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Everything posted by westguy

  1. Quebec has received $257b in transfer payments that come either directly or indirectly from ROC. In addition, they have a provincial deficit of $200B. I would suggest that Quebec has been able to access all available advantages that any province has had. I challenge any posters to prove that Alberta ever received as much as Quebec and still they sh_t on the ROC and pass unconstitional language laws "to protect" the French language. Onkly in Canada......pity
  2. Jacee - I don't know how much the west got when the west did not own their resources like the east. Can you show me that the west received more than $257B, if not I wonder what your point is?
  3. with money they have received from others?
  4. can you name one other province that has received $257B over 50 years and provides more social services than others?
  5. We should remember that Alberta did not receive ownership of its own minerals until the Great Depression. I hardly think the Alberta government had money to deveop those resources at that time. I also submit that Alberta never received anything close to what Quebec has received ($257B)over the last 57 years and yet they demand more. Their business and government has proven they are both corrupt.
  6. The ROC has subsidized Quebec $257b over the last 50 yrs. How can anyone think this is fair?
  7. I am appalled that the RCMP would commit perjury to cover their improvident conduct. Can anyone explain why judges still believe them?
  8. $257b since 50 yrs ago AND a $250b to sh)y on the ROC
  9. Topaz - why do you still condemn the CPC when the Libs and the NDP are caught, not the CPC
  10. I find it hypocritical that so many posters criticized ( and still do) those Conservatives but when a Liberal Senator is found commiting fraud the same posters are silent
  11. waldo - can you please explain the difference between "seized" and "secured". especially when the RCMP entered w/o notice and confiscated pivate and legal property?
  12. D o you mean just like they did in High River?
  13. Quebec cold change that
  14. I think I have an explanation for Duffy's actions: he thought he was a Liberal appointee
  15. jacee - the above posts imply that there were no victims
  16. smallc-that doesn't make it fair and equitable to the provinces thyat are coerced into writing Quebec a huge cheque each year
  17. I am appalled that the Quebec government has sucked 250B out of the ROC since equalization started, they are 200B in debt in addition by their own spending. The Charbonneau commission has uncovered evidence that is surely to chase away prospective investors. due to their corruption in their [politics.The equalization plan is nothing but confiscatory legislation. It's intentions were good but it has failed miserably in reality.
  18. Socialist- not all teachers are dedicated and some took the job for the generous benfits and holidays
  19. The Courts tend to accept whatever evidence females present to allow large support awards against their impoverished former male partners. In this case the FRO prevented the dad from earning money so that he could even up what he owed by their actions. Pinko - it takes money to go to court and have the support obligations reduced - money that most men don't have after they pay the outrageous support obligations ordered by our court of "justice". In my 34 years as a lawyer, I have known several men who ended up committing suicide either becuz they could not afford the support or becuz their malicious ex-wives/partners refused to let them be a part of their children's lives or both. You should google the name :Darren White. He went in to a forest and hung himself becuz he could not pay the support ordered by the Court which was more than he was earning. Justice in Canad?? -not if you are male.
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