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Everything posted by West

  1. How about the government telling you only one treatment for covid is allowed and that's tied to your ability to keep a job or sit in a restaurant? Government coercion and control over your body. If it quacks like a duck...
  2. Personal liberties such as what you put in your body shouldn't be up for a "vote".
  3. I use the term communism as it's the closest explanation to what we are seeing today. There are also elements of Fascism. Overall it's a form of totalitarianism. We've reached a stage now where multinational Corps are being used to circumvent the Charter and impose sick new policy on society such as vaccine ID. Your employer is trying to take on the role of your doctor which is messed in and of itself. Add to that corporations are making their employees pledge allegiance to woke ideology through "diversity training" and other nonsense like that. A marriage between sick politician, business and institutions such as university holding those who don't bow at their feet hostage. Should we tolerate these sick politicians like Trudeau and others?
  4. It looks like there will be a large truckers convoy starting in BC and rolling through to Ottawa to oppose Trudeau's vile vaccine mandates for the trucking industry. We are in for a rough ride as as many as 40k trucks will come off the road because of sock boys stupidity. https://canada-unity.com/bearhug/
  5. Not so sure about that. Ol BJ has shown himself to be a globalist through his build back better scam. He needs to be removed ASAP
  6. Forgot the ridiculous testing mandates for the vax free at 100-200 dollars a shot despite the vaxxed being carriers of the disease as well
  7. Yes I know. Which is why it was a scam likely covering for democrat malfeasance such as spying on political campaigns and the vileness of the Obama administration
  8. Yes agree with your analysis. There's a certain scam element to covid. Walmart and Amazon making billions while small businesses are mandated to close. Pushing the cloth face rags which made companies money knowing they were ineffective. Vaccine mandates to people with very little risk of hospitalization @ $22 a dose with false advertising about how this would not allow you to transmit covid. And others
  9. Oh yes the experts telling us up is down and left is right.
  10. Christians have never sacrifices their children. Wars in the Bible were over vile things like child sacrifice. Just like the atheist sacrifices their children through abortion.
  11. All conditioning for this idea of "stakeholder capitalism". Basically a Chinese style social credit system which can deny loans if you don't take on the causes. "Experts" funded by ultra rich corporations to legitimize the policy and on and on. We've got it now with mask tickets (they've known cloth masks are useless to stop a virus) far exceeding even the most extreme fines for wreckless driving, taxes for not taking a vax which clearly isn't stopping the spread of Covid-19, vax passports which make little to no sense, curfews because we all know the virus gets hungry after 10pm. Part of your social credit score is turning your brain off and obeying as you are told no matter how moronic the idea is
  12. Looks like Bill Clinton will be moving to France
  13. Over the past couple years you've heard politicians from all over use the platform "Build Back Better". You've heard this platform from Boris Johnson in Britain, Sleepy Joe Biden in the United States, Trudeau in Canada, New Zealand, the United Nations and other places. What exactly are we building? A society where you cant leave your homes past 10pm like in Quebec? Where you can't sit in a restaurant without injecting a foreign substance into your arm or access public transit or hold a job. Seems like a marriage between government and corporations where if you don't go along with the flavor of the day whether it be the climate change hoax, BLM, face rags, etc. you can't stay employed. What's next? Losing ability to use banks if you don't pledge your allegiance to the wokesters?
  14. In your opinion, which has been the largest politically driven scams in our history? 1. Y2K 2. Iraq War 3 Trump/Russia collusion 4. Covid 5. Other
  15. I'm neither here nor there on the docs and their research. Dr. Byram Briddle is worried about a rise in cancer remission after the jab. I guess time will tell if he's right or not though I would suspect you wouldn't get the truth even if it were true. As for Dr. McCullough and his research on hydroxichlroquin.. I guess about 900k died in the US because of lack of early treatment. At least he was trying to do something about that number. The thing with Ivermectin and Hyrdoxichloroquin was that they believe it was effective as early treatment. Any studies "refuting" this were done on patients already sick enough to be in the hospital which is ridiculous. Then they were called conspiracy theorists for suggesting these may be early treatments because they didn't complete a study which would've taken 3-5 years to complete (when Covid was only discovered like 6 months earlier). No doubt these studies weren't done ?. Meanwhile a few hundred thousand died while Fauci screamed about studies ?
  16. Because it's easier to yell about how everyone is a "conspiracy theorist" rather than refuting arguments
  17. Neck beard ?.. Well considering the "conspiracy theorist docs" worked in academic institutions and government agencies for years, what does that say about "the science"? We know the nut jobs like Fauci peddling the cloth face rags was ridiculous. We also know the vaccine IDs are about as useless as the cloth rags for spreading Covid. And what have we got out of it? Decimated small businesses. Rising inflation rates. Children who'll probably have delays in emotional/linguistic development. Children at risk of physical abuse in the home. Society on edge. Guess that's all "science" ?
  18. I couldn't tell you why men take a trip up Brokeback Mountain as that isn't really my thing...
  19. "Why is God creating gays"? The question is full of assumptions. Homosexuality, like anger, malice, envy, drunkenness, or other issues is a result of heart posture of sin.
  20. It's been abundantly clear government covid policy has been about destroying small businesses while corporations like Amazon and Walmart draw record profits
  21. Trudeau is a vile man. It's sad that 30% of the population are so full of hate they'd go along with it
  22. 1. No you are misreading my comment. You are getting hung up on Dr. Julie to skirt the broader point which is the lunatics have went after any academic who disagrees and resorted to ad hominems. 2. I'm not interested in ad hominems like fauci and the like have engaged in. So far we've went with their solutions, caused irreparable harm to the wellbeing of the citizens including economic and opportunity loss for the citizens, and still nowhere near being out of the woods with Covid. Small business closures, government banging down the doors of businesses and churches, and ridding academia of any dissenting voices. We've denied people the right to try early treatments. If these early treatments worked, awesome we'd save the healthcare system. If not, we'd be in the same position. No sense in the ad hominems This is cancel culture to the extreme and is disgusting
  23. 1. No there's examples of people being pushed out ie Dr. Christian 2. Even if on a paid leave she's still not allowed to teach. 3. Which is why I'm asking you.
  24. How about Dr Christian? Fired from the u of s for pondering if you could actually make the "state of emergency" claim for children and keep them out of school. And a leave for what? Refusing an injection? You actually okay with the covid cult forcing injections on people?
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