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Fletch 27

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Everything posted by Fletch 27

  1. I understand that point... They wanted MORE money spent and now they Cry foul... IMO, in the weeks off on holidays, Numerous factors arose if you recall.. Parliament was OUT when the housing figures came out from the US, as did the Jobs figures from the US.. In this time, Harper studied the situation and could have actually made the Opp look HORRIBLE but he chose not. This could be the reason behind his growing popularity in the following Election if you recall.. In my mind, a higher amount of votes means more people favor him.. Or maybe my logic is waaay out of wack here.. colour me crazy....
  2. You just need the facts Guyser... Its a fact that the Tory back-benchers have had more speaking time than ANY other Government in recent times... Abortion, Aboriginal affairs, deciding not to mail out these "attack mailers"... Does that sound like "Controlling" Heres a great link, with no cool-aid served... “It sort of cuts into the myth that they do whatever they’re told. I’ve thought this all along, that this has been more about earning media and gaining attention. I’ve never really believed that anybody would send these out,” said Mr. Powers. http://www.hilltimes.com/news/news/2013/05/06/tory-backbenchers-getting-feisty-insiders-call-it-a-%E2%80%98maturation-process%E2%80%99-of/34606?page_requested=2 What a heavy-handed tyrant indeed...... To date I may add, Only Mulcair has lost a minister to Heavy Handed control... I may add: There was a minor distraction for Mulcair in the surprise deflection from one of his members, Bruce Hyer. The Thunder Bay MP claimed he could no longer work in an environment where he was whipped into voting with the party and referenced his disagreement over the long gun registry as an example And http://www.hilltimes.com/news/politics/2013/01/17/mulcair-takes-charge-of-any-talks-on-electoral-cooperation-orders-ndp-mps-not-to/33355 Silencing his entire cabinet... Harper hasn't ordered that.....
  3. http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/05/08/ndp-add-to-list-of-changes-they-want-in-liberal-budget-including-accountability-office/ The first thing that jumps to mind is that the actual JOB of an Opposition IS TO TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY of holding the Leading Party to Account.... What am I missing here? Its actually in Horwaths Job description! Typical desired bloating for Government for the NDP I guess...
  4. That's a heck of a lot better and wiser than "MetroLinx"!
  5. Poll mean everything... LOL... Here's a nice one.. http://www.ipsos-na.com/news-polls/pressrelease.aspx?id=3783 Ottawa, ON – A new Ipsos Reid poll conducted on behalf of CanWest News Service and Global Television finds that the Conservatives under Stephen Harper have fallen slightly behind the Liberals, slipping two points to 33% support nationally among decided voters. I cant ever remember hearing of a prime-minister Dion... Where was I at??
  6. They really tracked it? That's news to me.. Can you please share your cite? So again, since 2006, "People want change".... In the 2008 election, more people voted for Stephen Then, in 2008, we meant it this time and we REALLY want change... And Dion flopped and MORE people voted for Stephen. Then, in 2011,, We REALLY REALLY mean it this time.. the "People want change".. and Stephen Harper gets the Majority.... So, let me get this straight... You REALLY REALLY mean Canada,, and the people REALLY want change this time?? Or as opposed to "Canada" wanting change... is it maybe the few that wonder "where the money went" want change... cuz most of us understand how it was handled... I see a pattern forming...
  7. I did, and to reiterate, the Recession was the "root cause" of the spending... We were going to spend anyhow... Harper alone or by the demands of the opposition... And the Opposition now should be ashamed of themselves for bashing the spending and action plan. Does it make sense in your opinion to bash this spending or in your opinion, is the opposition treating Canadians as "stupid" or forgetfull
  8. Ah yes, The recession again..."Had nothing to do with it"
  9. Then why would the polls be exactly the same as in 2007? Your comment runs contradictory to the polls... And most Canadians are in tune with the commencement of the 3Billion dollars in the "Terrorism" budget started under the Liberals WAY before the Tories.. And all agree, its not "Lost"... it was allocated elsewhere... The "People want change" agenda also flies in the face of the exact same results from 2007 till today... Doesn't seem like a desire to change does it?
  10. Ya don't think the below statement would make it "kinda hard" for Justin to Merge? “I want to be leader of the Liberal party, not some sort hybrid semi-ideological formation. The NDP is an ideological party of the left and the Conservatives are an ideological party of the right. We’re a pragmatic centrist party that is ready to take from the left or the right, depending on what actually works.”
  11. Do you honestly think that Justin would agree to have his daddies party merge with ANYONE??? No way in heck... His daddy was the biggest "hater" of the NDP at the time of his ruling with an Iron Fist... Do you HONESTLY think that Justin would have his daddy roll over in his grave? Heck, Senior Trudeau would crawl out of his coffin and march to JT's home and slap him.... These "Brainstorming sessions" of LIB/NDP merger are for those who simply do not understand or take into consideration past political leaders or position..
  12. I Agree but there are just far to many voters who vote with no semblance of reason other than habit.. These ads are there to Educate the voters who do not follow politics as you and I do. The ads are there to simply relay the message of the silliness and antics and comments of JT and his party..Otherwise, they would simply vote as their mother and father did, and grandparents and so on and so on...
