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Everything posted by West

  1. Why would I not? Two weeks where the worst thing that happened was somebody peeing next to a war memorial. Police want them out. All the sudden random starter bricks start showing up around the protest. Pretty common tactic of the government. Happened during the G20 protests as well
  2. Very likely one of the left wing anarchist groups Trudeau has given tens of millions of tax dollars to
  3. The raids on the truckers base camp where police stole their food and fuel is symbolic of Liberal Canada and what they've been doing to the working class for a number of years. Very sick people.
  4. The government is abusing power to shut down peaceful protest. No different than Cuba or Venezuela. We are in trouble
  5. The Queen through the GG can dissolve parliament. Please take a civics class
  6. I get you lefties may not like the protest but there's no insurrection. Just people having a good time
  7. Leftists dropping off big bins of rocks now in Ottawa looking to start riots. These people and those of you who support Trudeau are demented
  8. So you think someone who drives from BC to Ottawa, has the PM fake an illness, PM slings mud from behind a camera, should just turn around and go home after driving 4 or 5 days to get there? You likely haven't missed a paycheck in the past two years. People have lost businesses, parts of their childhood, autonomy over their own bodies, and their source of livelihood. Just because you lack empathy doesn't make their concerns less valid
  9. Nothing illegal about the protest. Its a public street. Only the wicked thing giving someone a sandwich is a punishable offense.
  10. Looks like the Ottawa police are threatening to charge people for feeding and bringing supplies to people exercising their right to peaceful protest. True third world stuff going on in Ottawa now. Leftists have turned Canada into a third world dictatorship.. sick folks, folks
  11. The thing with politicians is they don't like getting their hands dirty so they get others to do their dirty work. What will probably happen now that there's backlash against governments is they'll pressure organizations like the Chamber of Commerce to self police masks etc. Government can say its not their rules while still applying pressure in behind the scenes. It's what Moe did in Sask until enough people ie the Saskatchewan Roughriders refused to do the Government's dirty work for them
  12. I'm not far right. I'm not even right lol. Bodily autonomy is a classical liberal philosophy.
  13. It's not going to happen. The international backlash would be swift.
  14. Probably right about that one. People who think government should coerce people's medical decisions is appropriate are likely lossed causes
  15. And coercing people into vaccines isn't damaging to people's mental health? Government started the fight and are now acting like lil babys when people fight back
  16. 4 people were run over by Trudeau supporters in Winnipeg and vandalism by Trudeau supporters against the truckers. The Trudeau supporters are the violent ones sadly
  17. All those old testament prophets warning political leaders of impending doom because of the way they oppressed the people mustve been sinning.
  18. Bylaw infractions.. give them a parking ticket if warranted. You are more worried about a parking infraction then your Prime Minister uttering divisive rhetoric and mandates that promote discrimination. Nice to know where your priorities are. Christians get a bad name because often times they are feckless in the midst of some pretty disturbing times. Some Christians have rightfully spoke out though many remain silent. Separating the wheat from the tares.
  19. The unvaccinated are not a risk to the vaccinated Karens. We need to stop giving room to irrational folks in society.
  20. What laws exactly? The law of the land is the Charter which gives people a right to peacefully assemble and protest. Nowhere in the Charter is there a time limit associated with your protest contrary to what the government is gaslighting you to believe. The only thing illegal is Trudeau thugs running over protesters Christians should feed and water people regardless. No wonder your religion is dying. Christians have repeatedly been on the wrong side of history from slavery to nazi Germany using the ridiculous verse you quoted to support vile human rights abuses including the vaxx pass. Shame
  21. Thugs eh. I saw some kids enjoying a bouncy castle today. I get you are miserable and scared of the flu bug doesn't mean the rest of us need yo be
  22. Matthew 25 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,(A) 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me,(B) I was sick and you looked after me,(C) I was in prison and you came to visit me.’(D) 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’(E)
  23. It was his comment. You, a good Christian man, seem to be supporting the police chief and his call to investigate officers who give a cup of water to the protesters. As you claim to be Christian I just don't see how that aligns with the teachings of Jesus sir.
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