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Everything posted by West

  1. I believe people have used that verse to justify a whole bunch of disgusting policies throughout the year including segregation based on personal health decisions. This isn't the first rodeo where governments have used "public safety" as an excuse to enact such policies. Japanese internment camps are a prime example. Unfortunately the compliance by the churches, even going as far as kicking people out of service over not having a vaccine, will be yet another blemish on the church when this time of history is reviewed in the future
  2. Do you believe Christians should obey wicked leaders when their dictates contradict scripture?
  3. Sweden decides against recommending vaxx for kids https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/sweden-decides-against-recommending-covid-vaccines-for-kids-aged-5-12-1.5756719?cid=sm%3Atrueanthem%3Actvnews%3Apost&utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR2Kxf4uVCT9Hy-jsJeW-HrvzRmjzsLJndGiR9w307kzLma-XqdLdhG6VJc
  4. A long interview but well worth the time. Brian Peckford is the only remaining drafter of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. -Peckford provides a solid analysis of the Charter and how governments have trampled the Charter. -Peckford will be launching a lawsuit against the Federal government for their travel ban, keeping unvaccinated Canadians off public transportation. -The Government has abused the Emergency Measures section of the Charter. No challenges in parliament have occurred. -His decision to circumvent the news media is because there's no major news outlet who'd give fairness to the arguments. The news media has recieved 6million tax payer dollars, placing them in a position where they aren't able to criticize government. -Conversations with senior provincial advisors have been had and policy isn't driven by the science but rather short term opinion polling. -Media is driving opinion polling through ads and coverage which is basically just state television/propaganda -Trudeau Sr tried a power play by going to the courts and unilaterally tried passing a Charter but was struck down.
  5. This right here is right on the money. Populism is a backlash to the globalism we've seen since the 1990s. Unprecedented rates of wealth inequality, constant trampling underfoot by government and corporations, etc. The reaction you see to the populism is calculated by politicians. You can take any "conflict resolution" in school and you'll learn all about avoidance, aggressive, collaborative etc approaches. You see those coming out when the press who's largely controlled by the same folks who own politicians start using terms like "fringe". When the movements get to be too big, they'll switch approaches kinda like how corporations monetized the BLM movement or the Occupy movement and have hijacked those now. Most see things through the lens of how corporate interests want you to see the world. We take in way too much marketing material. None more evident than the constant screams of "you are going to die" during Covid to push you to take a vaxx
  6. Here's a question: What should we do when politicians purposefully incite hatred, division and even violence toward a specific group of people? There should be some mechanism rather than elections when politicians go off the rails such as Trudeau is doing now.
  7. Where are they standing on the blatant human rights abuses by the current government? The SNC lavalin scam? What have they actually done about a PM who railroaded an Attorney General?
  8. What we see here from people who subscribe to the official narrative (conspiracy theorists): 1. Confronted with factual information about masks or vaccines. 2. Yell, scream, resort to ad hominems. 3. Claim moral high ground. 4. Proven wrong 5. Double down, ignore or gaslight. 6. Move on to their next conspiracy theory. Seen it all throughout Covid and their coverage of Trump.
  9. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "white supremacist". Whacked
  10. Which is ridiculous. This nonsense with the vaccine passport is unCanadian and anyone pushing it should turn in their real passport as they belong in China.
  11. You must be one of those vile people who believe that kids should starve because mom and dad didn't take your vaccine.
  12. A billion on a vaccine passport system. None to improve the quality of care in long term care or hospitals. Who's created the crisis here?
  13. People who violate the charter while in office should be held criminally liable. Would prevent alot of the human rights abuses we are seeing today
  14. The covid narrative is falling apart so these dummies are desperate for another distraction. My take anyway
  15. What's most disgusting is politicians double down on policy that makes no sense even at the risk of supply chain collapse. Why? What's the purpose? Lockdowns at this point are a form of totalitarianism. Even going hard after those opposing lockdowns and their protests were a form of communism. Which brings me back to it. Should this nonsense be tolerated any longer?
  16. O'Toole is just Trudeau lite. Not fiscally conservative. Not socially conservative. He may as well just run for the Liberal party
  17. Okay but at this point both the vaxxed and unvaxxed are spreading covid. Just last week the triple vaxxed premier of Saskatchewan who was talking tough about the unvaxxed was up in La Loche giving the community Covid. Now what's the point in saying that a POSITIVE Scott Moe can show his vaccine ID to dine in at a restaurant but a vaccine free person must eat outside? No logic. We also know the risk to certain parts of the population is low. For example, an unvaxxed 20 year old who's healthy is at less risk than a triple vaxxed 60 year old. Why are we demanding that 20 year old take a risk of myocarditis? Why is that risk fine but the unlikely risk of hospitalization due to covid isn't? Now I agree there are LIMITED reasons to restrict mobility, such as a known positive person refusing to isolate. However, the vast majority of people SHOULD NOT be locked down. There are significant impacts for that as well such as economic losses, mental health etc whether you choose to accept that or not.
  18. Yes that's why I say it's kinda a combination of alot of different extremist views all tied into one. The bigger question is should this extremism be tolerated from institutions and government?
  19. All kidding aside. I know people who are hard-core vaxx evangelists who are even anti vaxx coercion. Only know maybe 1 or 2 who are pro vaxx pass.
  20. Usually the vile leftists talk like this. Act like they don't want to lord over you then force an injection like good lil psychopaths
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