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Everything posted by stignasty

  1. 'It's cold today in Wagga Wagga' Posted by Coby Beck at 8:48 AM on 03 Nov 2006 (Part of the How to Talk to a Global Warming Skeptic guide) Objection: It was way colder than normal today in Wagga Wagga, proof that there is no global warming. Does this even deserve an answer? If we must ... Answer: The chaotic nature of weather means that no conclusion about climate can ever be drawn from a single data point, hot or cold. The temperature of one place at one time is just weather, and says nothing about climate, much less climate change, much less global climate change. http://gristmill.grist.org/story/2006/10/31/214357/31
  2. It will be interesting to see how the American markets open after their holiday today.
  3. There was a PBS documentary on Nova a couple of months ago called "Dimming the Sun." Its seems that by taking the pollutants out of the atmosphere we're allowing more sunlight in, which is more likely to accelerate warming. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sun/
  4. I've got to say that I'm just as concerned about the fact that the RCMP seems to be trying to cover this up than I am with the fact that they used the taser. If the video never existed we would still believe that the man was fighting with the police and the action was necessary.
  5. NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Bill McInturff ®. Nov. 1-5, 2007. Asked of Republicans, and non-Republicans who said they would vote in a Republican presidential primary (from a total sample of 1,509 adults nationwide). MoE ± 4.2. "Let me mention some people who might seek the Republican nomination for president in 2008. If the next Republican primary for president were being held today, for which one of the following candidates would you vote . . . ?" If unsure: "Well, which way do you lean?" Rudy Giuliani 33% John McCain 16% Fred Thompson 15% Mitt Romney 11% Mike Huckabee 8% Ron Paul 4% Duncan Hunter 2% Tom Tancredo 2%
  6. I rarely post here because the moderators seem to have a high threshold for the "We pay while Indians live in luxury" type of threads. This warning to avoid criticizing these posts is just the icing on the cake.
  7. http://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/amherst/lord_jeff.html Colonel Henry Bouquet to General Amherst, dated 13 July 1763, [262k] suggests in a postscript the distribution of blankets to "inocculate the Indians" http://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/amher..._40_305_fn.jpeg
  8. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 (referred to in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms) states:
  9. I always read my posts over and frequently make changes. Sometimes I'll catch a spelling error, or a sentence that wasn't edited properly when I created my post. Not that it makes a big deal, but it seems like a more serious edit with the "edited by" text added.
  10. Hindus should expect the same representation as every other Canadian. They asked him to come to the opening of their temple and he grabbed the photo-op. Mountain -- Mole Hill Do you remember the riots in the streets when the Prime Minister made the following comments? That's right, because the only people that get upset about non-issues like this are folks like Leafless.
  11. http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport...icle.jsp?aid=53 Reframing the Enemy 'Cultural Marxism,' a conspiracy theory with an anti-Semitic twist, is being pushed by much of the American right By Bill Berkowitz Pat Buchanan, sometime presidential candidate and radical right darling, says he is opposed to Television commentator Pat Buchanan says it is being used to "de-Christianize" America. Washington heavyweight William Lind claims it is turning U.S. college campuses into "ivy-covered North Koreas." Retired naval commander Gerald Atkinson fears it has invaded the nation's military academies. Immigration activist John Vinson suggests it aims "to distort and destroy" our country. "Cultural Marxism," described as a conspiratorial attempt to wreck American culture and morality, is the newest intellectual bugaboo on the radical right. Surprisingly, there are signs that this bizarre theory is catching on in the mainstream.
  12. I imagine myself to be a pretty moderate person, although I've been labeled a "leftist" here more than once. I think that fundamentally in a democracy a government is the people. A government should represent those people that elected it. Categorizing that as whining is inappropriate. Also, making an analogy with the moderators of a web forum doesn't hold up because this is not a democracy. The fact of the matter is that the owners of this site can do anything they want with it. If you don't like it you're free to find somewhere else to post.
  13. My tax dollars at work. At least we didn't waste our money buying MRI machines or hiring some teachers. . .
  14. Well, good for you! If your god is the jug of milk....hey, to each his own! I think I'll pray to my jug of milk for you to develop a sense of humour.
