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Everything posted by robosmith

  1. And won't accept a 2 or 1 state solution. The only alternative is ethnic cleansing, AKA mass expulsion. Members of the Israeli government are advocating that.
  2. Yeah, you too are unable to identify people being blocked by a human chain. If someone tried that with me, I would just push my way past them. When I was in JHS, I walked through the school gym past a line of upper class boys waiting in line for their class dismissal. They took strong exception to my passing them to get out the door and wanted to fight. I said, "how many of you does it take"? and all but one backed off. So I pushed the bar on the door and walked out. Bye bye suckers.
  3. That is TWO assumptions from you. I am NOT taking Hamas side, I am, and HAVE SAID, that Netanyahu is every bit as responsible for their attack's success as Hamas was. I just don't believe he's THAT incompetent when it comes to security. Their failure to defend is indefensible. It doesn't matter whether they deny the goal of destroying Gaza, they ARE destroying Gaza and stealing land in the West bank. Right wingers in the government coalition are outright saying the Palestinians have no right to be there. And that "nonstop war" is the direct result of massive displacement and theft of Palestinian land.
  4. You're wrong. Israel could distribute FOOD and other goods to Gazans DIRECTLY. There was NO NEED to include Hamas as the intermediary, esp when they FAILED to monitor how the CASH was spent. All they had to do was back trucks up to the opened gates and let the people come and get it. Or airdrop it just like WE DID. Or if as I suspect, Netanyahu KNEW how the cash was spent on tunnels and military supplies, cause they WANTED the attack. That's the only explanation for why it took 10+ hours for the IDF to respond.
  5. NO, you don't get to post strawman arguments and demand that I deny them. Esp when you can't even quote where I say what YOU ALLEGE. GTH Fckwad.
  6. I see. I used to believe you were rational, but now I see that your judgement is horribly skewed. It seems your failure to plan for catastrophic events is just laziness.
  7. Are you so dumb you believe Joe would appoint a CANADIAN for anything? Obviously you don't understand how the US Federal government works. LMAO
  8. I'm NOT "rely on predictions." You SHOULD make your plans for ACTION based on what reasonably might happen if you do nothing. IF you see a reasonable possibility of a nuclear war, it would be a good idea to do something to prepare for that.
  9. It's NOT a "whataboutism" when one thing directly caused the other. "whataboutism" is when you excuse the actions of one person by saying another did the same thing in a different scenario. This is cause and effect.
  10. We can't forget about Netanyahu as long as he's calling the shots. And BOMBS.
  11. He condemned both sides. Which is very different from declaring "fine people on both sides." People who believe that Zionists have done nothing to earn the ire of the Palestinians they've DISPLACED, do not understand what happened, as Joe said.
  12. I can deny it as much as you deny that the establishment of Israel included terrorist expulsion of Palestinians from their land to create a Jewish majority state. There was certainly NOTHING DEMOCRATIC about that. However, I think we both agree that Netanyahu will NEVER agree to a 2 state solution.
  13. "all the attributes"? They aren't even IN GOVERNMENT. FASCISM is governing policies. Reading is FUNDAMENTAL. Be INFORMED. What is antifa? A look at the movement Trump is blaming for violence at protests
  14. So you don't even know what a naked link is. LMAO They are fighting dictatorship, NOT endorsing it. Duh You know, like the neo-Nazis who marched with torches in Charlottesville.
  15. I can see you've been watching (and believing) FOS LIES. Did you believe the part about Zelenskyy and wife buying yachts and mansions in the US? LMAO Got news for you, that is Russian propaganda.
  16. ^Very Trumpian, AGAIN. Heroes killed in war defending their country are "suckers and losers" just like Trump said. 🤮 Of course, that is just a cover for cowardice.
  17. You LINKED to a MAP, which also contains poll results of swing states that were used to create the MAP.
  18. Don't care about your naked video link. Antifa is short for ANTI-FASCIST. NO ONE in the DEMOCRATIC PARTY is advocating FASCISM.
  19. Your map is based on poll data over a month represented as average numbers. That doesn't show the TREND.
  20. Everyone outside of the MAGA CULT knows Biden won the election FAIR AND SQUARE. I haven't seen ANYONE except YOU talk about the pee tape (except as a joke) in the last year. But then, I don't usually watch FOS LIES. LMAO
  21. You are LYING. Biden STILL believes Ukraine is not ready to join NATO. AKA never pushed it on anyone. The Republicon House and Senate are. Trump demanded they drop the Senate BIPARTISAN immigration bill and suddenly it was DEAD.
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