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Everything posted by West

  1. My only narrative is not ending up with cancer. I'm not sure I follow your point. If evidence is suggesting that a product is faulty and is potentially harmful, why would you not pay attention to that?
  2. We have esteemed immunologists and physicians raising concerns based on the data. These scientists are heads of university departments and have written peer reviewed articles. Yet you want to ignore that and continue to push a vaccine. Why?
  3. How is it a "dumb question" to ask if we should be concerned about long term effects of an unproven vaccine?
  4. I'm asking specifically about long term effects of vaccine which reasonable scientists and physicians are raising concerns about. Ad hominem attacks aren't legitimate arguments.
  5. 80% long term care homes in Canada where 60% pass away within the first year
  6. You fail to answer my question. Just insults and ridiculousness. The folks who are speaking out have written several peer reviewed articles and have headed programs within our academic institutions with basically no reason to lie. In fact they have reason to hide the truth out of self preservation.
  7. How is not having long term safety data not relevant to the discussion on whether or not politicians should coerce you into a vaccine? What happens if the censored scientists are in fact right about the vaccine causing cancer, infertility, or long term heart effects? Oh well?
  8. Looks like soros is bringing in some "counter protesters" this weekend. Be careful these people are looneys
  9. She's right on the money. The LPOC is the party of residential schools, blackface, and the vax pass
  10. Looks like Trudeau supporters are tossing eggs at people and trucks. Those people aren't well upstairs
  11. Not to mention what the heck is "the Conversation"? Sounds like something Trudeau would write
  12. Trudeau still have the sniffles?
  13. Trudeaus rhetoric sounds like something from the 1930s. "They" are the problem. "They" steal your food and are a neusance. Very sick puppy.
  14. Strange how potential parking infractions make you terrorists but coerced injections do not
  15. Politician live in silos. I'm sure there are plenty racist white men among the Liberal Party. Not an accurate depiction of Canada as a whole
  16. Watch something other than MSM. I just watched the pipe ceremony last night on Parliament Hill. A beautiful time of unity and healing for our first nations and white folks at the rally. People from all provinces, all religions, all colors are coming together in unity, shedding tears for the state of our nation thanks to Mr. Trudeau, and trying to find a path forward. You can continue to dismiss the discrimination by our government or you can participate in the unity. Choice is yours. Remember the press and politicians make money off keeping you angry.
  17. Again, a couple a holes. Nothing different than an Ottawa Senators game. https://www.guelphtoday.com/letters-to-the-editor/letter-freedom-convoy-unified-the-nation-writes-supporter-5006402?fbclid=IwAR2BiC3AGRKhOowp1kWhHiTpv9n6Qhzg3P3wPiQuiK-zhNPScsPNbIIHuzM Convoy unites the nation. Time to tag along
  18. And when there's more people than space in front of the parliament this is what happens. Trudeau is not a leader and just hiding in a bunker somewhere
  19. My experience with people from Ottawa is they are self-entitled. While I don't doubt it's a minor disturbance to their lives, they do live in the capital city of the country where protests are inevitable. Perhaps if they want a quiet life they can move to a small town.
  20. So far the worst thing we've seen is some guy relieving himself in public and a team Canada hat being put on Terry Fox. So basically no different than you'd see after an Ottawa Senators game.
  21. Let's be honest here. The mayor of Ottawa overreacted and shut down the mall. Now they are refusing to allow a permit for porter potties. Their strategy appears to be deny basic necessities in hopes they go away. Very Canadian
  22. Army will say no then Trudeau will put foreign boots on the ground
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