  15. I prayed to the Jug of Milk and my prayers for a nice creamy bowl of Kraft Dinner were answered. Away with the unbelievers!!
  16. I'm sorry if you misinterpreted my post as being "angry." My post states why I believe this premise of protecting the Caucasian races is nothing but racist nonsense (and as such would have a better home on a racist site). I'll repost it below in case you missed it. ScottSA states that Caucasians are "destroying themselves as a homogenous race" I guess that there are two ways that you could rationalize that statement. First, by allowing people with darker skin to move into the "traditionally Caucasian nations" the white people will become a minority. I'm just left with one question, how does becoming a minority in a region affect race? Will being a descendant of white ancestors be affected if that group makes up the minority in a country? Do you foresee a genocide of white people in the future? Will the white people become the American Indians of the 22nd century? The second possible way Caucasians might be "destroying themselves" would come about from interbreeding, and a loss of purity. The original post contends that "every other racially homogenous region in the world asks these kinds of questions as a matter of course." Well, Canada is not now, and has never been racially homogenous. So, to answer the question posed in the initial post of this thread, I am not concerned about the loss of whiteness because all people are equal. If in several hundred years we have evolved into a homogenous shade of purple, I don't think the human race will be any worse off for it. To be honest, I think this thread would have a better home on the Stormfront forums.
  17. That is the kind of shit that belongs on Stormfront.
  18. ScottSA states that Caucasians are "destroying themselves as a homogenous race" I guess that there are two ways that you could rationalize that statement. First, by allowing people with darker skin to move into the "traditionally Caucasian nations" the white people will become a minority. I'm just left with one question, how does becoming a minority in a region affect race? Will being a descendant of white ancestors be affected if that group makes up the minority in a country? Do you foresee a genocide of white people in the future? Will the white people become the American Indians of the 22nd century? The second possible way Caucasians might be "destroying themselves" would come about from interbreeding, and a loss of purity. The original post contends that "every other racially homogenous region in the world asks these kinds of questions as a matter of course." Well, Canada is not now, and has never been racially homogenous. So, to answer the question posed in the initial post of this thread, I am not concerned about the loss of whiteness because all people are equal. If in several hundred years we have evolved into a homogenous shade of purple, I don't think the human race will be any worse off for it. To be honest, I think this thread would have a better home on the Stormfront forums.
  19. In the 1980s the U of L's Faculty of Management had a policy where the grades for all courses were put on the curve. This meant there was a terrible rate of attrition. Each class had to have a certain number of "Fs." By fourth year most classes had around 15 students in them. In one fourth year management class the prof had structured the course where group work and essays made up the bulk of the mark. The remaining mark (I think it was about 20%) was given for class participation. Since all of the students had made it that far, it was safe to assume that they could all write a pretty good essay, and the group work would mean each student was getting the same mark as four others in the class. That left class participation to separate the A students from the F students. As a result of this attempt to foster an environment of class discussion, there was a huge amount of bullshit in that class. People would open their mouths to say idiotic things, simply for the recognition of having participated. I got an A in that class.
  20. That's as far as I read. If that's how you preface something, I don't need to read any further to know that it's a load of crap.
  21. Hopefully young Mr. Gore gets his act together. As for damaging his father's credibility, it shouldn't do any more damage than other cases in the past. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/01/29/...ain326007.shtml http://archives.cnn.com/2001/US/04/27/bush.daughter/
  22. Your hatred for people of aboriginal heritage is hardly surprising. This thread should be entitled "National day of over-reaction."
  23. "False Flag Terrorism" is definitely the conspiracy set's keyword for the week. Alex Jones must have used it.
  24. To help pay off my student loans I took a summer job at a pretty unpleasant factory. There I met a woman from Panama who I found out was a University Professor who had written several books on sociology (one of which was translated and used in Canadian schools). She was happy to be in Canada and understood that there was a price to pay for her freedom. She planned to learn to speak English, take any classes that she needed and then continue her career. I think this is much more typical of professionals who come to this country than the taxi driver example that started this thread.
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