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Everything posted by Nationalist

  1. I don't have a truth. Nor do you. There is A truth, a plethora of opinions and a bunch who's opinions are taken as truth...which they are not because they are...opinions. What I'm saying...since it apparently went right over your head...is that it would be much more productive, produce much calmer and more satisfying results overall, were Pixey-Dust, the media and the medical officials, speak of ALL the TRUTH. Tell the public the number INCLUDING the current death rate. Tell the public that a simple thing like taking vitamin D daily will help reduce any infection you might get. Tell them that there DO happen to be some treatments which are even MORE tried and true...read safer...than The Almighty Jab! But no... "Get The Vaccine! Ahhh...We All Gonna Diiieee! And its YOUR fault! Dirty unvaxxed." Ya...that I expect from children...not supposed "leaders".
  2. Colin...Baby...1 single person died at the rally and the ensuing riot, as a result of the rally and the ensuing riot. Her name was ASHLI BABBITT. She was a military vet who evidently really upset a gawd damn cop...who drew and fired on an unarmed veteran of the US Military! That's It! The ONLY death that the rally or the ensuing riot claimed.! If you're just going to lie...tell me now please. I do enjoy honest debate. But this...is as I said...silly.
  3. *giggle* Ya I'm pretty darn sure Robert Carlyle Byrd would agree with you. Biden too...since...you know...he eulogized Byrd's passing...
  4. No. But thanks for reinforcing the facts of the matter.
  5. It's a damn sight better than dividing your population into bickering little brats! Tell the masses the actual truth...what a concept.
  6. Only because we let them. I think the only reasonable assumption, concerning Li'l Justin's "post-national" statement, is that he and the government actually oppose the notion of a Nation. Hell they've already watered down the notion by agreeing to that asinine Statehood BS they agreed to with Quebec. The Nation or State is being replaced by The Planet. "We have to save the planet!" "We have to save Democracy!" "We have to save the millions pouring over the US/Mexico border!" "We have to save... du jours... I neither need, nor want, their saving. What I want...is some rational thinking and good old fashioned TRUTH! So YES! You are quite correct, IMO. The super-rich are attempting a sort of coup. A friggin global coup where they wind up owning everything in commerce. Where the almighty Dollar actually does replace Gawd and morality. Where the family unit MUST be devastated. Where the very notion of 'individuality' MUST be squashed. And Mr. Trudeau...sorry but I just ain'-a-gonna play that game. You're Fired!
  7. https://dailyangle.com/articles/state-election-commissioners-face-criminal-charges-for-2020-actions
  8. Yes. Aspirin. Search the net. Try educating yourself instead of relying on others to think for you. Then there's the Hydroxychloroquine. My mother takes it and has done for years. No infections. No issues. My mother is 83. Hydroxychloroquine and Aspirin. Just 2 of the cheap drugs that work well against The Rona. Gee...so why doesn't the vaunted medical profession tell us this? I mean...this is GOOD news...for the public. Not so good for the pharmaceuticals though eh? I would surmise that's the answer...nobody makes billions off cheap yet useful drugs.
  9. Is man having an affect on Earth's climate? It does appear we are. Is this affect something to be concerned about? That's debatable. There's an old saying...'Don't throw away your old shoes, before you have a new pair.' I'm OK with people who say man is warming the climate somewhat. We probably are. I am not OK with morons who act like the sky is falling right now and that we have to eliminate all fossil fuel burning for energy immediately. These people are both stupid and dangerous. Man will find a way to replace fossil fuels as an energy source. When we do, we can, by all means, replace the fossil fuel generators and such. But to do so before we have a replacement...is plain old stupid. So let's try not being stupid...mkaaayyy...?
  10. If there is 1 common denominator among the myriad of authoritarian influences today...its Globalism.
  11. Remdesivir, momoclonal antibodies, Dexamethasone, Convalescent plasma, Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, hell even Asprin. There's a whole host of treatments that the medical profession have made impossible for doctors to prescribe. Why? Why are all the eggs in the vax basket? So now...finally...the FDA approves Remdesivir. They still insist on completely ignoring natural immunity. So no...I do not trust nor believe the medical profession anymore. You would think with these treatments available, that they'd be pushing them in order to counteract the "evil unvaxxed". But that's not happening either. You can go on with your blind faith in the medical profession and the media. That is your right. It is not your right to make life impossible for those who do not believe the medial profession or the media. That's called fascism, and will not be tolerated.
  12. Once again, Pixey-Dust Trudeau shows just how inept the tyke really is. I happen to be double-vaxxed, but I cannot condemn those who are able to refuse the jab, or simply choose to not take it. That's because I happen to be one of those old fashioned guys who still believe in silly notions like freedom of choice when it comes to certain things...like health...like personal risk...like truth. The TRUTH is, we don't know if the mRNA vaccines pose any danger down the road, because we're still at the first few meters of the road. The vaccines were rushed into use by leadership who were desperate to stop The Rona in its tracks. And while these vaccines appear to have worked in greatly reducing the threat of death from The Rona, they have also been shown to have a very bad effect on a small percentage of recipients. What's waiting as time passes? Nobody knows. Based on this, I cannot condemn those who choose to not get the vaccine and I would ask those who do condemn these "pure-bloods"...'We know there are quite a number of prophylactics and treatments for The Rona. Why are these not being promoted at all?' If Pixey-Dust thinks unvaxxed Canadians are intolerable, then he should resign as leader of Canada and her people.
  13. The "woke" are indeed a huge pain in the democracy. They scream and burn things down and attack anyone who is not perceived as towing their line. They will destroy a person completely without even thinking about the damage they do. They are indeed, deplorable people. But IMO, what's even more deplorable are these faux conservatives who haunt chat boards like this one, attempting to appear like a voice of reason while fully supporting the authoritarian woke agenda. Such shills need to be identified, and treated as the spinless lairs they really are.!
  14. “Hey, Mark, protestors are literally storming the Capitol. Breaking windows on doors. Rushing in. Is Trump going to say something?" -"We are under siege up here at the Capitol." -"They have breached the Capitol." -"There's an armed standoff at the House Chamber door." -"We are all helpless." -"POTUS has to come out firmly and tell protestors to dissipate. Someone is going to get killed" -"Mark, he needs to stop this. Now" -"TELL THEM TO GO HOME" -"POTUS needs to calm this s*** down." Trump and his goons knew exactly what was happening and deliberately did nothing hoping that somehow their coup would be successful. Huh...so what? If I remember correctly...trump did go on to tell the rioters to stop. But hey...why let facts get in the way of a good lie...right?
  15. Lol...adult thinking...lol. Hey adult! How's the southern border? How's the drug business? How's that oil and gas industry? How's that crime rate? Not all adults actually engage in thinking...apparently.
  16. A Democrat accusing Republicans of racism. Now that's rich.
  17. Lol... "OK so there was election fraud...but only a little bit." Nutty as hell...
  18. See 2nd amendment. Don't you commie shills ever get tired of being wrong?
  19. Trump did what any president would do. Appointed judges that align with the principles of his political beliefs. Is it his fault Obama fell asleep at the wheel? So...do you happen to have any realistic arguments?
  20. Lol...sure...as long as one is willing to ignore all the facts and live in an alternate reality. What silliness.
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