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Everything posted by Nationalist

  1. Here in the cheap seats...we caught quite a number of cheaters. All Democrats I believe. You Libbies will say anything...no matter how stupid...to defend your cheating. It's sickening to watch. But know that truth will and is coming out and that there will be consequences.
  2. A majority of Canucks do not buy this trans-gender horseshit. I coached a minor hockey team in a community that allowed girls to play with boys. The girls were pylons. Slow and in the way. It was depressing for the boys and for the girls. There is no middle ground in sports. A male body is much more powerful than a female body. This is not only horseshit...its gonna get dangerous.
  3. Wait...what? This is nonsense. @Everybody - Hey who the Hell is this nonse and why is he rivalling robo-bot for "Groovy Guy of the Day"?
  4. After? Dossiers...accusations...go nowhere impeachment... Please...be at least a little serious.
  5. Hilarious... Why? In this case it's because I'm right. And I've seen what you think you know. No offense but...
  6. This is pathetic. The Democrats, FBI and DOJ outright lie to your faces and get away with it. The accusations, the virtue signaling, the endless persecution...based on...lies. All based on lies. I know it...you know it...Hell the whole frigging world knows it. "There is no evidence..." Republicans.. there is a mountain of evidence and all of it is more provable than was that Gawd Damn dossier.
  7. Fair hair is not dark like that found on East Indian people.! I've already established this.
  8. https://www.hoover.org/research/why-was-steele-dossier-not-dismissed-fake No kidding Dweebles...you're just an embarrassment to the whole human race.
  9. LOL...what Zionists are good at is a long list that includes buying power. Be that as it may...if Israel simply ignores this "international law" of yours and the UN's...and if that does not change the support of Europe and the USA...what good is this "international law"? Is it even "illegal" in a nation that does not recognize this law? Evidently...the answer is, in Israel it is not "illegal". What you fail to realize is that Israel IS! Its "nationhood" is a fact of global reality. Its not going anywhere. Granted...these Zionists are a bit...overbearing...but the nation exists and was nailed with an attack that was both military AND terrorististic in nature. Once Hamas crossed the line from military action to terrorist tactics, they sealed their fate.! Israel now has no choice but to deal with them all. Remove them from their society once and for all. Whether that means murdering them all...or finding a permanent refuge for them, is Israel's prerogative to chose now.
  10. Hodad...I bet you searched for quite a while looking for any definition that losely fit your misuse of the term "fair hair", yet could only find this which says quite clearly...blond. Q: why do you Libbies insist on warping reality?
  11. Of course he did. He's a man. You remember men, don't you. Strong willed, male hormone dominated, perhaps a little opinionated. I mean really... Only a complete weenie could like this old bag. Hell Billy-Boy had enough of her decades ago.
  12. That also needs to stop. A good shot of Nationalist ideology should fix that...or at least relieve the pressure.
  13. If he's Muslim, he's not a very good one. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/obamas-alleged-male-lover-posts-video-before-bombshell-interview-with-tucker-15-years-of-hell/ar-AA1glRMj
  14. "Blond (masc) or blonde (fem), also referred to as fair hair, is a human hair color characterized by low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blond ur a dope.!
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