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Fletch 27

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Everything posted by Fletch 27

  1. the "905" is what provides employment for hundreds of thousands of "Torontonians". We, the "905", are creating employment for a crumbling Toronto and Toronto is now asking the "905" to pay for inexpensive transit INTO the 905??? Toronto should be taxed as such, and I don't care what model big-brother Metrolinx or Whynn select in paying for the transit "solutions" (and bribing of votes) but DONT cry and demand that the 905 PAY for us providing YOU Torontonians jobs and employment. Time Toronto takes care of its OWN fiasco... Again... Tax us NOW???
  2. Guyser, More people commute OUT of Toronto now to work in other areas. Please see my Link.. Toronto is the GTA's "Bedroom community"..
  3. That's not even part of the "Big Move"... And given the fact that "Toronto proper" is now a bedroom community for the rest of the GTA (More people commute OUT of Toronto to work in surrounding GTA).. I think that any efforts should be dictated by where the money is.. Mississauga and the rest of the GTA.. but AFTER the Liberals manage the debt crisis in Ontario. NOT now... Wynne is simply playing to DT Toronto and her last bastion of Liberal support... Didn't we just experience that with the 513 Million dollar Cancelation "fee" from the Oakville and Mississauga Hydro projects? http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2009/04/08/toronto_a_suburb_its_begun.html
  4. Ontario is in Massive debt.. The Liberals have driven ALL of Ontario into a hole. THIS is NOT the time to be even discussing any additional Liberal projects.. We can wait till the Billions of dollars is paid off... As per Whynne, that's only a few years away.
  5. Your aware that this allocated bucket of money was set up 4 years before Steve Harpers time right? Under the Liberals... The Liberals are WHY we like Harper so much..
  6. Bingo... Now why is it that the Media spins this as a Tory issue? And glosses over the Hundreds of Millions the Ontario Liberals spent?
  7. Just another irate teacher... The writer really cant understand what an "Average family" is? And this guy spent 28 years teaching.... Only thing the writer has confirmed is the stereotype of the Angry, bitter techer
  8. Cited: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/canada-politics/poverty-decline-canada-don-t-thank-government-191229622.html "But don't thank the Government"... And this.. http://www.parl.gc.ca/Content/LOP/ResearchPublications/prb0917-e.htm
  9. Poverty is declining, that's a fact... Also a fact, more people are getting richer... Middle income earners are getting richer.. the Rich are getting richer... And then we still have the ones that simply refuse to help themselves creating a "Gap"... Single Family dwelling prices are on a rise! And they get gobbled up.. The Lefts stance that the middle income earners are being hit hardest is simply all null talking points and goes against the proof and facts...
  10. The "Gap" is growing simply because more and more past "Low Income" earners are making more money distancing themselves from the other low-income earners.. This creates a gap... Eg: Low income then: .............. High Income then: ................. Low Income now: ... High Income now: ..................................... The Gap is indeed growing,, but it should be seen as a great positive..
  11. Getting "Rid of it" or Improving on it and eliminating social welfare fraud? As what he said he would do.... providing him a majority. You can spin it either way I guess.. Actually, it would be a mistake for you to think that it's not. Not even the Great Right Hope (Harper's Conservatives) are getting rid of the social welfare system.
  12. Maybe simply too simple for those "Sociologists"... His comments are clear, accurate and don't leave any room for coddling or self-blame.. The liberal would rather have us think its OUR fault...
  13. More Ammo for the "Education adds"!! Justin Trudeau didn't even show up to vote on his own motion for "BackBencher rights"... Leaving Jason Kenny to comment: Odd that Justin Trudeau didn't show up to speak to or vote on his 1st House motion as Liberal Leader. Away at another paid speaking gig? -- Jason Kenney (@kenneyjason) April 25, 2013 http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/inside-politics-blog/2013/04/lack-of-tory-backbench-support-dooms-liberal-bid-to-boost-mp-speaking-rights.html The past Tory "Education Adds" are ringing true and keeping a track record of being accurate... This guy doesn't even know how to position a bill or motion.. He's creating his own mess
  14. Well, If "fact based" is what you call Biased... Sure, lets go with Biased.. Maybe the past supporters of Dian and Ignattief have some reflecting to do? Did he just not "Visit"? Sounds like an education to me!
  15. Lets not forget that Justin used a TAX PAYER funded set, props and Cameras for his Filming of his "Let play nice" video. It was filmed on a CBC set with tax-payer funded resources... Yet the CBC will not comment or investigate how this happened or was omitted...
