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H B Lowrey

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Everything posted by H B Lowrey

  1. Meh, that's irrelevant. "Commie" is a Pavlovianly conditioned trigger term.
  2. No, you're full of shit yet again and you have yet to cite a primary a single peer-reviewed scientific research publication. Not one.
  3. But of course I have no say/voice/vote in Canada, why would I? Who's "they"? Who's keeping you down in Canada? Are you posting from FL? Lying? Who knows or cares? PS, if you wish to see a medical professional in FL, you'll mask up. Jussayin'.
  4. Silly, childish and petty. Pout on Nancy.
  5. Oh you can chime, you just get no say. No, I'm not a team joiner, that's your thing. Very much looking forward to the Don versus Ron reality shit show though.
  6. Sorry to burst your bubble, but just because you say something's stupid doesn't make it so.
  7. They've got theirs, the "other" side has theirs. Gee, how odd.
  8. Manchin is neither moderate, nor is his party name is irrelevant. We here can see what he supports. Looking forward to the Don versus Ron reality shit show though.
  9. Correct, when you're not agreed with you do not handle it well. Best to move on.
  10. Glad we found something to agree on Nancy. Now, who pray tell is oppressing you?
  11. They are choosing and whining all along. See your physician and choose.
  12. I'm not concerned with convincing you of anything. Just as you've convinced me of nothing. Per white supremacist infiltration of US military and law enforcement, our law enforcement itself has issued multiple reports as did Chad Wolf's (Trump appointed) DHS on the matter. And the assault upon the capital on Jan 6th included some exmilitary and law enforcement participation. Yes, we in the US do rely upon the underclass to do the serving, that was one of the points I made. "The United States ended the draft for military service in 1973, transitioning to the all-volunteer force that exists today. At that time, the active component of the military, excluding the coast guard, comprised 1.9 million men and women, or about 1 percent of the population. Now, there are about 1.3 million active-duty personnel, or less than one-half of 1 percent of the U.S. population." Demographics of the U.S. Military | Council on Foreign Relations (cfr.org) Sure, you can be proud of Canada. Why not?
  13. Not to worry, america has always maintained that the "right" to vote is not for all. From the very founding.
  14. This is totalitarian in and of itself you half-witted troll. Choose. Nothing to do with me.
  15. No, you're just trying to run the board here. And you sir are not everyone, you just seem to think you are. You heard my position, it's merely not the one you rehearsed in your mirror to argue against and you're soiling yourself over that. I'm not Canadian. Ya'll can manage Canada. Just like you get jack fuck all to say about what we do here in america. Why otherwise, that would be one nation exerting tyranny over another and we know how you hate tyranny, right? To refuse to do stupid human tricks for you is something you should expect from me. I spent over 3 decades in biomedical research and the drug hunting game in pharmaceutical, academic, CRO, and pharmaceutical-academic partnership settings. I assure you I cannot find a way in which to care less if you get vaxxed or not, die from COVID, or drink bleach and shove a light bulb up your ass or swallow horse de-wormer upon contracting COVID. My position is, you're no authority I would ever pay any attention to.
  16. No, I'm not. No one has ever been anything based upon your assignment of it. You have self identified what you are.
  17. I don't gaf what you run around in your own little head and decide to believe.
  18. You're basing your "knowledge" on a CNN clip? See there's your problem. Are you aware of how to locate primary peer-reviewed research?
  19. No hon, there was no pivot involved, and you're still butthurt. You will mask up to see your doctor.
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