. I call undecided voters - uneducated voters.
  8. They can vote if they are a citizen, living in the country, and a tax contributor. (this eliminates 90% of immigrants) The can NEVER run for public office of any kind unless they are born on our soil. Types like myself want to protect Canadians that are less fortunate like single mothers that cannot afford child care. This is what I'm willing to pay for. I'm willing to pay for Canadians on disability or those who are unemployed. I am NOT willing to pay for an elderly person living in Lebanon to fly back to Canada, stay with a relative while he's here only for his tripe bypass surgery and off he goes back to Lebanon. The NDP and Liberal loves the guy in Lebanon because they are the voting base of those parties. If you leave the decisions in the hands of the tax payers, you would see a totally different country and WAY better medical system and social welfare system, but ONLY for Canadians. Canada doesn't need immigrants at all. It's all a big sham.
  9. Can you tell me why First Nations collect welfare checks from me, the tax payer and refuse to work for a living? You are demanding special treatment and answers, now me, the tax payer who funds your welfare check for you to sit on your ass, is demanding answers from your community. You guys should claim a part of Canada and make it your own country. See who will pay your welfare checks then.
  10. Stats overwhelmingly show that immigrants are NOT tax contributors and even those coming under our point system for economic reasons (to our economy) are not contributing. The are benefactors of our dollars and we would be asked if we would like to pay for these people to come to our country. The answer would hopefully be NO.
  11. No no. The way it works is that you only vote if you've contributed 60% within the last 5 year period. So if you are raising kids, between jobs, etc. then you can still vote. If you decide you want to sit on disability and no longer work, you will eventually lose your ability to vote. If you are a BENEFACTOR of the tax contributor (student, civil servant aka welfare recipient), you will not be able to vote. 1/4 of all people who report working at a work place full time will not be able to vote because they're paycheck is paid through tax contributors. Everyone *CAN* vote for things like Gay Marriage and other silly issues. But when it comes to the money and how it is spent, only the contributors should have a say. Like whether to buy a jet. I don't want them. I highly doubt other tax contributors want them either. We aren't a super power country we don't need these kinds of planes.
  12. Yes that works for me. I agree with that. Those who contribute most should have a bigger say. Since the vast majority of people make between a certain range a year, the populous would have much more power than the FEW wealthy in Canada. Most making over 200k in Canada are some kind of civil servant (public utility executives, etc) and would NOT be eligible to vote at all.
  13. It's beyond your scope. The whole 'tax contributor' thing. No civil servants are not tax contributors. If you don't work, are collecting disability, going to school, etc etc you are NOT a tax contributor. *MY HOUSEHOLD* is a tax contributing household. I just did my taxes and owe the gov't $6,200. That $6,200 was NOT from a gov't paycheck. It's from real work in the private sector. Since I am contributor, and most on this forum and Canada do NOT (75% are not), I should have the say in how the money is spent. Not the people who do not contribute to our system. Get it? Nah. I Didn't think you would.
  14. All they do is vote for who their parents or *teachers* tell them to. Gee.. who do you think those people are? Actually if some of you actually lived around immigrants, you would see them in CAR LOADS bringing the whole family to vote and hijack riding's. The kids just vote what their parents want them to. Usually the most important issue to them is bringing over a relative from another country who is overdue for a surgery. It's very, very important to them.
  15. You're allowed to vote for nobody. Just like you are forced to do jury duty, you really should be forced to vote. It's the only way to ensure democracy. My beef is, you should not have the right to vote unless you are a tax contributor. So someone like a civil servant would not be allowed to vote as they do not pay taxes (their paychecks are FROM taxes.. the dumb dumb left on the forum don't worry about that topic.. it's a bit to complicated for you guys to understand what a 'tax contributor' is).
  16. How can you have democracy when only a portion of the people are voting? To ensure democracy, everyone should be obliged to vote. Let me remind you that every day we are obliged to do thousands of things (like pay taxes). I'm sure they can pass a law saying everyone has to vote. As an example, I'm not voting this election and have never voted. I support the Conservatives this election. But I will not vote for them because I feel it's futile and waste of time as my riding is a Liberal stronghold. I wonder how many like me feel the same way and would vote CPC if we were forced to go out and vote?
  17. No it's not. The left always get over emotional over leaders. The reality is he needs seats. That ain't going to happen. Expect reality - another minority gov't and a coalition gov't.
  18. Correction. "It is now Layton, who Quebecers and Immigrants..." (that is what is really happening here. Now I'm watching CPAC and the biasness from the media is rampant. It's obvious they're all plants trying to make Harper look bad by yelling out questions and calling him names. It's like Obama all over again)
  19. All they need to do is force everyone to vote so we can have 100% of people voting. I prefer to have a low number of student voters as they are too young and inexperienced to be able to vote. They should make voting start at 30 years old. The kids just vote along the lines of their unionized, civil servant teachers and professors.
  20. Exactly. You can try over and over but they just don't 'get it'. If they don't 'get it', they are people that have never worked in the private sector of paid a dime of tax. I have been through 3 layoffs, seen a company fold with the whole building clearing out their desk in tears. I've been through this. I've seen countless people open small business, just to fold all because the $1000 a month of property retail tax they have to pay per month made all the difference of the business staying alive of failing. There's a reason our unemployment rates are so high and why for the last 20 years we've seen a steady decrease of business leaving Canada: taxes.
  21. Who are on the streets protesting over a silly G8 summit? The right? Who are the ones afraid the sky is going to fall over carbon emissions? The right? Who are the ones ordering you to wear a helmet so you don't hurt yourself? The right? No no no. The LEFT are the ones getting pissed and emotional over everything. Conservatives just want LOW TAXES, NO NEW IDEAS, AND TO BE LEFT ALONE.
  22. No. Emotional reactions are a left wing trait. Conservatives are logical and sensible. When a single man runs a party, and has hundreds.. or even thousands of promises he's been cooking up over the years, he simply cannot prioritize all of them when he has to be an acting Prime Minister. Expect him to be out of country most of the time and leaving his duties to his wife while his pot head NDP MP's run rampant and ruin the country. This isn't fear, it's logic. Something the left don't have.
  23. This is the sort of Progressive babble that I do not subscribe to. Go study the history of the left wing revolutionaries. That very sentence you just said routinely came out of the mouth of the Nazi party. When you get older, work in the private sector, and pay taxes, you'll understand the realities of certain things. There should be NO taxes on any business. Lets just put it that way.
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