  16. To date, these "attack adds" have been right on the mark and proved accurate. Ignattief and Dions "Attack adds" were proved correct and factual. It is a shame that these "attack adds" can not be simply named for what they are.... "Educational pieces".. And there is nothing again but FACTS behind the latest "add" targeted at Justin. In my opinion; for Justin to cry foul over this only highlights his complete lack of any ability to work under pressure.. What would he do if Obama tried to push him on trade? When the QC goes after him, how fast will he buckle, Crack and cry foul? The Liberals know as well as all of the parties that "Attack adds" WORK. For heavens sake, the Liberals perfected them! So now why Justin play ball? He SIMPLY does not know how to. If You cant stand the professional heat?... Stay out of the kitchen
  17. And in BC.. IMO Harper will be picking up an additional 5-7 seats in 2015..
  18. The effectiveness of the "attack adds" has been well proven and they have a track record that is worth noting.. As do the the "history" of the polls during a party leader election. Lets look at both Ignattief and Dion.. BOTH of these gentlemen scored VERY high and Higher than Harper when they went through the honeymoon phase. This is History and based on Fact.. they ALL look to be the "Next Federal Leader" as the polls indicated... This is being seen with JT now.. (Dion actually had higher results that JT in the same time frame).. That "Attack adds" (You can simply call them Education mediums and they have rung true. Ignatieff was indeed "Just Visiting" and Dion stood fast on his "Carbon Tax"... The adds educated the voter to these points.. and they crashed hard when the election finally took place. Attack adds work and Justin has more recorded comments like "The french are simply better than the rest of Canada" and many more for those who follow politics... Justin WILL have one accomplishment after the election and that will be completely exploding the current "Opposition" (NDP).. He will split the vote (Its being seen now) and will pull the Liberals to a strong second place opposition to a Steven Harper Majority.. There have been no Thomas Mulcair attack adds IMO as Steve Harper and his team do NOT view him as a threat in the least... Why waste time when you know know whom the real threat is?
  19. That Money-Waster almost died if you recall with the Liberal and NDP Coalition support. IN this case... Jack Supported Steve HArper.. OBVIOSLY upsetting his BASE!~ Well, Unless things just changed.. Hence Mulcairs desire to bring back the long-gun.. http://www.ipolitics.ca/2012/04/09/mulcair-pledges-to-restore-long-gun-registry/
  20. http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/03/05/conservatives-attack-ndp-over-motion-to-abolish-senate-where-the-average-senator-works-56-days-a-year/ The Last Statment is clear... If its an NDP senate.. Its "A-OK" If the Supreme Court rules abolishment requires unanimous consent, it would make the task very difficult, said NDP parliamentary reform critic Craig Scott. “The key is to note that on either of those formulas…ultimately, the Senate does not have to consent to its own abolition,” he said. As for what the NDP would do if it formed government, Scott said, “There are good senators. We do hope to work with those senators if abolition doesn’t happen before this party forms government in 2015.” Or maybe thats simply more double-talk and Flip-Flop.....
  21. Sorry, But now i see why you want/demand/desire PR! Thanks for that.. I way not bring up the Liberal scandals and pandering
  22. When your old enough to vote.. Just remember my words! LOL... Comparing HArper to Berlusconi? Cmon...
  23. Just see Link: http://www.economist.com/blogs/freeexchange/2007/12/the_strains_of_danish_commitme The Fat TAx was put in place SIMPLY To retain support and Build/solidify a coalition. Trust me,, No anger here, just happy to be in Canada with a system that Works... Speaking from experience of coarse...... Unless you would like to deny that as well
  24. A lot of assumptions you have there... The left has simply overpowered ANY for of rational thought... Same as Greece where less than HALF the country is considered "private sector".... All the others are Public Union!! Simply out of control and at the whim of a bunch on old men shaking hands and agreeing to stay in power "Together"....... This is what you want???? Here we go with your over-used NDP catch phrases.. "Divide and conquer"... "Hidden agenda",,, "Transparency",, "Muzzling"....... OYe-VEy..
  25. Im Danish.... Take a guess why im here!!! As Danish as can be but sick and tired on 50% or greater taxes and NOT being able to raise a family or Company... Its sickening.... The "Fat TAx"??? Yes, worked out well and forced by the left... it drained BILLIONS from the economy and bled regular citizens of taxes... DO SOME F_ING RESEARCH prior to singing the praises of what you know NOTHING abaout.... Try google.... I can speak for what i know and have endured... You may want to step off of your PR pedestal...
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