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Fletch 27

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Everything posted by Fletch 27

  1. So the Quebec NDP will have lots of runners in the next federal election? Not just the pups as seen now?
  2. DO YOU MIND?!?! This is MY opinion and thousands of others... You think its just mine? Check you leftist opinion at the dore and stop trying to muzzle opinion... Its sickening... Call me a troll,,,, I could call you much worse but you rants and rhetoric against Harper has solidified that in many minds on this Forum. Grow up and let opinions float.... You "suck" at forming cohesive arguments without slander and nasty names about a Majority Gov... Open your mind to other opinions...
  3. Update: She has thrown "water to the wind" as has decided to also consume fish-broth in this hunger strike. Japanese soldiers survived years on fish-broth... This "Hunger strike" could take a while... When will it stop? Do we need to see a "dominos delivers" flyer in her Tee pee? Hey! Sounds healthy and good! " Why Fish Head Stock? Stocks in general are very healthy for you, but fish head stock sits a little higher on the pedestal. It’s the most nutritious, easiest on the budget, and holds claim to benefits other stocks can’t. Like thyroid glands and iodine. What Does The Thyroid Gland Do? Not only is fish head stock rich in fat-soluble vitamins, it also contains the all-important thyroid gland. Basically, when you simmer a fish head the thyroid gland disintegrates and becomes part of your stock. Yuuuuummmyy. Thyroid glands supply the thyroid hormone whose main purpose in life is to run the body’s metabolism. This might not seem like much to get worked up about – until you don’t have enough of it.
  4. This smacks of Thomas Mulcair and his dirty tricks.. It will all come out in the was and Mulcair will need to atone.
  5. Cyber... You are simply a slave to the union. Simply a slave... One day, you too shall see the light.... And a paycheck that doesn't hold you down. Grow up
  6. Too many people employing other people......at least we voted "correctly" and these unionists take it out on us? We voted pc! It was the unions who made the dumb/wrong choice! It's poetic justice but their "haiku" seems to suck. I think the pc's are "trending" now. Toronto can hate us all they want... They just look kinda silly now don't they
  7. Yup really, I simply would not have made my first point about "finances" and a company selling itself. It's time to pick up your own socks...and grow up with the "racial" remarks... It's the 2000's and I have spent many days at the "eagles nest" in Brantford watching the wallow.. You want a better planet?...... Well put some damn effort into it.
  8. ahhhhh, Harper is "selling our companies"...... I thought they were the white-man's "companies"..... Tell me again how this is not about the struggle for more money..... How much of a share would you like? We will just send you and Theresa Spence a cheque...And and escallade
  9. Whats Dangerous? So far all i have seen is well withing the democratic process!? Arent we just a little paranoid now..... really... In 2015 you can have your say.... YOu may not like the outcome but you are free to take the message any way you wish... But remember,, Its democracy... Multiple terms as PM is i guess a "transition to dictatorship" for you? Hmmm ok
  10. Hmmm, Im told that the F-35 will be the last manned Military fighter.... I would simply LOVE to find out where you recieved your exotic info..
  11. The precedent is supposed to be hidden! Look, you will have your say in 2015... Maybe take an extended trip to a socialist country and come back when the vote is up. You will get a clearer picture of what Canadians want then...... and can stop complaining
  12. Did this ever happen? Or was it Media Hype again luring in the consperists? An update would be great..
  13. No one is upset.. no one... http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-v4CCC9Gef-M/TbcSXf_0NLI/AAAAAAAACTU/PYu1hUxC0Ao/s1600/324593-jack-layton-discute-avec-partisan.jpg
  14. Why do the Ontario teachers simply picket and strike the ridings that are Liberal Riding? After all, the Teachers Union endorsed the Liberals provincially. Why would they dare come to Halton when halton rejected the Liberals and voted in Ted Chudleigh?. Does this make any sense or are they just out to impact every student and parent in Ontario regarless of political stripes?
  15. Seems our policy is working with all of the new jobs! Direct them to the list of about Canada's job growth
  16. Quebec gave us Tommy Mulcair... This wouldn't have surprised me in the least. He also knows 80 percent french..
  17. Its called "rehabilitation".... To your logic,,, You think maybe a few days is to "extreme"?? Maybe just immediate parole with supervision the following day? "Im sure he wont do it again".. right? This sicko, regardless of mental state, should be behind bars for life.. Yup, LIFE. This guy played the system, killed 2 children and now the "left" is treating him like a victim.....
  18. No, Just a hell of a lot longer than 3 years.... And yes, some in perpetuity... Absolutely..
  19. http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/local/taipei/2010/10/25/277345/Criminally-insane.htm http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1375336/Scandal-mentally-ill-man-killed-father-released--killed-mother.html Ya,,, Could never happen again after release....
  20. How much should an apple-picker be paid? Should he be paid 10 bucks an hour? 30? Should an education not be taken into account? Some jobs simply do not warrent high pay.. Unless you dont mind paying 7 buck an apple! The Market has indeed corrected itself,, and it will continue. No one wanted the Job... End of story... Well, unless you wish to force people into the mines again Cyber
  21. Ask the Mother of the 2 butchered children...
  22. The Market has corrected itself... Please see the link that was provided. Cyber, We can not force people to work in Coal-Mines... This is not the 1800's.
  23. Its a shame Canadians dont want these jobs.
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