  13. In my opinion, and what I see happening is that the Tories will "Tone down" the ads and monitor them and tune and time them like a swiss watch.. They will administer them "just enough" as to have people migrate away from Mulcair (Most whom voted for Jack was a retaliation or Sympathy vote and were going to vote Liberal next turn) and to Justin and effectively splitting the vote allowing for another Majority.. With the polls from 2007 (Dion) and yesterday (Justin) being basically exactly the same results, I think this does not bode well for Justin.. And im kind of ashamed of our Canadian media for not highlighting the similarities.. I think it would be a larger story IMO...
  14. So is this a "Trend" or is the media simply not connecting the dots. The Figures from the polls respondents.. Dion attack ads and Figures from the polls for Trudeau attack adds are the SAME! Wednesday, February 07, 2007 Poll: Con attack ads unfair, pope is catholic So, a Decima poll says of the 38 per cent of Canadians that saw the Conservative attack ads, 59 per cent said they were unfair and two thirds said the ads weren't relevant to how they'd vote in the next election. Or, in order words, Conservative supporters liked the ads and everyone else thought they were dumb. Hardly surprising. Does it mean the Conservative ads were/are a failure though? Not hardly. If the election were held today maybe. And from Yesterday: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/05/08/trudeau-attack-ads-liberals-conservatives-poll_n_3237888.html?ir=Canada+Politics "Or, in other words, Conservative supporters liked the ads and everyone else thought they were dumb. Hardly surprising. Does it mean the Conservative ads were/are a failure though? Not hardly. If the election were held today maybe. If Stephen Harper was hoping Conservatives could blunt the effect of Trudeau’s arrival as Liberal leader, the early indications are that they failed. In fact, of the 39 per cent of respondents who said they saw the ads, Liberals held a 10-point advantage over the governing Tories. The two parties were tied among Canadians who hadn't seen the commercials." We can now say that Dion and Trudeau are 1% apart !
  15. Oh, let the little boy play... Hes only splitting the vote and ensuring a Tory Majority in 2 years time...
  16. Facebook MadX? Are you supposed to be taken seriously? The rational mind see the EI thing as FIXING EI... Where is the "privitization" of a Provincial matter? The white supremacist angle? Cmon, your looking rather Radical now..
  17. Hey Jacee... I found this EXACT article but...... from 2009....!!!!?? Wow, these Polls sure were right on the Money huh? They Are in fact... If you believe everything that you read Jacee! Now, refresh my memory on how that Election turned out.... With the big "Backfire" and all.. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2009/06/01/tory_attack_ads_backfiring_poll_finds.html "OTTAWA – The Conservatives' biting partisan attack ads aimed at Michael Ignatieff are taking a toll – on Prime Minister Stephen Harper as well as the Liberal leader, according to a new poll" Oh, And lets not forget how we wouldn't accept the Dion attack ads! "In response to the ads, Dion told CBC News, "[Harper] wants to spend all this money to try to attack me in a very negative way, and it'll backfire." "Canadians will not be impressed by that." We most CERTAINLY were NOT impressed by that!!!! Now how many years was Dion Federal Leader due to these ads "backfiring"???
  18. Exactly what they said about the Iggy "attack ads" ohh, and the Dion "Attack ads".... They were "backfiring".... they were making the Tories look dreadful.... Yup, turned out correct huh? Fact is, they work...
  19. I don't understand... Isn't Harper supposed to control EVERYTHING? I was under the impression he had a "tight fist" and ruled all decisions when it came to items as such. I was looking forward to a mailer actually from Rait
  20. You omitted one little thing.... And its understandable how such a tiny thing could slip your mind but,, Let me remind you about the greatest recession ever witnessed throughout the world.. I know how its easy to forget.. Yes Sir, Hundreds of thousands are A-OK with Canada position now compared to the rest of the world..... And Lets now forget, who was in the drivers seat....
  21. This Liberals made their own mess and Wynne is NOT taking charge and managing this. She is FAR to busy trying to buy the NDP off to keep her band of thieves in power.. Power at ALL costs.... Funded by YOU I voted for Dalton last 2 elections and I can assure you that I will vote for an Conservative runner.. Hudak or anyone else they have... Dalton and this new puppet in Wynne have me 100 percent swayed to the Conservative platform and Ideas.. Im done getting burned along with the rest of the country.. Only the weak minded say that an "Election will cost 91 million dollars"..... The educated and intellect notes that this new "Blackmail Budget" sees an increase in spending of 400 Billion... Im ok with an election to settle the ignorance
  22. Well, Its how a democracy works and how many other "Majorities" have happened in the past.. Your seeing an "Alliance" now in Ontario between the Ontario Liberals and NDP... Where the Liberals are throwing MILLIONS at the NDP just to stay in power. Is that what you would like to see Federally? The bribery of one party onto another with YOUR dollars? Are you pleased with the great successes this recent budget the NDP propped will reveal? 41Million for "Music" in DT Toronto in an NDP riding? I, and hundreds of thousands are "A-OK" with Steven Harper... These "alliance" tactics" should be outlawed
  23. I don't understand how this is an "Embarassment for Canada".. How are we emberassed by this?
  24. We should simply spend more time complaining about the color of the GOC's website... Those wacky guys at the NDP want an inquiry into why they changed colors.... OMG! http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/inside-politics-blog/2013/05/ndp-mp-wants-to-see-research-behind-new-blue-look-on-goc-websites.html THATS a time waster but good for a laugh on a Friday
  25. Sometimes it not all about the money WWWTT,, The environment should come into play. You must not have children in assuming... They change your perspective. Look at the Tories and the money they are spending on environment... I think I should be a bigger man and pitch in as well
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